SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Dojin Ryu Mark Haub Jeanette Thurston Lydia Kaume Scott Rankin Nicki Engeseth Silvana Martini Lorraine Lanningham-Foster Joseph Awika Les Bourquin

Agenda for the Annual meeting of NCAC-22 is attached.

Seven North Central region states represented for discussion of two multistate research proposals.

Group approved both the midterm and renewal proposals and reviews to be submitted by Friday Feb 21st. 

Group agreed upon NCAC22 governance going forward:

  • 2 co-chairs to be elected, one representing nutrition and the other food science
  • co-chair term is 1 year, term ending after annual multistate reviews entered into NIMSS
  • Every year, NCAC22 members will nominate and vote on incoming chair-elects during the annual meeting.
  • Chair responsibilities:
    • co-chairs, working with chair-elects and Administrative Advisor and with input from NCAC22 membership, will determine the location (in-person or virutal) of the annual meeting, to be held mid-late December, January or early Februrary. 
      • recommendation was made on Feb 20, 2025 to alternate between virtual and in-person meetings each year.
      • Preference from members is for an in-person meeting in 2026.
  • Chair elect responsibilities
    • take notes during annual meeting and upload the annual report into NIMSS
    • assist co-chairs if needed in the planning of the annual meeting.

Nominations for 2026 co-chairs and chair elects (latter to serve as co-chairs in 2027)

  • Food Science
    • Chair, Les Bourquin (MI-State)
    • Chair-elect, nominated Senay Simsek (Purdue)--Jeanette Thurston will reach out to Senay to seek her approval.
  • Nutrition
    • Chair, Mark Haub (KS-State)
    • Chair-elect, Lorraine Lanningham-Foster (IA State)

Members shared institution/departmental updates and conversation centered around challenges wtih actions of the new Administration.




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