SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Robert Aiken (KS-AES), Fred Below (IL-AES), Hans Bohnert (IL-AES), Ray Chollet (NE-AES), John Cushman (NV-AES), Larry Daley (OR-AES), Stan Duke (WI-AES), Gerald Edwards (WA-AES), Mark Guiltinan PA-AES), Jeff Harper (NV-AES), Robert Houtz (KY-AES), S.C. Huber (IL-ARS, Urbana), Robert Jones (MN-AES), Allen D. Knapp (IA-AES), Al K. Knapp (KS-AES), Karen Koch (FL-AES), Wayne Loescher (MI -AES), Steve Long (IL-AES), Ron Mittler (NV-AES), Brandon Moore (SC-AES), Tom Okita (WA-AES), Archie Portis (IL-ARS, Urbana), Jack Preiss (MI-AES), Doug Randall (MO-AES), Steve Rodermel (IA-AES), Robert Spreitzer (NE-AES), Glenda Gillaspy (VA-AES), Michael Salvucci (AZ-ARS), Jyan-Chyun Jang (OH-AES),

Annual Meeting Date and Location: November 11, 2006 Kentucky AES host, University of Kentucky Student Union Building Attending Members: Dr. Robert Houtz Kentucky AES, Dr. Steve Rodermel Iowa AES, Dr. Robert Spreitzer Nebraska AES, Dr. Larry Daley Oregon AES, Dr. Brandon Moore South Carolina AES, Dr. John Cushman Nevada AES, Dr. Glenda Gillaspy Virginia AES, Dr. Jyan-Chyun Jang Ohio AES, Dr. Tom Okita Washington AES, Dr. Archie Portis Illinois ARS, Dr. Steve Rodermel Iowa AES. Attending Guests Interested in NC-1-142 Membership: Dr. Vara Prassas Kanas AES Non-Attending Guests Interested in NC-1142 Membership: Dr. Mary E. Rumpho-Kennedy Maine AES, Donald P. Weeks Nebraska AES, Dr. Martin H. Spalding Iowa AES, Dr. David M. Kramer Washington AES. This year's meeting was called to order by Dr. Robert Houtz, Chair. Participants each gave a 25 min overview of their previous years accomplishments, with questions and comments following each presentation. The talks also included many informal discussions between talks, at breaks, and during lunch. Inclement weather conditions, particularly in the Chicago area delayed the arrival of some members and completely prevented attendance by our AR, Dr. Irwin Goldman. Most discussions addressed the necessity for NC-1142 project renewal, as well as several other needs such as impact statements and the impending retirement of several individuals. Overall the quality of the science was impressive to all participants and generally there was a large amount of enthusiasm for the NC-1142 group. The business meeting was called to order after the talks. The meeting was attended by all members listed and lasted about 90 min. The primary issues were to 1) discuss candidates for incoming membership, 2) appoint new officers, 3) discuss impending retirements and possible replacements, as well as recruitment efforts, and 4) decide on who would assist in the preparation of the renewal request. Several individuals volunteered to contribute according to areas of research according to Objectives. The only new member voted on was Dr. Mary E. Rumpho-Kennedy, who received unanimous support. It was noted that although the NC-1142 members have in the past decided on membership, technically this was in the hands of local administrators. New officers were selected with Dr. Mike Salvucci as vice-chair, Dr. Robert Spreitzer as Chair, and Dr. Glenda Gillaspy as secretary. The group agreed to maintain the current relative meeting date, 2 weekends before Thanksgiving, and keep the meetings on campus. Key discussions at the meeting: These centered on the science outlined in reports from the attending AES/ARS representatives, the visiting candidates for new membership, and mainly concerns about the project renewal request. Assigned responsibilities: As decided by NC-1142 participants, the leadership succession will progress from Dr. Robert Houtz (Kentucky AES), departing Chair of the 2006 meeting, to Dr. Robert Spreitzer (Nebraska AES) incoming Chair and host for the 2007 meeting. Dr. Mike Salvucci will become vice-chair and will host the 2008 meeting. Dr. Glenda Gillaspy will serve as secretary for the 2007 meeting.


See attachment with minutes.


  1. Future increases in productivity, essential to support US agriculture and global demands for food and fiber, will be dependent on fundamentally new approaches to increase the capacity of crop plants to produce the nutrients that support growth of harvested plant parts, such as tubers and seeds. Basic research results reported in this years project update illustrate these approaches and directly contribute to the required knowledge base to effect these changes.
  2. Fundamental studies of the biochemical mechanisms that control critical plant processes will directly contribute to the design of strategies to manipulate the photosynthetic capacity and quality of crop plants. The current report indicates that FtsH metalloproteases, such as VAR2, play an important role early in the process of plastid membrane biogenesis, a likely key component for modulating photosynthetic output.
  3. The genetic engineering of Rubisco to increase net photosynthesis is proving to be difficult and various alternative strategies need to be explored. The reported results using chloropolast transformation have opened a new avenue for the evaluation and modification of foreign Rubisco genes in planta.
  4. In order to increase crop yield potential and quality, it is essential to have fundamental knowledge of the underlying metabolic components that control assimilate production and utilization, and hence plant growth and development. Evidence that up-regulated forms of AGPase can increase starch biosynthesis in Arabidopsis and rice indicates there is potential to increase the capacity to utilize products of photosynthesis and thus increase plant growth.
  5. Projected climate changes represent a significant threat to future crop and range production. Current results from field level manipulation of CO2, ozone, and precipitation will provide a basis for development of better mechanistic models to predict crop responses to global climate change. Ongoing experiments to characterize critical regulatory gene networks that control plant stress responses will provide targets for future genetic engineering.


Aiken RM, Lamm FR (2006) Irrigation guidelines for oilseed crops in the U.S. central great plains. Tech Conf Proc 27th Ann Irrig Assoc. IA06-14581480 Aluru M, Guo R, Xu Y, Wang K, Wang Z, Li S, Alsheikh M, White W, Rodermel S (2006) Generation of transgenic maize with enhanced provitamin A content. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, In press Aluru MR, Yu F, Fu A, Rodermel S (2006) Arabidopsis variegation mutants: new insights into chloroplast biogenesis. J Exp Bot 57: 1871-1881 (Refereed review) Aluru MR, Stessman DJ, Spalding MH, Rodermel SR (2006) Alterations in photosynthesis in Arabidopsis lacking IMMUTANS, a chloroplast terminal oxidase. Photosyn Res, In press Alsheikh M, Rodermel S (2005) Genetics and genomics of chloroplast biogenesis. Maydica 50: 443-449. (Invited review: 50th anniversary of Maydica) Baerr JN, Thomas JD, Taylor BG, Rodermel SR, Gray GR (2005) Differential photosynthetic compensatory mechanisms exist in the immutans mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana. Physiol Plant 124: 390-402 (Cover article) Balasubramanian R, Karve A, Kandasamy M, Meagher RB, Moore Bd (2007) A role for F-actin in hexokinase mediated glucose signaling. Plant J, In revision Barkan L, Evans MA, Edwards GE (2007) Increasing UV-B induces biphasic leaf cell expansion in Phaseolus vulgaris, suggesting multiple mechanisms for controlling plant growth. Photochem Photobiol, In press Bejar C, Ballicora MA, Iglesias AA, Preiss J (2006) ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase's N-terminus: structural role in allosteric regulation. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 343: 216-221 Bejar CM, Ballicora MA, Preiss J (2006) Molecular architecture of the glucose1-phosphate site in ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylases. J Biol Chem, In press Bohnert HJ (2007) Abiotic stress. In: Roberts R, ed, Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK, In press Bohnert HJ, Bressan RA, Hasegawa PM (2005) Ion homeostasis and water deficit. In: Ribaut JM, Drought Tolerance in Cereals. Haworth Press, New York, pp 551-582 Bohnert HJ, Gong Q, Li P, Ma S (2006) Unravelling abiotic stress tolerance mechanisms  getting genomic going. Curr Opin Plant Biol 9: 180-188 Borland AM, Elliott S, Pater B, Taybi T, Cushman JC, Barnes B (2006) Is Crassulacean acid metabolism a consequence or cause of oxidative stress? J Exp Bot 57: 319-328 Boyd CN, Franceschi VR, Chuong SDX, Akhani H, Kiirats O, Smith M, Edwards GE (2007) Chlorenchyma tissue in flowers and stems of Bienertia cycloptera and flowers of Suaeda arolcaspica (Chenopodiaceae) exhibit single cell C4 photosynthesis. Special Issue in Memory of Vincent R. Franceschi. Functonal Plant Biol, Submitted Bressan RA, Bohnert HJ, Hasegawa PM (2005) Bioengineering for plant abiotic stress tolerance. In: Nguyen H, Bohnert HJ, eds, Engineering of Plant Metabolic Pathways. Elsevier, Netherlands, In press Burey SC, Poroyko V, Ozturk N, S. Fathi-Nejad S, Hammerschmied G, Schueller C, Steiner JM, Bohnert HJ, Loeffelhardt W (2005) Response to low carbon dioxide in the glaucocystophyte alga, Cyanophora paradoxa. Proc Intl Congr Photosyn, Canada Chehab EW, Patharkar OR, Cushman JC (2006) Isolation and characterization of a novel trafficking protein for calcium-dependent protein kinase 1 from Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Planta, In press Chuong SDX, Franceschi VR, Edwards GE (2006) Two unique patterns of organelle partitioning required for C4 photosynthesis in a single cell are maintained by the cytoskeleton in family Chenopodiaceae. Plant Cell 18: 2207-2223 Cramer GR, Ergül A, Grimplet J, Tillett RL, Tattersall EAR, Bohlman MC, Vincent D, Sonderegger J, Evans J, Osborne C, Quilici D, Schlauch KA, Schooley DA, Cushman JC (2006) Transcript and metabolite profiling of grapevines exposed to gradually increasing, long-term water-deficit or isoosmotic salinity. Funct Int Gen, In press Dirk LMA, Trievel RC, Houtz RL (2006) In: Tamanoi F, Clarke S, eds, The Enzymes Vol. 24. Elsevier Academic Press, Burlington, MA, pp. 179-229 Dyachenko OV, Zakharchenko NS, Shevchuk TV, Bohnert HJ, Cushman JC, Buryanov Ya A (2006) Effect of hypermethylation of CCWGG sequences in DNA of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum plants on their adaptation to salt stress. Biokhimiya/ Biochemistry (Moscow) 71: 461-465 Edwards GE, Voznesenskaya E, Smith M, Koteyeva N, Park Y, Park J-H, Kiirats O, Okita TW, Chuong SDX (2007) Breaking the Kranz paradigm in terrestrial C4 plants: Does it hold promise for C4 rice? In: Sheehy JE, Mitchell PL, Hardy B, eds, Proceedings of the 2006 meeting of the C4 Rice Consortium (International Rice Research Institute, Makati City, Philippines. In press Fu A, Park S, Rodermel S (2005) Sequences required for the activity of PTOX (IMMUTANS), a plastid terminal oxidase: in vitro and in planta mutagenesis of iron-binding sites and a conserved sequence that corresponds to Exon 8. J Biol Chem 280: 42489-42496. (Cover article) Genkov T, Du YC, Spreitzer RJ (2006) Small-subunit cysteine-65 substitutions can suppress or induce alterations in the large-subunit catalytic efficiency and holoenzyme thermal stability of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. Arch Biochem Biophys 451: 167-174 Gollery M, Harper J, Cushman J, Mittler T, Girke T, Zhu J-K, Bailey-Serres J, Mittler R (2006) What Makes Species Unique? A Role for Genes with Unknown Function. Gen Res 7:R57 Gong Q, Li P, Ma S, Rupassara SI, Bohnert HJ (2005) Stress adaptation competence in Arabidopsis thaliana and its extremophile relative Thellungiella halophila. Plant J 44: 826-839 Grimplet J, Deluc LG, Cramer GR, Cushman JC (2006) Integrating functional genomics with salinity and water-defict stress responses in wine grape  Vitis vinifera. In: Jenks MA, Hasegawa PM, Jain SM, eds, Advances in molecular-breeding toward drought and salt tolerant crops. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands Gunesekera B, Torabinejad T, Robinson J, Gillaspy G. Inositol (2007) Polyphosphate 5-phosphatases 1 and 2 are required for regulating seedling growth. Plant Physiol, In revision Hegeman AD, Rodriguez-Milla MA, Han BW, Uno Y, Phillips Jr. GN, Hrabek EM, Cushman JC, Harper JF, Harmon AC, Sussman MR (2006) Conserved autophosphorylation loci mapped across multiple calcium-dependent protein kinase isoforms. Proteomics 6: 3649-3664 Huang L-F, Bocock PN, Davis JM, Koch KE (2007) Invertase regulation: A suite of transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms. Funct Plant Biol, In press Iglesias AA, Ballicora MA, Sesma JI, Preiss J (2006) Domain swapping between a cyanobacterial and a plant subunit ADPG-pyrophosphorylase. Plant Cell Physiol 47:523-530 Iturriaga, G, Cushman MAF, Cushman JC (2006) An EST catalogue from the resurrection plant Selaginella lepidophylla reveals stress-adaptive genes. Plant Sci170: 1173-1184 Kapralov MV, Akhani H, Voznesenskaya EV, Edwards G, Franceschi V, Roalson E (2006) Phylogenetic relationships in the Salicornioideae /Suaedoideae /Salsoloideae s.l. (Chenopodiaceae) clade and a clarification of the phylogenetic position of Bienertia and Alexandra using multiple DNA sequence datasets. Systematic Bot 31: 571-585 Kohorn B, Kobayashi M, Johansen S, Riese J, Huang L-F, Koch K, Dotson A, Byers N (2006) An Arabidopsis cell wall associated kinase required for invertase activity and cell growth. Plant J 46: 307-316 Lara MV, Chuong SDX, Akhani H, Andreo CS, Edwards GE (2006) Species having C4 single cell type photosynthesis in family Chenopodiaceae evolved a photosynthetic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase like that of C4 Kranz type species. Plant Physiol 142: 673-684 Li C, Wang D, Portis AR Jr. (2006) Identification of critical arginine residues in the functioning of Rubisco activase. Arch Biochem Biophys 450: 176-182 Li J, Guiltinan MJ, Thompson DB (2006) The use of laser differential interference contrast microscopy for the characterization of starch granule ring structure. Starch/Starke 58:1-5 Li P, Mane SP, Sioson AA, Heath LS, Bohnert HJ, Grene R (2005) Effects of chronic ozone exposure on gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes and in Thellungiella halophila. Plant Cell Environ 29: 854-868 Li P, Sioson AA, Mane SP, Ulanov A, Grothaus G, Heath LS, Murali TM, Bohnert HJ, Grene R (2006) Response diversity of Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes in elevated [CO2] in the field. Plant Mol Biol 62: 593-609 Ma S, Gong Q, Bohnert HJ (2005) Dissecting salt stress pathways. J Exp Bot 57: 1097-1107 Maricle BR, Kiirats O, Edwards GE, Lee R (2007) Effects of salinity on photosynthesis in C4 estuarine grasses. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Invasive Spartina. Cambridge Publications. In press Obana Y, Omoto D, Kato C, Matsumoto K, Nagai Y, Kavakli IH, Hamada S, Edwards GE, Okita TW, Matsui H, Ito H (2006) Enhanced turnover of transitory starch by expression of up-regulated ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylases in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Sci170:1-11 Patharkar OR, Cushman JC (2006) A novel coiled-coil protein serves as a putative adapter protein during stress-induced localization changes of a calcium dependent-protein kinase in the common ice plant. Planta, In press Platten JD, Cotsaftis O, Berthomieu P, Bohnert H, Davenport RJ, Fairbairn DJ, Horie T, Leigh RA, Lin H-X, Luan S, Mäser P, Pantoja O, Rodríguez-Navarro A, Schachtman DP, Schroeder JI, Sentenac H, Uozumi N, VéryA-A, Zhu J-K, Dennis ES, Tester M (2006) Nomenclature for HKT transporters, key determinants of plant salinity tolerance. Trends Plant Sci 11: 372-374 Poroyko V, Spollen W, Hejlik LG, Hernandez AG, LeNoble M, Davis G, Nguyen HT, Springer GK, Sharp RE, Bohnert HJ (2006) Regional transcript profiles from well-watered and water-stressed maize primary roots. J Exp Bot, In press Prather BL, Widhalm JR, Markwell J, Herman PL (200X) Development of a system for directed evolution of Arabidopsis formate dehydrogenase to utilize NADP as a cofactor. Rev Undergrad Res Agric Life Sci, In press Preiss J (2006) Bacterial glycogen inclusions: enzymology and regulation of synthesis. In: Shively JM, ed, Microbiology Monographs Vol. 1. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, pp 71-108 Rodermel S, Viret J-F, Krebbers E (2005) Lawrence Bogorad (1921-2003), a pioneer in photosynthesis research: a tribute. Photosyn Res 83: 17-24 (Invited tribute) Rodriguez Milla MA, Townsend J, Chang I-F, Cushman JC (2006) The Arabidopsis AtDi-19 gene family encodes a novel type of Cys2/His2 zinc-finger protein implicated in ABA-independent dehydration, high-salinity stress and light signaling pathways. Plant Mol Biol 61: 13-30 Rodriguez Milla MA, Uno Y, Townsend J, Maher E, Cushman JC (2006) Arabidopsis AtCPK11, a calcium-dependent protein kinase, phosphorylates AtDi19, a nuclear zinc finger protein. FEBS Lett 580: 904-911 Rosso D, Ivanov AG, Fu A, Geisler-Lee J, Hendrickson L, Geisler M, Stewart G, Krol M, Hurry V, Rodermel SR, Maxwell DP, Hüner NPA (2006) IMMUTANS does not act as a stress-induced safety valve in the protection of the photosynthetic apparatus of Arabidopsis during steady state photosynthesis. Plant Physiol, In press Salvucci ME, DeRidder BP, Portis AR Jr (2006) Effect of activase level and isoform on the thermotolerance of photosynthesis in Arabidopsis. J Ex. Bot, In press Sichler CM, Edwards GE, Kiirats O, Gao Z, Loescher W (2007) Response of mannitol-producing Arabidopsis thaliana to abiotic stress. Special Issue in Memory of Vincent R. Franceschi. Functional Plant Biol, Submitted Sioson AA, Mane SP, Sha W, Li P, Heath LS, Bohnert HJ, Grene R (2005) The TM4 microarray analysis software suite and the two-step ANOVA mixed model analysis method for the detection of significantly expressed genes; a comparison. BMC Bioinf 7: 215 Spreitzer RJ, Peddi SR, Satagopan S (2005) Phylogenetic engineering at an interface between large and small subunits imparts land-plant kinetic properties to algal Rubisco. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102: 17225-17230 Talamè V., Ozturk ZN, Bohnert HJ, Tuberosa R (2006) Dynamics of water loss affects the differential expression of drought-related genes in barley. J Exp Bot, In press Uribelarrea M, Moose SP, Below FE (2007). Divergent selection for grain protein affects nitrogen use in maize hybrids. Field Crops Res 100:82-90 Voznesenskaya EV, Franceschi VR, Chuong SDX, Edwards GE (2006) Functional characterization of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase type C4 leaf anatomy: Immunocytochemical and ultrastructural analyses. Annals Bot 98: 77-91 Wang D, Portis AR Jr (2006) Increased sensitivity of oxidized large isoform of Rubisco activase to ADP inhibition is due to an interaction between its carboxyl-extension and nucleotide binding pocket. J Biol Chem 281: 25241-25249 Wang D, Portis AR Jr (2006) Two conserved tryptophan residues are responsible for intrinsic fluorescence enhancement in Rubisco activase upon ATP binding. Photosyn Res 88: 185-193 Watkinson JI, Hendricks L, Sioson AA, Vasquez-Robinet C, Stromberg V, Heath LS, Schuler M, Bohnert HJ, Bonierbale M, Grene R (2006) Accessions of Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena show differences in physiological adaptation and acclimation to drought stress as reflected in gene expression profiles. Plant Sci 171: 745-758 Xu W, Sato SJ, Clemente TE, Chollet R (2007) The PEP-carboxylase kinase gene family in Glycine max (GmPpcK1-4): An in-depth molecular analysis with nodulated, non-transgenic and transgenic plants. Plant J, In press Xu W, Ahmed S, Moriyama H, Chollet R (2006) The importance of the strictly conserved, C-terminal glycine residue in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase for overall catalysis. Mutagenesis and truncation of Gly-961 in the sorghum C4 leaf isoform. J Biol Chem 281: 17238-17245 Yep, A., Ballicora, M.A. and Preiss, Jack (2006) The ADP-glucose binding site of Escherichia coli Glycogen Synthase. Arch Biochem Biophys 453: 188-196 Yu F, Park S, Rodermel SR (2005) Functional redundancy of AtFtsH metalloproteases in thylakoid membrane complexes. Plant Physiol 138: 1957-1966 Zheng Z-L, Yang Z, Jang J-C, Metzger JD (2006) Phytochromes A1 and B1 have distinct functions in the photoperiodic control of flowering in the obligate long-day plant Nicotiana sylvestris. Plant Cell Environ 29: 1673-1685 Zhu J-K, Bressan RA, Hasegawa PM, Pardo JM, Bohnert HJ (2005) Salt and crops: salinity tolerance. In: Success Story in Agriculture, Autumn/Winter 2005 issue of NewsCAST, USDA
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