W2005: Parenting, energy dynamics, and lifestyle determinants of childhood obesity: New directions in prevention
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 12/29/2012
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2012 - 09/01/2013
Brief Summary of Minutes
Accomplishments:<br /> Started developing a cohesive multi-state project team,<br /> Developed working groups,<br /> Agreed on beginning governance and will continue over the next months,<br /> Selected dates and times for quarterly conference callsPublications
This is a new project. There currently are no publicationsImpact Statements
- None at this time. This is a new project and this was the first Annual Meeting
Date of Annual Report: 01/08/2014
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2012 - 10/01/2013
Linda Houtkooper (admin),Melinda Manore,
Rachel Novotny,
Marie Fialkowski,
Kay Hongu,
Rafida Idris,
Laura Hubbs-Tait,
Annie Lindsay,
Janet Kurzynske,
Madeleine Sigman-Grant,
Mike Liebman,
Ann Bock,
Diane Tidwell,
Karen Chapman-Novakofski,
Kate Dicken (Skype),
Nurgul Fitzgerald (Skype),
Ashley Kimble (grad student)*,
Enette Larson-Meyer,
Barbara Fiese,
* Participants present not currently members
Brief Summary of Minutes
Thursday, November 14, 2013 8:30 am 4:50 pm
Introduction of Participants and Networking and technology set up:
Items by Janet Kurzynske
" Reviewed prior 2012 meetings objectives and where we are now.
" Presently there are 17 active members and 10 inactive members.
" Reviewed the two Objectives for W-2005
" Discussed the three working groups Diet Quality, Physical Activity and Parenting.
" Reviewed and approved W2005 Guidelines for Publications with New Mexico and Wyoming added to participating states.
" Reviewed Milestones (previously submitted).
Items by Laura Hubbs-Tait:
" Discussed meta-analysis and led discussion of several papers.
" Provided a list of possible coding variables.
" Level of parenting was discussed.
" Other discussions on spreadsheet, coding, prevention, independent and dependent variables, etc.
Lunch and Group Meetings
Re-convened entire W2005 with group presentations and discussions
Meeting Adjourned for the day
Friday, November 15, 2013 8:40 am 11:30 am
" Annual Meeting Dates: November 6&7, 2014 at University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
Las Vegas, NV
" Election of Officers: Officer elections (nominations and voting took place), members elected were:
" Chair (Janet Kurzynske)
" Vice-Chair (Laura Hubbs-Tait)
" Secretary (Diane Tidwell)
Group Meetings:
" Further discuss details regarding research questions, search strategies, variables, coding, analysis, timelines and commitments.
Re-convene entire W2005
" Group work discussions
" Timelines
" Commitments
" Conference calls will be conducted within the three groups
" Linda Houtkooper provided a summary and overview of her role as the administrator
W2005 met the following milestones for 2013:<br /> " Developed preliminary list of correlates of childhood obesity that could be modified by parent, family, or community interventions.<br /> " Started reviewing and will continue to review the pertinent literature regarding parent, family, or community obesity-prevention research.<br /> " Arrived at a consensus about the primary correlates of childhood obesity that can be addressed by parents, family, community obesity prevention programs. <br /> " Further developed a cohesive multi-state project team<br />Publications
None at this timeImpact Statements
- " None at this time
Date of Annual Report: 01/05/2015
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2013 - 09/01/2014
Margaret Ann Bock New Mexico - New Mexico State University marbock@ad.nmsu.edu; Katherine L Dickin - Cornell University kld12@cornell.edu via GoToMeeting; Barbara Fiese - University of Illinois bhfiese@illinois.edu; Nurgul Fitzgerald- Rutgers Universitynfitzgerald@rce.rutgers.edu via phone; Melanie D Hingle - University of Arizona hinglem@u.arizona.edu; Nobuko Kay Hongu - University of Arizona
hongu@email.arizona.edu;Laura Hubbs-Tait - Oklahoma State University (OKL)
laura.hubbs@okstate.edu;Rafida Idris -South Carolina State University
ridris@scsu.edu; Janet S Kurzynske - University of Kentucky jkurzyns@uky.edu; Enette Larson-Meyer - University of Wyoming enette@uwyo.edu;Michael Liebman - University of Wyoming liebman@uwyo.edu;Anne R. Lindsay University of Nevada lindsaya@unce.unr.edu;
Melinda Manore Oregon - Oregon State University melinda.manore@oregonstate.edu; Rachel Novotny - University of Hawaii novotny@hawaii.edu; Madeleine Sigman-Grant - University of Nevada
sigman-grantm@unce.unr.edu; administrator:Linda Hootkouper - University of Arizona houtkoop@cals.arizona.edu;
Ashley Kimble (grad student) Oklahoma State University*
* Participants present not currently members
Brief Summary of Minutes
Brief Summary of Minutes from the Annual Meeting:Thursday, November 14, 2013 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Introduction of Participants and Networking and technology set up:
Review Agenda:
W2005 information: http://nimss.umd.edu/lgu_v2
Administrative Comments:
Brief Reports and Sub-Groups:
• Parenting
• Physical Activity
• Diet Quality
Tutorial on Distiller SR:
Review of Milestones
Breakout Sessions in Sub-Groups
Re-convened entire W2005 with Sub- Group presentations and discussions
Meeting Adjourned for the day
Friday, November 7, 2013 8:30 am – 11:30 am
• Annual Meeting Dates: October 21-23, 2015 at University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
Las Vegas, NV
• Hotel will be Hilton Gardens, South Las Vegas
• Election of Officers: Officer elections (nominations and voting took place), members elected were:
? Chair (Janet Kurzynske)
? Vice-Chair (Laura Hubbs-Tait)
? Secretary (Melanie Hingle)
Objectives for 2015:
• Further discuss details regarding research questions, search strategies, variables, coding, analysis, timelines and commitments.
W2005 met the following milestones for 2014:<br /> <br /> • Assess the findings from 2006 W1005 objective 1 and 3 in relation to the determinants identified in the review of literature, highlighting the differences. <br /> • If sufficient literature on the impact of parenting on child obesity is identified to warrant a meta-analysis, then one will be conducted that includes the results of objective 2006 W1005. (Physical Activity: literature does not support need for new meta-analysis, Diet Quality and Parenting in progress)<br /> • These results and recommendations for future research will be published and presented for discussion and comment to provide new directions for prevention of childhood obesity. (Physical Activity is in process of assessing; Diet Quality and Parenting 2015)<br /> • Develop the protocol for discussion groups at the state, regional, or national level to prioritize and assess the feasibility of objective 1 findings for translation to the community level. (Physical Activity is in process of assessing; Diet Quality and Parenting 2015)<br /> • Further developed a cohesive multi-state project team with focused working groups<br />Publications
None to report this year.Impact Statements
- none to report this year
Date of Annual Report: 01/13/2016
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2014 - 09/30/2015
Rachel Leon-Guerrero (administrator)Linda Hootkooper
Melinda Manore (call)
Rachel Novotny
Melanie Hingle
Kay Hongu
Rafida Idris
Laura Hubbs-Tait
Annie Lindsay
Janet Kurzynske
Mike Liebman
Ann Bock
Nurgul Fitzgerald (call)
Enette Larson-Meyer
Barbara Fiese
Karen Chapman-Novakofski
Brief Summary of Minutes
Brief Summary of Minutes from Annual Meeting
Thursday, October 22, 2015 8:30am – 5:00pm
- Introductions, housekeeping, review of tasks
- Morning – Working Group Breakout Sessions
- Lunch and Celebration for Anne Lindsay’s PhD
- 1-2pm – Jane Clary Loveless, USDA – NIFA update
- PARENTING update - Laura Tait-Hubbs
- DIET QUALITY update - Karen Chapman-Novakofski
- PHYSICAL ACTIVITY update - Anne Lindsay
- 2-5pm -The Physical Activity group developed an education model that was shown during the afternoon session. Showed Figure which depicted definitions of a static and dynamic energy balance. The group weighed in on the figure and concept.
Friday, October 23, 2015 8:30am-10am
Milestones for Working Groups Discussed
- Diet Quality – Karen Chapman-Novakofski presented
- Physical Activity - Kay Hongu reported activities and milestones;
- Parenting - Laura Hubbs-Tait reported meeting several 2014 milestones in 2015/16.
Election of Officers
Chair and Vice Chair – Linda Houtkooper nominated the current chair and vice-chair to continue their roles; Karen seconded the nomination and Anne confirmed; there were no objections.
Secretary – Janet nominated Melanie, Laura seconded Melanie – the group approved Melanie; there were no objections
2016 Officers will be: Chair – Janet Kurzynske; Vice-Chair – Laura Hubbs-Tait; Secretary – Melanie Hingle
Dates/Locations for 2016 Meeting
- Las Vegas was confirmed as the location (same hotel is planned)
Three possible dates (to avoid FNCE):
- Dates for 2016 have been confirmed for Thursday, November 17 and Friday, November 18, 2016
Additional Comments
- From Janet: We need to start thinking about the proposal to submit for next year – this project ends in 2016-17; we could request an additional year for the current project and activities, in order finish meta-analysis and achieve goal 2.
<p>Milestones met for FY2015</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Continued to review the pertinent literature regarding parent, family, or community obesity- prevention research.</li><br /> <li>If sufficient literature on the impact of parenting on child obesity is identified to warrant a meta-analysis, then one will be conducted that includes the results of objective 2006 W1005. In process of conducting meta-analyses.</li><br /> <li>If sufficient literature is identified, effect modifiers (moderators) will be explored in the meta-analysis in order to explain the differences identified above. In progress.</li><br /> <li>These results and recommendations for future research will be published and presented for discussion and comment to provide new directions for prevention of childhood obesity. Diet Quality will start manuscript on our perspective on conducting meta analyses. Physical Activity has a publication ready to submit to JNEB. Parenting has presentation submitted to EB 2016.</li><br /> <li>Develop the protocol for discussion groups at the state, regional, or national level to prioritize and assess the feasibility of objective 1 findings for translation to the community level. In progress.</li><br /> <li>Execute the protocol for discussion groups at a variety of venues. In progress.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p> </p>Publications
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 12/23/2016
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2015 - 09/30/2016
AttendingNurgul Fitzgerald (via conference call) Rutgers University, nfitzgerald@rce.rutgers.edu;
Scott Going University of Arizona, going@email.arizona.edu;
Melanie Hingle - University of Arizona, hinglem@u.arizona.edu;
Linda Hootkooper University of Arizona, houtkoop@cals.arizona.edu;
Kay Hongu (via conference call) University of Arizona, hongu@email.arizona.edu;
Laura Hubbs-Tait Oklahoma State University, laura.hubbs@okstate.edu;
Rafida Idris Rafida Idris rafidaidrisira@gmail.com;
Janet Kurzynske - University of Kentucky, jkurzyns@uky.edu;
Enette Larson-Meyer (via conference call) University of Wyoming, enette@uwyo.edu;
Rachel Leon-Guerrero (administrator) University of Guam, rachaeltlg@triton.uog.edu;
Annie Lindsay University of Nevada, lindsaya@unce.unr.edu;
Diane Tidwell Mississippi State University, d.tidwell@msstate.edu;
*Emily Tomayko (non-member visitor) Oregon State University, Emily.Tomayko@oregonstate.edu
Participants present not currently members*
Not Attending
Margaret Ann Bock Retired - New Mexico State University marbock@ad.nmsu.edu;
Barbara Chamberlin New Mexico State University – Inactive member;
Karen Chapman-Novakofski University of Illinois – Active member;
Joe Cramer – University of Nebraska - Inactive member;
Dipti Dev – University of Nebraska - Inactive member;
Katherine L Dickin - Cornell University kld12@cornell.edu - Inactive member;
Jamie Dollahite – Cornell University - Inactive member;
Barbara Fiese - University of Illinois bhfiese@illinois.edu - Active member;
Jeanie Gleason – New Mexico State University - Inactive member;
Daniel Hoffman Rutgers University - Inactive member;
Michael Liebman, Retiring - University of Wyoming liebman@uwyo.edu - Active member;
Melinda Manore, Retiring - Oregon State University melinda.manore@oregonstate.edu - Active member;
Amy Mobley University of Connecticut - Inactive member;
Pat Nelson Delaware Cooperative Extension - Inactive member;
Rachel Novotny, Resigning from W2005 - University of Hawaii novotny@hawaii.edu - Active member
James Ntambi - University of Wisconsin - Inactive member;
Yuan-Xiang Pan - University of Illinois - Inactive member;
Sibeko, Lindiwe - University of Massachusetts - Inactive member;
Madeleine Sigman-Grant, Retired - University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Margarita Teran-Garcia - University of Illinois – status unsure
Brief Summary of Minutes
Thursday, November 17, 2013 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Introduction of Participants and Networking and technology set up:
Review agenda:
Administrative comments:
Brief reports and sub-groups:
• Parenting
• Physical Activity
• Diet Quality
Discussion on finishing W2005 and potential interest in W3005
Working lunch (Parenting and Diet Quality Group discuss level 2 review options)
Breakout sessions in sub-groups
Re-convened entire group with further discussions on W3005
Meeting adjourned for the day
Friday, November 7, 2013 8:30 am – 11:30 am
Next steps for finishing W2005 and writing W3005
Election of Officers: Officer elections (nominations and voting took place), officers elected were:
Chair (Janet Kurzynske); Vice-Chair (Laura Hubbs-Tait); Secretary (Melanie Hingle)
Annual Meeting Dates if W3005 approved will be in January or February 2018 likely at University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, Las Vegas, NV