OLD SCC13: Statisticians Group (USSES)
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 06/26/2009
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/24/2009
- 06/26/2009
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2008 - 09/01/2009
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2008 - 09/01/2009
Edzard van Santen, Auburn;Debbie Boykin, USDA ARS;
Paul Cornelius, Kentucky;
Jerry Davis, Georgia;
Hoke Hill, Julia Sharp, and Pat Gerard, Clemson;
Kevin McCarter and Ken Koonce, LSU;
Arnold Saxton, Tennessee;
Rob Tempelman, Michigan State;
Ben Mullinix, Texas A&M;
Andy Mauromoustakos, Arkansas.
Brief Summary of Minutes
USSES held its annual meeting on June 24-26, 2009 at Unicoi State Park and Lodge in Helen, Georgia. A reception was held on Wednesday night by Jerry Davis, our local host. On Thursday, Bob Lucas of SAS made a presentation outlining new features of the mixed model procedures in SAS as well as new Bayesian analysis capabilities. Heath Rushing of SAS then provided a SAS JMP demo. On Friday, Edzard van Santen of Auburn shared programming tips useful to streamline mixed model analysis and Andy Mauromoustakos of the University of Arkansas gave examples on how SAS JMP software could be used in statistical consulting.Brief State Reports were given.
Location of the 2010 meeting was also discussed. USSES members attending the NCR 170 meeting will report back to the group regarding the location and focus of the 2010 NCR 170 meeting with a joint meeting in mind. If it was determined that USSES was to meet alone in 2010, the preliminary plan was to have Linda Young at the University of Florida host the meeting with a program and program coordinator yet to be determined.
Kevin McCarter agreed to place information from this meeting on a website so that members of the group will have access to the information provided.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 a.m.
Report submitted by Pat Gerard.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 09/07/2010
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 07/08/2010
- 07/09/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010
Andy Mauromoustakos(AR),Kevin S. McCarter (LA),
Ben Mullinix(TX),
Julia Sharp(SC)
Ted Bailey (IA),
John Boyer (KS),
Bruce Craig (IN),
Susan Durham (UT),
Ed Gbur (AR),
Mark Hinds (IA, Pioneer Hi-Bred),
Ken Koehler (IA),
Matt Kramer (MD, USDA-ARS),
David Meek (IA, USDA-ARS),
George Milliken (KS),
Margaret Nemeth (MO, Monsanto),
John Stevens (UT),
Rob Tempelman (MI),
Mark West (CO, USDA-ARS),
Kathy Yeater (VA, USDA-ARS-SPA)
Philip Dixon (IA),
Brian Fergen (IA),
Fernando Miguez (IA),
Dan Nettleton (IA),
Long Qu (IA),
Man-Yu Yum (IA)
Brief Summary of Minutes
USSES / NCCC-170 2010 Joint MeetingMeeting Summary
Meeting Dates: July 8-9, 2010
Location: National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Local Arrangement Chairs: David Meek and Ted Bailey
Program Chairs: Kathy Yeater (NCCC-170), Kevin McCarter (USSES)
Andy Mauromoustakos(AR), Kevin S. McCarter (LA; also a member of NCCC-170), Ben Mullinix(TX), Julia Sharp(SC)
Ted Bailey (IA), John Boyer (KS), Bruce Craig (IN), Susan Durham (UT), Ed Gbur (AR), Mark Hinds (IA, Pioneer Hi-Bred), Ken Koehler (IA), Matt Kramer (MD, USDA-ARS), David Meek (IA, USDA-ARS), George Milliken (KS), Margaret Nemeth (MO, Monsanto), John Stevens (UT), Rob Tempelman (MI), Mark West (CO, USDA-ARS), Kathy Yeater (VA, USDA-ARS-SPA)
Philip Dixon (IA), Brian Fergen (IA), Fernando Miguez (IA), Dan Nettleton (IA), Long Qu (IA), Man-Yu Yum (IA)
Meeting Schedule
The meeting began at 8:30 am on Thursday, July 8, 2010, with opening remarks by Jerry Hatfield (NLAE Director), Wendy Wintersteen (Dean of the College), and Ken Koehler (Chair of the ISU Statistics Department).
The technical program is included as an attachment.
Business Meeting:
The business meeting began at 9:00 am on Friday, July 9, 2010. In attendance were Andy Mauromoustakos, Kevin McCarter, Ben Mullinix, and Julia Sharp. The meeting was presided over by Kevin McCarter.
The following items were discussed:
1) Date and location of next years meeting
Three sets of dates were considered for the 2011 meeting: June 29-July 1, July 6-8, and July 13-15.
While past meetings have been in June, Andy thought that the July dates might be better, since grants often have due dates at the end of June.
Several potential locations for the 2011 meeting were discussed:
" Ben raised the possibility of having the meeting in Lubbock, where he currently is located.
" Andy indicated that is has been been quite some time since Arkansas hosted the meeting.
" Kevin raised the possibility of having the meeting at LSU.
" Andy also raised the possibility of having the meeting at SAS, saying that they have hosted the meeting in the past.
It was felt that, since only four people were in attendance at the business meeting, that we should wait to make a decision on the date and location of the 2011 meeting until we get input from other USSES members. We will send out an email requesting feedback on these matters, and make the decision about next years meeting after that feedback has been received.
2) Inclusion of presentations by SAS and/or JMP representatives at next years meeting. While talks by members are valuable, it was felt that it is also of great value to have SAS representatives give talks on what new in SAS and JMP.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:30am.
2010 NCCC-170/USSES
Joint Meeting Program
Thursday, July 8
7:30 8:30 Check-in to ARS building / coffee
8:30 9:00 Welcome/Introductions from Iowa St. and ARS
9:00 9:30 Dave Meek Graphics for Paired Observations
9:30 10:30 John Stevens Recent Statistical Tools for
Next-GenSequencing Data
10:30 11:00 Break and Refreshments
11:00 12:00 Long Qu A Hierarchical Semiparametric Model
for Incorporating Inter-gene Information for Analysis
of Gene Expression Profiling Data
12:00 1:00 Lunch
1:00 1:45 Andy Mauromoustakos New Analytics and Features in
upcoming JMP Version 9
1:45 2:45 Ben Mullinix Analysis of the Uniform Peanut
Performance Tests using Mixed Model Techniques
2:45 3:15 Break and Refreshments
3:15 4:00 Julia Sharp Testing for Co-directional Interactions
in Two-factor Factorial Experiments using
Union-intersection and Intersection-union Methods
4:00 4:45 Fernando Miguez - BioCro: an R package for
Crop Simulation and Statistics
4:45 5:00 Wrap-up
Friday, July 9
8:00 9:00 Check-in to ARS Building/ coffee
9:00 11:00 Business Meetings (Separate)
11:00 12:00 Refreshments and Discussion
Location Coordinators: David Meek & Ted Bailey
Special Thanks to Mindy Barber for coordinating the registrations
Program Chairs: Kathy Yeater (NCCC-170) & Kevin McCarter (USSES)
Presenter Instructions
" Presentations must be in .ppt, .pptx, or .pdf format.
" Either e-mail your presentation early to Dave Meek
(dave.meek@ars.usda.gov) on Tuesday or Wednesday (July 6-7)
or bring on a USB drive.
" Note for presentations, that the projector in the room is
limited to 1074 x 768 resolution, so high density presentations
are not recommended.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 08/15/2011
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/29/2011
- 07/01/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2010 - 09/01/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2010 - 09/01/2011
1. Ken Koonce kkoonce@lsu.edu Louisiana State University2. Jay Geaghan jgeaghan@lsu.edu Louisiana State University
3. Edzard van Santen evsanten@acesag.auburn.edu - Auburn University
4. Jerry Davis jwd@UGA.EDU - University of Georgia
5. Arnold Saxton asaxton@utk.edu - University of Tennessee
6. Ken Koehler kkoehler@iastate.edu - Iowa State University
7. Pat Gerard pgerard@clemson.edu - Clemson University
8. Julia Sharp jsharp@clemson.edu - Clemson University
9. Ben Mullinix bgmullinix@ag.tamu.edu - Texas Tech University
10. Andy Mauromoustakos amauro@uark.edu - University of Arkansas
11. Hoke Hill HHILL@clemson.edu - Clemson University
12. Jerry Oglesby Jerry.Oglesby@sas.com - SAS Institute
13. Tom Bohanan Tom.Bohannon@sas.com - SAS Institute
14. Jim Van Scotter jvanscot@lsu.edu - Louisiana State University
15. Kevin McCarter mccarter@lsu.edu - Louisiana State University
Brief Summary of Minutes
2011 USSES MEETING MINUTESDates: Thursday, June 30: 8am-5pm, Friday, July 1: 8am-12pm
Host: Louisiana State University
Location: Cook Conference Center and Hotel, LSU Campus
Meeting and Program Coordinator: Kevin McCarter
Thursday, June 30 Friday, July 1
Bob Lucas from SAS gave presentations on the following topics:
Prediction Using SAS® Enterprise Miner and JMP Pro
" Using Honest Assessment to choose a best model
" Recursive partitioning classification/regression trees,extensions.
o Basics of recursive partitioning
o Boosted trees (SAS/EM or JMP Pro)
o Bagged trees (SAS/EM)
o Stochastic gradient boosting (SAS/EM or JMP Pro)
" Neural networks with applications to discrete time survival models
o Neural network architectures (SAS/EM and JMP Pro)
o Discrete time analysis using logistic regression (SAS/STAT)
o Discrete time analysis using neural networks (SAS/EM procedure code)
" Survival Data Modeling
ñ Location and Date for 2012 USSES Meeting:
æ Offers
ª Mullinix offered Lubbock
ª Hill offered Clemson
ª Saxton offered Tennessee
ª Oglesby said SAS would be pleased to host the meeting at any time
æ Decision for 2012 USSES Meeting
ª 2012 USSES meeting will be held at SAS in Cary, NC
ª Date for 2012 meeting : June 28-29
æ Chair of the meeting
ª Jason Osborne, NC State University
ª Program chairs Jason Osborne & Jerry Oglesby
æ Possible speakers
ª Bradley Jones
ª Bob Rodriguez
ª James Goodnight
ª Oliver Schabenberger
æ Possible topics
ª What's new in SAS STAT, JMP?
ª Experimental design (Bradley Jones)
æ Kevin McCarter volunteered to create a wiki to facilitate organizing the 2012 USSES meeting
ñ USSES - Current project expires in 2013
æ Get a group together to start working on a new proposal for the USSES group
æ Re-purpose? Future focus?
ª Re-educate societies on modern statistical techniques
ª Analysis of data involving space & time
ª Need for advanced statistical analysis for spatial type data
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 08/28/2012
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/27/2012
- 06/29/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 10/01/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 10/01/2012
Edzard van Santen, Auburn UniversityPatrick Gerard, Clemson University
Hoke Hill Jr., Clemson University
James Geaghan, Louisiana State University
Jason A. Osborne, North Carolina State University
Benjamin Mullinix, Texas A & M University
Linda Young, University of Florida
Jerry Davis, University of Georgia
Arnold M. Saxton, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
NCCC-170 attendees at joint meeting
John Aleong, University of Vermont
Nora Bello, Kansas State University
Bruce Craig, Purdue University
Xin Dai, Utah State University
John Stevens, Utah State University
Susan Durham, Utah State University
Sara Duke, USDA-ARS
Ed Gbur, University of Arkansas
Carla Goad, OK
Ken Koehler, Iowa State University
Raul Macchiavelli, University of Puerto Rico
Larry Madden, Ohio State University
Kevin S. McCarter, Louisiana State University
Bahram Momen, University of Maryland
Bahman Sai, University of Idaho
Julia Sharp, Clemson University
Walt Stroup, University of Nebraska
Rob Tempelman, Michigan State University
Mark West, USDA - ARS
Kathy Yeater, USDA-ARS
Jun Zhu, University of Wisconsin
Other attendees:
Murali Rao, Land o' Lakes
David Dickey, North Carolina State University Frances Giesbrecht, North Carolina State University
Kevin Gross, North Carolina State University
Larry Nelson, North Carolina State University
Michael Speed, SAS Institute
Jerry Oglesby, SAS Institute
Ken Koonce, Administrative Advisor, Louisiana State University
Brief Summary of Minutes
The annual meeting of the University Statisticians of Southern Experiment Stations (USSES)was held on the SAS Campus in Cary, NC, in June, 2012. The meeting was joint with the NCCC-170 group. The program involved a progression of talks from SAS employees and also from Francis Giesbrecht, ProfessorEmeritus from N.C. State. The presentations all covered recent developments in statistical software from SAS and JMP. Technical Program:
Radhika Kulkarni
High performance analytics : Competing in the 21st century
Bradley Jones (JMP) A class of three-level designs for denitive screening in thepresence of second-order effects
Francis Giesbrecht(NCSU)
Constructing Plans for experiments: A package of SAS modules
F. Michael Speed(SAS) Is variable selection in PROC REG obsolete?
Min Zhu(SAS) Bias adjustment methods for small sample inference in mixed models
Maura Stokes (SAS) Look out: After SAS/STAT 9.3 comes SAS/STAT 12.1!
Russ Wolnger (JMP) Update on JMP Genomics
Reports from USSES members:
Jason Osborne (NCSU) - No raises in the last four years, but there is talk of one this year. College ofAg continues to be supportive of statistical consulting within the dept. Going to hire half a position(other half through vet school) for non tenure-track consulting
Jerry Davis (UGA) - no cuts this year. admin is \moving towards" hiring somebody at Tifton. No raises last four years.
Edzard van Santen (Auburn) - hiring for the position of head of a consulting center but seems to have ignored the consulting that Edzard has been providing for years. They belatedly asked him to participate in the search and he declined..
Jay Gegan (LSU), 4th year without raises. Lost one position in the Department of Statistics.
Arnold Saxton (UT-Knoxville) - reported favorable outlook in Tennessee, 2 raises of 2.5% across the board, raises the last two years, New Chancellor, New Dean for Agricultural Research.
Linda Young (UFL) - no cuts in ag this year, but cuts elsewhere in the university impact teaching within the Statistics Department. Several personnel changes were reported, Dr. Randles retired, Dr. Casella passed away unexpectedly and Dr. Daniels is leaving the department. All of these will have
major impact on the department.
Hoke Hill (Clemson) - reported further minor cuts to the rather drastic ones in the past, with things now level for 2012,2013. After four years of no raises, there was a 2% merit raise last year and there will be cost-of-living and merit raises in the next year. The transition of personnel into the Math. Dept.has been smooth. Pat Gerard was voted by the graduate students as most helpful faculty member, underscoring this smooth transition.
New Business Ken Koonce (LSU) raised the issue that the USSES program needs to be validated again this year, with a proposal that needs to be done around June, 2013. There was considerable discussion about the possibility of proposing a deliverable. Edzard lamented the decline of delity to good statistical principles in agronomy journals and Osborne complained that many students seeking statistical consulting had little knowledge of the tenets of sound experimental design, including randomization and blocking. Edzard
and Kevin mentioned multivariate methodology as an area where techniques beyond principal components analysis are not well-known.
Plans for next year The meeting will be held in Tennessee, most likely at or near the campus of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The date will be sometime in June or July, 2013.
Impact Statements
- Impacat on research through enhanced statistical analysis procedures through design, analysis and interpretation.
- Impact on utilization of new analytics technology developed through SAS Institute
Date of Annual Report: 07/12/2013
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/26/2013
- 06/28/2013
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2012 - 09/01/2013
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2012 - 09/01/2013
Participants:Julia Sharp, Clemson University
James Geaghan, Louisiana State University
Benjamin Mullinix, Texas A & M University
Jerry Davis, University of Georgia
Arnold Saxton, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Kevin McCarter, Louisiana State University
Andy Marmoustopolos, University of Arkansas
Other attendees:
Murali Rao, Land o' Lakes
Michael Speed, SAS Institute
Phil Gibbs, SAS Institute
Bob Muenchen, Univeristy of Tennessee
Ken Koonce, Administrative Advisor, Louisiana State University
Brief Summary of Minutes
Minutes of Annual Meeting:The annual meeting of the University Statisticians of Southern Experiment Stations (USSES) was held in Knoxville, Tennessee. The program included a GLIMMIX workshop presented by Mike Speed, and two talks presented by Phil Gibbs on new features in SAS software and how to optimize mixed model computation. Additionally the group conducted a hands-on discussion of an example research dataset requiring the GLIMMIX EFFECTS statement. An interesting talk was given by Bob Muenchen of the University of Tennessee, dealing with the open-source statistics and graphics R software, and how R might be used within an organization that relies on SAS software.
Business Meeting
The proposal for renewal of the project was discussed. Members were enthusiastic concerning the continuing benefits of the project, with strong interest in continuing with self-training activities, leading to the ultimate objective of carrying best practices in experimental design and data analysis to agricultural researchers. Many statistical topics were suggested where member experience indicated great need for delivery of recommended statistical practice to researchers. General interest in broader outreach through a USSES website was expressed, so this was added as a deliverable in the project proposal. Additional participants from other states were identified, and will be contacted.
Plans for next year's meeting, assuming successful project renewal, are to meet in Clemson the week of June 16th or 23rd, with Julia Sharp, Arnold Saxton and a third member to be named serving as the program committee.
Brief station reports were given from each state.
Annual Workshops on emerging statistical methodology and applictions to agriculural and related research.<br /> <br /> Applications of generalized linear mixed models for design and analysis of animal and plant reserach.Publications
Impact Statements
- Optomize research productivity through appropriate experimental design, including size and control of effect of variability.
- Expand collaborative approaches to data analysis and interpretation.