Meeting Authorization
Meeting Information
- Project No. and Title: NRSP6 - The US Potato Genebank: Acquisition, Classification, Preservation, Evaluation and Distribution of Potato (Solanum) Germplasm
- Dates: 06/13/2017 to 06/13/2017
- Contacts: [John Bamberg]
This authorizes the annual meeting: .
The meeting will be held on 06/13/2017
at The Pyle Center, UW Madison, Madison, WI.
Admin Advisor: William Barker (
Additional Info
NRSP-6 TAC17<br />
Agenda<br />
[DRAFT 05 12 17]<br />
Teleconference based at Plye Center, Madison, WI<br /><br />
Tuesday, June 13, 2017<br />
9-12 AM CT<br />
<br />
W. DeJong = Chair<br />
C. Yencho = Vice Chair<br />
J. Parsons = Secretary (for G. Gusmini)<br />
<br />
Meeting sections – DISCUSSION LEADER<br />
<br />
Preliminaries – DE JONG<br />
1. Welcome, introductions, announcements (resolutions committee to be appointed in advance)<br />
2. Review and approve 2016 minutes<br />
<br />
Reports<br />
3. NPGS – BRETTING <br />
4. NRSP6 update on admin, service, funds, tech, CGC -- BAMBERG<br />
5. PARS status, NRSP6 budget, AA regional admin status and concerns -- BARKER<br />
6. USA-regional & Canada use of NRSP6 germplasm and tech rep advice for the genebank – DE JONG<br />
<br />
Comments from other cooperators <br />
7. Industry – PARSONS<br />
8. NIFA – LIN & KALEIKAU<br />
9. USDA/ARS – SIMON<br />
10. APHIS/Quarantine -- FRENCH <br />
<br />
Resolutions, Venue & Officers for next year can be settled later by email if time is short.<br />