W504: Biology and Management of Spotted Wing Drosophila in Small and Stone Fruits
(Rapid Response to Emerging Issue Activity)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 09/13/2011
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 11/11/2010
- 11/11/2010
Period the Report Covers: 12/01/2009 - 09/01/2011
Period the Report Covers: 12/01/2009 - 09/01/2011
W 504 met during the Spotted Wing Drosophila SCRI Meeting in Portland, Oregon held November 11, 2010. W-504 participants are listed under SWD key personnel and under Other participants in the attached participant list. This "official" meeting of W-504 followed a Public Forum meeting hosted by Oregon State University on March 30, 2010 at the Portland Airport Sheraton Hotel. During the morning session, scientists from Washington, Oregon, California, and Canada shared their research progress to date.Brief Summary of Minutes
Administrative Advisor Stella Coakley provided a background for W-504 and its creation prior to the funding of the SWD SCRI. Having this project allows the western group to learn from states not involved, and create a national response strategy. Provided an explanation of the NIMSS, importance of multi-state integrated projects. Generate national recognition for the project among AES Directors and the Extension system.Presenters: (In addition to the SCRI personnel who presented earlier in the day)
Hannah Burrack, NCSU
Jim Price, U of FL
Derek Van Timmerman, MSU (for Rufus Isaacs)
Cory Vorel USU.
Short-term Outcomes:<br /> <br /> Provision of information exchange between multi-states on research and related extension activities needed for management of the Spotted Wing Drosophila pest. <br /> <br /> A stakeholder meeting was held in Portland, Oregon on March 30, 2010. Approximately 20 scientists participated from state, federal, private industry in the morning session; the afternoon session provided approximately 130 stakeholder/industry/extension agent participants to learn about the pest and to do hands-on projects including identification of SWD and lifecyle, building monitoring traps, detection of pest, introduction of SWD website, reporting data, reviewing control options, etc. <br /> <br /> Following the November 11, 2011 session with stakeholders, the SWD SCRI scientists were joined by other W504 members for an Adobe Connect conference in March 2011. Publications are pending from that full-day session. The fall meeting for the SWD SCRI Stakeholder Advisory group is scheduled for November 9-10, 2011. Members of W 504 will meet jointly with them. A new five-year project to succeed W 504 is being planned. <br /> <br /> Summary of research outcomes are being provided in a variety of ways, specific to the location of the researcher. Research outcomes for Oregon, Washington, and Oregon can be accessed at:<br /> <br /> http://swd.hort.oregonstate.edu/<br /> <br /> Information for Michigan can be accessed at:<br /> <br /> http://www.ipm.msu.edu/SWD.htm<br /> <br /> Information for research from North Carolina State University:<br /> <br /> http://ncsmallfruitsipm.blogspot.com/search/label/SWD<br /> <br /> Presentation on Spotted Wing Drosophila can be found at:<br /> <br /> https://docs.google.com/present/view?id=dgxpjj6g_5666cw2xqhg<br /> <br /> Pest alert from Utah State:<br /> <br /> http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/publication/ENT-140-10.pdf<br /> <br /> <br />Publications
Herring, Peg. 2010. Suzukii: A new fly in the ointment. Oregon's Agricultural Progress Volume 56, No.1 pp 10-15. Oregon State University<br /> <br />Impact Statements
- Created a framework for multi-state cooperation and collaboration around control of the new spotted wing drosophila pest which appeared in California and spread to Oregon, Washington, and Canada.
- Determining the most effective sustainable control options for SWD based on effective monitoring, susceptible life stages, timing of control.
- Training programs for identification and management have been developed and resources provided to growers
- Provides access for researchers/extension across the U.S.A. to a nationally important pest
- Creation of Rapid Response project allowed the coordination and development of human capital far beyond the western regional focus started.