Meeting Authorization

Meeting Information

This authorizes the annual meeting: .
The meeting will be held on 07/18/2019 at Honolulu Hawaii. :

Admin Advisor: Sereana Dresbach (

Additional Info

Participants:<br /> <br /> American Samoa Community College: Travis Fleming <br /> University of Arizona: Melanie Hingle<br /> University of Guam: Rachael Leon Guerrero, Mark Acosta, Tanisha Aflague<br /> University of Hawaii at Manoa: Rachel Novotny, Marie Revilla, Jeannie Butel, Monica Esquivel, Ashley Yamanaka, Claire Ing, Lynne Wilkens, Erik Hill, Jim Davis<br /> West Virginia University: Melissa Olfert <br /> <br /> Brief Summary of Minutes 7/18<br /> Review CHLN Project Overview, Background, Project Importance, Goals, Objectives,<br /> Google Drive Folder, & Leadership Roles<br /><br /> -Revise Project Management standards, policies and procedures (see attached updated guidelines) <br /> - Monitoring, Training, Extension, and Research subgroup updates and discussion on Action Plans (see attached) <br /> <br /> Brief Summary of Minutes 7/19: <br /> -Establish Timeline, Objectives and Goals for 2018-2019 <br /> -Revisit Milestones/Impacts for W1194 <br /> <br /> Complete Minutes Attached <br /> <br /> Main accomplishments for FY2019: <br /> - Group members met on a quarterly basis, in addition to holding an annual meeting, to continue to work on the CHLN objectives - Subgroups continue to work on meeting their stated outcomes, outputs, activities and milestones (Details can be found in attached minutes and subgroup action plans)<br /> <br /> Impacts:<br /> -The CHLN Multi-state is building and sustaining activities developed in the CHL Program and continuing through the newly funded CHL Center. Publications and presentations from the CHL Program can be found on the CHL web site at<br /> -Continued standardization in the US Affiliated Program through the CHLIMPAC project lead by Northern Marianas College and partnerships with PIHOA and Health Departments<br /> -130 students and professionals from the US Affiliated Pacific completed online courses related to child obesity prevention through the CHL Summer Institute<br /> -CHL Center USDA NIFA 2018-69001-27551 is serving as a center for child obesity prevention in the Pacific through training, research, and extension/outreach.<br /> -CHL Dietetics Scholars Program USDA NIFA 2018-38413-28140 is increasing the number of Native Hawaiian students completing a baccalaureate degree in dietetics that is enhanced with an evidenced-based child obesity prevention online curriculum, mentoring, a learning environment that incorporates Hawaiian values and service-learning in the community. <br /> <br /> Publications<br /> Gittelsohn, J., Novotny, R., Trude, A., Butel, J., & Mikkelsen, B. (2019). Challenges and Lessons Learned from Multi-Level Multi-Component Interventions to Prevent and Reduce Childhood Obesity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,16(1),<br /> <br /> Butel J, Braun KL, Nigg CR, Leon Guerrero R, Fleming T, Bersamin A, Coleman P., & Novotny R. (2019). Estimating intervention dose of the multilevel multisite children’s healthy living program intervention. Translational behavioral medicine.<br />
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