OLD_SCC76: Economics and Management of Risk in Agriculture and Natural Resources
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 01/01/2016
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2015 - 10/01/2016
Marin BozicCharles Moss
Thomas Sproul
Vincent Smith
Joshua Woodard
Jaclyn Kropp
Zachary Brown
Roderick Rejesus
Oscar Vergara
Julia Borman
Richard Anderson
Todd Kuethe
Gary Schnitkey
Selin Guney
J. Viola Glenn
Daniel Voica
Yu Na Lee
Aditya Khanal
Liang Lu
Eric Belasco
Yuehua Zhang
Brief Summary of Minutes
The business meeting was held on Saturday, March 28, 2015 after the conclusion of the sessions.
Dr. Sproul volunteered to continue as program chair, and Dr. Belasco volunteered to continue as accommodations chair. Dr. Sproul also volunteered to implement a meeting registration website for the group, in time for the 2016 meeting, at https://www.agriskgroup.org, to allow automated registrations by credit card and tracking attendees. The group voted to approve.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 02/28/2017
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2015 - 09/30/2016
Yuanfeng ZhaoJoshua D. Woodard, PhD
Xiaoxue Du
'Jimmy' Liang Lu
Bruce Sherrick
Calum Turvey
Apurba Shee
Rod Rejesus
Bretford Griffin
Valentina Hartarska
Joe Connor
Lee Ziegler
Jaclyn Kropp
Brian Wright
Todd Kuethe
Joe Atwood
Zhengfei Guan
Max Bucher
Clayton Michaud
Thomas Sproul
Shadayen Pervez
Theo Skevas
feng wu
Jennifer E. Ifft
Todd Hubbs
Eric Belasco
Tom Zacharias
Octavio Ramirez
Frank Schnapp
Marin Bozic
Scott Fausti
Reuben Moore
Ekaterina Vorotnikova
Harun Bulut
Brief Summary of Minutes
Minutes from the Business Meeting, SCC-76 Spring 2016 Annual Meeting
The business meeting was held on Saturday, March 19, 2016, at the conclusion of the sessions.
A vote was held to elect the accommodations chair and the program chair for 2017.
- Program chair: Todd Kuethe, University of Illinois
- Accommodations chair: Tom Sproul, University of Rhode Island
A vote was held about registration policies. The group agreed that registration fees will be non-refundable, and that we will continue to offer "early-bird" and "late" registration fees to incentivize early registration. We will also continue our program of registration fee waivers for (retired) emeritus members that no longer have institutional sponsorship.
The incoming accommodations chair, Dr. Sproul, proposed to the group that we evaluate other cities for our next annual meeting. The group voted to pursue this, with a procedure of collecting information about costs in various candidate cities and then returning to the group for a vote.
Post-meeting follow-up on the location search
The list of cities was quickly pared down to Pensacola, New Orleans and Las Vegas, because other cities had either higher travel costs or substantial lack of interest in the group. The group members voted by email (by a narrow margin) to move the meeting to Las Vegas, but this could not happen in time for the 2017 meeting because of substantially higher registration costs.
So, the 2017 meeting will be held in Pensacola. For the 2017 business meeting, Dr. Sproul will prepare quotes including room rates, airfare estimates and registration fees for each of the three cities for 2018. The group can then vote explicitly on the tradeoffs.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 05/08/2017
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2016 - 09/30/2017
Yufei Zhang, Cornell UniversityMarin Bozic, University of Minnesota
Joe Atwood, Agricultural Economics & Economics, Montana State University
Gary Schnitkey, University of Illinois
Jackie Wang, Chinese Academic of Agricultural Sciences
Todd Kuethe, University of Illinois
Jenny Ifft, Cornell University
Erin Hardin, Texas A&M University
Eric Belasco, Montana State University
Jisang Yu, Kansas State University
Clayton Michaud, University of Rhode Island
Thomas Sproul, Univ of Rhode Island
Ibtisam Al Abri, University of Florida
Jaclyn Kropp, University of Florida
Matthias Buchholz, University of Goettingen
Kelly Davidson, University of Florida
Bernalyn McGaughey, Compliance Services International (CSI)
Steve Wu, Purdue University
Madeline Schatzberg, University of California Berkeley
Ruiqing Miao, AUBURN U.
Robert Taylor, Auburn University
Yuanfeng Zhao, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University
Hernan Tejeda, University of Idaho
Nick Paulson, University of Illinois
Reid Johnsen, UC Berkeley Agricultural Economics
Al Barefoot, DuPont Crop Protection
Ed Knapp, NUI Galway
Brittney Goodrich, University of California, Davis
Tom Zacharias, NCIS
Oscar Vergara, AIR Worldwide
Joshua Woodard, Cornell University
Brief Summary of Minutes
The group voted to create an outgoing chair position to preserve institutional memory in leadership. This means that volunteers for chair will now serve a three-year term: program chair, accommodations chair, and then outgoing chair. We hope that this will help to keep NIMSS reporting more consistent from year to year.
Dr. Tom Sproul (Univ Rhode Island, 2017 accommodations chair) volunteered to stay on for another year as accommodations chair for the 2018 annual meeting. He will then transition to the new outgoing chair role. Dr. Todd Kuethe (Univ Illinois, 2017 program chair) resigned as temporary program chair. Dr. Nick Paulson (Univ Illinois) volunteered for the new three-year term, starting with program chair for the 2018 annual meeting.
Meeting Location
The group voted on alternate meeting locations. Hotel quotes were available for both Las Vegas, NV, and for New Orleans, LA, but both locations were deemed to be a poor fit due to cost and other amenities. The group voted to move the meetings to Kansas City for 2018, so long as non-travel costs remain comparable to Pensacola. This move is anticipated to lower travel costs for the overwhelming majority of participants and to increase participation by economics in the Midwest. The group discussed the possibility of attending Kansas City and Pensacola in alternate years.
<p><strong>SCC-76 Publications Reporting for 2017 Annual Meeting</strong></p><br /> <p><em>This report includes journal articles and conference presentations only, and includes catch-up reporting since 2012 (all papers prior to 2016 were missed in previous reporting).</em></p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong>2017</strong></p><br /> <p>Chantarat, S., Mude, A. G., Barrett, C. B., & Turvey, C. G. (2017). Welfare impacts of index insurance in the presence of a poverty trap. World Development, 94, 119-138. </p><br /> <p>Liu, P., Vedenov, D., Power, G.J. (2017). "Is Hedging the Crack Spread No Longer All It’s Cracked Up to Be?," Energy Economics 63: 31-40. Elsevier.</p><br /> <p>McCarl, B.A., and W. Hertel, "Climate Change as an Agricultural Economic Research Topic", Agricultural Economics Policy Perspectives, forthcoming, 2017.</p><br /> <p>Power, G.J., Eaves, J., Turvey, C.G., Vedenov, D. (2017). “Catching the Curl: Wavelet Thresholding Improves Forward Curve Modelling,” Economic Modelling, 64, 312-321.</p><br /> <p>Sproul, Thomas W. and Clayton P. Michaud (2017) "Heterogeneity in loss aversion: evidence from field elicitations", Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 77 Issue: 1, pp.196-216, doi: 10.1108/AFR-05-2016-0045</p><br /> <p>Woodard, J.D., Verteramo-Chiu, L., Power, G.J., Vedenov, D., Klose, S. (2017). “Factors Affecting Changes in Managerial Decisions,” Agribusiness: An International Journal, forthcoming. Wiley.<br /> </p><br /> <p><strong>2016</strong></p><br /> <p>Belasco, E. J., Cheng, Y., & Schroeder, T. C. (2016). The impact of extreme weather on cattle feeding profits. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 40(2), 285-305.</p><br /> <p>Chambers, R. G., & Voica, D. C. (2016). “Decoupled” Farm Program Payments Are Really Decoupled: The Theory. <em>American Journal of Agricultural Economics</em>, aaw044.</p><br /> <p>Fernandez, M.A., B.A. McCarl, P. Huang, and V. Mehta, "Decadal Climate Variability in the Missouri River Basin: Value of Information for Agricultural and Water Use Adaptation", Climatic Change, 139, Issue 3, pp 517–533, 2016.</p><br /> <p>Karagiannis N., H. Assa, A. A. Pantelous, and C. G. Turvey, (2016) “Modelling and pricing of catastrophe risk bonds with a temperature-based agricultural application” .Quantitative Finance Vol. 16 , Iss. 12,2016</p><br /> <p>Kropp, J., Power, G.J. (2016). “Asset Fixity and Backward-Bending Investment Demand Functions,” Research in International Business & Finance, 38: 151-160. Elsevier.</p><br /> <p>Lu, L., Reardon, T., & Zilberman, D. (2016). Supply Chain Design and Adoption of Indivisible Technology. <em>American Journal of Agricultural Economics</em>, <em>98</em>(5), 1419-1431.</p><br /> <p>McCarl, B.A., A. Thayer, and J.P.H. Jones, "The Challenge of Climate Change Adaptation: An Economically Oriented Review", Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Volume 48, Issue 4 November 2016, pp. 321-344, 2016.</p><br /> <p>Michael Norton, Gert-Jan van Sprundel, Calum G. Turvey, and Miranda P.M. Meuwissen (2016) Applying weather index insurance to agricultural pest and disease risks. International Journal of Pest Management Vol. 62 , Iss. 3,</p><br /> <p>Power, G.J. (2016) “Quantitative Finance and Commodities,” Agricultural Finance Review, 76(1), 27-41. Emerald.</p><br /> <p>Sproul, Thomas W. “Time scale and fractionality in financial time series” in Agricultural Finance Review 76, No. 1 (2016): 76-93.</p><br /> <p>Turvey, C.G and P. Wongsasutthikul (2016) An Autoregressive Approach to Modelling Commodity Prices as a Quasi-Fractional Brownian Motion.Agricultural Finance Review, 76(1): 54-75.</p><br /> <p>Zhang, Yuehua, Xi Zhu, and Calum G. Turvey (2016) On the Impact of Agricultural Livestock Microinsurance on Death-Loss, Production and Vaccine Use: Observations from a Quasi-Natural Experiment in China. The Geneva Papers,Issues and Practice 41(2):225-243</p><br /> <p>Zhao, Y., & Zhang, X. (2016). Dairy Cattle Insurance Will Change Dairy Farmers' Anti-risk Inputs?. In <em>2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts</em> (No. 236231). Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.</p><br /> <p>Zhou, L., CG Turvey, W Hu, R Ying (2016) Fear and trust: How risk perceptions of avian influenza affect the demand for Chicken China Economic Review 40(September):91-104</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong>2015</strong></p><br /> <p>Beach, R.H., Y. Cai, A.M. Thomson, X. Zhang, R.I. Jones, B.A. McCarl, A. Crimmins, J. Martinich, J. Cole, S. Ohrel, B. DeAngelo, J. McFarland, K.M. Strzepek, and B. Boehlert, "Climate Change Impacts on US Agriculture and Forestry: Benefits of Global Climate Stabilization", Environmental Research Letters, Volume 10, Number 9, September, 1-16, 2015.</p><br /> <p>Du, Xiaoxue, Jennifer Ifft, Liang Lu and David Zilberman. 2015. “Marketing Contracts and Crop Insurance.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 97(5).</p><br /> <p>Ifft, Jennifer, Todd Kuethe and Mitch Morehart. 2015 “Does Federal Crop Insurance Lead to Higher Farm Debt Use? Evidence from the Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS)”. Agricultural Finance Review, 75(3).</p><br /> <p>Kuethe, T. H., Paulson, N., & Schnitkey, G. (2015, May). Crop Insurance’s Role in Farm Solvency. In <em>2015 AAEA & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting, July 26-28, San Francisco, California</em> (No. 205662). Agricultural and Applied Economics Association & Western Agricultural Economics Association.</p><br /> <p>Lee, Y. N., Bellemare, M. F., & Just, D. R. (2015, May). Was Sandmo Right? Experimental Evidence on Attitudes to Price Risk and Uncertainty. In <em>2015 AAEA & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting, July 26-28, San Francisco, California</em> (No. 205763). Agricultural and Applied Economics Association & Western Agricultural Economics Association. </p><br /> <p>Li, Zhou , Calum G. Turvey , (2015) "Climate risk, income dynamics and nutrition intake in rural China", China Agricultural Economic Review, 7(2):197 - 220</p><br /> <p>McCarl, B.A., M. Musumba, J.B. Smith, P. Kirshen, R.P. Jones, L. Deck, M. Abrado, A. El-Ganzori, M. Ahmed, M. Kotb, M. El-Shamy, M.A. Rabbo, I. El-Shinnawy, M. El-Agizy, M. Bayoumi, and R. Hynninen, "Implications of Climate Change for Egypt's Agricultural Sector", Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Volume 20, Issue 7, pp 1097-1109, 2015.</p><br /> <p>Roe, B. E. (2015). The risk attitudes of US farmers. <em>Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy</em>, <em>37</em>(4), 553-574.</p><br /> <p>Shee, Apurba, Calum G. Turvey , Joshua Woodard , (2015) "A field study for assessing risk-contingent credit for Kenyan pastoralists and dairy farmers", Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 75(3):330-348</p><br /> <p>Sproul, Thomas W. and Jaclyn D. Kropp. “A General Equilibrium Theory of Contracts in Community Supported Agriculture” in American Journal of Agricultural Economics 97, No. 5 (2015): 1345-1359. </p><br /> <p>Sproul, Thomas W., Jaclyn D. Kropp. And Kyle D. Barr. “The pricing of community supported agriculture shares: evidence from New England” in Agricultural Finance Review 75, No. 3 (2015): 313-329.</p><br /> <p>Sun, Lin , Calum G. Turvey , Robert A. Jarrow , (2015) "Designing catastrophic bonds for catastrophic risks in agriculture: Macro hedging long and short rains in Kenya", Agricultural Finance Review, 75(1):47-62</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong>2014</strong></p><br /> <p>Attavanich, W., and B.A. McCarl, "How is CO2 Affecting Yields and Technological Progress? A Statistical Analysis", Climatic Change, Volume 124, Issue 4 (2014), Page 747-762, 2014.</p><br /> <p>Dang, T., D.J. Leatham, B.A. McCarl, and X.M. Wu, "Measuring the efficiency of the Farm Credit System", Agricultural Finance Review, 74-1, 38-54, 2014.</p><br /> <p>Ifft, Jennifer, Shang Wu and Todd Kuethe. 2014. “The Impact of Pasture Insurance on Farmland Values”. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 43(3).</p><br /> <p>Mu, J.E., B.A. McCarl, X.M. Wu, and M.A. Ward, "Climate change and the risk of highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks in birds", British Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 4, 166-185, 2014.</p><br /> <p>Kuethe, T. H., & Paulson, N. (2014). Crop Insurance Use and Land Rental Agreements. In <em>2014 Annual Meeting, July 27-29, 2014, Minneapolis, Minnesota</em> (No. 170528). Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.</p><br /> <p>Ramirez, O. A., Carpio, C. E., & Collart, A. J. (2014). Producer Welfare Implications of the RMA’s “Shrinkage” Crop Insurance Premium Estimator. In <em>2014 Annual Meeting, July 27-29, 2014, Minneapolis, Minnesota</em> (No. 168367). Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.</p><br /> <p>Smith, J.B., B.A. McCarl, P. Kirshen, R.P. Jones, L. Deck, M.A. Rabbo, M.S. Borhan, A. El-Ganzori, M. El-Shamy, M. Hassan, I. El-Shinnawy, M. Abrabou, M.K. Hassanein, M. El-Agizy, M. Bayoumi, and R. Hynninen, "The Potential Economic Effects of Climate Change on Egypt", Climate Research, Vol. 62, 59-70, 2014.</p><br /> <p>Wang, H. H., Wang, Y., & Delgado, M. S. (2014). The transition to modern agriculture: Contract farming in developing economies. <em>American Journal of Agricultural Economics</em>, <em>96</em>(5), 1257-1271.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong>2013</strong></p><br /> <p>Attavanich, W., B.A. McCarl, Z. Ahmedov, S.W. Fuller, and D.V. Vedenov, "Climate Change and Infrastructure: Effects of Climate Change on U.S. Grain Transport", Nature Climate Change, on line at doi:10. 1038/nclimate1892, VOL 3 JULY 2013, 638-643, 2013.</p><br /> <p>Baker, J.S., B.C. Murray, B.A. McCarl, S.J. Feng, and R. Johansson, "Implications of Alternative Agricultural Productivity Growth Assumptions on Land Management, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Mitigation Potential", American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 95: 435-441, 2013.</p><br /> <p>Egbendewe-Mondzozo, A., L. Elbakidze, B.A. McCarl, M.A. Ward, and J.B. Carey, "Partial equilibrium analysis of vaccination as an avian influenza control tool in the U.S. poultry sector", Agricultural Economics, Volume 44, Issue 1, 111-123, 2013.</p><br /> <p>Fausti, S. W., Wang, Z., & Lange, B. (2013). Expected Utility, Risk, and Marketing Behavior: Theory and Evidence from the Fed Cattle Market. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie, 61(3), 371-395.</p><br /> <p>Hagerman, A.D., D.P. Anderson, J.C. Looney, B.A. McCarl, and M.A. Ward, "Rapid Effective Trace-Back Capability Value in Reducing the Cost of a Foot and Mouth Disease Event", Preventative Veterinary Medicine, Jul 1;110(3-4):323-8, 2013.</p><br /> <p>Ifft, Jennifer, Todd Kuethe, and Mitch Morehart. 2013. “Farm Debt Use by Farms with Crop Insurance”. Choices, 28(3).</p><br /> <p>Joyce, L.A., D.D. Briske, J.R. Brown, H.W. Polley, B.A. McCarl, and D.W. Bailey, "Climate Change and North American Rangelands: Assessment of Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies", Rangeland Ecology & Management, 66, 512-528, 2013. </p><br /> <p>Just, D., & Kropp, J. D. (2013). Production Incentives from Static Decoupling: Land Use Exclusion Restrictions. <em>American Journal of Agricultural Economics</em>, <em>95</em>(5), 1049-1067.</p><br /> <p>Liu, E. M., & Huang, J. (2013). Risk preferences and pesticide use by cotton farmers in China. <em>Journal of Development Economics</em>, <em>103</em>, 202-215.</p><br /> <p>McCarl, B.A., M.A. Fernandez, J.P.H. Jones, and M. Wlodarz, "Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security: Consequences and Possible Decisions", Current History, vol 112, number 750, 33-37, 2013.</p><br /> <p>Power, G.J., Vedenov, D., Anderson, D., Klose, S. (2013). “Market Volatility and the Dynamic Hedging of Multi-Asset Price Risk,” Applied Economics, 45, 3891-903. Taylor & Francis.</p><br /> <p>Power, G.J., Robinson, J.C. (2013). “Commodity Futures Price Volatility, Convenience Yield and Economic Fundamentals” Applied Economics Letters 20(11): 1089-95. Taylor & Francis.</p><br /> <p>Rejesus, R. M., Marra, M. C., Roberts, R. K., English, B. C., Larson, J. A., & Paxton, K. W. (2013). Changes in Producers' Perceptions of Within-Field Yield Variability after Adoption of Cotton Yield Monitors. <em>Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics</em>, <em>45</em>(02), 295-312.</p><br /> <p>Römer, U., Weber, R., & Musshoff, O. (2013). The Potential of Management Information System Data for the Development of Credit Scoring Models in Microfinance. <em>Präsentiert auf der</em>, <em>2</em>. </p><br /> <p>Shakhramanyan, N.G., U.A. Schneider, and B.A. McCarl, "US agricultural sector analysis on pesticide externalities - The impact of climate change and a Pigovian tax", Climatic Change, Volume 117, Issue 4 </journal/10584/117/4/page/1>, pp 711-723, 2013.</p><br /> <p>Sproul, Thomas W., David Zilberman and Joseph C. Cooper. “Deductibles vs. Coinsurance in Shallow Loss Crop Insurance” in <em>Choices</em> 28, No. 3 (2013): 1-4.</p><br /> <p>Thomsen, M., McKenzie, A., Power, G.J. (2013). “Was there a Peso Problem in Cattle Options? Evidence from the 2003 BSE Announcement,” Agricultural Finance Review 73(3): 526-38. Emerald.</p><br /> <p>Villavicencio, X., B.A. McCarl, X.M. Wu, and W.E. Huffman, "Climate Change Influences on Agricultural Research Productivity", Climatic Change, Volume 119, Issue 3-4, pp 815-824, 2013.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong>2012</strong></p><br /> <p>Bellemare, M. F. (2012). As you sow, so shall you reap: The Welfare Impacts of Contract Farming. <em>World Development</em>, <em>40</em>(7), 1418-1434.</p><br /> <p>Bulut, H., Collins, K. J., & Zacharias, T. P. (2012). Optimal Coverage Level Choice with Individual and Area Insurance Plans. <em>American Journal of Agricultural Economics</em>, <em>94</em>(4), 1013-1023.</p><br /> <p>Chen, C.C., B.A. McCarl, and C.C. Chang, "Climate Change, Sea Level Rise and Rice: Global Market Implications", Climatic Change, Volume 110, Numbers 3-4, 543-560, 2012.</p><br /> <p>Hagerman, A.D., B.A. McCarl, T.E. Carpenter, J.O. O'Brien, and M.A. Ward, "Emergency vaccination and control of FMD: Consequences of its inclusion as a US Policy Option", Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, volume 34, number 1, pp. 119-146, 2012.</p><br /> <p>Hagerman, A.D., K.H. Mathews Jr., and B.A. McCarl, "Economic dimensions and directions of animal disease policy", International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management (IJRAM), Vol. 16, No. 4, 248-264, 2012.</p><br /> <p>Power, G.J., Salin, V., Park, J. (2012). “Strategic Options associated with Cooperative Members’ Equity,” Agricultural Finance Review 72(1): 48-67. Emerald.</p><br /> <p>Woodard, J. D., Pavlista, A. D., Schnitkey, G. D., Burgener, P. A., & Ward, K. A. (2012). Government insurance program design, incentive effects, and technology adoption: the case of skip-row crop insurance. <em>American Journal of Agricultural Economics</em>, <em>94</em>(4), 823-837.</p>Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 06/01/2018
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2018 - 09/30/2018
Jing Yi, Cornell UniversityThomas Sproul, Univ of Rhode Island
Ashely Hungerford, USDA/OCE
Jisang Yu, Kansas State University
Holly Wang, Purdue University
Eunchun, Mississippi State University
Mindy L Mallory, University of Illinois
Todd Kuethe, University of Illinois
Scott Petty, University of Minnesota
Tommy Keller, University of Minnesota
Yuanfeng Zhao, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University
Marin Bozic, University of Minnesota
Xiaofei Li, Mississippi State University
Calum G Turvey, Cornell University
Ross Heiman, USDA-RMA
Jennie Yan, USDA-RMA
Thomas Worth, USDA-RMA
Joanna Wilde, USDA-RMA
Brian Werner, USDA-RMA
Mirjana Kamatovic, USDA-RMA
Rick Snare, USDA-RMA
Ashley Renck, USDA-RMA
Scott Merryman, USDA-RMA
Chandra Mason, USDA-RMA
Robert Ebel, USDA-RMA
Robert Dubois, USDA-RMA
Chris Aulbur, USDA-RMA
Kirk Allen, USDA-RMA
Eric Belasco, Montana State University
Keith Coble, Mississippi State University
Margaret Jodlowski, Cornell University
Julia Borman, AIR Worldwide
Oscar Vergara, AIR Worldwide
Jerzy Jaromczyk, Cornell University
Jenny Ifft, Cornell University
Ford Ramsey, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Kari Heerman, USDA-Economic Research Service
Mickey Paggi, National Crop Insurance Services
Isriya N. Bunyasiri, Kasetsart University
Matt South, National Crop Insurance Services
Sungkwol Park, NC State University
Jackie Wang, Agricultural Information Institute of CAAS
Brittney Goodrich, Auburn University
Reuben Moore, Mississippi State University
Wade Brorsen, Oklahoma State University
Harun Bulut, NCIS
Frank Schnapp, National Crop Insurance Services
Nick Paulson, University of Illinois
Willem Van Zandweghe, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Brief Summary of Minutes
Summary of Minutes, SCC-76 2018
1) Brittney Goodrich (assistant professor, Auburn) was unanimously elected to serve a 2-year term on the executive committee. Prof Goodrich will serve as program chair for the 2019 meetings, and accommodations chair for the 2020 annual meetings.
2) Nick Paulson (associated professor, Illinois) confirmed his second year on the executive committee. Prof Paulson served as program chair for the 2018 meetings, and will serve as accommodations chair for the 2019 meetings.
3) Tom Sproul (associate professor, Rhode Island) agreed to serve in a new informal role as "outgoing chair" for the coming year.
4) Advisor Reuben Moore briefed participants on the project renewal process which will take place this fall (our current authorization ends in 2019). Executive committee members Sproul, Paulson, and Goodrich will lead the renewal process for the project. Participants are encouraged to provide information on project-related activities, publications and impacts.
5) Calum Turvey (professor, Cornell and editor, Ag Finance Review) briefed the participants on the Ag Finance Review, and encouraged submissions of work presented at the SCC-76 meetings for publication in the journal.
6) Participants voted to hold the 2019 annual meeting in Kansas City again. The 2019 meetings will offer opportunities for sessions with RMA staff and personnel to encourage more direct interaction with project participants. Executive committee will work with National Crop Insurance Services (NCIS) staff again to make conference arrangements.