SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Trey Price, LSU Ag Center (; Kiersten Wise, University of Kentucky (; Darcy Telenko, Purdue University (; Erick DeWolf, Kansas State University (; Boyd Padgett LSU Ag Center (; Rafael Luisa, University of Arkansas Carl Bradley, University of Kentucky ( ; Heather Kelly, University of Tennessee ( ; Terry Spurlock, University of Arkansas (; Tom Allan, Mississippi State University (; Albert Tenuta, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture (; Daren Mueller, Iowa State University (; Maira Duffeck, Oklahoma State University (; Meriem Aoun, Oklahoma State University (; Andrew Friskop, North Dakota State University (; Damon Smith, University of Wisconsin (; Gary Bergstrom, Cornell University (; Wanderson Bucker Moraes, Ohio State University (; Tyler McFeters, Penn State University (; Joe LaForest, University of Georgia – Southern IPM (; Madalyn Shires, South Dakota State University (; Stephen Wegulo, University of Nebraska Lincoln (; Kelsey Andersen Onofre, Kansas State University (; Marty Draper, Kansas State University (; Oluseyi Fajolu, USDA- Cereal Disease Lab (; Martin Chilvers, Michigan State University (; Austin McCoy, Michigan State University (; Jessica Rupp, Kansas State University (; Alyssa Koehler, University of Delaware (; Emmanuel Byamukama, USDA NIFA (; James Kolmer, USDA-ARS (; Ken Obasa, Texas A&M (; Amer Fayed, USDA NIFA (

The meeting was held at the Hilton Pensacola Beach in Pensacola, Florida on February 28th, 2023and opened at 8:00am. The discussion started with participant introductions and individual state reports from Mississippi, Ontario, Iowa, Ohio, Oklahoma, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, New York, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Delaware/Maryland, Kansas, Louisiana, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Arkansas. There was an open group discussion about the complex of viruses that contribute to wheat streak mosaic virus. Kelsey Andersen Onofre mentioned a regional meeting scheduled to be held in Texas in April 2023. The group discussed the fungicide efficacy table and the addition of Prosaro Pro to the efficacy table for 2023. Kiersten Wise gave an update about the Crop Protection Network, including metrics about site visits and impact. The group had a productive 2022, launching a new website and new initiatives, including on-demand webinars through CPN TV. Andrew Friskop presented about the wheat disease loss estimates, which are compiled through members of NCERA-184 annually. The most economically important diseases from 2018-2021 were Fusarium head blight, stripe rust, leaf rust, bacterial leaf streak, and tan spot. The NCERA-184 organized a uniform fungicide trial with the 2022 treatment list including 9 treatments focused on the FGS8-9 timing, with one treatment at a 10.5.1 timing, and a non-treated control. Meriem Aoun presented on rust resistance in US hard red winter wheat regional nurseries. Wanderson Moraes presented recent research evaluating the influence of environmental factors on zearalenone (ZEA) accumulation in wheat. Europe has set thresholds for ZEA at .1 ppm, indicating that it is more toxic than DON. A main recommendation was that early harvest can help mitigate ZEA accumulation. Emmanuel Byamukama gave an update on USDA-NIFA initiatives. Martin Chilvers presented results from a meta-analysis of yield responses to fungicides at three different timings in winter wheat (Fk 4-6, Fk 9, 10.5.1). This work found an unexpected 4 bu/A yield response from the early application. It was suggested that multi-state work could help understand yield benefits of early applications. Erick De Wolf presented an update about research evaluating stripe rust heat tolerance, with new evidence that contemporary isolates are better adapted to warm conditions than previously believed. This points to either pathogen evolution or the introduction of novel populations of the stripe rust pathogen in the Great Plains. Joe LaForest presented updates about agpestmonitor and discussed future plans for wheat within this platform. Tyler McFeaters presented updates from Pennsylvania small grains fungicide trials. His group has been working to compile 20 years of PDMR data and develop meta-analyses across different diseases. Oluseyi Fajolu presented an updated from the USDA-ARS cereal disease laboratory and discussed with the group the history of the survey and tips for sampling and sending samples to the CDL. She reminded attendees to sign up for the email listserv. Kelsey Andersen Onofre opened the business meeting and asked for an approval of the minutes. Erick DeWolf motioned to approve and Tom Allen seconded that. The 2022 minutes were approved. Venues were discussed for the 2023 meeting. The group agreed that a poll would be sent out after the meeting to finalize. Ken Obasa will take over as chair in 2023-2024. Erick DeWolf was nominated and elected as incoming chair to serve 2024-25. The meeting adjourned at 3:55pm.


Short-term Outcomes:  Fungicide efficacy trials were conducted in multiple states and locations, with several states participatingin a coordiated uniform fungicide trial. Key diseases were monitored across the US throughout the growing season. Members from participating states published more than 25 peer reviewed research articles and more than 90 extension publications in 2021. In total, efforts are advancing best managment practices for wheat disaeses in the US. 

Outputs: Members from participating states shared information through winter meetings, publications, extension publications, radio, television, YouTube, and social media. Members worked together to produce the following outputs: 

Activities: NCERA-184 works under three primary objectives:

  • Objective 1. Better characterize best management practices for Fusarium head blight and leaf diseases in wheat and barley
    • The group continues to examine the roles of environment, variety, and chemical applications on management of important emerging or reemerging diseases in wheat and barley through state-level field trials. Results are reported through publications and extension reports by each state. These efforts contribute to the development of new wheat varieites across market classes. 
  • Objective 2. Conduct fungicide efficacy trials for diseases in small grains
    • Current research in participating states has focused on both fungicide efficacy and the integration of variety resistance and well-timed fungicides for the control of Fusarium head blight. This research is part of the multi-state Integrated Management Coordinated Project funded through the U.S. Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative. Results have indicated the importance of using multiple management strategies to reduce FHB severity and grain DON levels. Research has also indicated that newer fungicides such as Miravis Ace,Sphaerex, and Prosaro Pro are effective. In addition, the project has initiated a uniform fungicide trial protocol for diseases other than Fusarium head blight. The 2021-2022 season was the first year of this protocol. Results were summarized by Andrew Friskop and presented at the annual meeting in 2023. 
  • Objective 3. Improve disease management through forecasting tools
    • The NCERA-184 Committee coordinates a national level forecasting effort for FHB in wheat. The forecasting system is supported by the USDA USWBSI and provides daily estimates of disease risk.  A stripe rust forecasting model is currently being validated in Kansas and surrounding states, with the goal of a future national scale forecasting system. These efforts for forecasting for stripe rust and other foliar diseases of wheat are supported through the USDA National Predictive Model Tool Initiative (NPMTI).  
  • Objective 4. Monitor and report regional disease distributions and impact
    Comments: Rust diseases reported through platforms such as the ipmPIPE and the Cereal Disease Lab Rust Bulletin as well as disease loss estimates.
    • Wheat and barley disease occurance were reported by individual states through state-level and regional reporting outlets. Cereal rusts were reported to the cereal disease lab and published in the Cereal Disease Lab Rust Bulletin. Loss estimates were compiled by members of the NCERA-184 and published on the crop protection network (CPN) website.  

Milestones: In year 1 of 5 of this project (2021-2022), data were generated by partner states to compile national recommendations for fungicide efficacy and other best managemnt practices for small grain diseases.


  1. Thousands of small grains producers in the US were reached directly with information from participating states.
  2. Small grains producers were able to make better management decisions because of updated fungicide efficacy guides and varietal disease ratings, generated by participating states.


Refereed Journal Articles

  1. Aoun, M., Carter, A.H., Morris, C.F., and Kiszonas, A.M. 2022. Genetic architecture of end-use quality traits in soft white winter wheat. BMC Genomics, 23: 1-17.
  2. Sandhu, K.S., Patil, S.S., Aoun, M. and Carter, A.H. 2022. Multi-Trait Multi-Environment Genomic Prediction for End-Use Quality Traits in Winter Wheat. Frontiers in Genetics, p.41.
  3. Aoun, M. and Boukid, F. 2022. Novel wheat quality features to expand durum wheat applications. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.
  4. Baenziger, P. S., Frels, K., Boehm, Jr, J. D., Belamkar, V., Rose, D., XU, L., Wegulo, S., Regassa, T., Easterly, A., Creech, C. F., Santra, D. K.., Klein, R. N., Jin, Y., Kolmer, J., Chen, M-S., Guttieri, M., Bai, G., El-Basyoni, I., Masterson, S., Poland, J.   Registration of ‘Epoch’ Hard Red Winter Wheat. J. Plant Regist. 16:613-621.
  5. Baenziger, P. S., Masterson, S., Boehm, Jr., . D., Belamkar, V., Barnett, M. D., Rose, D., XU, L., Wegulo, S., Regassa, T., Easterly, A., Creech, C. F., Santra, D. K., Kruger, G. R., Hergert, G. W., Klein, R. N., Jin, Y., Kolmer, J., Chen, M-S., Hein, G., Bowden, R., Guttieri, M. J., Bai, G., El-Basyoni, I., Poland, J.  Registration of LCS ‘Valiant’ Hard wed winter wheat.  J. Plant Regist.
  6. Baenziger, P. S., Frels, K., Boehm, Jr., J. D., Belamkar, V., Rose, D., XU, L., Finnie, S. M., Wegulo, S., Regassa, T., Easterly, A., Creech, C. F., Santra, D. K., Klein, R. N., Jin, Y., Kolmer, J., Chen, M-S., Bowden, R., Guttieri, M. J., Bai, G., El-Basyoni, I., Masterson, S., Poland, J.    Registration of ‘NW13493’ hard white winter wheat.  J. Plant Regist.
  7. Zhang, W., Danilova, T., Zhang, M.,  Ren, S., Zhu, X., Zhang, Q., Zhong, S., Dykes, L., Fiedler, J., Xu, S., Frels, K., Wegulo, S., Boehm Jr, J., and Cai, X.    Cytogenetic and genomic characterization of a novel tall wheatgrass-derived Fhb7 allele integrated into wheat B genome.  Theor. Appl. Genet. 135:4409-4419. [W]
  8. Fulcher, M. and G.C. Bergstrom. 2023. Draft genome sequences of 14 fungal species from Alternaria section infectoriae. Microbial Resource Announcements. Vol. 1 Issue 1.
  9. Megerssa S.H., Ammar K., Acevedo M., Bergstrom G.C., Dreisigacker S., Randhawa M., G. Brown-Guedira, B. Ward, and M.E. Sorrells. QTL mapping of seedling and field resistance to stem rust in DAKIYE/Reichenbachii durum wheat population. PLoS ONE 17(10): e0273993.
  10. Del Ponte, Emerson M., Gláucia M. Moreira, Todd J. Ward, Kerry O’Donnell, Camila P. Nicolli, Franklin J. Machado, Maíra R. Duffeck, Kaique S. Alves, Dauri J. Tessmann, Cees Waalwijk, Theo van der Lee, Hao Zhang, Sofia N. Chulze, Sebastian A. Stenglein, Dinorah Pan, Silvana Vero, Lisa J. Vaillancourt, David G. Schmale III, Paul D. Esker, Antonio Moretti, Antonio F. Logrieco, H. Corby Kistler, Gary C. Bergstrom, Altus Viljoen, Lindy J. Rose, Gert J. van Coller, and Theresa Lee. 2022. Fusarium graminearum species complex: A bibliographic analysis and web-accessible database for global mapping of species and trichothecene toxin chemotypes. Phytopathology 112:741-751.
  11. Fulcher, M.R., E.P. Law, S. Wayman, M.R. Ryan, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2022. Fungal plant pathogens observed on perennial cereal crops in New York during2017-2018. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 37: 279-291.
  12. Starr, J.K., G.C. Bergstrom, and P.J. Stachowski. 2022. Evaluation of integrated methods for management of Fusarium head blight and deoxynivalenol contamination in winter malting barley in New York, 2021. Plant Disease Management Reports 16: CF074.
  13. Cinderella J. and Koehler A.M. 2022. Assessment of fungicides and application timings for control of barley head and leaf diseases in Georgetown, DE, 2021. Plant Disease Management Reports. 16:CF115.
  14. Cinderella J. and Koehler A.M. 2022. Assessment of fungicides and application timings for control of wheat head diseases in Georgetown, Delaware, 2021. Plant Disease Management Reports. 16:CF116.
  15. White, N. H., Stombaugh, T. S., and Bradley, C. A. 2022. Effect of nozzle configuration and ground sprayer speed on Fusarium head blight management in wheat. Plant Health Progress
  16. White, N. H., Neves, D. L., Nuckles, E. M., Vaillancourt, L. J., Zhang, J., Zhang, G., and Bradley, C. A. 2022. Identification of quinone outside inhibitor fungicide-resistant isolates of Parastagonospora nodorum from Illinois and Kentucky. Plant Disease.
  17. Van Sanford, D. A., Clark, A. J., Bradley, C., Brown-Guedira, G. L., Cowger, C., Dong, Y., and Baik, B.-K. 2022. Registration of ‘Pembroke 2021’ soft red winter wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations, 1-9.
  18. White, N. H., and Bradley, C. A. 2022. Identification of quinone outside inhibitor fungicide-resistant isolates of Zymoseptoria tritici from Kentucky wheat fields. Plant Health Progress 23:328-333.
  19. Friskop, A., Green, A., Ransom, J., Liu, Z, Knodel, J., Hansen, B., Halvorson, J., and Lux, L. 2022. Increase of bacterial leaf streak in hard red spring wheat in North Dakota and yield loss considerations. Phytopathology. Published online:
  20. Breunig, M., Nagelkirk, M., Byrne, A.M., Wilbur, J.F. Steinke, K., Chilvers, M.I. 2022. Meta-analysis of yield response to applications of fungicides made at different crop growth stages in Michigan winter wheat. Plant Health Progress 23:300-307
  21. Breunig, M., Chilvers, M.I. 2022. Comparison between prothioconazole and prothioconazole-desthio in poison plate mycelial growth assays of F. graminearum. Plant Health Progress
  22. De Wolf, E., Andersen Onofre, K., Lollato, R. Early Season Environmental Indicators of Wheat Stripe Rust Epidemics in the Central Great Plains Region of North America. 2023. Plant Disease. 107 (7), 2119-2125.
  23. Wanderson Bucker Moraes, Laurence V. Madden, and Pierce A. Paul. 2022. Efficacy of Genetic Resistance and Fungicide Application Against Fusarium Head Blight and Mycotoxins in Wheat Under Persistent Pre- and Post-anthesis Moisture. Plant Disease. 106: 2839-2855.
  24. Wanderson Bucker Moraes, Laurence V. Madden, and Pierce A. Paul. 2022. Characterizing Heterogeneity and Determining Sample Sizes for Accurately Estimating Wheat Fusarium Head Blight Index in Research Plots. Phytopathology. 112:315-334.
  25. Zhang, G., Martin, T. J., Fritz, A. K., Li, Y., Seabourn, B. W., Chen, R. Y., Bai, G., Bowden, R. L., Chen, M.-.S., Rupp, J., Jin, Y., Chen, X., Kolmer, J. A., & Marshall, D. S. Registration of ‘KS Hamilton’ Hard Red Winter Wheat. J Plant Regist. 2022; 16: 73–79.


Extension & Outreach 

  1. Andersen Onofre, K., De Wolf, E. Outlook for stripe rust in the 2022 Kansas wheat crop. March 31st
  2. Andersen Onofre, K., Lollato, R., Lancaster, S. Spring emerged volunteer wheat: should producers be worried about wheat streak mosaic virus and the green bridge? April 7th
  3. Lollato, R., Redmond, C., De Wolf, E., Andersen Onofre, K. 2022 Kansas wheat: crop conditions and risk of freeze injury.
  4. Andersen Onofre, K. Wheat disease update: April 21st
  5. Andersen Onofre, K. Wheat disease update: May 4th
  6. Lollato, R. De Wolf, E., Andersen Onofre, K. Possible causes for white heads in wheat. May 26th, 2022.
  7. Andersen Onofre, K., E., Lollato, R., Michaud, J.P., Lancaster, S. Wheat streak mosaic virus: Problematic in central Kansas for the second year in a row. July 28th
  8. Andersen Onofre, K., De Wolf, E., Lollato, R., and Whitworth, Kansas Wheat Variety Guide 2022 now available. August 11th, 2022.
  9. Andersen Onofre, K., De Wolf, E. D., Lollato, R. and Whitworth, J. R. 2022. Kansas Wheat Variety Guide. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. Pub No. MF991.
  10. Andersen Onofre, K. and De Wolf, E. D. 2022. Foliar fungicide efficacy ratings for wheat disease management 2021. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. Pub No. EP-130.
  11. Smith, D.L. 2022. Wisconsin winter wheat disease update-June 1, 2022. Badger Crop Doc Blog, June 1.
  12. Smith, D.L. 2022. Wisconsin winter wheat disease update-May 24, 2022. Badger Crop Doc Blog, May 24.
  13. Harrison, S., K. Arceneaux, N. Baisakh, B. Padgett, and P. Price.   Development of wheat and oat varieties with improved yield and disease resistance.  LA Agric.  Spring 2021.  30-31.
  14. Harrison, S., K. Arceneaux, N. Baisakh, B. Padgett, and P. Price.   Development of wheat varieties resistant to Fusarium head blight.  LA Agric.  Spring 2021.  32.
  15. Padgett, B., T. Price, and S. Harrison.   Managing Fusarium Head Blight (Scab) in Louisiana Wheat.  La. Agric.  LA Agric.  Summer 2018.  28-29.
  16. Padgett, B., T. Price, and S. Harrison. 2022 March wheat update.  Louisiana Crops Newsletter.  12(2).  March 2022.
  17. Padgett, B., S. Harrison, and T. Price. Wheat production practices in Louisiana.  Louisiana Crops Newsletter.  12(8).  September 2022.
  18. Harrison, S., B. Padgett, and T. Price. Wheat variety performance in Louisiana.  Louisiana Crops Newsletter.  12(8).  September 2022. 
  19. Connie Strunk, Febina Mathew and Madalyn Shires. 2022. Know Soybean Cyst Nematode, Numbers Matter! South Dakota State University extension. Published 09/13/2022
  20. Rozeboom, P., Vos, D., Alms, J. Wrage, L. J., Varenhorst, A. J. Wagner, P. M., Shires, M., Yabwalo, D., and Strunk, C. 2022 South Dakota Pest Management Guide – Corn. South Dakota State University Extension.
  21. Rozeboom, P., Vos, D., Alms, J. Wrage, L. J., Varenhorst, A. J. Wagner, P. M., Shires, M., Yabwalo, D., and Strunk, C. 2022 South Dakota Pest Management Guide – Soybean. South Dakota State University Extension.
  22. Rozeboom, P., Vos, D., Alms, J. Wrage, L. J., Varenhorst, A. J. Wagner, P. M., Shires, M., Yabwalo, D., and Strunk, C. 2022 South Dakota Pest Management Guide – Wheat. South Dakota State University Extension.
  23. Rozeboom, P., Vos, D., Alms, J. Wrage, L. J., Varenhorst, A. J. Wagner, P. M., Byamukama, E., Yabwalo, D., and Strunk, C. 2021. 2021 South Dakota Pest Management Guide – Soybean. South Dakota State University Extension.
  24. Silva, A., Cyrineu, I., Carver, B., Lynch, T., Olaniyi, S., Aoun, M. 2022. “2021-2022 Small Grains Variety Performance Tests”. Oklahoma Coop. Ext. Service Current Report. CR-2143.
  25. Aoun, M. 2022. EPP-21-18. Wheat Disease Update October 5, 2022.
  26. Aoun, M. 2022. EPP-21-12. Wheat Disease Update June 2, 2022.
  27. Aoun, M. 2022. EPP-21-11. Wheat Disease Update May 19, 2022.
  28. Aoun, M. 2022. EPP-21-10. Wheat Disease Update May 2022.
  29. Aoun, M. 2022. EPP-21-7. Wheat Disease Update April 2022.
  30. Aoun, M. 2022. EPP-21-6. Wheat Disease Update April 2022
  31. Aoun, M. 2022. EPP-21-5. Wheat Disease Update April 2022.
  32. Aoun, M. 2022. EPP-21-3. Wheat Disease Update March 2022.
  33. 2022 Arkansas Plant Disease Control products Guide - MP154
  34. Knezevic, S. Z.,…..Wegulo, S. N., …et al. 2022. 2022 Guide for Weed, Disease, and Insect Management in Nebraska. Nebraska Extension Circular EC130.
  35. Creech, C., Easterly, A., Maust, B., Frels, K., and Wegulo, S.   2022 Fall Seed Guide. Nebraska Extension Circular EC103.
    Newsletter Articles:
  36. Wegulo, S.   Wheat Disease Update: May 19 CropWatch, May 2022
  37. Klein, R., Creech, C., La Menza, N. C., Dutcher, A., Easterly, A., DeBoer, K., and Wegulo, S.  Assessing Freeze Injury to Wheat.  CropWatch, May 20 2022.
  38. Wegulo, S.   Wheat Disease Update: Barley Yellow Dwarf and Wheat Streak Mosaic.  CropWatch, June 10.
  39. Wegulo, S.   Pre-harvest Hail in 2022 Elevates the Risk for Wheat Streak Mosaic in 2023.  CropWatch, June 17.
  40. Wegulo, S.   Wheat Disease Update: Overview of the 2022 Growing Season.  CropWatch, June 24.
  41. Koehler A.M. Fusarium Head Blight Management, Delaware Weekly Crop Update. 4.1.22
  42. Koehler A.M. Fusarium Risk Tool, Delaware Weekly Crop Update. 4.7.22
  43. Koehler A.M. Wheat and Barley Disease Updates, Delaware Weekly Crop Update. 4.21.22
  44. Koehler A.M. FHB Management, MD Agronomy News, 4.22.22
  45. Koehler A.M. Small Grain Disease Updates, Delaware Weekly Crop Update. 4.28.22
  46. Koehler A.M. Small Grain Sorting Symptoms and FHB Disease Updates, Delaware Weekly Crop Update. 5.6.22
  47. Koehler A.M. Disease Updates for Small Grains, Delaware Weekly Crop Update. 5.13.22
    Koehler A.M. Scouting Fields for Frost Damage and Fusarium Head Blight, Delaware Weekly Crop Update. 5.19.22
  48. Koehler A.M. FHB Updates, Delaware Weekly Crop Update. 5.27.22
  49. Koehler A.M. Preparing for 2023: Small Grains Disease Management, Delaware Weekly Crop Update. 9.16.22
  50. Koehler A.M. Preparing for 2023: Small Grains Disease Management, MD Agronomy News. 10.1.22
  51. Cinderella J. and Koehler A.M. 2022. Powdery Mildew on Small Grains. University of Delaware Factsheet.
  52. Cinderella J. and Koehler A.M. 2022. Septoria Nodorum Blotch aka Septoria Glume Blotch. University of Delaware Factsheet.
  53. Cinderella J. and Koehler A.M. 2022. Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus. University of Delaware Factsheet.
  54. Cinderella J. and Koehler A.M. 2022. Fusarium Head Blight. University of Delaware Factsheet.
  55. Koehler A.M. 2022. Observation Times for Common Small Grain Diseases in the Mid-Atlantic. University of Delaware Factsheet.
  56. Koehler A.M. 2022. Small Grain Early Season Symptom Chart. University of Delaware Factsheet.
  57. Bradley, C. A., Mehl, K., Walsh, J., and White, N. 2022. Evaluation of different fungicide application timings for management of Fusarium head blight of wheat, 2021. University of Kentucky Wheat Science Research Reports.
  58. Bradley, C. A., Mehl, K., Neves, D., and White, N. 2022. Wheat virus survey for Kentucky during the 2021 field season. University of Kentucky Wheat Science Research Reports.
  59. Lee, C., Knott, C., and Bradley, C. A. 2022. Rye crop and disease management in Kentucky, 2020-2021. University of Kentucky Wheat Science Research Reports.
  60. White, N., Van Sanford, D., and Bradley, C. A. 2022. Evaluation of different fungicide application timings for management of Septoria leaf blotch complex in two wheat varieties, 2021. University of Kentucky Wheat Science Research Reports.
  61. Bradley, C. 2022. The Best Management of Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat Startw with the Selection of Varieties with Resistance. September 20, 2022. Kentucky Pest News.
  62. Keene, C, Green, A., Friskop, A., Friesen, T., Liu, Z., Zhong, S., Rickertsen, J., Eriksmoen, E., Hanson, B., Martin, G., Pradhan, G., Ostlie, M. 2022. North Dakota Hard Red Spring Wheat Variety Trial Results for 2022 and Selection Guide. North Dakota Extension Publication A574-22.
  63. Keene, C., Elias, E., Friskop, A., Friesen, T., Liu, Z., Zhong, S., Manthey, F., Martin, G., Rickertsen, J., Eriksmoen, E., Hanson, B., Pradhan, G., Ostlie, M. 2022. North Dakota Durum Wheat Variety Trial Results for 2022 and Selection Guide. North Dakota Extension Publication A1067-22.
  64. Keene, C., Baldwin, T., Horsley, R., McMullen, M., Friskop, A., Zwinger, S., Ostlie, M., Martin, G., Rickertsen, J., Eriksmoen, E., Hanson, B., and Gautam, P. 2022. North Dakota Barley, Oat and Rye Variety Trial Results for 2022 and Selection Guide. North Dakota Extension Publication A1049-22.
  65. Keene, C., Marais, F., Friskop, A., Liu, Z., Zhong, S., Rickertsen, J., Eriksmoen, E., Hanson, B., Martin, G., Ostlie, M., Pradhan, G. 2022. North Dakota Hard Red Winter Wheat Variety Trial Results for 2022 and Selection Guide. North Dakota Extension Publication A1196-22.


Abstracts and Proceedings


  1. Yabwalo, D.N., Shaukat Ali, Karl Glover, Connie Tande, and Madalyn Shires. 2022. Management of Fusarium head blight with demethylation inhibitors and succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors combinations under high disease pressure in spring wheat. In 2022 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum proceedings, Dec. 4 to Dec. 6, Tampa, FL.
  2. Mahecha, D. Yabwalo, C. Tande, S. Ali, M. Shires and E. Byamukama. 2022. Efficacy of Essential Oils in the Management of Fusarium Head Blight in Spring Wheat. In 2022 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum proceedings. Dec. 4 to Dec. 6, Tampa, FL.
  3. Gabe Dudek, Bryan Hansen, Dalitso Yabwalo, Shaukat Ali, LeAnn Lux, Jessica Halverson, Scott Meyer, Andrew Friskop. 2022. Evaluating Plant Protection Products on Bacterial Leaf Streak Severity in hard red spring wheat. In 2022 American Phytopathology Society - North Central Division Annual Meeting proceedings. Jun 21 to Jun 23, Lincoln, NE.
  4. Aoun, M. 2022. Identification of rust resistance genes in tetraploid wheat”. International Academic Conference on Triticeae Crop Production and Challenges. Beijing, China, December 2022 (virtual, oral presentation).
  5. Aoun, M., Wang, M.., Somo, M., Xu, S.S., Li, Xuehui, Chen, X., and Elias, E.M. 2022. “Harnessing Genetic potential of durum wheat for stripe rust resistance”. American Phytopathological Society, Pittsburgh, PA, August 2022 (poster).
  6. Aoun, M., Carter A.H., Morris, and C.F, Kiszonas, A.M. 2022. “Breeding optimization for end-use quality in soft white winter wheat”. The Plant and Animal Genome XXIX. San Diego, CA, January 2022 (virtual, poster).
  7. Mahnoor Asif, Stephen Wegulo, Julie Stevens, Katherine Frels, Heather Hallen-Adams, and Kent Eskridge.   Effects of Fungicides and Cultivar Resistance on Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat.  Proceedings of the 2022 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum.
  8. Shiv Singla, Nathan Palmer, Lois Bernhardson, Patrick O’Neill, Tammy Gries, Zachary Duray, Ruth Dill Macky, Scott Sattler, Stephen Wegulo, and Deanna Funnell-Harris.   Constitutive Expression of SbCCoAOMT in the Phenylpropanoid Pathway Can Improve Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat.  Proceedings of the 2022 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum.
  9. Katherine Frels, Fang Wang, Stephen Wegulo, Xiwen Cai, P. Stephen Baenziger, and Vikas Belamkar.   Selecting for Fusarium Resistance in the Great Plains.  Proceedings of the 2022 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum.
  10. Mahnoor Asif, Stephen Wegulo, Julie Stevens, Katherine Frels, Heather Hallen-Adams, and Kent Eskridge.   Effects of Fungicides and Cultivar Resistance on Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat.  Proceedings of the 2022 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum.
  11. Shiv Singla, Nathan Palmer, Lois Bernhardson, Patrick O’Neill, Tammy Gries, Zachary Duray, Ruth Dill-Macky, Scott Sattler, Stephen Wegulo, and Deanna Funnell-Harris.   Constitutive Expression of SbCCoAOMT in the Phenylpropanoid Pathway Can Improve Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat.  Proceedings of the 2022 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum.
  12. Katherine Frels, Fang Wang, Stephen Wegulo, Xiwen Cai, P. Stephen Baenziger, and Vikas Belamkar.   Selecting for Fusarium Resistance in the Great Plains.  Proceedings of the 2022 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum.
  13. Cinderella, J., G. Bergstrom, N. Rawat, and A. Koehler. 2022. Baseline sensitivities of Fusarium species to pydiflumetofen in East Coast malting barley. Page 10 In: Proceedings of the 2022 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Wheat & Barley Scab Initiative.
  14. Moraes, W.B., G. Bergstrom, K. Bissonette, K. Bowen, C. Bradley, E. Byamumkama, M. Chilvers, A.Collins, C. Cowger, H. Darby, E. DeWolf, R. Dill Macky, P. Esker, A. Friskof, N. Kleczewski, A. Koehler, D. Langston Jr., L. Madden, J. Marshall, H. Mehl, M. Nagelkirk, N. Rawat, D. Smith, D. Telenko, S. Wegulo, H. Young-Kelly, and P.A. Paul. Fusarium head blight management coordinated project: integrated management trials 2022. Pages 20-21 In: Proceedings of the 2022 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Wheat & Barley Scab Initiative.
  15. Moraes, W.B., G. Bergstrom, K. Bissonette, K. Bowen, C. Bradley, E. Byamumkama, M. Chilvers, A.Collins, C. Cowger, H. Darby, E. DeWolf, R. Dill Macky, P. Esker, A. Friskof, N. Kleczewski, A. Koehler, D. Langston Jr., L. Madden, J. Marshall, H. Mehl, M. Nagelkirk, N. Rawat, D. Smith, D. Telenko, S. Wegulo, H. Young-Kelly, and P.A. Paul. Fusarium head blight management coordinated project: uniform fungicide trials 2022. Pages 22-23 In: Proceedings of the 2022 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Wheat & Barley Scab Initiative.
  16. Cinderella J. and Koehler A.M. 2022. Establishment of United States Fusarium graminearum baseline fungicide sensitivity levels to pydiflumetofen. APS Potomac Division Meeting, Virtual.
  17. Cinderella J., G.C. Bergstrom, and Koehler A.M. 2022. Baseline sensitivities of Fusarium species to pydiflumetofen in east coast malting barley. USWBSI, Tampa, FL.
  18. Cinderella J. and Koehler A.M. 2022. Evaluation of fungicide efficacy timing to manage malting barley diseases in Delaware. APS National Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.
  19. Koehler A.M. 2022. Coordinated Fungicide Sensitivity Project. National Fusarium Head Blight Forum.
  20. Moraes, W. B., Bergstrom, G., Bissonnette, K., Bowen, K., Bradley, C., Byamukama, E., Chilvers, M., Collins, A., Cowger, C., Darby, H., DeWolf, E., Dill Macky, R., Esker, P., Friskop, A., Kleczewski, N., Koehler, A., Langston, D., Madden, L., Marshall, J., Mehl, H., Negelkirk, M., Rawat, N., Smith, D., Telenko, D., Wegulo, S., Young-Kelly, H., and Paul, P. A. 2022. Fusarium head blight management coordinated project: integrated management trials 2022. Proceedings of the 2022 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum.
  21. Moraes, W. B., Bergstrom, G., Bissonnette, K., Bowen, K., Bradley, C., Byamukama, E., Chilvers, M., Collins, A., Cowger, C., Darby, H., DeWolf, E., Dill Macky, R., Esker, P., Friskop, A., Kleczewski, N., Koehler, A., Langston, D., Madden, L., Marshall, J., Mehl, H., Negelkirk, M., Rawat, N., Smith, D., Telenko, D., Wegulo, S., Young-Kelly, H., and Paul, P. A. 2022. Fusarium head blight management coordinated project: uniform fungicide trials 2022. Proceedings of the 2022 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum.
  22. Dusek, G., Hansen, B., Yabwalo, D., Ali, S., Lux, L., Halvorson, J., Meyer, S., and Friskop, A. 2022. Evaluating plant protection products on bacterial leaf streak severity in hard red spring wheat. North Central- American Phytopathological Society Symposium. June 2022.
  23. Moraes, W.B., Bergstrom, G., Bissonnette, K., Bowen, K., Bradley, C., Byamukama, E., Chilvers, M., Collins, A., Cowger, C., Darby, H., DeWolf, E., Dill Macky, R., Esker, P., Friskop, A., Kleczewski, N., Koehler, A., Langston Jr., D., Madden, L., Marshall, J., Mehl, H., Nagelkirk, M., Rawat, N., Smith, D., Telenko, D., Wegulo, S., Young-Kelly, H., and Paul., P.A. 2022. Fusarium head blight management coordinated project: Uniform fungicide trials 2022. Proceedings of the 2022 National FHB Forum, Tampa, FL. US Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative publishers, East Lansing, MI/Lexington, KY
  24. Moraes, W.B., Bergstrom, G., Bissonnette, K., Bowen, K., Bradley, C., Byamukama, E., Chilvers, M., Collins, A., Cowger, C., Darby, H., DeWolf, E., Dill Macky, R., Esker, P., Friskop, A., Kleczewski, N., Koehler, A., Langston Jr., D., Madden, L., Marshall, J., Mehl, H., Nagelkirk, M., Rawat, N., Smith, D., Telenko, D., Wegulo, S., Young-Kelly, H., and Paul., P.A. 2022. Fusarium head blight management coordinated project: Integrated management trials 2022. Proceedings of the 2022 National FHB Forum, Tampa, FL. US Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative publishers, East Lansing, MI/Lexington, KY
  25. Lux, L., Halvorson, J., Hansen, B., Meyer, S., Chapara, V., Arens, A., Kalil, A., Tjelde, T., Teixeria, J., Bortolon, L., and Friskop, A. Summary of 2022 uniform fungicide trials (UFT) in North Dakota. Proceedings of the 2022 National FHB Forum, Tampa, FL. US Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative publishers, East Lansing, MI/Lexington, KY
  26. Andersen Onofre, E. De Wolf, W. Bucker Moraes, P. A. Paul. MGMT Coordinated Project Overview and Kansas Perspective. USWBSI Scab Forum. Tampa, FL. December 4th, 2022.
  27. Andersen Onofre. The influence of a changing climate on some of the most sinister wheat pathogens. Plant Health 2022. October 4th, 2022. Virtual Post-Meeting Webinar Series: Climate Change and the Future of our Natural and Agricultural Systems. Oral presentation.
  28. Andersen Onofre. Practical management of Fusarium head blight. USWBSI Scabinar 2022. March 15th, 2022. Oral presentation.
  29. Abshire, J., Wang, H., Bowden, R. L., De Wolf, E. D., Andersen Onfore, K. Revisiting diagnostic techniques for differentiation of fungal wheat pathogens Tilletia tritici, Tilletia laevis, and Tilletia controversa. NDPN National Meeting 2022. Poster Presentation.
  30. Moura, R. D., Wang, H., *Abshire, J., Bowden, R., Byrne, J., Chilvers, M., Sanzhen, L., De Wolf, E., Andersen Onofre, K. A comparison of molecular diagnostic assays for Tilletia species causing bunt on wheat. American Phytopathological Society. Plant Health 2022. Poster Presentation.
  31. Abshire, J., Bowden, R., De Wolf, E., Debacker Moura, R. Wang, H., Andersen Onofre, K. Revisiting the morphological identification of the fungal wheat pathogens Tilletia tritici, laevis, and T. controversa. American Phytopathological Society. Plant Health 2022. Poster Presentation.
  32. Duffeck, M., Luis, J. M., Monclova-Santana, C., Byamukama, E., De Wolf, E., Owen, E., Andersen Onofre, K., Burrows, M., Ali, S., Murry, T., McKelvy, U., Paul, P. Natural occurrence of Spetoria tritici blotch in winter wheat in Ohio and its association with weather variables. American Phytopathological Society. Plant Health 2022. Poster Presentation.





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