SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: NCAC24 : Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resource Applied Behavioral Sciences (formerly Ag Ed Research)
- Period Covered: 01/01/2021 to 12/31/2021
- Date of Report: 02/07/2022
- Annual Meeting Dates: 01/07/2022 to 01/07/2022
Matt Raven (Michigan State University) Chair, Brian Myers (University of Florida) Chair-elect, Tracy Rutherford (Virginia Tech) Secretary, George Wardlow (University of Arkansas), Mike Retallick (Iowa State University), Jonathan Velez (Oregon State University), Mark Russell (Purdue University), Becki Lawver (Utah State University), Jon Simonsen (University of Missouri), Jennifer Waldeck (University of Georgia), Christopher Stripling (University of Tennessee), Shannon Washburn (The Ohio State University), Mathew Baker (Texas A&M University), Scott Burris (Texas Tech University), Jason Ellis (Kansas State University), David Rosch (University of Illinois), Michael Newman (Mississippi State University), Carl Igo (Montana State University), John Ewing (Penn State University), Jessica Blythe (West Virginia University), Robert Torres (Arizona State University), Kris Boone (The Ohio State, adviser)
1. Review Team for Project Proposal- Renewing an Agriculture of the Middle: Value Chain Design, Policy Approaches, Environmental and Social Impacts,
Reviewers: Mark Russell, Mathew Baker, Becki Lawver
2. Review NIMSS Membership
3. Discussed NIMSS feedback
4. Discussion of next year's focus
5. Election of new officer
6. Selection of next year's meeting
7. AAAE Research Agenda Update
Not applicable