SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: S9 : Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Utilization
- Period Covered: 09/01/2023 to 08/31/2024
- Date of Report: 08/16/2024
- Annual Meeting Dates: 07/30/2024 to 07/31/2024
A large and highly diverse set of plant germplasm was preserved and distributed to scientists and plant breeders. A total of 104,831 accessions of 1,596 plant species representing 269 genera were maintained in the Griffin plant genetic resources collection. Over 88% of these accessions were available for distribution to users and over 94% were backed up securely at a second location. A total of 39,731 seed and clonal accessions were distributed upon request to scientists and educators worldwide in CY2023. Sorghum, millets, pepper, and sesame were the most distributed crops. Clonal collections were continually maintained and distributed to stakeholders. Clonal collections include warm-season grasses, bamboo, Chinese water chestnut, perennial peanut, and sweet potato. Preservation methods include tissue culture, field plots, greenhouse plants, and hydroponics. Regeneration and evaluation activities are listed in detail below. These activities ensure that the crop genetic resources at the Griffin location are safeguarded for future use to develop new cultivars and identify novel traits and uses in our food and fiber crops.
Regenerations and Acquisitions:
- A total of 80 okra accessions were regenerated in collaboration with HM Clause; 340 pepper accessions were regenerated in collaboration with Curry Seed and Chile; 100 Citrullus accessions were regenerated in collaboration with Limagrain.
- A total of 382 cultivated peanut accessions were regeneration in the field and 52 accessions were regenerated in the greenhouse; 48 wild peanut accessions of 19 species were recently regenerated and 250 accessions were planted in the screenhouse and greenhouse for seed increase this year.
- A total of 96 newly regenerated cowpea accessions and 16 Bambara groundnut were submitted to the seed storage unit for processing; 60 cowpea accessions were sent to St. Croix for seed regeneration; 30 cowpea accessions are being regenerated in collaboration with Texas A&M AgriLife Research and 80 cowpea accessions with the University of Florida.
- Six new sweet potato accessions were introduced to our collection from Japan.
- A total 597 sweet potato accessions were maintained clonally; due to mold mite infestation, over 350 accessions have been regenerated from in vivo to in vitro; nine accessions of Ipomoea wild species were regenerated in ARS, Saint Croix.
- Clover, Basella alba, and grass accessions with low seed numbers or low viabilities were successfully rescued and regenerated in a tower hydroponic system.
- Since castor beans are wind pollinated, they were successfully regenerated using sunn hemp as a buffer.
- An ARS scientist from USDA-ARS in Lubbock, Texas donated 252 accessions of the ARS Sorghum EMS population to the collection.
- A total of 988 millets were sent to ARS, Saint Croix for regeneration in fall of 2023 of which 259 were finger millet to be grown under quarantine.
- Peanut evaluations currently being conducting include
- Genotyping of 1200 accessions that originated from Bolivia and Brazil by University of Georgia and Hudson-Alpha collaborators; 1100 accessions from Argentina have already been genotyped.
- Smut resistance and marker development is being conducted in collaboration with ARS, Stillwater, OK.
- Leaf spot resistance is being evaluated in collaboration with North Carolina State, Raleigh, NC.
- Seed quality/nutritional traits is being evaluated by our unit scientists.
- Oil content and composition is being evaluated in collaboration with University of Georgia (Tifton, GA).
- New amphidiploids are being developed and characterization for nutritional traits and peanut wild species are being evaluated for disease resistances by collaborators with the University of Georgia.
- Cowpea evaluations:
- Biological nitrogen fixation efficiency in cowpea is being investigated in collaboration with Texas A&M AgriLife Research (Vernon, TX).
- Genome-wide association analysis and genomic prediction of seed mineral concentration in the cowpea germplasm is being conducted in collaboration with Texas A&M AgriLife Research (Vernon, TX).
- Seed phosphorous, iron and zinc estimations are being studies in collaboration with University of Nevada-Reno.
- A Crop Vulnerability Statement for new and industrial crops was developed and published.
- Several guar genotypes were shown to vary for galactomannan content ranging from 72-81%. Galactomannan is used as a food additive and functional food source especially as a dietary fiber.
- A roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) genotype selected from an accession is being evaluated for ornamental use.
- Three roselle accessions identified in 2023 which produce seed and quality calyces in Georgia is an ongoing project with Pride Road, LLC for development of edible products from the calyces by Pride Road.
- Development of a sorghum SNP array was completed by ARS scientists in Cold Springs Harbor, NY and Agriplex.
- Genome sequences were completed for Capsicum pubescens and Cucurbita okeechobeensis.
Germplasm distributed by researchers of this project resulted in numerous publications, plant variety releases, and patents as detailed in the state reports provided by the S-009 State Representatives. The state reports are provided below to document this impact.
State Reports Submitted in 2024
Charles Chen, University of Alabama
According to records provided by S-009, a total of 770 accessions were requested by Alabama from 2021 to 2023. In 2022, the requested germplasm covered 10 genera, Arachis, Ipomoea, Crotalaria, Citrullus, Solanum, Eleocharis, Lagenaria, Panicum, and Vigna, respectively (Table 1). The most requested crop was peanut by Auburn University and HudsonAlpha Institute of Biotechnology (Table 2) in which here are a total of 625 accessions in 2023. Auburn University, Tuskegee University, and HudsonAlpha Institute of Biotechnology are the three major users of germplasm and requested 754 accessions of total 770 accessions. For peanuts, requested accessions have been used for screening drought tolerance and aflatoxin resistance.
Table 1. Requested Accessions by Genus in 2022
Crop |
Genus |
Total |
Peanut |
Arachis |
625 |
Sweet potato |
Ipomoea |
16 |
Rattle pod |
Crotalaria |
23 |
Watermelon |
Citrullus |
1 |
Eggplant |
Solanum |
1 |
Sedge |
Eleocharis |
1 |
Gourd |
Lagenaria |
1 |
Grass |
Panicum |
1 |
Cowpea |
Vigna |
1 |
Peppers |
Capsicum |
10 |
Total |
680 |
Table 2. Requested Accessions by Recipients
Year |
University/Institute |
Public Service / Primary Education |
Private Sector |
Total |
2021 |
16 |
18 |
9 |
43 |
2022 |
45 |
2 |
0 |
47 |
2023 |
669 |
11 |
0 |
680 |
Sub-total |
730 |
31 |
9 |
770 |
No state report was submitted for Arkansas.
No state report was submitted for Florida.
Soraya Leal-Bertioli, University of Georgia
Between 2021 and 2023, 2722 accessions were distributed to 69 users. The majority are Sorghum (1168 accessions) and Arachis (including peanut and wild species, 1135 accessions). Others include Vigna, Ipomoea, Eleusine, Catharanthus, Citrullus, Solanum, Zoysia and others. Most users (49) were affiliated with U.S. state agencies and universities, seven with USDA-ARS, five with commercial companies, one with U.S. federal agency (not AID or ARS), one with non-profit organizations and six individuals with no affiliation. All requests reported here are from within the U.S.A.
In order to have information about the utilization of these accessions, we emailed all users asking for a short description of the work they have done with the germplasm requested. We received 18 responses. A lot of the work being conducted is in the initial stages of characterization and crosses. The examples below are from these responses, from presentations from the Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics (UGA) retreat and literature search:
High oil content peanut lines are being used for crosses for the future cultivar release (UGA, Tifton). High oil content is also being characterized at the USDA (USDA, Peanut Lab, Dawson).
Valencia-type peanuts, adapted to Haiti and West Africa, were requested for crosses with wild-derived lines for development of germplasm for use in breeding programs in these countries, as part of the Peanut Innovation Lab, Feed the Future program in the Wild Peanut Lab (UGA Athens).
Wild species were requested to be used in crossing schemes to produce peanut compatible allotetraploids to broaden the peanut genetic base. Since 2021, 24 confirmed hybrids were obtained and 18 allotetraploids were produced (Wild Peanut Lab, UGA Athens).
Two accessions of peanut-compatible wild derived allotetraploids (BatSten1 and MagSten1) were requested for crosses with peanuts for the development of cultivars with disease resistance (ACI, GA).
Wild Arachis seeds were requested for tests for Aspergillus spp. and aflatoxin production (UGA, Griffin).
Peanut cultivars initially released in Africa and deposited at the PRGCU were requested for crosses with wild-derived lines for development of germplasm with multiple resistances, adapted to Africa (Wild Peanut Lab (UGA, Athens).
Wild Arachis accessions were requested for the genetic characterization of all species of the section Arachis (Wild Peanut Lab, UGA, Athens; USDA Griffin – Leal-Bertioli et al., 2024).
Cenchrus americanus
Seeds of Cenchrus americanus is being used to identify lines with better tissue culture response/transformation efficiency than the current line being used for pearl millet (UGA, Tifton).
Citrullus germplasm requested in 2021-2023 as well as germplasm requested in previous years was used to evaluate genotypes for non-preference to whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci) and resistance to whitefly transmitted viruses (Cucurbit leaf crumple virus (CuLCrV), Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV) and Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus (CCYV)) Several of the PI lines were selfed and F2 populations were developed using PI 494528 as a resistance source for further study and selection (UGA, Athens).
Cowpea accessions are being evaluated for resistance to the Cowpea Curculio (UGA, Griffin)
Cucurbita accessions are being used to investigate Powdery mildew resistance and for crosses in a breeding program (UGA, Griffin).
Accessions that were requested in 2022 and prior were evaluated in the field for resistance to whitefly transmitted viruses: Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV), Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus (CCYV), and Cucurbit leaf crumple virus (CuLCrV). This evaluation has led to 4 publications since 2022 (Luckew et al., 2022, Kavalappara et al., 2023, 2024, Adeleke et al., 2024). Yellow squash and zucchini squash are being used to map the resistance identified in the broad screen (UGA, Athens).
Eleusine Accessions were used to conduct a GWAS on a diverse finger millet panel (consisting of ~140 lines majorly from Ethiopia) to investigate the underlying genetics of salt tolerance. The future plan is to genotype the USDA mini-core collection (UGA, Griffin).
Sorghastrum nutans
Accessions were used in a project to examine genetic variability in Sorghastrum nutans collections from across the Southeast. Their plan is to use the genetic information gathered in this project to make informed decisions about current and future releases of Sorghastrum nutans, including possible areas of adaptation, evaluation of genetic diversity within and across future accessions, and evaluation of practices used for long-term breeder and foundation seed maintenance of a germplasm (Jimmy Carter Plant Materials Center).
Lines of sorghum are being tested for aphid resistance (USDA, Tifton).
48 ex-PVP sorghum lines were planted in an unreplicated nursery for initial observation (grain color, and took scores on naturally occurring grain mold, panicle-damage from insects, and leaf anthracnose) and seed increase. Selected lines will be used for crosses (USDA, Tifton).
Lines of sorghum are also being tested for aphid resistance and physiological traits at the Fort Valley State University/UGA (see Somashekhar et al., 2022).
Lines of sorghum are being used for RNA seq experiments (UGA, Athens).
Accessions of wheat were used in different research projects at UGA Griffin: for identifying genomic regions associated with key agro-morphological traits (Babar et al., 2024); mapping pathogen response genomic regions (ElDoliefy et al., 2024) and mapping of genomic regions for Hessian Fly Resistance (Bagwell et. al., 2024) (UGA, Griffin).
Zoysiagrass accessions and commercial cultivars were used to explore differential host plant resistance against three different isolates of Rhizoctonia solani (UGA, Griffin).
Mari Marutani, University of Guam
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas)
Two sweet potato germlines from the USDA germplasm in Georgia, USA (PI538289, PI531168) were transferred to the Guam’s US Department of Agriculture (DOAG) tissue culture facility in July 2023.
Characterization of horticultural traits of eight sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) germlines was performed at Yigo farm during January to May 2023. Accessions studied included: PI531126 (Vilca, Romero; Peru), PI531131 (Camote Morado; Peru), PI531150 (Lurin, Peru), PI531168 (Morado de Huarango; Peru), Liberty (SC, USA), Stokes Purple (NC, USA), SP16-0009 (creamy yellow, Guam), and SP10-0010 (purple, Guam). The experiment was discontinued due to the typhoon hit northern Guam in May 2023.
Hot pepper (Capsicum sp.)
Three of seven hot pepper lines, the University of Guam Accession No. HP01 (Dragon), HP06 (Guåfi Up) and HP14 (Guåfi Flat) were deposited to S-9 in 2021 as Capsicum annuum. However, in 2023 they were confirmed as C. frutescens by genetic studies of multiplexed inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) genotyping by sequencing (MIG-seq).
A local hot pepper, Capsicum frutescens cv. Guåfi has shown some variation in horticultural traits. The field trial was conducted to determine the stability of each trait at Guam Agricultural Experiment Station Yigo farm from February to May 2023. Traits in the study included: the orientation of fruit position as ‘erect’ (the fruit is held in an upright position); ‘pendulous’ (the fruit is pendulous or in downward position); and ‘nubby or flat tip’ fruits. Plants with three traits are labeled as ‘Guåfi Up’, ‘Guåfi Down’, and ‘Guåfi Flat.’ Plants with each trait were artificially self-pollinated to obtain seeds. About 80 seedlings for each trait were studied. Offsprings of ‘Guåfi Flat’ produced all ‘nubby or flat tip’ fruits and ‘Guåfi Down’ produced all ‘pendulous’ fruits. ‘Guåfi Up’ produced ‘pendulous’ fruit instead of ‘erect’ fruit position seen in parent plants. The study indicates that trait of fruit tip (e.g. flat tip) may be inheriting to offspring. An open-pollinated cultivar, cv. Guåfi is characterized to produce pendulous fruits with either flat or pointy tip.
Don LaBonte, Louisiana State University
Sweetpotato germplasm requests from the S-9 repository serve two purposes: 1) in search of a source of resistance to specific diseases, and 2) to evaluate resistance to diseases of germplasm in the collection to assist the curator in expanding the information in the characterization database. The objective is to evaluate sweetpotato germplasm for resistance against the black rot causing pathogen Ceratocystis fimbriata. An S-9 core of plant introductions and an additional set of lines at the PGR Unit will be screened. Several of these are new introductions from Japan with putative resistance (Kyuushuu 100 and Kasho Nourin). Several lines are to be screened for guava root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne enterolobii.
Introductions of Citrullus lanatus, Solanum melongena, Abelmoschus esculentus and Capsicum annuum were made to educate home gardeners about the importance of preserving Louisiana heirloom vegetables as these are adapted to our climate and growing conditions, as well as preserving genetic diversity among open pollinated varieties available to gardeners. There is also an objective to increase seed in order to give home gardeners the opportunity to grow and try these varieties for themselves. Unique flavor profiles, and tolerance to pests, disease, heat and humidity are expected.
Hibiscus cannabinus was planted alongside the USDA S-1084 field trials consisting of 12 fiber/seed varieties of hemp. The objective is to compare kenaf and hemp side by side as an exploratory study.
Brian S. Baldwin, Mississippi State University
Bheemanahalli Rangappa, R. Eleusine coracana: We have phenotyped the 498 accessions for plant pigments, key agronomic traits, and yield-related traits under hot and dry conditions in marginal soil. We plan to do follow-up studies before we publish these findings. Some findings will be presented at the 2024 annual ASA-CSSA-SSSA meeting in November. Tentative title: Adaptability of Finger Millet to the Hot and Dry Environment of Mississippi. (abstract to be submitted). Two Paspalum distichum samples did not survive. We lack data and do not plan to use these lines. Sorghum bicolor: We could not phenotype the whole sorghum association panel (375) for early vegetative stage vigor. However, we characterized three accessions (SC35, Macia, and RTX430) from that pool for a comparative study between inbred and hybrid. We also presented these findings at the 2023 ASA, CSSA, and SSSA International Annual Meeting.
Sakhanokho, Hamidou - REE-ARS. The H. mutabilis seeds were used for research purposes (breeding and genetic studies). We are currently conducting research on genetic control of flower color and doubled-flowering in H. mutabilis. We are also working on developing dwarf H. mutabilis via transformation and genome editing. There are no publications to date.
Charles L Cantrell. The work conducted with these Capsicum annuum seed was not completed and there are no publications pertaining to these seed.
Dong, Hongxu. Axonopus compressus germplasm was incorporated into a new carpetgrass breeding program being initiated. Cynodon species were used to map populations grouping. Bermudagrass breeding and cultivar development is hampered by limited information regarding genetic and phenotypic diversity. A germplasm collection of 206 bermudagrass accessions from 29 countries was genotyped with high-throughput genotyping-by-sequencing technique. Genomic diversity in this diverse germplasm panel was assessed with multifaceted approaches including population structure, phylogenetic analysis, principal component analysis, and genetic diversity parameters. This study revealed substantial genetic variation in the Cynodon accessions, demonstrating the potential of this germplasm panel for further genetic studies and cultivar development in breeding programs. Another critical issue in turfgrass breeding is the lack of information regarding the genetic architecture of traits. Four agronomic traits leaf length, leaf width, internode distance and stem diameter were evaluated in a germplasm panel of common bermudagrass accessions. Then genome-wide association study was performed to dissect the genetic basis of the traits. This study revealed extensive genetic diversity in the two Cynodon species important to breeding turfgrass cultivars by exploiting a bermudagrass germplasm panel of worldwide origin. To the best of our knowledge, this study reports the highest number of genome-wide SNP markers in a bermudagrass germplasm study. Strong and distinct genetic structure, as revealed by multiple analyses, indicates rich genetic variation for further improvement and development of new bermudagrass cultivars to reach a new adaptive peak. The grouping of African bermudagrass with common bermudagrass populations originating in Africa is a new finding and suggests significance in evolution and adaptation in the Africa continent. This study reveals that naturalized bermudagrass in the Midwest and Northeast of the US were genetically similar and likely introductions from Europe or Asia. The separate groupings of common bermudagrass accessions provides information to breeders and geneticists aiding in parental line selection for developing breeding populations. This study provides a valuable guide for allele mining of desirable genes for the traits of interest (e.g., abiotic and biotic stress resistance), which will improve bermudagrass breeding and serve as foundation for genetic mapping of important traits.
Dale Riser. Research with Capsicum annuum and C. chinense were used to develop a hardy regional strain of a particular color. No publication. Results weren't overly successful.
Wang Mei. Different Arachis accessions of peanut seed were assessed for fatty acid quantity and quality. No substantial differences were observed. No publications yet.
Zurweller, Brendan Brendan. Seed requested was used in a non-replicated seed size evaluation test. There were not any publications produced from this request.
North Carolina
Carlos Iglesias, North Carolina State University
Over the past three years (2021 – 2023), institutions in North Carolina requested 1211 accessions (20 accessions seemed to have been ordered by organizations outside our State) from the PGRC unit at Griffin. Of these, 221 were requested in 2023, 444 in 2022, and 546 in 2021. We received use reports for 65% of the accessions (787 of them). The largest number of accessions requested by genus were Sorghum (823); Hibiscus (118); Capsicum (64); Zoysia (55) Abelmoschus (38); Vigna (33); and Arachis (27); representing 95% of the total number of accessions requested by institutions in North Carolina.
The whole kenaf (Hibicus cannabinus) collection was introduced to NCSU for a preliminary field evaluation in 2023. Small plots were evaluated at Clinton, NC and based on biomass production and plant type, 31 of them were preselected. Individual plants were cloned in the greenhouse and seed was produced during winter months. A replicated trial is being conducted this year using the selected entries. Fiber amount and quality will be evaluated. Kenaf seems to have great potential as an alternative fiber crop with good prospects to complement the fiber hemp production movement.
A collection of sorghum accessions was used for studies on understanding metabolic adaptations to environmental stresses by Dr. Rellan-Alvarez. His lab is currently performing genetic mapping of metabolic traits with these materials.
Sorghum bicolor subsp. bicolor seeds obtained for ethylene response study comparing Sorghum bicolor subsp. bicolor to Zea mays. subsp. mays. In the process of collecting preliminary results to be used for grant submission (K. Fritz).
Early crossing of introduced okra accessions to NCSU have resulted in segregating progenies which are under evaluation and selection for target traits this year (ornamental). Previously, two generations of multiplication and observation were conducted in greenhouse and field, including some practice crossings. Field observations and selections were made in the field during 2021. Selections were grown in 2023 and more targeted crosses were made. The target is to develop okra varieties that combine different flower and pod colors as ornamental types.
Okra accessions were also acquired by the Utopian Seed Project (USP). The USP worked with the higher oilseed content accessions. Crosses were made in 2021 and the top 10 F1s were selected to grow out this year. Next year USP will grow the F2s and begin selection for higher oil content material. The USP has also evaluated accessions from other species of the genus Abelmoschus. USP is especially interested in tropical A. manihot subsp. manihot and A. caillei.
We are currently in the F3 grow out of a high oilseed breeding project which used S9 germplasm as the parental lines. We have been partnering with the Princeton Seed Farm to grow out the plants and run oilseed analysis via NMR for the purpose of selecting improved lines. We have also collected leaf tissue samples for genome sequencing to identify genetic markers associated with higher oil content to assist with future selections.
Peanut species:
All germplasm acquired from the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) and/or the National Peanut Germplasm Collection in Dawson, GA was used to validate seed sources already in the North Carolina State University peanut germplasm collection. The following studies required the validation of the peanut germplasm lines reported in S9 over the past 1 to 3 years:
The plant introductions (PI) used in the development of three populations with the recurrent parent, Georgia Green, were verified based on sources obtained from GRIN – PI 371521, PI 471952 and PI 493693 were selected on the basis of high folate content and used for the purposes of mapping folate QTL for marker-assisted selection.
Vigna Species:
Thirty accessions of Bambara groundnuts (Vigna subterranea) were introduced and increased in the greenhouse in the Spring of 2022. Those accessions together with 220 introductions from the collection at IITA (Nigeria) were grown in the field in 2023 (Clinton, NC) to evaluate adaptation and crop potential. Due to weed pressure and weather the yield was not very significant, and the 60 best performing lines were selected to be evaluated further. A new seed increase from the selected lines is currently being done at the greenhouse. We also established a collaboration with the weed science specialist to find potential pre and post emergent herbicides that are currently being evaluated in a field trial in Clinton, NC. The project was renewed and is financed during fy24 and fy25 by a small grant for New and Emerging Crops by the NCDA. The main target is the alternative protein market, given that there are already companies developing protein products based on Bambara groundnuts in Asia.
Turfgrass species:
A St. Augustinegrass [Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze] germplasm panel that includes all plant introductions in GRIN has been assembled for a genome-wide association study on drought tolerance.
A zoysiagrass (Zoysia spp.) germplasm panel that includes all plant introductions in GRIN has been assembled for a genome-wide association study on components of seed yield.
A reference genome for PI 410353 has been built and annotated. Differential gene expression data is being used to identify genes controlling GLS resistance that can be stacked for development of St. Augustinegrass cultivars with improved levels of resistance.
A set of 24 Cynodon spp. germplasm was evaluated for their ability to grow under 63% shade. These accessions represent new sources of genetic resistance to shade to be used for developing improved bermudagrass cultivars. A manuscript summarizing this work is in preparation for submission to Crop Science.
A mapping population using PI 231146 as the male parent was developed to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with large patch (Causal agent Rhizoctoni solanii) resistance. A manuscript summarizing this work is in preparation for submission to Plant Disease.
Shuhao Yu, Oklahoma State University
Plant germplasm users in Oklahoma requested a total of 342 accessions maintained at the USDA ARS Plant Genetic Resources Conservation Unit at Griffin, GA in this reporting period. The Oklahoma users included scientists at Oklahoma State University, USDA ARS laboratories, University of Tulsa and private business, and farmers. The requested plant germplasm included peanuts (Arachis spp.), sorghum (Sorghum spp.), and grasses (Cenchrus spp). The number of requested germplasm in 2023 (342) is much less than that in 2020 (981), 2021 (872), and 2022 (2,374).
Puerto Rico
Carlos Flores Ortega, University of Puerto Rico
During the years 2021 and 2022 Dra. Angela Linares, Professor/ Agro-Environmental Sciences Department and her graduate student Andrea Landron requested three cucurbita germplasm GRIF 9457, PI 458650 and PI 490354 (GRIN-Global), Taína Dorada, Soler and Verde Luz genotypes developed at the University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus, and the Waltham genotype as a susceptible control were evaluated for resistance to P. xanthii (GenBank OP882307, OP882308, OP882309 y OP882310). Previous studies suggest that GRIF 9457 is resistant, PI 458650 is partially susceptible, and PI 490354 is intermediate susceptible to powdery blight. Ten plants with three repetitions of each genotype were planted in the Lajas Agricultural Experimental Station nursery in December 2022. The plants were inoculated with a suspension of conidia of 5 x 104 conidia/mL at 7 and 14 days after sowing. Data were taken from cotyledons, first and second true leaves at 21 days after sowing using the modified scale of Horsfall and Barrat (1945) where 1 = free of infection and 6 = > 76% of white powdery specks in the foliar tissue. All the genotypes were susceptible to inoculation by P. xanthii, obtaining between 22 and 60% infection in the evaluated seedlings. The Taína Dorada, Soler, and Verde Luz genotypes were less susceptible to infection caused by P. xanthii than the rest of the study genotypes (P > 0.05).
South Carolina
Rick Boyles, Clemson University
In 2023, number of individual requests and total number of accessions requested were both up from previous year numbers. At 1,193 accessions ordered in 2023, this was the second highest in the past six years (2021: 1,428), and more than double the 569 accessions requested in 2022. Very similar to the previous year, accessions of Citrullus spp. represented 72% of total accessions. While the USDA-ARS Vegetable Lab (Dr. Amnon Levi) requested accessions from five different Citrullus species, the majority of accessions in the Citrullus genus were ordered by Dr. Bhupinder Jatana’s program at the Clemson University Edisto Research and Education Center (Blackville, SC). These accessions were requested to conduct controlled environment studies that have not been initiated to date. There were also four accessions of tinda (Benincasa fistulosa) requested for this same experiment. Dr. Phil Wadl requested additional sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) accessions (n=174) again in 2023 to characterize them for resistance to the root-knot nematode species, Meloidogyne enterolobii and M. incognita. Any resistant accessions identified in this evaluation will be incorporated into USDA-ARS Vegetable Laboratory sweetpotato breeding nurseries. At 104 accessions, sorghum was the third most popularly requested genus in 2023. The majority of accessions are being used to study the role of root exudates’ chemical diversity in facilitating the assemblage of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. The sorghum accessions are being used in the ongoing greenhouse experiment to collect root exudates, which are being analyzed using the mass spectrometric technique. The collected root exudates will be further used to investigate their ability to induce hyphal branching of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. There was also one accession of pearl millet (Cenchrus americanus) ordered for this study as an interspecies control. In a separate study conducted by Dr. Trevor Rife’s lab at the Clemson Pee Dee Research and Education Center (PDREC), 11 Sorghum bicolor accessions were used to test the ability of CD case mini-rhizotrons with 3D printed components as a high-throughput phenotyping approach to screen initial nodal root angles. The 11 accessions selected had previously shown to have high variation in root architecture. Twenty sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) accessions were obtained by Dr. Wonkeun “John” Park, based at the Clemson University PDREC, to evaluate regional adaptability, yield potential, and shattering traits and to compare with varieties available in the markets and from the private seed company in responding to the local farmers’ needs. There were two separate requests made for a small number of Capsicum accessions (16 total) that included a small farm operation (Freedom Acres LLC) that is using the peppers to develop proprietary hot sauces for market. Dr. Sachin Rustgi’s lab requested diploid peanut progenitors: two accessions each of the A subgenome donor, Arachis duranensis, and the B subgenome donor, Arachis ipaensis, along with three accessions of the non-donor A subgenome species, Arachis diogoi (Table 1). This study aims to explore the contributions of these subgenomes to the proteome of cultivated peanut, Arachis hypogaea, and evaluate the diversity in protein content and compositions across different subgenomes. Additionally, nine accessions of A. hypogaea were ordered, which included accessions previously tested for heat tolerance. Some genotypes were selected based on known deficiencies in specific immunogenic proteins, and one was chosen for its resistance to root-knot nematodes, with the objective of studying the impact of heat stress during anthesis on seed protein content and composition.
Table 1. Statistics showing trends in South Carolina requests over the past six years. |
Year |
Total requests |
# of genera |
# of accessions |
% change accessions |
2018 |
10 |
8 |
837 |
N/A |
2019 |
17 |
7 |
736 |
-12 |
2020 |
8 |
6 |
926 |
+26 |
2021 |
10 |
5 |
1,428 |
+54 |
2022 |
11 |
5 |
569 |
-60 |
2023 |
13 |
8 |
1193 |
+110 |
Virginia R. Sykes, University of Tennessee
Over the past three years (2021 – 2023), 859 accessions were requested from the PGRC unit at Griffin by individuals in Tennessee. Of these, 79 were requested in 2023, 579 were requested in 2022, and 201 were requested in 2021. The large increase in 2022 was from requests for cowpea germplasm from TN State University. In 2023, material was requested from 9 genera: Arachis (1), Citrullus (1), Crotalaria (2), Eleusine (1), Sesbania (7), Sorghastrum (1), Sorghum (1), Stylosanthes (33), Vigna (32). No publications or germplasm/variety releases related to these accession requests have been reported since the last S-009 report in 2023
Gerald R. Smith, Texas A&M University
Approximately 76 accessions (PIs) of sideoats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx. Torr.) originally collected in Mexico, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas were obtained from the Plant Genetic Resource Conservation Unit at Griffin, GA and planted in the greenhouse (Texas A&M University, College Station, TX) in 4-inch pots during the fall, winter and spring of 2023-2024. In addition, seedlings of six commercial varieties released by the USDA-NRCS and collaborators and currently sold in NM, OK, and TX (Brewster, South Texas Native Germplasm, Niner, Vaughn, El Reno and Haskell) were also established.
Current research at TAMU focuses on determining DNA content and genetic variation within and between accessions. Previous studies prior to the availability of flow cytometry reported frequent aneuploidy with chromosome numbers ranging from 2N=20 to > 2N=100 in the species. While chromosome counts have yet to be determined, the 2C DNA content of the commercial varieties (El Reno, Haskell, and Vaughn) has averaged ca. 1.4 pg, while the 2C DNA content of the varieties (Brewster, Niner, and South Texas Native Germplasm) has averaged 3.75 pg or greater. The 2C DNA content of Uvalde and Premier, which are no longer commercially available, averaged ca. 1.4 pg and 3.75 pg, respectively. This is consistent with the classification of the rhizomatous tetraploid types as Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr var curtipendula and the higher ploidy accessions as Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx) Torr. var caespitosa Gould & Kapadia.
Agronomic and plant pathology research with guar, chickpea, tepary bean, indigo, lentil, and cowpea was initiated at Texas A&M AgriLife, Vernon. The guar PI lines were evaluated for plant size, disease occurrence and drought tolerance. Cowpeas were evaluated under both organic and non-organic field conditions and cowpea seed were evaluated using NIRS technology.
Sorghum grain quality was evaluated at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. The ongoing research entails a systems-level investigation of networks regulating starch, protein, and oil production in sorghum grains. Large seed sorghum PI lines were evaluated in Puerto Rico through the USDA Sorghum Research at Lubbock, TX.
The Juenger lab at UT Austin has longstanding interests in c4 perennial grasses, including their comparative genomics, abiotic stress responses, and interactions with microbial communities. Much of our research has focused on grasses in the genus Panicum. In 2022 and 2023, we placed a GRIN request for a number of accessions of Panicum species (Panicum bergii, P. hirticaule, P capillare, P. turgidum, P. antidotale). We’ve grown material from these accessions to harvest tissue for RNA and DNA and have moved forward with developing genomic resources for P. capillare and P. hirticaule. We hope to generate well assembled and annotation full genome references for these species in the coming year. These will be useful resources for us in the context of comparative genomic analyses. In addition, we’ve conducted a small experiment using several of these species to characterize the root-associated microbiome of Panicoid grasses.
Progeny tests were conducted in both greenhouse and field sites at Texas A&M AgriLife, Overton to identify non-segregating lines of forage lablab bean from crosses between disease resistant lines and high seed yield lines. Fifty F2 plants from hand crosses between southern root-knot nematode resistant forage cowpea lines and perennial wild-type cowpeas were evaluated at Overton, TX for maturity, seed and pod traits and perennial traits. Elite F3 families were produced with high seed and forage yield potential. Root-knot nematode resistance will be evaluated in these families in 2024.
U.S. Virgin Islands
Thomas W. Zimmerman, University of the Virgin Islands
Melon worms are a major problem to cucumber production in the USVI. Cucumis sativus, 86 PI lines, were obtained from the USDA Germplasm Repository and evaluated for leaf flavonoid content and influence on melon worms during growth and production.
Sweetpotato germplasm was evaluated for the influence of stem cutting length on production and weevil damage.
Thirty-one West Indian cultivars of Avocado were planted to determine tolerance to caliche soils and month of production. Cultivars of Avocado can flower at different times during the year. The objective is to select five cultivars that would provide for year-round production.
Hibiscus sabdariffa breeding continues toward developing new cultivars with extended production, tolerance to high pH soils and fusarium.
Bas Bargmann, Virginia Tech
Several institutions in Virginia have used germplasm provided by the S-009 project over the last three years for educational purposes as well as differing lines of research, some with promising results that are expected to lead to publications in the near future. There were no publications reported in the last year. Of the 15 Virginia users, we had a response from ten and five did not respond after repeated solicitation.
Dr. Balota at Virginia Tech used Arachis hypogaea to study heat tolerance and pollen viability and multiple Vicia faba lines in a NIFA-SCRI project to test their winter survival and suitability for production in the Mid-Atlantic. Mr. Catania did not use the Solanum douglasii germplasm due to waterlogging at his growth location. Dr. Harbans Bhardwaj at Virginia State University used 492 accessions of Vicia faba during 2023 and evaluated these in the field for winter hardiness and agronomic traits. Mr. Hardin (affiliation unknown) used Abelmoschus esculentus for observation and the strain deemed to be of most significant agricultural potential was shared with the Utopian Seed Project for their 2024 Ultra-Cross breeding project. Ms. Hollowell at Southern Exposure Seed Exchange used Lagenaria, Indigofera, and Abelmoschus germplasm for observation and comparison, to assess which would be suitable for selling in seed packets, primarily to home gardeners. Ms. Liu at Virginia Tech used Cymbopogon citratus to study how different environmental conditions (such as lighting) affect their secondary metabolites (volatile aroma compounds) and gene expression. Mr. Nelson at CRR used the Cucurbita lundelliana accession successfully for hybridization with the domesticated species C. ficifolia and C. maxima. Mr. Swartz at Lost River Teas LLC stated the Phyllostachys germplasm he received did not survive and was not used for further study. Dr. Timko at the University of Virginia used his Vigna germplasm to grow plants out in the greenhouse to multiply seed and do a first pass analysis of phenotypic differences. Dr. Zhao at Virginia Tech evaluated the disease resistance of requested Capsicum germplasm.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Adeleke, I. A., Kavalappara, S. R., Codod, C. B., Kharel, P., Luckew, A., McGregor, C., Simmons, A. M., Srinivasan, R., & Bag, S. (2024). Evaluation of plant introduction lines of yellow squash (Cucurbita pepo) for resistance against single infection of Cucurbit Chlorotic Yellows Virus and Cucurbit Leaf Crumple Virus. HortScience, 59(7), 949-956.
Alam MS, Khanal C, Roberts J, Rutter W, Wadl PA (2024) Enhancing reniform nematode management in sweetpotato by complementing host-plant resistance with nonfumigant nematicides. Plant Disease 108(7):PDIS-07. doi:10.1094/PDIS-07-23-1412-RE.
Amgain, N. R., Fontanier, C. H., & Martin, D. L. (2023). Evaluation of annual effect of selected cultivation programs for the management of creeping bentgrass putting greens in the transition zone. Crop Science, 63, 1592–1601.
Amini, Z., H. Salehi., M. Chehrazi, M. Etemadi, and M. Xiang. 2023. miRNAs and their target genes play a critical role in response to heat stress in Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. Molecular Biotechnology.
Andreason SA, McKenzie-Reynolds P, Whitley KM, Coffey J, Simmons AM, Wadl PA (2024) Tracking sweet potato leaf curl virus through field production: Implications for sustainable sweetpotato production and breeding practices. Plants 13(9):1267.
Awika HO, Ewer J (2022). Modeling the influence of leaf and flower carotenoid, flavonoid and chlorophyll in field cucumber fruit count using machine learning and rank fraction. ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Awika HO, Ewer J, Dreves AJ (2022). Total leaf flavonoid influences the resistance to melonworm in diverse cucumber accessions in the US Virgin Islands. ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Babar, M. A., Khan, N., Blount, A., Barnett, R. D., Harrison, S. A., DeWitt, N., Johnson, J., Mergoum, M., Boyles, R., Murphy, P., Mason, E., Shakiba, E., Ibrahim, A. M. H., Sutton, R., Brown-Guedira, G., Marshall, D., Cowger, C., Baik, B. K., Santantonio, N., … Mailhot, D. (2024). Registration of ‘FL16045-25’: An early-maturing, high-yielding, disease-resistant soft red facultative wheat cultivar for the southern United States. Journal of Plant Registrations, 18, 374–387.
Bagwell JW, Subedi M, Sapkota S, Lopez B, Ghimire B, Chen Z, Buntin GD, Bahri BA, Mergoum M. Quantitative Trait Locus Analysis of Hessian Fly Resistance in Soft Red Winter Wheat. Genes. 2023 Sep 17;14(9):1812.
Branch, W. D., and T. B. Brenneman. "Registration of ‘Georgia‐23RKN’peanut." 2024. Journal of Plant Registrations 18.2: 285-289.
Brown, J.M., Escalona Weldt, C., Holloway, H.M.P., Tuong, T.D., Patton, A.J., DaCosta, M., Livingston, D.P., Yu, X., and Milla-Lewis, S.R. 2023. A transcriptomic analysis of zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica) provides novel insights into the molecular basis of cold acclimation. Grass Research 3(1).
Cerit, M., Wang, Z., Dogan, M., Yu, S., Valenzuela-Antelo, J.L., Chu, C., ... & Liu, S. 2023. Mapping QTL for yield and its component traits using wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) RIL mapping population from TAM 113× Gallagher. Agronomy, 13, 2402.
Chandra, A., A. Genovesi, J. Fry, A. Patton, M. Meeks, R. Braun, M. Xiang, M. Chhetri, and M. Kennelly. 2023. ‘DALZ 1701’, a third-generation interspecific zoysiagrass hybrid. Journal of Plant Registrations. 17, 499-511.
Chandra, A., Genovesi, A.D., Meeks, M., Segars, C.A., Eads, J., Hejl, R., Floyd, W., Wherley, B., Straw, C., Bowling, R., Kenworthy, K.E., Schwartz, B.M., Raymer, P., Milla-Lewis, S.R., and Wu, Y. 2023. Registration of ‘DALSA 1618’ St. Augustinegrass. J. Plant Regist. DOI: 10.1002/plr2.20302
Chen YJ, Catto MA, Pandey S, Leal-Bertioli S, Abney M, Hunt BG, Bag S, Culbreath A, Srinivasan R. Characterization of gene expression patterns in response to an orthotospovirus infection between two diploid peanut species and their hybrid. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2023 Nov 13;14:1270531.
Chen YJ, Pandey S, Catto M, Leal-Bertioli S, Abney MR, Bag S, Hopkins M, Culbreath A, Srinivasan R. Evaluation of wild peanut species and their allotetraploids for resistance against thrips and thrips-transmitted tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus (TSWV). Pathogens. 2023 Aug 28;12(9):1102.
Cuevas, HE, Knoll, JE, Prom, LK, Stutts, LR, Vermerris, W. 2023. Genetic diversity, population structure and anthracnose resistance response in a novel sweet sorghum diversity panel. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14. DOI=10.3389/fpls.2023.1249555
Culbreath J, Wram C, Khanal C, Bechtel T, Wadl PA, Mueller J, Rutter WB (2023) A community-level sampling method for detection of Meloidogyne enterolobii and other root-knot nematodes in sweetpotato storage roots. Crop Protection 174:106401. doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2023.106401.
Dilovan K. Yahya, Matthew W. Blair, Aron M. Felts, Ahmad N. Aziz. 2024. Individual Microspore Genotyping in Sorghum (S. bicolor) Cultivars Using a KASP Panel of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Markers. Annals of Plant Sciences.13(3): 6199-6211, ISSN 2287-688X.
ElDoliefy, A.E.A., Anderson, J.A., Glover, K.D. et al. Mapping of main and hidden epistatic QTL effects in spring wheat population using medium parental FHB resistance. Discov. Plants 1, 1 (2024).
Ganaparthi VR, Rennberger G, Wechter P, Levi A, Branham SE (2023) Genome-wide association mapping and genomic prediction of Fusarium wilt race 2 resistance in the USDA Citrullus amarus collection. Plant Disease 107(12):3836-42. doi:10.1094/PDIS-02-23-0400-RE
Ganaparthi VR, Wechter P, Levi A, Branham SE (2024) Mapping and validation of Fusarium wilt race 2 resistance QTL from Citrullus amarus line USVL246-FR2. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 137(4):91. doi:10.1007/s00122-024-04595-z.
Garcia C, Pauli D, Plecki C, Alnasser H, Rozzi B, Calleja S, Arnold AE. The root-endophytic microbiome shifts under drought in high-performing sorghum. Phytobiomes Journal. 2024 Mar 1(ja).
Gouveia, B., Chandra, A., Schwartz, B.M., Kenworthy, K.E., Raymer, P.L., Wu, Y., and Milla-Lewis, S.R. 2024. Warm-season turfgrass species genotype-by-environment interaction for turfgrass quality under drought. J. Agron. Crop Sci. 210(1), e12681.
Holbrook, C.C., Ozias-Akins, P., Chu, Y., Brenneman, T.M., Culbreath, A.K. 2024. Registration of ‘TifNV-HG’ peanut. Journal of Plant Registrations 17, 512-516.
Hui Zhang, Lisa dean, Ming li Wang, Phat Dang, Marshall Lamb, and Charles Chen. 2023. GWAS with principal component analysis identifies QTLs associated with main peanut flavor related traits. Front. In Plant Science. 14: 1204415. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1204415
Joseph, Samuel S., Thomas W. Zimmerman, Daryl A. Richard, Jr. and Theran Blackwood. 2023. Influence of Sweetpotato Cutting Length and In-row Spacing on Production AgriFest Bulletin 2023. Pages 25-26.
Kavalappara, S.R., Bag, S., Luckew, A., McGregor, C.E. (2023) Small RNA Profiling of Cucurbit Yellow Stunting Disorder Virus from Susceptible and Tolerant Squash (Cucurbita pepo) Lines. Viruses, 15(3):788.
Kavalappara, S.R., Bag, S., Luckew, A., McGregor, C.E., Culbreath, A.K., Simmons, A.M. (2024) Evaluation of Squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) Genotypes for Resistance to Cucurbit Chlorotic Yellows Virus. Horticulturae, 10(3):264.
Kenworthy, K.E, Quesenberry, K., Aldrich, K., Buhlman, J., Rios, E.F., Unruh, J.B., Harmon, P. F., Dale, A., Milla-Lewis, S.R., Schwartz, B.M., Raymer, P.G., Chandra, A., Wu, Y., Zhang, J., Wherley, B.G., Martin, D.L., Moss, J.Q., Fontanier, C., Miller, G.L. 2023 Registration of 'FSA1602' St. Augustinegrass. J Plant Regist.
Knoll, J. E., Uchimiya, M., Hayes, C. M., Punnuri, S. M., Harris-Shultz, K. R., & Smith, J. S. (2023). Registration of three sweet sorghum lines with high tolerance to sorghum aphid (Melanaphis sorghi). Journal of Plant Registrations, 17, 551–560.
Kumar N, Boatwright JL, Boyles R, Brenton ZW, Kresovich S (2024) Identification of pleiotropic loci mediating structural and non-structural carbohydrate accumulation within the sorghum bioenergy association panel using high-throughput markers. Front Plant Sci 15:1356619. doi:10.3389/fpls.2024.1356619
Kumar N, Boatwright JL, Sapkota S, Brenton ZW, Ballén-Taborda C, Myers MT, Cox WA, Jordan KE, Kresovich S and Boyles R (2023) Discovering useful genetic variation in the seed parent gene pool for sorghum improvement. Front Genet 14:1221148. doi:10.3389/fgene.2023.1221148.
Leal-Bertioli SCM, de Blas FJ, Chavarro MC, Simpson CE, Valls JFM, Tallury SP, Moretzsohn MC, Custodio AR, Stalker HT, Seijo G, Bertioli DJ. 2024. An analysis of the relationships of the wild peanut species in the taxonomic section Arachis using high-density single nucleotide polymorphisms – a resource for botanical classification, crop improvement and germplasm management. American Journal of Botany. 2024;111:e16357.
Luckew, A., Meru, G., Wang, Y., Mwatuwa, R., Paret, M., Carvalho, R., Kalischuk, M., Ribeiro da Silva, A. L. B., Candian, J., Dutta, B., Srinivasan, R., Kavalappara, S. R., RRD, N. C. K., Bag, S., and McGregor, C. (2022). Field Evaluation of Cucurbita Germplasm for Resistance to Whiteflies and Whitefly-transmitted Viruses. HortScience, 57(2), 337-344.
Manley, A., C. B. Adams, J. Cason, C. Ruhl, M. Brown, H. Pham, W. Ravelombola, C. Trostle 2024. Evaluating USDA guar [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) germplasm for seed protein content. Euphytica. 220 (112): Evaluating USDA guar [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.] germplasm for seed protein content | Euphytica (
Manley, A., C. Adams, W. Ravelombola, C. Trostle, J. Cason, H. Pham, R. Shrestha, S. Malani 2023. Evaluating USDA guar [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.] genotypes for Alternaria leaf blight resistance under field conditions. Euphytica 219 (56): 2-8. Evaluating USDA guar [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.] genotypes for Alternaria leaf blight resistance under field conditions (
Patil NY, Hoffmann Jr L, Winans N, Perumal R, Hayes C, Emendack Y, Boyles R, Dahlberg J, Klein RR, Klein PE, Rooney WL (2024) Registration of sorghum backcross‐nested association mapping (BC‐NAM) families in a BTx623 or RTx436 background. J Plant Registr 18:204-219. doi:10.1002/plr2.20286.
Proano Cuenca, F., C. Garzon, Y.Q. Wu, S. Marek, N. Walker. 2023. Draft genome sequences of eleven isolates of Ophiosphaerella spp., the causal agents of several turfgrass diseases including spring dead spot of bermudagrass and necrotic ring spot of Kentucky bluegrass. PhytoFrontiers.
Rockstad, G.B., Austin, R.E., Tome Gouveia, B., Carbajal, E.M., and Milla-Lewis, S.R. 2023. Assessing unmanned aerial vehicle-based imagery for breeding applications in St. Augustinegrass under drought and non-drought conditions. Crop Science
Serba, D., Y.Q. Wu, R. Hejl, C. Williams, and K. Bronson. 2023. Spectral reflectance estimated genetic variation in hybrid turf bermudagrass. Grass Research. DOI:
Singh, L., McCurdy, J. D., Baldwin, B. S., Dong, H. 2023. Genetic diversity of bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) revealed by genotyping-by-sequencing. Front. Plant Sci. Vol 14
Singh, L., Y.Q. Wu, J.D. McCurdy, B.R. Stewart, M.L. Warburton, B.S. Baldwin, and H.X. Dong. 2023. Genetic diversity and population structure of bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) revealed by genotyping-by-sequencing. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14:1155721. DOI:
Somashekhar M. Punnuri, Addissu G. Ayele, Karen R. Harris-Shultz, Joseph E. Knoll, Alisa W. Coffin, Haile K. Tadesse, J. Scott Armstrong, Trahmad K. Wiggins, Hanxia Li, Scott Sattler, Jason G. Wallace. 2022. Genome-wide association mapping of resistance to the sorghum aphid in Sorghum bicolor. Genomics 114, Issue 4
Subedi, M., Bagwell, J. W., Ghimire, B., Lopez, B., Sapkota, S., Babar, M. A, & Mergoum, M. (2024). identifying genomic regions associated with key agro-morphological traits in soft red winter wheat using genome-wide association study. Crop Science, 1–20.
Tsai YC, Brenneman T, Holbrook CC, Chu Y, Ozias-Akins P, Bertioli D. Leal-Bertioli SCM. 2023. Development of a greenhouse method to evaluate peanut resistance to Athelia rolfsii. Phytofrontiers
Viteri, D. M., & Linares-Ramírez, A. M. (2024). Registration of indeterminate and photoperiod-insensitive IIPG-7 and IIPG-11 pigeonpea germplasm. Journal of Plant Registrations, 18, 426–435.
Viteri, D. M., Linares-Ramírez, A. M., & Shi, A. (2024). Genome-wide association study reveals a QTL region for ashy stem blight resistance in PRA154 Andean common bean. Plant Disease, 108, 407–415.
Waldo BD, Branham SE, Levi A, Wechter WP, Rutter WB (2023) Distinct genomic loci underlie quantitative resistance to Meloidogyne enterolobii galling and reproduction in Citrullus amarus. Plant Disease 107(7):2126-2132. doi:10.1094/PDIS-09-22-2228-RE
Woli, P., G.R. Smith, C.R. Long, and F.M. Rouquette, Jr. 2023. The El Nino-Southern Oscillation effects on cowpea and winter wheat yields in the semi-arid region of the southern US. Agric. Sci. 14:154-175.
Woli, P., G.R. Smith, C.R. Long, J. Rudd, Q. Xue, and F.M. Rouquette, Jr. 2023. Exploring the Potential of Cowpea-Wheat Double Cropping in the Semi-Arid Region of the Southern United States Using the DSSAT Crop Model. Agric. Sci. 14.
Xiang, M.Y., S.H. Yu, L. Gopinath, H. Salehi, J. Moss, and Y.Q. Wu. 2023. Raising mowing height improves freeze tolerance of putting green type bermudagrass. HortScience. DOI:
Yu, S., C.H. Fontanier, D.L. Martin, J.Q. Moss, C.L. Goad, Y.Q. Wu. 2023. Effect of antecedent drought stress on spring green-up in turf-type bermudagrass. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment. 6:e20353.
Yu, S., C.H. Fontanier, D.L. Martin, J.Q. Moss, and Y.Q. Wu. 2023. Advanced turf-type bermudagrass experimental genotypes show marked variation in drought response. HortScience. 58(6): 600-607.
Other Publications
Ahmad Naseer Aziz. 2024. Perspective advancements in plant science through segregating sorghum gametophyte developmental stages. Iris Online Journal of Sciences. OJS.MS.ID.000508. Online:
Alam T, Anco D, Rustgi S (2023) Breeding peanut for reduced allergen content. CU Land-Grant Press 1183.
Delfin, M. 2023. Title: Flavonoids, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity in leaves and calyces of Hibiscus sabdariffa and petals of H. rosa-sinensis. Poster presentation at the 14th University of Guam Conference on Island Sustainability, Tumon, GU (April 12, 2023)
Desamito, C. 2023. “Improving hot pepper production for increased value-added products in Guam.” Oral presentation at the Micronesian Chefs Association (MCA) meeting, Tumon, GU (April 13, 2023) and at the American Chef Federation (ACF) meeting, Tumon, GU (April 27, 2023).
Marutani, M., Desamito, C., Salas, S. 2023. Seed production system expands public access to heirloom vegetables. Western Pacific Tropical Research Center 2022 Impact Report, College of Natural and Applied Sciences, Mangilao, GU.
Valsala Sankarapillai, L., Reddy, K. R., & Bheemanahalli, R. (2023). Resilience of Sorghum to Abiotic Stressors during the Early Vegetative Stage. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO. (Poster).
Vega-Martinez, A. & J. P. Morales-Payan. 2024. Comparative characterization of avocado accessions at the Agricultural Experiment Station in Lajas, Puerto Rico. Abstracts of the 42nd meeting of the Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Meeting (PRISM), 42:56. (University of Puerto Rico Aguadilla Campus. April 20, 2024).
Venegas Hidalgo, B. E. & J. P. Morales-Payan. 2024. Morphological fruit and tree attributes of breadfruit accessions from the germplasm collection of the Agricultural Experiment Station at Isabela, Puerto Rico. Abstracts of the 42nd meeting of the Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Meeting (PRISM), 42:60.(University of Puerto Rico Aguadilla Campus. April 20, 2024).
Yu, S., Schoonmaker, A.N., Yan, L., Hulse-Kemp, A.M., Fontanier, C.H., Martin, D.L., Moss, J.Q., Wu, Y.Q. 2023. How does African bermudagrass do in winter? Golf Course Management.
Germplasm Releases
Milla-Lewis, S.R. (2023) Zoysiagrass plant named ‘XZ 14069’. United States Patent Application No. 18/445,332 filed on July 13, 2023. XZ 14069 (commercial name LOBO™) zoysiagrass, 2021.
Milla-Lewis, S.R. (2023) St. Augustinegrass plant named ‘XSA 11377’. United States Patent Application No. 18/445,230 filed on June 6, 2023. XSA 11377 (commercial name SOLA™) St. Augustinegrass, 2021.
Viteri, D. M., Linares-Ramírez, A. M., & Vázquez, R. (2024). Release of UPR-Mp-37 and UPR-Mp-48 white common bean germplasm with improved resistance to ashy stem blight. Journal of Plant Registrations, 18, 142–148.
Wu, Yanqi, Dennis Martin, Justin Q. Moss, Charles Fontanier. 2023. Bermudagrass cultivar ‘OKC1876’. US Plant Patent 35,548 P2. 8 pages.
Wu, Yanqi, Dennis Martin, Justin Q. Moss, Nathan Walker, and Charles Fontanier. 2023. Bermudagrass cultivar ‘OKC3920’. US Plant Patent 35,539 P2. 4 pages.
Cultivar and Germplasm Releases from UGA Breeding Programs in 2023-2024.
Cultivar Registration |
Main Breeder |
Category |
Date of Release |
Wheat 2230-1 -6-6-3 -20E36 |
Mergoum |
Cultivar |
8/2/2023 |
Peanut WPL-226C-R |
S. Leal-Bertioli |
Germplasm |
2/26/2024 |
Peanut GA 122544 “Georgia-23RKN” |
W Branch |
Cultivar |
8/2/2023 |
Peanut TifGP-8, TifGP-9 |
P Ozias-Akins |
Genetic Stock |
8/3/2024 |
Peanut TifCB 7 |
Holbrook |
Cultivar |
11/21/2023 |
G17-5173R2 |
Zenglu Li |
Cultivar |
5/3/2023 |
G21-245R2X |
Zenglu Li |
Cultivar |
5/3/2023 |
G16-8779 |
Zenglu Li |
Cultivar |
5/3/2023 |