SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Attendee Institution Adam Winchester North Dakota State University Seed Certification Alex Karasev University of Idaho Alex Scalzo USDA-ARS Alice Pilgrim Montana State Amer Fayad USDA-ARS Amy Charkowski Colorado State University Andrew Houser Colorado State University Potato Seed Certification Andrew Plant Maine Seeed Certification Aymeric Goyer Oregon State University Brooke Babler Wisconsin Seed Certification Chakradhar Mattupalli Washington State University Chris McIntosh University of Idaho Emma Tracy Seed Certification Montana Erik Wenninger University of Idaho Esra Yilmaz Colorado State University Jennifer Dillinger Nebraska Seed Certification Jennifer Rushton Colorado State University Jessica Chitwood-Brown Colorado State University Joe Coombs Michigan State Jonathan Whitworth USDA-ARS Josie Spurgeion Wisconsin Seed Certification Julie Pasche North Dakota State University Kasia Duellman University of Idaho Keith Schunetz Agdia Kelie Yoho University of Idaho Ken Frost Oregon State University Kent Sather North Dakota State University Seed Certification Kylie Swisher-Grimm USDA-ARS Lisa Tran University of Idaho Mahbuba Fatema Colorado State University Mark Pavek Washington State University Mathuresh Singh Seed Certification New Brunswick Max Feldman USDA-ARS Melissa Bertram University of Idaho Michelle Leckler Colorado State University Potato Seed Certification Mohamad Chickh-Ali Colorado State University Nathan Gelles University of Idaho Presely Mosher North Dakota State University Rabecka Hendricks University of Idaho Russel Groves University of Wisconsin Tara Gauthier Agdia Teresa Almeida Colorado State University Potato Seed Certification Vidyasagar Sathuvalli Oregon State University Walter DeJong Cornell University



  1. The feasibility, accuracy and acceptance of utilizing dormant tuber testing in place of post-harvest grow-outs across all US certification programs will improve future seed potato certification.
  2. More tools to address disease pressures such as new PVY strains, increased presence of PLRV and PMTV, and pests (aphids etc.) will deliver effective management practices to potato growers.
  3. The WERA-89 meeting allows for stronger collaboration among certification programs and researchers to tailor future research projects to address problems currently being faced in potato production across the US.


Journal Publications

Chikh-Ali, M. and Karasev, A.V. 2023. Chapter 11. Virus diseases of potato and their control. In: Potato Production Worldwide (Eds., Caliskan, M.E., Bakhsh, A., and Jabran, K.), Elsevier, Inc.: London, San Diego, Cambridge, Oxford; pp. 199-211.


Ding, P., Chen, D., Feng, H., Li, J., Cao, H., Muning, T., Li, J., Hao, X., Han, P., Karasev, A.V., and Feng, X. 2022. Prevalence and strain composition of potato virus Y circulating in potato fields in China’s north-central province of Shanxi. Plant Disease 106: 1434–1445 (


Duellman, K.M.*, Whitworth, J., Lent, M.A., Bertram, M.C., and Randall, J.C. Published online ahead of print 19 June 2022. Mechanical transmission of Potato virus Y by seed cutting is not a contributing factor to increased virus in field production. Plant Health Progress. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) 


Duellman, K., Woodhall, J., Karasev, A.V., Olsen, N., and Whitworth, J.L. 2022. Potato mop-top virus: biology and disease management. University of Idaho Extension Bulletin 1017: June 2022; 5pp. 


Gelles, N., Olsen, N., Thornton, M., Karasev, A., Hendricks, R., and Woodell, L. 2023. Novel methods to induce sprouting in dormant potato tubers. Abstracts of the 106th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America. American Journal of Potato Research 100 (2): 121.


Hendricks, R.L., N. Olsen, M. Thornton and P. Hatzenbuehler. 2022. Susceptibility of potato cultivars to blackspot and shatter bruise at three impact heights. American Journal of Potato Research 99:358-368.


Kud, J., Dahan, J., Orellana, G.E., Dandurand, L.-M., and Karasev, A.V. 2022. A novel rhabdovirus associated with the Idaho population of potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida. Viruses 14 (12): 2718 (


Manasseh, R., Berim, A., Kappagantu, M., Moyo, L., Gang, D. R., & Pappu, H. R. (2023). Pathogen-triggered metabolic adjustments to potato virus Y infection in potato. Frontiers in plant science, 13, 1031629.


Mora, V., M. Ramasamy, M. B. Damaj, S. Irigoyen, V. Ancona, C. A. Avila, M. I. Vales, F. Ibanez, and K. K. Mandadi. 2022. Identification and characterization of new sources of zebra chip disease resistance among wild Solanum species. Frontiers in Microbiology.


Novy, R.G., J.L. Whitworth, J.C. Stark, R.R. Spear, B.L. Schneider, M.J. Pavek, N.R. Knowles, L.O. Knowles, B.A. Charlton, V. Sathuvalli, S. Yilma, C.R. Brown, T.L. Brandt, M. Thornton, and N. Olsen. 2021. La Belle Russet: an early maturing, dual-purpose variety having a high percentage of marketable yield, long tuber dormancy, and a reduced incidence of sugar ends. American Journal of Potato Research 98:395-410.


Pandey, J, D.C. Scheuring, J.W. Koym, and M.I. Vales. 2022. Genomic Regions Associated with Tuber Traits in Tetraploid Potatoes and Identification of Superior Clones for Breeding Purposes. Frontiers in Plant Science.


Tran, L.T., Green, K.J., Rodriguez-Rodriguez, M., Orellana, G.E., Funke, C.N., Nikolaeva, O.V., Quintero-Ferrer, A., Chikh-Ali, M., Woodell, L., Olsen, N., and Karasev, A.V. 2022. Prevalence of recombinant strains of potato virus Y in seed potato planted in Idaho and Washington states between 2011 and 2021. Plant Disease 106: 810-817 (


Toinga-Villafuerte, S., M.I. Vales, J.M. Awika and K.S. Rathore. 2022. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutagenesis of the granule-bound starch synthase gene in the potato variety Yukon Gold to obtain amylose-free starch in tubers. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23: 4640 DOI: 10.3390/ijms23094640.


Toinga-Villafuerte, S., M.R. Janga, M.I. Vales, and K.S. Rathore. 2022. Green fluorescent protein gene as a tool to examine the efficacy of Agrobacterium delivered CRISPR/Cas9 reagents to generate targeted mutations in the potato genome. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC).


Vales, M.I., D.C. Scheuring, J.W. Koym, D.G. Holm, S.Y.C. Essah, R.G. Wilson, J.K. Sidhu, R.G. Novy, J.L. Whitworth, J.C. Stark, R.R. Spear, V. Sathuvalli, C.C. Shock, B.A. Charlton, S. Yilma, N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek, C.R. Brown, D.A. Navarre, M. Feldman, C.M. Long, and J.C. Miller, Jr. 2022. Vanguard Russet: A Fresh Market Potato Cultivar with Medium-Early Maturity and Long Dormancy. American Journal of Potato Research. 99: 258–267.

Hoopes, G., X. Meng, J.P. Hamilton, S.R. Achakkagari, F. de A. Freitas Guesdes. M.E. Bolger, J.J. Coombs, D. Esselink, N.R. Kaiser, L. Kodde, M. Kyriakidou, B. Lavrijssen, N. van Lieshout, R. Shereda, H.K. Tuttle, B. Vaillancourt, J.C. Wood, J. M. de Boer, P.M. Bourke, D. Douches, H.J. van Eck, D. Ellis, M.J. Feldman, K.M. Gardner, J. C.P. Hopman, J. Jiang, W.S. de Jong, J.C. Kuhl, R.G. Novy, S. Oome, V. Sathuvalli, E.H. Tan, R.A. Ursem, M.I. Vales, K. Vining, R. G.F. Visser, J. Vossen, G.C. Yencho, N.L. Anglin, C.W.B. Bachem, J.B. Endelman, L.M. Shannon, M. Strömvik, H.H. Tai, B. Usadel, C. Robin Buell, R. Finkers. 2022. Phased, chromosome-scale genome assemblies of tetraploid potato reveals a complex genome, transcriptome, and proteome landscape that underpin phenotypic diversity. Molecular Plant 15: 520-536.


Conference Abstracts

da Silva, J., N. Gracia, I. Vales, S. Gautam, and K. Mandadi. Applications of bioreactors to plant breeding. 76th Annual Meeting of the Subtropical Agriculture and Environments Society. February 11, 2022, Weslaco, TX. (oral presentation)


Duellman, K.M., Lent, M.A., Liu, C., McKinney, L.F., and Wenninger, E.J. 2023. Timing of in-season plant-to-plant spread of Potato virus Y in potato in Idaho, United States. 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Lyon, France, August 20-25, 2023 (poster).


Gelles, N., Olsen, N., Thornton, M., Karasev, A., Hendricks, R., and Woodell, L. 2023. Novel methods to induce sprouting in dormant potato tubers. Abstracts of the 106th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America. American Journal of Potato Research 100 (2): 121.


Ifeduba, A.M., S. Zhen, and M.I. Vales. Global warming-ready potatoes: Understanding heat tolerance in potato clones from the Texas A&M breeding program. National Association of Plant Breeders 2022 Annual Meeting. August 8-11, 2022, Ames, IA. Poster.


Jiao, A., S. Gautam, J. Pandey, D.C. Scheuring, J.W. Koym, M.I. Vales. 2022. Genome-wide association studies for tuber dormancy in tetraploid potatoes. American Society for Horticultural Sciences. 2022 Annual Conference. Chicago, IL, July 30 - August 3, 2022. Poster.


Jiao, A., S. Gautam, J. Pandey, D.C. Scheuring, J.W.  Koym, M.I. Vales. Investigating the genetic background of potato tuber dormancy. Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXIX. January 8-12, 2022. Online. Digital poster.


Gautam S., J. Pandey, D.C. Scheuring, J.W. Koym, and M.I. Vales. Genome-wide association study on potato tuber defects under heat stress. Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXIX. January 8-12, 2022. Online. Digital poster.


Pandey, J., D.C. Scheuring, J.W. Koym, and M.I. Vales. Genomic prediction of chipping quality in tetraploid potato. Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXIX. January 8-12, 2022. Online. Digital poster.


Tran, L.T., Green, K.J., Rodriguez-Rodriguez, M., Orellana, G.E., Funke, C.N., Nikolaeva, O.V., Quintero-Ferrer, A., Chikh-Ali, M., Woodell, L., Olsen, N., and Karasev, A.V. 2023. Changes in prevalence of potato virus Y strains circulating in potato in the Pacific Northwest, 2011-2021. Abstracts of the 106th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America. American Journal of Potato Research 100 (2): 128.



Duellman, K. 2022. Border crops for Potato virus Y management in seed potato production. Potato Grower, December 2022, pp. 24-25.


Gelles, N., Olsen, N., Thornton, M., and Karasev, A. 2022. Early detection. New methods to break tuber dormancy to facilitate virus testing of seed potato. Potato Country, December 2022; pp. 20-22.


Olsen, N. Karasev, A., and Whitworth, J. 2022. Changing faces. How the industry can adjust to evolving PVY strains. Potato Grower Magazine, April 2022; pp. 30-31.


Olsen, N., Whitworth, J. and Karasev, A. 2022. New kids on the block. Success in PVY-resistant varieties. Potato Grower Magazine, May 2022; pp. 32-33.

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