NCERA_old216: Latinos and Immigrants in Midwestern Communities
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 10/12/2015
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/10/2015
- 06/10/2015
Period the Report Covers: 06/01/2014 - 06/01/2015
Period the Report Covers: 06/01/2014 - 06/01/2015
Brief Summary of Minutes
Please see the "Copy of Minutes" attachment for NCERA216's annual report.Accomplishments
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 08/10/2016
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/08/2016
- 06/09/2016
Period the Report Covers: 06/01/2015 - 06/01/2016
Period the Report Covers: 06/01/2015 - 06/01/2016
Ness Sandoval, Gerardo Martinez, Daisy Collins, Athena Ramos, Teresa Curtis, Pablo Arroyo, JohnDulles, Megan Straus, Sara Halterston, Kim Greider, Ruben Martinez, Ricardo Diaz, Steve Jeanetta, and
Alejandra Gudiño, Julia Albarracin.
Brief Summary of Minutes
Please see attached file for NCERA216's 2016 report.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 08/09/2017
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/14/2017
- 06/15/2017
Period the Report Covers: 05/31/2016 - 06/01/2017
Period the Report Covers: 05/31/2016 - 06/01/2017
Brief Summary of Minutes
See attached for NCERA216's annual report for 2016/2017.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 08/21/2018
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/06/2018
- 06/07/2018
Period the Report Covers: 06/01/2017 - 06/01/2018
Period the Report Covers: 06/01/2017 - 06/01/2018
Brief Summary of Minutes
Please see attached file for NCERA216's 2017/18 annual report.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 09/17/2019
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/05/2019
- 06/06/2019
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2014 - 09/30/2019
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2014 - 09/30/2019
Ricardo Diaz, X-PennCorrinne Valdivia, University of Missouri
Maria Rodriguez-Alcala, University of Missouri
Alejandra Gudino, University of Missouri
Clara Irazabal, University of Missouri at Kansas City
Ness Sandoval, St. Louis University
Jordan Ayala, University of Missouri at Kansas City
Veronica Perez-Picasso,
University of Missouri
Hector Santiago, University of Nebraska
Jose Faus,
Gabriel Fumero,
Domingo Martinez, Emeritus, University of Missouri
Debra Bolton, Kansas State University
Ruben Martinez, Michigan State University
Stephen Jeanetta, University of Missouri
Athena Ramos, University of Nebraska
Lindsey Saunders,
University of Missouri
Lisa Overholser,
Gerardo Martinez, University of Missouri at Kansas City
Brief Summary of Minutes
Our focus in the most recent meeting of June 5 nd 6, 2019 was to present the board and committee members with two-year commitments. Also. we reflected on a way to improve reporting efforts from committee members to chari and vice chair.
<p>Each member is responsible for tracking their own research and program effectiveness data. </p>Publications
<p><strong><em>Journal Articles</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Flores, L. Y., H. N. Suh, O. Rojas Perez, D. Aguayo, J. Harvath, C. Valdivia, S. Jeanetta, and D. Martinez (in press). Negative Immigrant Community Experiences (N.I.C.E): A scale development study. <em>Journal of Latina/o Psychology </em>(accepted)</p><br /> <p>Figueroa-Armijos, M. and C. Valdivia. 2017. Sustainable innovation to cope with climate change and market variability in the Bolivian Mountains. <em>Innovation and Development</em> <em>7: 17-35</em>.</p><br /> <p>Sulemana, I., H. S. James Jr., and C. Valdivia. 2016. Perceived Socioeconomic Status as a Predictor of Environmental Concern in African and Developed Countries. <em>Journal of Environmental Psychology</em>. 46: 83-95.</p><br /> <p>DeRosier, C., I. Sulemana, H. S. James, C. Valdivia, W. Folk, and R. Smith. 2015. A Comparative Analysis of Media Reporting of Perceived Risks and Benefits of Genetically Modified Crops and Foods in Kenyan and International Newspapers. <em>Public Understanding of Science. </em>24(5): 563-581. DOI:<em> </em>10.1177/0963662514568061</p><br /> <p>May, S. F., L. Y. Flores, S. Jeanetta, L. Saunders, C. Valdivia, M. R. Arévalo Avalos, and<em> </em>D. Martínez. 2015. Latina/o Immigrant Integration in the Rural Midwest: Host Community Resident and Immigrant Perspectives. <em>Journal of Latina/o Psychology.</em> 3(1): 23-39. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/lat0000029</p><br /> <p>Gao, J., C. Barbieri, and C. Valdivia. 2014. A socio-demographic examination of the perceived benefits of agroforestry. <em>Agroforestry Systems</em>. 8(2): 301-309.</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C., M. K. Danda, D. Sheikh, H. S. James, V. Gathaara, G. Mbure, F. Murithi and W. Folk. 2014. Using translational research to enhance farmers’ voice: a case study of the potential introduction of GM cassava in Kenya’s coast. <em>Ag and Human Values</em>. 31 (4): 673-681. DOI 10.1007/s10460-014-9536-0 </p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C. and C. Barbieri. 2014. Experiential Agritourism: A Sustainable Strategy for Adapting to Climate Change in the Andean Altiplano. <em>Tourism Management Perspectives</em>. 11: 18-25.</p><br /> <p>Aguilera, J., P. P. Motavalli, M. A. Gonzales, and C. Valdivia. 2014. Evaluation of rapid field test method for assessing nitrogen status in potato plant tissue in rural communities in the Bolivian Andean highlands. <em>Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis</em>. 45(3): 347-361. DOI:10.1080/00103624.2013.857680</p><br /> <p>Gao, J., C. Barbieri, and C. Valdivia. 2014. Agricultural landscape preferences: Implications for agritourism development. <em>Journal of Travel Research</em>. 53(3): 366-379.</p><br /> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Invited Journal Articles</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C., L. Y. Flores, S. Jeanetta, and D. Martínez. 2015. Latino and Latina Immigrants in Rural Communities of the Midwest: The role of Cultural Identity in Wellbeing and Job Satisfaction. <em>NEXO</em>. Julian Samora Research Institute. 18(2 Spring):18-23.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong><em>Edited Proceedings</em></strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><br /> <p>Dorner, L., S. Jeanetta, and C. Valdivia (eds). 2017. <em>Latinos in the Heartland: Building Bridges, Dialogue, and Opportunity. Proceedings of the 15</em><em><sup>th</sup></em><em> Annual Cambio de Colores (Change of Colors) Conference: </em>June 8-10, 2016, Saint Louis, Missouri. Cambio Center, University of Missouri, Columbia MO. 113 pp.</p><br /> <p>Jeanetta, S., C. Rector, L. Saunders, and C.Valdivia (eds.) 2016. <em>Cambio de Colores: Latinos in the Heartland: Shaping the Future: Leadership for Inclusive Communities. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference: June 10-12, 2015, Kansas City, Missouri. </em>Cambio Center, University of Missouri. 99p.</p><br /> <p>Jeanetta, S. and C. Valdivia (eds). 2015. <em>Latinos in the Heartland: Growing Together in New Destination Areas. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Cambio de Colores Conference</em>. University of Missouri, Columbia MO. 83pp.</p><br /> <p>Jeanetta, S., and C. Valdivia (eds). 2014<em>. Cambio de Colores: Latinos in the Heartland. Proceedings of the 12</em><em><sup>th</sup></em><em> Annual Conference: Positive Steps Toward a Pluralist Society</em>. June 12-14, 2013. St Louis, MO. 128 pp.</p><br /> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Peer Reviewed Conference Presentations</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C., M. Kengo, E. Jimenez, C. Turin, and J. L. Gilles. 2015. Translational research that shapes local decisions in changing contexts: Experiences from Rural Communities in Kenya, Bolivia and Peru. Session: Does Gender Matter in Climate Change Adaptation: Evidence from Africa, Latin America and Asia. <em>29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists.</em> 18-24 August, Milan, Italy.</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C. 2015. The Political Economy of Sustainable Livelihoods In Peru’s Altiplano. Panel: Reassessing Rural Poverty in Peru: Essays to Honor Jose Maria Caballero<em>. XXIII International Conference of the Latin American Studies Association</em>, May 28. San Juan, Puerto Rico.</p><br /> <p>Cheruiyot, E., A. Posadas, A. Bett, H. Loayza, S. Palacios, M. Balcázar, L. Silva, R. Quiroz, C. Valdivia<sup> </sup>and D. Harahagazwe. 2015. Air-Borne remote Sensing as a Monitoring Tool for Smallholder’s Cropping Systems in East Africa. Session: Drones for agriculture: stepping into the future Global Forum for Innovation in Agriculture Africa. GFIA. December. Durban, SA. https://www.slideshare.net/ctaspace/airborne-remote-sensing-as-a-monitoring-tool-for-smallholders-cropping-systems-in-east-africa</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C., S. Jeanetta, L. Y. Flores, and D. Martínez. 2014. Asset Accumulation and Livelihood Strategies of Latino Newcomers to the Midwest: Wellbeing and the Context of Reception. Panel Series 6<em>. Julian Samora Research Institute 25th Anniversary Conference</em>, 31 October, East Lansing, MI.</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C. 2014. The Impact of Market Integration and Adaptation to Climate Change on Food Diversification in the Altiplano of Bolivia and Peru. Food Security Market Integration and Climate Change Panel<em>. XXXII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA)</em>, 21-24 May, Chicago, IL.</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Chapters in Books</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C.,<strong> </strong>H. S. James Jr.<strong> </strong>and R. Quiroz.<strong> </strong>2018.<strong> </strong>New Technology, Ethical Tensions and the Mediating Role of Translational Research. In H.S James (Ed.),<strong> </strong><em>Ethical Tensions from New Technology: The Case of Agricultural Biotechnology</em>. Boston, MA: CABI.</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C. and K. Yager. Adapting to Climate Change in the Andes: changing landscapes and livelihood strategies in the Altiplano. Chapter 41 J. Cupples (ed) in <em>Handbook of Latin American Development. </em>(accepted)</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C. La Economía Política de la Sobrevivencia Campesina en el Altiplano del Perú: Mujeres, Cambio Climático y Diversificación Campesina. (Accepted, 6/2018) In E. Alvarez (ed) <em>Tópicos sobre el Desarrollo Rural en el Perú. Ensayos en honor a Jose María Caballero (Lima: PUCP-IEP, forthcoming)</em></p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C. The Political Economy of Sustainable Livelihoods in Peru’s Altiplano. Invited Essay in E. Alvarez and M. Twomey (Ed) <em>Reassessing Rural Poverty in Peru: Essays to Honor Jose Maria Caballero</em>. (Accepted)</p><br /> <p>Coppock, D. L., M. Fernández-Giménez, P. Hiernaux, E. Huber-Sannwald, C. Schloeder, C. Valdivia, J. T. Arredondo, M. Jacobs, C. Turin, and M. Turner. 2017. Rangelands in Developing Nations: Conceptual Advances and Societal Implications. Chapter 17 in David D. Briske (ed). <em>Rangeland Systems: Processes, Management and Challenges</em>. Pp. 596-642. (Open Access publication<a href="https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__link.springer.com_book_10.1007_978-2D3-2D319-2D46709-2D2&d=DwMFAg&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=Nu4rOGcDpE_aqc1PWoLRkw&m=dgC9kkDyk_m1erCjEvSj8ZrVRDtK0jVXofFAzc9PG5Q&s=4FP89TF4nu5MBo8EvMQ5j44arVI76Ab_ahV-dFDTlfU&e=">http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-46709-2</a>)</p><br /> <p>James, J., C. Valdivia, W. Folk, D. Sheikh, F. Murithi, V. Gathaara, M. Kengo, C. Bett, G. Mbure. 2015. Assessing and Communicating the Risks and Benefits of GM Cassava in Kenya. In D.J. Bennett and P.J. Mitton (eds.) <em>Africa's Future...Can Biosciences Contribute?</em> Cambridge, UK: Benson. Pp. 62-75.</p><br /> <p> <strong><em>Peer Reviewed and Invited Posters</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Nguyen, Q. and C. Valdivia. 2018. Through the lens of gender: Capital accessibility, vulnerability and adaptability in the Andean households in time of shock events. Poster and Paper. 2018 Annual Meeting of the <em>Rural Sociological Society</em>. July 26-29. Portland OR.</p><br /> <p>Payen, A. and C. Valdivia. 2015. Individual and contextual factors explaining Latino entrepreneurship in Rural Communities of the Midwest. Selected Poster. 2015. <em>AAEA & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting</em> in San Francisco, July 26-28.</p><br /> <p>Higgins, K. and C. Valdivia. 2015. Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index in Rwandan Sweet Potato Farmers. Universities Fighting Hunger, Deaton Institute Conference. University of Missouri, April 13. Columbia, MO.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong><em>Invited Presentations</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C. 2018. Cambio climático y dinámicas poblacionales: Lecciones de America Latina y la region andina. Seminario Internacional “Globalización, Transformaciones Agrarias y El Rol de las Exportaciones de Cultivos no Tradicionales.” Auditorio Hotel Camino Real, January 31, La Paz, Bolivia.</p><br /> <p>Jimenez, E. and C. Valdivia. 2017. Globalización, Cambio Climático y Estrategias de Vida en el Altiplano Norte, Centro y Sur de Bolivia. Taller de Especialistas "Cambio climático y desigualdades sociales: los nexos de la seguridad energética, hídrica y alimentaria en la región andina." Organized by trAndeS. Sala 5 del Centro Cultural de la Pontífica Universidad Católica del Peru. Lima, Peru.</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C. 2016. La doble transferencia del conocimiento: Puentes entre la acción social y la investigación interamericana. The double transfer of knowledge: Bridges for Inter American social action and research. “Reflecting the Americas as Space of Entanglements.” International Center for Inter American Studies (CIAS) Conference, Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld University, October 27-29. Bielefeld, Germany.</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C., and R. Quiroz. 2016. Of People, Landscapes & Drones … Translational Processes. <em>Africa Blitz Life Sciences and Society</em>. University of Missouri, January 27. Columbia MO.</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C. 2016. Global Policy Solutions to Hunger and Food Insecurity. The Deaton Institute for University Leadership in International Development. <em>Universities Fighting World Hunger</em>, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C. 2016. Newcomers in the Heartland: Livelihoods, Welfare and Economics Mobility of Immigrants<em>. Agribusiness and Policy Symposium. Strategic Thinking in Uncertain Times.</em>Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Missouri. September 6-7, Marriot Conference Center, Columbia MO.</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C. 2015. The Human Dimensions: Livelihood Decisions, Uncertainty & Translational Approaches. Symposium Building Agroecosystem Resilience for an Uncertain Future at the Synergy in Science: Partnering for Solutions ASA CSSA SSSA 2015, November. Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C. 2014. Gendered and Local Scale Impacts and Perceptions of Climate Change across Rural Landscapes of Peru & Bolivia. Session Gender and Resilience Across the Landscape Multi-Stakeholder Forum, MU, IFPRI and CIFOR. <em>Global Landscapes Forum: Landscapes for a New Climate and Development Agenda.</em> December 6 - 7. The Westin Lima Hotels and Convention Center Lima, Peru.</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C. 2014. Gendered and Local Scale Differences of Climate Change Impacts: Adaptation Insights from Rural Landscapes of Peru & Bolivia. Official Side Event <em>Increasing the Resilience of Farming Communities to Climate Change through Shared Learning and Adaptation Decision Making with a Focus on Gender. United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties COP 20,</em>December 3. Lima, Peru.</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C. 2014. Voice and Choice in Translational Research: A case for the “new” community of practice model. Key note. <em>From the Ground Up: Translational Research Pathways to Improve the Lives of Smallholder Farmers</em>. Center for International and Strategic Studies, and University of Missouri. November 13, Washington DC.</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C., S. Jeanetta, L. Flores, and D. Martínez. 2014. Latino Newcomers and Asset Accumulation in Three Rural Communities and Immigrant Integration and Sustainable Development. <em>The Cambio Center’s First Ten Years of Groundbreaking Research</em>. 11 November, Leadership Auditorium MU Student Center, Columbia MO.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong><em>Presentations at Professional Meetings</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C., S. Jeanetta and M. Rodriguez. 2018. Agricultural Entrepreneurship Pathways of Latinos in Rural Communities of the Midwest. Presented at the <em>Symposium<strong> </strong>The community-business tipping point: change, resilience, and progress</em>. <em>Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meetings</em>. August 8, Washington DC.</p><br /> <p>Rodriguez, M. S. Jeanetta, and C. Valdivia. 2018. Agricultural entrepreneurship strategies, networks of support, and sustainable rural development: The case of Latino farmers in Missouri.<em>Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society / Association for the Study of Food and Society 2018 Annual Meeting</em>. July, Madison, Wisconsin.</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C., E. Jimenez, and K. Yager. 2018. Livelihood strategies and climate change adaptation in three landscapes of the Bolivian High Plateau. <em>Climate Change Issues and Adaptations in Latin America.</em><strong> </strong> Environment Section LASA2018 Congress May 23 – 26, 2018, Barcelona, Spain.</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C. 2017. Knowledge and Institutions for Adaptation. Session: Agricultural Familiar Afro Indígena y Campesina en America Latina desde el Diálogo de Saberes (Afro Indigenous Peasant Family Agriculture in Latin America from the Perspective of Dialogues of Knowledge). <em>Latin American Studies Association LASA 2017 Dialogues of Knowledge- Diálogo de Saberes</em>, April 29-May 1. Lima Peru</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C., E. Jiménez, C. Turin, S. Rojas<strong> </strong>and A. Romero. 2017. Climate Change, Agriculture and Livelihood Strategies in the Bolivia and Peruvian Altiplano. Session: New Challenges for Old Problems in Peruvian Agriculture. <em>Latin American Studies Association LASA 2017 Dialogues of Knowledge - Diálogo de Saberes</em>, April 29-May 1. Lima Peru.</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C. 2015. The Political Economy of Sustainable Livelihoods in Peru’s Altiplano. Panel: Reassessing Rural Poverty in Peru: Essays to Honor Jose Maria Caballero<em>. XXIII International Conference of the Latin American Studies Association</em>, May 28. San Juan, Puerto Rico.</p><br /> <p>Rodriguez, M., S. Jeanetta, and C. Valdivia. 2017. Latino Agricultural Entrepreneurship Strategies, Networks of Support and Sustainable Development in the State of Missouri. <em>80th Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society. Rural Peoples in a Volatile World: Disruptive Agents and Adaptive Strategies. </em>July 27-July 30, Columbus, OH.</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C., S. Rojas and A. Wongsiri. 2017. Latino entrepreneurship in times of change in Midwestern rural towns: Human agency, assets, networks and context. Session: Rural entrepreneurship in times of change<em>. 2017 Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting</em>, July 30-August 1, Chicago, IL.</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C. and A. Wongsiri. 2017. Exploring Acculturation in Latino’s Engagement in Entrepreneurial Activity in Three Rural Midwestern Communities<em>. </em><em>2017 Cambio de Colores Conference</em>, June 14-16, Saint Louis, MO.</p><br /> <p>Jeanetta, S., C. Valdivia, R. Martinez, J. Flora and C. Flora. 2017. Latino Agricultural Entrepreneurship Project: A Muti –State Effort. <em>2017 Cambio de Colores Conference</em>, June 14-16, Saint Louis, MO.</p><br /> <p>Jeanetta, S. C., J. Flora, R. Martinez, C. Valdivia, and C. Flora. 2016. Latino Agriculture Entrepreneurship Strategies, Networks of Support a Sustainable Rural Development. USDA NIFA Small Farms Directors Meeting, Virginia Beach, September 19, VA.</p><br /> <p>Jeanetta, S. C., R. Martinez, J. Flora, C. Valdivia, and C. Flora. 2016. Latino Agriculture Entrepreneurship Strategies, Networks of Support a Sustainable Rural Development. <em>Cambio de Colores Conference, Latinos in the Heartland: Building Bridges Dialogue and Opportunity.</em> June 9, Columbia, MO.</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C. K. Higgins, R. Schmidt, L. Y. Flores and S. Jeanetta. 2014. The Nature of Latino Owned Businesses in Relation to Acculturation Paths and the Context of Reception in Three Regions of Missouri. Entrepreneurship Panel Research and Best Practices in the Heartland <em>Cambio de Colores 13th Conference Latinos in the Heartland: Growing Together in New Destination Areas</em>, June 25-27 Columbia, MO.</p><br /> <p>Flores, L. Y., D. Aguayo, J. Harvath, C. Valdivia, S. Jeanetta, and D. Martínez. 2014. Initial Development of a Scale on Immigrants’ Perceptions of the Community. Change and Integration Organized Research Panel Measuring Integration, Acculturation, and Satisfaction. <em>Cambio de Colores 13th Conference Latinos in the Heartland: Growing Together in New Destination Areas</em>, University of Missouri, June 25-27, Columbia, MO.</p><br /> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Panels Organized</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Artz, G and C. Valdivia. 2017. Rural Entrepreneurship in Times of Change<em>. 2017 Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting</em>, July 30-August 1, Chicago, IL.</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C. 2015. Making Agricultural Research Matter to Women Farmers. <em>Agricultural and Applied Economics Association</em>. Sponsored by CWAE, International Section, C-FARE. Presenters: W. Meyers, J. Twyman, E. Bryan, and C. Kovarik. July 28, San Francisco, CA.</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C. 2015. Collaborative translational science to address climate change in semiarid production systems. <em>International Conference Transitioning Cereal Systems to Adapt to Climate Change</em>, November, Minnesota.</p><br /> <p>Valdivia, C. 2015. Making Agricultural Research Matter to Women Farmers. <em>AAEA</em>. Sponsored by CWAE, International Section, C-FARE. Presenters: W. Meyers, J. Twyman, E. Bryan, and C. Kovarik. July 28, San Francisco, CA.</p><br /> <p>Ringler, C and C. Valdivia. 2014. Increasing the Resilience of Farming Communities to Climate Change through Shared Leaning and Adaptation Decision making with a Focus on Gender. (International Food Policy Research Institute, Center for International Forests, University of Missouri. <em>UNCC COP Official Side Event</em>, Lima Peru.</p><br /> <p>Ringler, C and C. Valdivia. 2014. Gender and Resilience Across Landscapes Stakeholder Forum. <em>Global Landscapes Forum</em> December 6 and 7, Lima Peru.</p><br /> <p><strong>Bolton, Debra J. and Charlotte Olsen (2018). </strong>Build Intercultural Relationships for Better Understanding of Your Neighbor. Extension Publication, MF 3340 and MF 3341</p><br /> <p> Krug, D.<strong>, Bolton, D. J. and </strong>C. Olsen. (2018). Everyday Mindfulness. Extension publication MF 3424 and MF 3425</p><br /> <p><strong> </strong><strong>Bolton, Debra J. and Francisco Hernandez. </strong>(2017). Applying Global Perspectives on Fragility to Improve U.S. Communities. <em>Advances in Anthropology, 7, </em>22-33.</p><br /> <p> <strong>Bolton, Debra (2016). Essential Living Skills: Health and Wellness.</strong></p><br /> <p>Extension Publication: SD 134. <a href="http://www.bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/S134D.pdf">http://www.bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/S134D.pdf</a></p><br /> <p> <strong>Bolton, Debra and Francisco Hernandez</strong>. (2016). <em>Fragile States: Beyond International Borders and into U.S. Communities. </em>New Prairie Press, Kansas State University Libraries. <em>Adult Education Research Conference.</em> Paper 4.</p><br /> <p> <strong>Bolton, Debra (2016). Essential Living Skills: Essential Home Maintenance.</strong></p><br /> <p>Extension Publication: SD 134C. http://www.bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/S134C.pdf</p><br /> <p><strong> </strong><strong>Bolton, Debra. (2015). Know Yourself, Understand Others, Improve Relationships, </strong>Extension Bulletins: MF3215 and MF 3216. <a href="http://www.ksre.ksu.edu"><em>www.ksre.ksu.edu</em></a></p><br /> <p><em> </em></p><br /> <ul><br /> <li><strong>Ramos, A.K</strong>., Duysen, E., & Yoder, A.M. (2019). Identifying safety training resource needs in the cattle feeding industry in the Midwest. <em>Safety</em>, 5, 26. DOI: 10.3390/safety5020026</li><br /> <li><strong>Ramos, A.K.</strong>, Trinidad, N., Correa, A., & Carlo, G. (2019). Correlates and predictors of alcohol consumption and negative consequences of alcohol use among Latino migrant farmworkers in Nebraska. <em>American Journal of Orthopsychiatry</em>. DOI: 1037/ort0000401</li><br /> <li><strong>Ramos, A.K.</strong> (2018). A human rights-based approach to farmworker health: An overarching framework to address the social determinants of health. <em>Journal of Agromedicine, </em>23(1), 25-31. DOI:10.1080/1059924X.2017.1384419</li><br /> <li><strong>Ramos, A.K., </strong>Su, D., Correa, A., & Trinidad, N. (2017). Association between social capital and self-efficacy among Latinas in Nebraska. <em>Social Work in Public Health, </em>33(1), 31-42. DOI: 10.1080/19371918.2017.1391149</li><br /> <li><strong>Ramos, A.K., </strong>Carvajal-Suarez, M., Leon, M., & Trinidad, N. (2017). Sense of community, participation, and life satisfaction among Hispanic immigrants in rural Nebraska. <em>Kontakt, </em>19, e284-295. DOI:1016/j.kontakt.2017.09.005</li><br /> </ul><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Siahpush, M., Tibbits, M., Soliman, G., Grimm, B., Shaikh, R.A., McCarthy, M., Wan, N., <strong>Ramos, A.K.</strong>, & Correa, A. (2017). Neighborhood exposure to point-of-sale price promotions for cigarette is associated with financial stress among smokers: Results from a population-based study. <em>Tobacco Control. </em>DOI: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2016-053339</li><br /> <li><strong>Ramos, A.K.,</strong> Fuentes, A., & Trinidad, N. (2016). Perception of occupational risks, personal protective equipment (PPE) use, and prevention opportunities among Latino immigrant hog CAFO workers in Missouri. <em>Safety,</em> 2(4), 25. DOI:10.3390/safety2040025</li><br /> <li><strong>Ramos, A.K</strong>., Carlo, G., Grant, K.M., Trinidad, N., & Correa, A. (2016).<strong> </strong>Stress, depression, and occupational injury among migrant farmworkers in Nebraska. <em>Safety</em>, 2(4), 23. DOI:10.3390/safety2040023</li><br /> <li><strong>Ramos, A.K.</strong> (2016). Welcoming immigrants: An opportunity to strengthen rural communities. <em>Journal of Extension</em>, 54(3). <a href="http://www.joe.org/joe/2016june/comm1.php">Weblink</a></li><br /> <li><strong>Ramos, A.K</strong>., Trinidad, N., Correa, A. & Rivera, R. (2016). Partnering for health with Nebraska’s Latina immigrant community using design thinking process. <em>Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action,</em> 10(2), 311-318.</li><br /> <li><strong>Ramos, A.K.</strong>, Correa, A., & Trinidad, N. (2015). Perspectives on breast health education and services among recent Hispanic immigrant women in the Midwest: A qualitative study in Lancaster county, Nebraska. <em>Journal of Cancer Education</em>. In press. DOI: 10.1007/s13187-015-0886-0</li><br /> <li><strong>Ramos, A.K.,</strong> Su, D., Lander, L., & Rivera, R. (2015). Stress factors contributing to depression among Latino migrant farmworkers in Nebraska. <em>Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health,</em> 17, 1627–1634. DOI: 10.1007/s10903-015-0201-5.</li><br /> <li><strong>Ramos, A.K.</strong>, Rajaram, S., Gouveia, L., Duko, Y., Toure, D., Zhang, A., & Manske, S. (2013). <em>Health profile of Nebraska’s Latino population</em>. A collaborative effort of the College of Public Health at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, the Office of Latino and Latin American Studies at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and the Office of Health Disparities and Health Equity at the Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services. <a href="http://digitalcommons.unmc.edu/promot_report/2/">UNMC Digital Commons</a></li><br /> </ul><br /> <p><strong> Martinez, R.</strong></p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Two issues of <em>NEXO</em> with articles on immigrant issues and Latinos in the Midwest.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p>2018 “Latinas and Latinos in the Midwest: Historic and Contemporary Issues,” Special issue of Diálogo: Interdisciplinary Journal. 20(1) (Co-Editor w/J. Coronado).</p><br /> <p> 2019 “Motivations for Entrepreneurship among Mexican Americans and White Americans,” <em>International Journal of Social Science and Business</em>, 4(1): 1-12.</p><br /> <p> 2019 “Rodolfo ‘Corky’ Gonzales.” <em>Latinos in the Political System: An Encyclopedia of Latinos as </em>Press<em> Voters,</em> <em>Candidates, and Office Holders</em>. (Pp. 211-213). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.</p><br /> <p> 2019 “Jose Angel Gutierrez.” <em>Latinos in the Political System: An Encyclopedia of Latinos as</em></p><br /> <p><em> Voters,</em> Press <em>Candidates, and Office Holders</em>. (219-221). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.</p><br /> <p> 2018 “<em>Hicimos el camino en</em> Michigan: Latino Business Pioneers,” <em>Diálogo: Interdisciplinary</em></p><br /> <p><em> Journal</em>. 20(1): 51-64 (w/J. Coronado).</p><br /> <p> 2018 “Obesity among Latina/o Children and Adolescents,” in H. E. Fitzgerald, Dele Davies & Kami Silk (Eds.), <em>Obesity in America: Childhood to Adolescence: Vol. 2, Medical, Biological and Social Issues</em>, (Pp. 203-231). Westport, CT: Praeger. (w/J. Kayitsinga)</p><br /> <p> “Neoliberalism and the Context of Public Higher Education for Latinos,” In A. G. de los Santos, L. I. Rendón, G. F. Keller, A. Acereda, E. M. Bensimon, and R. J. Tannenbaum (Eds.), <em>Moving Forward: Policies, Planning, and Prompting Access of Hispanic College Students</em>. (Pp. 95-114). Tempe, AZ: Bilingual Press, Hispanic Research Center.</p><br /> <p> 2018 “Introduction,” Special Issue of <em>Diálogo: Interdisciplinary Journal: Latinas and Latinos in the Midwest: Historic and Contemporary Issues</em>. 20(1): 3-6. (w/J. Coronado).</p><br /> <p> <strong>Grants</strong></p><br /> <p> 2016- Co-Principal Investigator, “Latino Agricultural Entrepreneurship Strategies, Networks </p><br /> <p>2020 of Support, and Sustainable Rural Development.” USDA/NIFA ($477,860; </p><br /> <p> Subcontract $149,176).</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>2013- Co-Principal Investigator and Evaluation Director, “An Integrated Extension and</p><br /> <p>2018 Education Program to Reduce Mastitis and Antimicrobial Use”. USDA/NIFA </p><br /> <p> ($2,913,199) [February 1, 2013 – January 31, 2019].</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong>Bolton, Debra J. </strong>(2019). In press, Chapter2. Finding home: Displaced African Women in Rural Southwest Kansas. <em>Intervening Connections: Mapping the networks of support of Women in 21<sup>st</sup> Century Communities. </em>Cloete, E., Mariah E. Crystal, and Martha N. Bannikov.</p><br /> <p>**Please note that some of our committee members are part of the Cambio Center, based at University of Missouri. These are the listings in the publications of the Cambio Center and the Cambio de Colores Book of Proceedings from these dates:</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li><a href="https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/handle/10355/50786">https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/handle/10355/50786</a></li><br /> <li><a href="https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/handle/10355/60743">https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/handle/10355/60743</a></li><br /> <li><a href="https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/handle/10355/52491">https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/handle/10355/52491</a></li><br /> <li><a href="https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/handle/10355/67255">https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/handle/10355/67255</a></li><br /> </ul><br /> <p> </p>Impact Statements
- Impact Statement, NCERA_old216 Situation: The Latinx population has increased significantly for several years across the United States and the Census projects it to reach 29 percent by 2060. Labor deficits in agriculture and the service industries tend to be a pull factor of human capital from Latin American countries while lack of employment opportunities tend to be a push factor for families seeking to live lives abundant in economic, educational, and safety opportunities in the United States. Public Value: The United States is a “country of immigrants” long before families from Latin America arrived these past 40 year. The difference appears to rely on who came when. As long as that is the "norm" it becomes necessary for scholars and practitioners to pave the way for newcomers to acclimate and integrate into their communities while receiving communities welcome their “new neighbors”. Through research, we find strategies to integrate newcomers further breaks down barriers to education, economies, employment, and political involvement. Outcomes: Short-Term: Through research, we find ways to understand the realities of Latinx individuals and families. We also find ways to educate mainstream populations about new people in their communities. Evaluation Questions: 1. What do the emerging Latinx populations need to thrive in their receiving communities? 2. Are we gathering data from the populations in their own languages? 3. Do we take our analyzed data to provide foundational logic to the creation of new programming? Medium-Term: In general, follow up examinations of analyzed data demonstrated learning gains in 1) Medical practices with ethnic audiences 2) Positive economic outcomes of assuring access to education for immigrant populations; and 3) Positive social impacts of integrating and acculturating new and growing populations. Long-Term Outcomes: While NCERA 216 scholars continue to discover the impact of our research and practices to integrate and support Latinx and other marginalized populations into our communities, we know that if we were not doing this research, publications, and service provision, our communities would not be building cohesion. Here’s an example of the partnerships’ programming across the North Central Region: • https://jsri.msu.edu/ • http://www.cambio.missouri.edu/Outreach/ • https://www.k-state.edu/diversity/learning/index.html