SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


John Andrae called the Business Meeting to order. John Andrae read the minutes. Henry Fribourg noted that acclamation was spelled incorrectly. Henry Fribourg moved to accept the minutes, Karen Jones seconded, minutes were approved by acclamation. David Lang (Treasurer) reported we know have a Tax Identification Number. Last years meeting balance was $637.61. This year we had $775.00 income. Current expenses for reception were $119.51. The hotel has yet to settle for this years charges. Jim Strickland moved to accept Treasurers report and Charlie Rosencrantz seconded the motion, which was approved by acclamation. John Andrae reported that the letter announcing the publications database to 59 agriculture schools was mailed out as well as electronically to Southern Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors. Karen Jones asked if the subcommittee suggested by Nick Hill in 2005 had been appointed to write large grants for the effort. Don Spiers moved that this committee be made up of Nick Hill (Chair), Karen Jones, Morrie Craig, and John Waller and be charged to investigate competitive funding sources for Fescue Toxicosis Research. Morrie Craig seconded motion and passed by acclamation. Membership directory: Jim Strickland suggested that this needed to be updated. Henry Fribourg suggested that we have John Waller send out an email requesting updates and post to the website. Don Spiers was nominated for incoming secretary. John Andrae opened the floor to other nominations. No other nominations were provided. Charlie moved that Don be elected and Karen seconded. Don was elected unanimously by acclamation. Location committee proposed that the 2007 meeting be held at Natchez State Park, October 14-16th, 2007. Discussion called for by John Andrae. Charlie Rosencrantz moved that this proposal be accepted. Morrie Craig seconded the motion and it was accepted unanimously by acclamation. Jim Strickland suggested that this group be moved to a Regional Research Project. Discussion by the group indicated that several drawbacks existed, such as extra paper work, loss of state funds to current projects and the need to show clear research connections. Also, if it becomes a project then the group would become much more restrictive in membership. Consensus of the group was that it was not desirable to become a Regional Project. It was pointed out that it is extremely important that we have active participation of our Administrative Advisor. It was suggested that we contact USDA-CSREES about getting more participation by the Advisor. Henry Fribourg moved and Charlie Rosencrantz seconded that the Chair follow-up on how to get more participation by the Administrative Advisor at the meeting. This was passed by acclamation. Renewal of the SERA-IEG 8 group charter will be in 2008. David Lang suggested that we provide a $50.00 gift certificate for Kelli Greene for her extra effort on the report. This was approved by acclamation. It was suggested that Jim Strickland send his Mind Map out to the group and let it start circulating. It was also suggested that we meet Monday night of next years meeting to do an exercise in Mind Mapping. Correct name for tall fescue now: Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb) Darbysh = Festuca arundinacea (Schreb). Gavel was passed to Jim Strickland by John Andrae. Jim Strickland called for a motion to adjourn. John Andrae moved to adjourn, Morrie Craig seconded and the meeting was adjourned.




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