SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Hart Bailey (Mississippi State University) Marcia Endres (University of Minnesota) Jeremy Marchant-Forde (USDA-ARS, Livestock Behavior Research Unit) Don Lay (USDA-ARS, Livestock Behavior Research Unit) Joy Mench (University of California - Davis) Ruth Newberry (Washington State University) Janice Siegford (Michigan State University) Janice Swanson (Kansas State University) Bruce Webster (University of Georgia) Note: Due to meeting room deficit, a conference call-in could not be accommodated. The following members had intended to participate via conference call: Candace Croney (Oregon State University) Anna Johnson (Iowa State University) Joe Garner (Purdue University) Inma Estevez (University of Maryland) Larry Katz (Rutgers University), Brad Imwalle (Rutgers University) Don Beerman (University of Nebraska) Rich Reynnells (USDA-CSREES)

The acting chair Jeremy Marchant-Forde called the meeting to order. Marchant-Forde gave a brief overview of the conversion of NCR 131 to project status (NC 1029), reviewed the list of members to date, and explained the basis for the initial decision to pursue fear assessment in swine and poultry for the first phase of the multi-state project. A discussion regarding the remaining species (goats, sheep, dairy and beef cattle) identified goats as a promising addition to the first phase testing. Joy Mench will have a graduate student working on behavioral differences between transgenic vs non-transgenic goats and felt that the fear testing could be easily incorporated into this project. The inclusion of Fort Valley and Langston University as specialized goat centers was discussed in addition to other multi-state participants. Mench will conduct follow-up with multi-state and Fort Valley faculty in goat welfare. The group then confirmed with attendees which projects they would be participating (the lists may not be inclusive of all participants). Poultry: Bruce Webster, Joy Mench, Hart Bailey, Joe Garner, Ruth Newberry, Candace Croney Swine: Don Lay, Jeremy Marchant Forde, Anna Johnson, Janice Siegford, Derek Haley (Alberta Ag), Ruth Newberry, Tina Widowski and Suzanne Millman (Guelph). Goats: Joy Mench, Brad Imwalle, Larry Katz, with potential inclusion of Fort Valley and/or Langston goat centers. Sheep, dairy and beef cattle fear assessments would represent the second phase of the multi-state project. Potential participants are: Janice Swanson, Ruth Newberry, Janice Siegford, Marcia Endres. Avenues to provide visibility and educational opportunities for the project were discussed. A literature review in the basic and applied aspects of fear will be an important foundation for the development of the project. The discussion centered on a symposium for the joint meeting of the ASAS/ADSA/PSA in 2007. Endres offered to present a proposal to the Animal Behavior and Welfare committee. Webster suggested a proposal to the joint planning committee for the 2007 meetings. The members of the NC 1029 would conduct literature reviews and develop presentations. One invited expert (ex. Bryan Jones) could be included in the session. A symposium draft was constructed: Symposium Topic: Fear Assessment in Agricultural Animals Presentations: General Overview of fear assessment, why it is important, applications Physiological and behavioral basis of fear Review of fear assessment in poultry Review of fear assessment in swine Review of fear assessment in ruminants The members of NC 1029 would identify members to present the papers. It is conceivable some project data may be ready for presentation at this meeting. A timeline was constructed. Abstracts would be submitted by the February 2007 deadline. A draft review of the literature will be completed and ready for comment in December 2006. Due to the abundance of information for some species and lack of information in others it was decided to combine ruminants into one presentation. Endres and Webster will follow-up on which committee to submit the proposal. A follow-up conference call will be conducted to decide on a guest speaker and who will be appointed to give presentations. The group then discussed species testing procedures for the phase one projects in poultry and swine. Purdue and MSU are collecting data now. Marchant-Forde and Lay will lead the development of the procedures to be used in swine testing. They will examine the data to further define the potential challenges. Webster, Mench, Newberry, Bailey and Garner will develop the testing procedures for poultry. The meeting notes from the previous NCR-131 planning session will be re-circulated and used as a basis for adding detail to the testing procedures. Garner will be contacted and asked to re-circulate the notes. June 30 and July 1 deadlines were set for the development of standard fear assessment procedures in poultry and swine, respectively. The goat testing procedures are to be determined. The following nominations were forwarded for the chair and secretary position for NC 1029: Joe Garner (Chair) and Jeremy Marchant-Forde (secretary). Other nominations are welcome. Nominations for the next annual meeting were entertained from the group. The following were suggested: ISAE annual congress Yucatan, Mexico (July 29-August 2 2007) and the Joint meeting of the ASAS/ADSA/PSA in San Antonio (July 15-19, 2007). Other suggestions are welcome. The election of leadership and selection of the next meeting site will take place through email so all members have the opportunity to vote. Don Lay will confirm the members and update the listserv. A conference call will also be organized to follow-up with committee members unable to participate by conference call in this meeting. Endres motioned and Mench seconded to adjourn the business meeting. The poultry group then convened to develop testing procedures.


A proposal to create a new NC multi-state project entitled "Applied Animal Behavior and Welfare" was submitted in 2005. The NCRA Multistate Research Committee recommended approval and project NC 1029 project was approved by CSREES in May, 2006. The project duration is October 1, 2006 to September 30, 2011.



Publications (2005-2006) California Station Objective 2: Miller, K.A. and Mench, J.A. (2005) The differential effects of four types of environmental enrichment on the activity budgets, fearfulnesss, and social proximity preference of Japanese quail. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 95:169-187. Garner, J.P., Meehan, C.L., Famula, T.R. and Mench, J.A. (2005) Genetic, environmental, and neighbor effects on the severity of stereotypies and feather picking in Orange-winged Amazon parrots: an epidemiological study. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 96:153-168. Miller, K.A., Garner, J.P. and Mench, J.A. (2006) Is fearfulness a stable and consistent trait that is measurable using behavioural tests? A validation of four fear tests using Japanese quail. Animal Behaviour 71:1323-1334. Miller, K.A., Garner, J.P. and Mench, J.A., (2005) The test-retest reliability of four behavioural tests of fearfulness for quail: a critical evaluation. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 92:113-127. Objective 3: Shields, S.J., Garner, J.P. and Mench, J.A. (2005) Effect of sand and wood-shavings bedding on the behavior of broiler chickens. Poultry Science 84:1816-1824. Objective 4: Garner, J.P., Thogerson, C.M., Würbel, H., Murray, J.D. and Mench, J.A. (2006) Animal Neuropsychology: Validation of the Intra-Dimensional Extra-Dimensional set shifting task in mice. Behavioral Brain Research 173:53-61. Indiana Station Objective 2: Garner, J.P., Meehan, C.L., Famula, T.R. and Mench, J.A. (2005) Genetic, environmental, and neighbor effects on the severity of stereotypies and feather picking in Orange-winged Amazon parrots: an epidemiological study. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 96:153-168. Miller, K.A., Garner, J.P. and Mench, J.A. (2006) Is fearfulness a stable and consistent trait that is measurable using behavioural tests? A validation of four fear tests using Japanese quail. Animal Behaviour 71:1323-1334. Garner, J.P., (2005) Stereotypies and other Abnormal Repetitive Behaviors: potential impact on validity, reliability, and replicability of scientific outcomes. ILAR Journal. 46:106-117. Miller, K.A., Garner, J.P. and Mench, J.A., (2005) The test-retest reliability of four behavioural tests of fearfulness for quail: a critical evaluation. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 92:113-127. Objective 3: OReilly, K.M., Harris, M.J., Mendl, M.T., Held, S., Moinard, C., Statham, P., Marchant-Forde, J.N. and Green, L.E. (2006) Generating hypotheses for factors associated with pre-weaning mortality on commercial pig farms in England and Wales. Veterinary Record 159:193-196. Harris, M.J., Pajor, E.A., Sorrells, A.D., Eicher, S.D., Richert, B.T. and Marchant-Forde, J.N. (2006) Effects of stall or small group gestation housing on the production, health and behaviour of gilts. Livestock Science 102:171-179. Sorrells, A.D., S.D. Eicher, K.A. Scott, M.J. Harris, E.A. Pajor, D.C. Lay Jr., and B.T. Richert. (2005) Post-natal behavioral and physiological responses of piglets from gilts housed individually or in groups during gestation. Journal of Animal Science 84: 757-766. Shields, S.J., Garner, J.P. and Mench, J.A. (2005) Effect of sand and wood-shavings bedding on the behavior of broiler chickens. Poultry Science 84:1816-1824. Koch, J.M., Moritz, J.S., Smith, D.L., Lay Jr., D.C. and Wilson. M.E. (2005) Melengestrol acetate as an effective alternative to induce a decline in egg production and reversible regression of the reproductive tract in laying hens II. Effects on post-molt egg quality. Poultry Science 84:1757-1762. Objective 4: Garner, J.P., Thogerson, C.M., Würbel, H., Murray, J.D. and Mench, J.A. (2006) Animal Neuropsychology: Validation of the Intra-Dimensional Extra-Dimensional set shifting task in mice. Behavioral Brain Research 173:53-61. Iowa Station Objective 3: Callaway, T.R., Morrow, J.L., Johnson, A.K., Dailey, J.W., Wallace, F.M., Wagstrom, E.A., McGlone, J.J., Lewis, A.R., Dowd, S.E., Poole, T.L., Edrington, T.S., Anderson, R.C., Genovese, K.J., Byrd, J.A., Harvey, R.B., and Nisbet, D.J. (2005) Environmental prevalence and persistence of Salmonella spp. in outdoor swine wallows. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 2: 263-273. Morrow J.L., Mitloehner, F.M., Johnson, A.K., Galyean, M.L., Dailey, J.W., Edrington, T.S., Anderson, R.C., Genovese, K.J., Poole, T.L., Duke, S.E. and Callaway T.R.. (2005) Effect of water sprinkling on incidence of zoonotic pathogens in feedlot cattle. Journal of Animal Science 83: 1959-1966. Objective 4: Gonyou, H.W., Brumm, M.C. Bush, E. Deen, J. Edwards, S.E. Fangman, T. McGlone, J.J. Meunier-Salaun, M. Morrison, R.B. Spoolder, H. Sundberg, P.L. and Johnson. A.K. (2006) Application of broken line analysis to assess floor space requirements of nursery and grow-finish pigs. Journal of Animal Science 84: 229-235. Maryland Station Objective 2: Brougher, S.M., Estevez, I. and Ottinger, M.A. (2005) Can testosterone and corticosterone predict the rate of display of male sexual behaviour, development of secondary sexual characters and fertility potential in primary broiler breeders? British Poultry Science 46:621-625. Kreger, M.D., Hatfield, J.S., Estevez, I., Gee, G.F. and Clugston, D.A. (2006) Behavioral profiles of the captive juvenile whooping crane as an indicator of post-release survival. Zoo Biology 25:11-24. Objective 3: Bilcik, B., Estevez, I. and Russek-Cohen, E. (2005) Reproductive success of broiler breeders in natural mating systems: The effect of male-male competition, sperm quality, and morphological characteristics. Poultry Science 84:1453-1462. Dawson, M.D., Benson, E.R., Malone, G.W., Alphin, R.L., Estevez, I. and Van Wicklen, G. L. (2006) Evaluation of foam-based mass depopulation methodology for floor-reared meat-type poultry operations. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 22:787-793. Objective 4: Kreger, M.D., Hatfield, J.S., Estevez, I., Gee, G.F. and Clugston, D.A. (2005) The effects of captive rearing on the behavior of newly-released whooping cranes (Grus americana). Applied Animal Behaviour Science 93:165-178. Estevez, I. and Christman, M.C. (2006) Analysis of the movement and use of space of animals in confinement: The effect of sampling effort. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 97:221-240. Michigan Station Objective 1: Siegford, J.M., Bernardo, T.M., Malinowski, R.P., Laughlin, K. and Zanella, A.J. (2005) Integrating animal welfare into veterinary education using an online, interactive course. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education 32:497-504. Heleski, C., Mertig, A. and Zanella A.J. (2005) Results of a national survey of US veterinary college faculty regarding attitudes toward farm animal welfare. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 226:1538-1546. Objective 2: Kaiser, L., Heleski, C.R., Siegford, J. and Smith, K.A. (2006) Therapeutic riding: Is it good for the horse? Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 228:39-45. Objective 3: Moons, C., Laughlin, K. and Zanella, A.J. (2005) Effects of short-term maternal separations on weaning stress in foals. Applied Animal Behavior Science 91:321-335. Séguin, M.J.; Friendship, R.M.; Kirkwood, R.; Zanella, A.J. and Widowski, T.M. (2006) Effects of boar presence on agonistic behaviour, shoulder scratches and stress response of bred sows at mixing. Journal of Animal Science 84:1227-37. Objective 4: Poletto, R.; Siegford, J.M.; Steibel, J.P.; Coussens, P.M. and Zanella, A.J. (2006) Investigation of changes in global gene expression in the frontal cortex of early-weaned and socially isolated piglets using microarray and quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Brain Research 1068:7-15. Poletto, R.; Steibel, J.P.; Siegford, J.M. and Zanella, A.J. (2006) Relative changes in gene expression in the frontal cortex and hippocampus of pigs weaned at different ages. Brain Research 1067:36-42. Souza, A.S.; Jansen, J.; Tempelman, R.; Mendl, M. & Zanella, A.J. (2006) A novel approach to testing social recognition in young pigs and the modulating effects of relocation. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 99:77-87 Minnesota Station Objective 3: Espejo, L.A., M.I. Endres, and J.A. Salfer. (2006) Prevalence of lameness in high producing dairy cows housed in freestall barns. Journal of Dairy Science 89:3052-3058. Clanton, C.J., Endres, M.I., Bey, R.F., Farnsworth, R.J., Janni, K.A. and Schmidt, D.R.. (2005) Dolomitic limestone bedding effects on microbial counts and cow comfort. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 21:10731077. Endres, M.I., DeVries, T.J., von Keyserlingk, M.A.G. and Weary, D.M. (2005) Short Communication: Effect of feed barrier design on the behavior of loose-housed lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 88:23772380. Mississippi Station Objective 3: Rybolt, M.L., Wills, R.W. and Bailey, R.H. (2005) Use of secondary enrichment for isolation of Salmonella from naturally contaminated environmental samples. Poultry Science 84:992-997. Nebraska Station Objective 2: Mader, T.L., Davis, M.S. and Kreikemeier, W.M. (2005) Case study: Tympanic temperature and behavior associated with moving feedlot cattle. Professional Animal Scientist 21:339-344. Objective 3: Mader, T.L., Davis, M.S. and Brown-Brandl, T. (2006) Environmental factors influencing heat stress in feedlot cattle. Journal of Animal Science 84:712-719. New Jersey Station Objective 2: Shearer, M.K. and Katz, L.S. (2006) Female-female mounting among goats stimulates sexual performance in males. Hormones & Behavior 50:33-37. Texas Station Objective 2: Krawczel, P.D., T.H. Friend and A. Windom. (2006) Stereotypic behavior of circus tigers: Effects of performance. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 95:189-198. Objective 3: Krawczel, P. D., T. H. Friend and R. Johnson. (2006) A note on the preference of naïve horses for different water bowls. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 100:309-313. Washington Station Objective 2: Cloutier, S., T.L. Skaer and R.C. Newberry. (2006) Consumption of alcohol by sows in a choice situation. Physiology and Behavior 88:101-107. Objective 5: Cloutier, S., R.C. Newberry, A.J. Cambridge and K.M. Tobias. (2005) Behavioral signs of postoperative pain in cats following onychectomy or tenectomy surgery. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 92:325-335. Ontario (Canada) Station Objective 1: Millman, S.T., Adams, C.L. and Turner, P.V. (2005) Animal welfare training at the Ontario Veterinary College. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education 32:447-450. Objective 3: Séguin, M.J.; Friendship, R.M.; Kirkwood, R.; Zanella, A.J. and Widowski, T.M. (2006) Effects of boar presence on agonistic behaviour, shoulder scratches and stress response of bred sows at mixing. Journal of Animal Science 84:1227-37. Zurbrigg, K., Kelton, D., Anderson, N. and Millman, S. (2005) Stall dimensions and the prevalence of lameness, injury, and cleanliness on 317 tie-stall dairy farms in Ontario. Canadian Veterinary Journal 46:902-909. Zurbrigg, K., Kelton, D., Anderson, N. and Millman, S. (2005) Tie-stall design and its relationship to lameness, injury, and cleanliness on 317 Ontario dairy farms. Journal of Dairy Science 88:3201-3210.
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