Baker,Matt( Tech; Birkenholz,Robert( State; Elliot,Jack(; Hafer,James( Dull Knife; Harbstreit,Steven( State; Hartle,Darrell( Minnesota; Hoover,Tracy( State; Leising,James( State; Osborne,Ed(; Martin,Robert( State; Sell,Tom( Sell; Thompson,Greg( State, Tormoehlen,Roger(, Wardlow,George(; Wheeler,Daniel(; Witter,Scott( State; Lemme,Gary( Dakota State.
Meeting Call to Order: The NCAC-24 Committee Chair Joe Harper called the meeting to order at approximately 8:30 a.m., January 18, 2007. The annual meeting of the NCAC-24 committee was held at the Waterfront Centre, Washington, DC.
Opening Remarks: Chair Harper had the group introduce themselves.
The meeting agenda was reviewed with a request to invite Jill Auburn from CSREES/SARE to update the group. The agenda was approved.
Welcome: Guest Hipple welcomed the NCAC-24 committee to Washington, DC and CSREES.
Registration: There was no registration fee.
Minutes of the 2006 Meeting: Vice Chair Roger Tormoehlen presented the minutes from the 2006 meeting held in Washington, DC, January 18-19, 2006. The minutes were approved.
New Members: The membership roster of the committee was reviewed.
Administrative Advisor Report: AA Gary Lemme provided comments about his role on the committee. He encouraged the committee to remain focused on the committee objectives. He reminded the committee the importance of research that adds value to issues. He provided an update on federal policy issues, formula funding for Hatch.
State Reports: Each representative provided an update of research activities and program issues in their respective states.
Advocacy and the Lobbying Process: Tom Sell lead a discussion on the upcoming Farm Bill. He also discussed the benefits of using a professional lobbying firm and the importance of working with commodity groups in the process.
Advocacy by other Disciplinary Associations: Pat Hipple provided information on advocacy by other social science organizations and on the current legislative appointments related to the upcoming Farm Bill.
USDA Higher Education Programs: Jeff Gilmore, Director of Higher Education Programs provided the committee an update on the USDA Higher Education Programs including the Teaching Awards Program, the Academic Summit at the National Academies last Fall, and the Food and Agricultural Education Information System (FAEIS).
P. Gregory Smith discussed changes in the Higher Education Challenge Grants Program. Two new goals were added including one to increase the number of graduates and a second to assist students in achieving their career goals as aligned with employer expectations.
CSREES International Programs: Hiram Larew and Mike McGirr discussed the International Science and Education Competitive Grants Program. In 2006, $1.8M in support resulted in 18 funded proposals out of 125 submitted proposals. They also discussed the Internationalizing Extension Program (US Program), as well as the US-India Agricultural Knowledge Initiative and USDAs effort to revitalize the Extension system in Iraq.
CSREES/NATIONAL RESEARCH INITIATIVE: Siva Sureshwaran discussed social science programs within the CSREES Competitive Programs. He presented an overview of competitive programs and the Small Business Innovation Research Program. He also highlighted recent proposed changes including opportunities in Agricultural Education and emphasized that there continues to be an emphasis on the integrated function in proposal evaluation. He reported that a logic model is under development with emphasis on project goals and short-, medium-, and long-range impacts. He concluded by requesting help to develop a shared vision for the social sciences.
CSREES/Youth Development Research: Suzanne Le Menestrel provided an overview of her new position and her areas of focus. She then discussed the evolution of research in youth development, including a greater focus upon the ecological approach and an increased interest in positive youth development. She shared information on funding resources, publication outlets, and national databases on youth and youth development research. She concluded by emphasizing the importance developing a logic model for youth programming.
USDA/SARE: Jill Auburn provided the committee with a description of SARE grants, including the Farmer/Researcher Program, the Research and Education Program, and Professional Development Program. She then invited asked the committee participants to discuss their involvement with the SARE program.
National Research Agenda for Agricultural Education (NRAAE): Ed Osborne updated the committee on the status of the NRAAE in Agricultural Education and Communication: 2007-2010. The committee voted unanimously to endorse the document, offered to host a reception focusing on the NRAAE at the National Experiment Station Directors Meeting in Philadelphia (Sept. 16-19, 2007). Matt Baker agreed to chair the effort, working closely with Tracy Hoover, Ed Osborne, Joe Harper, Roger Tormoehlen, Scott Witter, and Gary Lemme. The committee envisioned a poster presentation, serving as a centerpiece at the reception, and selected issues-oriented posters displaying actual proposed, on-going, or completed research. Martin commented that there is a need to host similar receptions at state and regional levels.
ESCOP Social Science Committee Report: Committee members Elliot, Birkenholtz, and Leising provided an update on ESCOP.
CoFARM Report: Bob Martin participates on the CoFARM conference calls. He has been able to add an Agricultural Education perspective to the discussions.
Forecasting Doctoral-Level Content: Matt Baker provided an overview of a national Delphi study authored by Glen Shinn, Gary Briers and himself. The 17 engaged scholars participating on the panel agreed upon a definition for the field of study, 10 knowledge domains, and 67 knowledge objects. The authors anticipate that the study will encourage greater dialogue on the content within doctoral programs, and are currently replicating the study with the assistance of Gary Wingenbach and James Lindner, with an international panel of engaged scholars.
Multistate Research Initiatives: Jack Elliot gave a report on the newly approved W-1006 project. The initiative participants will meet again in Cody, at the W-AAAE meeting in April.
Omega Conference: Jack Elliot reported on the Omega Conference, a faculty mentoring program sponsored by the National FFA Organization. He indicated that the young faculty involved in the program would provide reports at the Western Region Academic Deans Conference this Spring in Arizona.
Sustainable Bio-Based Economies: Pat Hipple provided an overview of a white paper (under review) that she has authored on the potential affects of utilizing agricultural production for bioenergy, biofuel, and bioindustrial products on the economy, social structure, and ecology of U.S. farms, rural communities, and landscapes. She also discussed a newly developed listserve for individuals who have expertise and/or interest in the human and social dimensions. Interested individuals can subscribe to the listserve by contacting Pat via e-mail at:
Meeting Place for 2008: After a brief discussion, the committee decided to hold the 2008 meeting on January 14-15, 2008 in Washington DC. The meeting agenda will include experts on the privatization of technology transfer, including patents, royalties, and licensure issues. Chair Harper will coordinate with Pat Hipple to host the 2008 meeting and make the necessary arrangements.
Harper agreed to draft a letter of support for proposed changes related to the social sciences in the CSREES-National Research Initiative. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:00 p.m. on Friday, January 19, 2007.
Respectfully submitted,
_________________________ _________________________
Matt Baker, Secretary Gary Lemme, Administrative Advisor
NCAC-24 Committee, 2007 NCAC-24 Committee, 2007
The committee endorsed the National Agenda for Research in Agricultural Education.