SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Elizabeth Kiss – Kansas State University Lorna Saboe-Wounded Head – South Dakota State University Tim Griesdorn – University of the Incarnate Word Cynthia Jasper - University of Wisconsin


  1. Tasks to sunset NCCC052
    1. Write an end of project report (5 year).
    2. State report for the year.
    3. Annual report due 60 days after the meeting.
  2. Conference presentations
    1. AAFCS – Proposal due Nov. 1st
      1. Lorna Wounded Head will submit.
    2. ACCI – Proposal due Nov. 11th
      1. Elizabeth Kiss will submit
    3. Discussed the value of the Coordinating Committee and the difficulty in recruiting and retaining members.




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