SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Avery, Roger ( - Virginia Tech, Guest; Baker, John ( - Michigan; Dickerson, Harry ( - Georgia, Guest; Freeman, Lisa ( Kansas State University; Freeman, Douglas ( - North Dakota; Gay, Cyril USDA, ARS; Hahn, Ned ( - Illinois; Hamernik, Deb - USDA, CSREES; Hefferin, Colien - USDA, CSREES; Hegg, Richard - USDA, CSREES; Hunter, Karen - USDA, CSREES; Johnson, Peter ( - USDA, CSREES; Klei, Tom ( - Louisiana, Guest; Otto, Ralph - USDA, CSREES; Reynolds, Don ( - Iowa; Rogers, Douglas ( - University of Nebraska; Sherman, Gary ( - USDA, CSREES; Singleton, Jan - USDA, CSREES; Smith, Greg USDA,CSREES; Stromberg, Bert ( - Minnesota; Zeman, David ( - South Dakota;

The review and recommendations of the Animal Health Advisory Committee for the assigned projects took place as a telephone conference call on February 10, 2006 and at our meeting on March 10, 2006. The committee recommendations were: Project Reviews NC_TEMP 1007 Approve (Minor Revisions); NC_ TEMP 1981 (NCR-131) Approve (Minor Revisions). The committee's formal meeting was help in Washingto, DC at the USDA, CSREES Waterfront Office with representatives of the agency. Discussions included the President's proposed budget, the National Animal Health Network, CSREES Food Safety, genomics and the NRI program. The meeting minutes are attached.


Reviewed and approved two projects as assigned my the NCRA and provided written evaluation for each.



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