SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


A.W. Warrick, Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science, University of Arizona;W. Rasmussen, Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science,University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; P. Ferre, Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Arizona,Tucson, AZ; Marcel Schaap, Dept. of Soil, Water and Environmental Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ;S. A. Bradford, George E. Brown, Jr. Salinity Lab - USDA-ARS, Riverside, CA;T.Harter, Dept. of LAWR, Hydrologic Science, University of California Davis, CA ; J.W. Hopmans, Dept. of LAWR, Hydrologic Science, University of California Davis, CA; W.A. Jury, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of California, Riverside; D.R. Nielsen, Dept. of LAWR, Hydrologic Science, University of California Davis; P.J. Shouse, George E. Brown, Jr. Salinity Lab - USDA-ARS, Riverside, CA;Z. Wang, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, California State University, Fresno, CA; L.Wu, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of California, Riverside, CA;L.R. Ahuja, USDA-ARS, Great Plains System Research Unit Fort Collins, CO;T. Green, USDA-ARS, Great Plains System Research Unit Fort Collins, CO;G. Butters, Dept. of Agronomy, Colorado State University, Ft Collins, CO;Y. Jin, Dept. of Plant and Soil Sciences,Univ. of Delaware, Newark, DE;Idaho Markus Tuller, Dept. of Plant, Soils & Environ. Sci. Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, ID;T.R. Ellsworth, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL; J. Cushman, Mathematics Dept., Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN;P.S.C. Rao, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN;R. Horton, Dept. of Agronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA; D. Jaynes, National Soil Tilth Lab, USDA-ARS, Ames, IA; G. Kluitenberg, Dept. of Agronomy, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS; J. Nieber, Dept. Biosystems and Agricultural Eng., University of Minnesota,St. Paul, MN; . Ochsner, USDA, Agricultural Research Services, St. Paul, MN; J. M. Wraith, Land Resources and Environ. Sciences, Montana State University,Bozeman, MT; T. Caldwell, Desert Research Institute, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV; S.W. Tyler, Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Program, University of Nevada, Reno,NV; M.H. Young, Desert Research Institute, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV; J.H.M. Hendrickx, New Mexico Tech, Dept. of Geoscience, Socorro, NM;F. Casey, Dept. of Soil Science, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND; Maria Dragila, Oregon State University, Dept. of Crop and Soil Science,Agriculture and Life Aciences, Corvallis, Oregon; Tennessee J. Lee, Biosys Engin & Envir Sci., University of Tennessee,Knoxville, TN; E. Perfect, Dept. of Geo. Sciences, Univ. Tennessee Knoxville, TN;S.R. Evett, USDA-ARS-CPRL, P.O. Drawer 10, Bushland, TX; R.C. Schwartz, USDA-ARS-CPRL, P.O. Drawer 10, Bushland, TX; S. Jones, Dept. of Plants, Soils & Biomet., Utah State University, Logan, UT; Washington M. Flury, Dept. of Crop & Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman,WA; J. Wu, Dept. of Biological System Engineering, Washington State University,Pullman, WA; P. D. Meyer, Battelle Pacific Northwest Division, Portland, OR; M. Oostrom, Battelle Pacific Northwest Division, Richland, WA;M. L. Rockhold, Battelle Pacific Northwest Division Richland, WA; A. L Ward, Battelle Pacific Northwest Division, Richland, WA;Z. F. Zhang, Battelle Pacific Northwest Division, Richland WA; Wyoming Thijs Kelleners, Dept. of Renewable Resources, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY; CSREES R. Knighton, USDA-CSREES, Washington, DC;Adm. Adv. Jeff Jacobsen, Dean and Director, College of Agriculture, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT

The meeting described in its entirety is located on the website at North Dakota State University: It was discussed that we would hold one more meeting (2008) in Las Vagas and then choose another location (2009).


To see the complete report with tables: please see our website at: Theoretical Re-analysis of Unstable Flow in the Upward and Horizontal Directions and theEffect of Soil Water Repellency: We have continued our studies on unstable flow in porous media. In an early paper by Wang etal., (1998), theoretical derivations of fluid displacement involving immiscible oil, water and air/gas in a porous medium by Chuoke et al. (1959) were generalized. Twenty-four specific criteria for the onset of unstable flow were developed. The downward water flow displacing air in the vadose zone was predicted to be unstable (producing fingers) when the infiltration rate I is< Vgrav -Vcap, where Vgrav is fluid velocity driven by gravity (Vgrav = Ks|cos²|), ² is the angle between the direction of flow and the direction of gravity, Vcap is fluid velocity driven by the capillary forces [Vcap = (0.00015 ~ 5.7)Ks, the coefficient value varies with soil texture ranging from coarse sand to silt clay]. The upward flow was predicted to be unstable when the flow is too fast or if I is > Vgrav+Vcap. The horizontal flow was predicted to be unstable if I is > Vcap. Our reexamination of the complex derivations and parameter definitions by Chuoke et al. (1959) led to a new set of 24 criteria (Javaux et al., 2005). For the upward and horizontal flow of waterdisplacing air in soils, the new criteria predicted unconditional stable flow (unstable only if infiltration rate is negative), consistent with Philips prediction. Further more, we realized that the occurrence of unstable flow is only related to two factors: (i) the position of the heavier fluid in the system (either above or blow the lighter fluid), and (ii) the relative viscosity of the driving fluid (either more or less viscous than the displaced fluid), see the specific criteria in Table 1. Soil water repellency was not a factor influencing the instability criteria. Tests are still needed to verify some of the new criteria. In addition, a review paper on finger flow studies was published in a Chinese journal SOIL (Li et al., 2006). This will promote awareness of theoretical and experimental studies in China. Further studies are being proposed. Characteristic Curves of Two Wettable Soils and Matched Hydrophobized counterparts: Accomplishments. A study was performed to examine the dry end of the soil water retention curve where surface adsorption is the critical component in determining the amount of water retained. Two naturally hydrophilic soils were used. Two additional soils were studied by hydrophobizing the two naturally hydrophilic soils with dichloromethylsilane. Two methods were used to measure wetting and drying curves of the soils. The vapor equilibration method was applied to soil samples contained in air space above salt(NaCl) solutions to achieve equilibrium at selected osmotic potentials. Soil samples were allowed to equilibrate starting with relatively dry (wetting curves) or wet (drying curves) conditions. The second method is known as the controlled water content method. Water was either added to soil samples to achieve known water content (wetting curves), or initially saturated soil samples were dried by evaporation to obtain the desired water content (drying curves). The equilibrium water potentials associated with the different soil watercontents were measured with a Decagon WP4 DewPoint Potentiometer. Outcome. Overall, soil water hysteresis was not observed. We hypothesize that a decrease in osmotic potential occurred during the hydrophobizing process due to mineral dissolution.Water droplets were visible on the surface of the hydrophobic soil samples indicating not only their hydrophobicity but also the impact of solute. Surface and subsurface solute transport properties at row and inter-row positions: Accomplishments. Although numerous studies have investigated the effects of crop production practices on soil water dynamics, not much information is available on the impact of row position on solute transport. A field experiment was carried out to evaluate surface and subsurface solute transport properties in plant-row, non-trafficked inter-row, and trafficked interrow positions. For this purpose, a plot of 14- by 14-m in a strip-cropped field with soybean (Glycine max L. Merr ), corn (Zea mays L.), and oat (Avena L.) was selected. After harvesting the crops, surface (top 2 cm) electrical conductivity measurements were made by time domain reflectometry (TDR) at 45 locations during a chloride pulse leaching experiment. At the conclusion of the pulse leaching experiment, 120-cm deep soil cores were collected at the 45 locations in order to measure the soil profile chemical distributions. Outcome. No crop or rowposition effects were observed for surface determined pore water velocities (v), while profile determined v was greater in plant row vs. inter-row positions when averaged over all crops. Overall, the profile determined v was slightly greater than the surface determined v, probably because of lower effective or mobile water contents. The profile determined dispersion oefficient (D), was smaller in row positions than inter-row positions in soybean and corn,perhaps because of surface ponding in the inter-row positions of the crops resulting in macropore flow. Profile determined D was greater in the inter-row positions of soybean than oat, againreflecting possible macropore flow. Overall, the mean soil profile dispersivity (³ = 2.97 cm) was larger than the surface soil ³ (1.02 cm). Impact. The local surface solute transport varied by row positions while profile solute transport was affected by both row position and crop perhaps due to surface ponding producing macropore flow in the trafficked and non-trafficked inter-rows of soybean and the trafficked inter-rows of corn. Thus, a one-dimensional solute transport modelwith a spatially distributed flux or potential controlled upper boundary condition must be used to model this system. Field Gas Transport Processes: A fundamental understanding of the gas transport processes in soils, and their coupling to the atmosphere, is crucial for assessing the aeration properties of soil profiles, and for investigation of sequestration/release phenomena important to greenhouse gases. Soil gas transport properties are chiefly determined by the effective diffusion coefficient (Ds). Many models exist relating Ds to physical and environmental soil properties, such as the soil volumetric water content, texture,and structure. However, these models may not be applicable in field conditions, due to the heterogeneity of soil profiles, or to other conditions such as the seasonal presence of a snow cover. Outcome: Montana is engaged in a comprehensive field project to investigate the evolution and emission of greenhouse gases in a forested mountain watershed environment. The first part of the project seeks to evaluate different methods for measuring and/or monitoring the gaseous diffusion coefficients for soils and associated snow cover in the field, and the resulting gas efflux to the atmosphere. Characteristics of both soil and snow which affect their diffusional gas transport properties change in space and with time, including the temperature and wetness which also impact microbial activities critical to production and consumption. Optimizing a Root Zone Soil System: Rigorous management of restricted root zones utilizing coarse-textured porous media greatly benefits from optimizing the gas-water phase balance within plant-growth media. Geophysical techniques can help to quantify root-zone parameters like water content, air-filled porosity,temperature and nutrient concentration to better address the root systems performance. Due to 26 the high root densities and limited volumes of restricted root zones the efficiency of plant growth is critically linked to maintaining favorable water content/air-filled porosity balance while considering adequate fluxes to replenish water at decreasing hydraulic conductivities during uptake. The supply of nutrients to the volumes adjacent to roots also needs to be optimized to provide adequate supplies during each period of the plants life cycle avoiding build-up of excessive nutrient concentrations. Our objectives were to (1) design and model an optimized root zone system using optimized porous media layers, (2) verify our design by monitoring the water content distribution and tracking nutrient release and transport within the porous medium. We developed a unique root zone system using layered Ottawa sands promoting more uniform water content (and air-filled porosity) within the column profile. Watering was achieved by maintaining a shallow saturated layer at the bottom of the column and allowing capillarity to draw water upward, first through coarser particle sizes in the bottom layer with finer particles sizes forming the layers above. The depth of each layer was designed to optimize water content based on measurements and modeling of the wetting water retention curves. Layer boundaries were chosen to maintain saturation between 50 and 85 percent. The vertical water content distribution was verified by dual-probe heat-pulse water content sensors and finally bydestructive sampling. The nutrient experiment involved embedding slow release fertilizer in theporous media in order to detect variations in electrical resistivity versus time during the release, diffusion and uptake of nutrients. The experiment required a specific geometry for the acquisition of ERT data using the heat-pulse water-content sensors steel needles as lectrodes. ERT data were analyzed using the sensed water contents and deriving pore-water resistivities using Archies law. The proposed plant-growth medias design and monitoring capabilities offers an efficient means to describe the effects of the root systems performance on plant growth and links porous media physics with in-situ monitoring.The effect of a hydrophobic layer on the upward movement of water during freezing:Accomplishments: Laboratory experiments were performed to compare upward watermovement from a fixed water table during freezing for soils with and without a hydrophobic Content (g g-1)Height (cm)untreated soilhydrophobic layerFig 1. Water content distributions for soil with and without a hydrophobic layer after 30 d freezing conditions at the upper boundary.30 layer. A 20-cm length soil column was developed to enable one-dimensional vertical heat flow by including a column-within-a-column design that minimizes radial heat transfer. Upperboundary temperature was maintained at -6 °C with a heat exchanger; transient temperature distributions and water uptake were measured for 30 d. Ice and water distributions were determined by sampling at the conclusion of the experiment. Outcome. The hydrophobic layer had a significant effect on liquid water movement during freezing (Fig. 4). Some water redistribution occurred above the hydrophobic layer, but little water was drawn upward from the water table. The reduced water movement resulted in deeper freezing but less frost heave. Surface and subsurface solute transport properties at row and inter-row positions:Accomplishments. Although numerous studies have investigated the effects of crop production practices on soil water dynamics, not much information is available on the impact of row position on solute transport. A field experiment was carried out to evaluate surface and subsurface solute transport properties in plant-row, non-trafficked inter-row, and trafficked interrow positions. For this purpose, a plot of 14- by 14-m in a strip-cropped field with soybean(Glycine max L. Merr ), corn (Zea mays L.), and oat (Avena L.) was selected. After harvestingthe crops, surface (top 2 cm) electrical conductivity measurements were made by time domain reflectometry (TDR) at 45 locations during a chloride pulse leaching experiment. At the conclusion of the pulse leaching experiment, 120-cm deep soil cores were collected at the 45 locations in order to measure the soil profile chemical distributions. Outcome. No crop or row position effects were observed for surface determined pore water velocities (v), while profile determined v was greater in plant row vs. inter-row positions when averaged over all crops.Overall, the profile determined v was slightly greater than the surface determined v, probably because of lower effective or mobile water contents. The profile determined dispersion coefficient (D), was smaller in row positions than inter-row positions in soybean and corn,perhaps because of surface ponding in the inter-row positions of the crops resulting in macropore flow. Profile determined D was greater in the inter-row positions of soybean than oat, again reflecting possible macropore flow. Overall, the mean soil profile dispersivity (³ = 2.97 cm) was larger than the surface soil ³ (1.02 cm).


  1. Our optimized design for plant rooting media is being considered for a 500 day Mars Mission Chamber test to be carried out by the Russian Space Agency. The benefit of our design is that it provides water content levels more closely related to the expected microgravity root zone environment expected in space. This approach has potential benefit for water and fertilizer savings in greenhouse and horticultural industries.
  2. The local surface solute transport varied by row positions while profile solute transport was affected by both row position and crop perhaps due to surface ponding producing macropore flow in the trafficked and non-trafficked inter-rows of soybean and the trafficked inter-rows of corn. Thus, a one-dimensional solute transport modelwith a spatially distributed flux or potential controlled upper boundary condition must be used to model this system.
  3. Most current measurement and estimation methods for gas transport and emission from soils are based on assumed uniform soils having uniform moisture distribution, and with negligible concurrent production or adsorption of gas. We are analyzing the effective gas transport properties of field soil and snow cover profiles using conventional in situ and laboratory measurement approaches. We are also investigating the potential impacts of non-uniform soil conditions and concurrent biotic activity through numerical simulation of gas evolution and transport processes. For the latter we utilize field and laboratory measurements as well as the Hydrus 1-D code to simulatetransport phenomena under different field scenarios.
  4. Our results have revealed important processes that may help identify unstable displacement during water/oil flow and contaminant transport in the vadose zone and variably saturated aquifers.
  5. Further research is needed to separate the osmotic effects and wettability effects on the water retention for the hydrophobic soils.


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