SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


1. Bauder, Troy,, WERA-103 Administrative Advisor, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colorado 2. Blaylock, Alan;; Nutrien, Denver, Colorado; 3. Bremer, Eric;; Western Ag Innovations Inc. ; 4. Deenik, Jonathan;; University of Hawaii; 9. Fernandez, Fabian G;; University of Minnesota; 10. Geisseler, Daniel;; University of California, Davis; 11. Hopkins, Bryan;; Brigham Young University; 12. Jones, Clain;; Montana State University; 13. Mikkelson, Rob;; International Plant Nutrition Institute, Atlanta, Georgia; 14. Miller, Robert;; Manure, Compost & USGAPT Proficiency Programs; 15. Moore, Amber D.;; Oregon State University; 16. Norton, Jay B.;; University of Wyoming; 17. Rogers, Christopher W;; USDA-ARS/Idaho; 18. Spackman, Jared,, University of Idaho; 19. Tarkalson, David;; USDA-ARS/Idaho; 20. Tomasek, Abigail,; 21. Yost, Matt;

Executive Summary

  1. Attendees: Alan Blaylock (Nutrien), Chris Rogers (USDA-ARS), Matt Yost (Utah State University), Ken Greer (Western Ag) , Sarah Philpot (Western Ag), Erik Wardle (Colorado State University), Amber Moore (Oregon State University), Jared Spackman (University of Idaho), and Bryan Hopkins (Brigham Young University), Charles Sanchez (University of Arizona), Brett Hess (University of Nevada).
  2. WERA103 Charter Discussion: Alan read and discussed the charter and asked for any discussion on modifications. No modifications mentioned or approved. The current charter runs from 10/2020 – 9/2025.
  3. WNMC Updates (Jared Spackman):

Current 2023 Meeting:

Registration & Attendance: There was a total of about 60 registered attendees (18 were students and rest full registrations). Total costs for the meeting were about $17,000. Expenses are about $30,000. There is a deficit of $13,000. We have about $20,000 in our current budget so should be able to cover the deficit. Most registrants from California (14), followed by Idaho, Utah, and Oregon (8-10 each). Historic attendance has been near or over 100 since moving to Reno.


Future WNMC:

  • Discussed ideas to improve attendance and future meetings.
  • Consider a program chair that serves for many conferences to improve continuity.
  • Consider moving the location to California or elsewhere to increase attendance from them.
  • Consider Quentin Rund Scholarship for Students.
  • Re-evaluate CCA credit offering and competition and virtual or hybrid program offerings.
  • Have a representative from each state be on a core conference planning committee that is more actively involved.


  1. NIFA Report (Brett Hess):

Federal NIFA 2024 request for additional 10-30% funding increased in most categories (Hatch, Evans Allen, Smith-Lever, 1890 Extension, and McIntire Stennis). AFRI budget requesting no increase due to recent large gains. Asking for double ($23M to $53M) in the 1994 Research/Extension/Education request. Multistate Research Fund – they have hired an impact-writer to summarize all the impacts from the multi-state projects. Focus on what would not be accomplished if the project did not exist.


  1. TFI Meeting Host Discussion (Alan Blaylock):

TFI is not willing to be the administrative backer of our conference going forward. We need to find another “host” organization. TFI’s view is that the meetings are theirs and the funds are theirs – despite mutual agreements with IPNI in the past. The remaining funds after the 2023 meeting are about $5-6K.


Options being considered for moving forward

  • Join with TFI for national conference or remain independent
  • Remain independent and continue to hold WNMC. *If this is selected, need volunteers to help secure host institution (western directors/university/other), raise funds as collateral, and help make all other arrangements.
  • Remain independent and join with Great Plains Conference (pending their decision on whether to join with TFI)


  1. NAPT report (Bryan Hopkins):

John Spargo is the new chair. Losing some labs but still have about 150 labs participating. Adding new soil health metrics. Working with NRCS to pin down six new tests – ace protein, 1-day respiration, 2-day respiration, and three others. Few and low numbers of participating labs (less than 6) so data analysis is limited. Some new labs focused only on carbon measurements.


  1. Crops and Soils Magazine (Chris Rogers):

Alan, as past chair, is responsible for arranging articles for 2023. Assignments were made for 2023.


  1. FRST updates and projects (Matt Yost):

Many in WERA-103 are involved with FRST efforts. Key reminders and updates were shared.

  1. State Reports (Chris Rogers):

Discussion about the importance of a standard format for the state report. Need to have report compiled before the annual meeting so we can review prior to meeting. Each state provide report.


  1. Objective Discussion:

Discussed accomplishments and new tasks for each objective.


  1. 2024 Committee Meeting (Alan Blaylock):

Need a host state. Previous meetings have been in Utah, Hawaii, Colorado, New Mexico (2), Arizona, California. Possible dates are week of 18th of March. Suggestions were California and Colorado as candidates.


  1. 2024 Officers (Alan Blaylock):

Possibly approach Dan Geisler (CA), Linda Schott (ID), Gabe LaHue (WA), Jared Williams (ID), Ray Qin (OR)


Objective #1: Develop and/or improve nutrient recommendations for diverse cropping systems based on soil, water, and plant analysis results and management strategies in the Western Region.

Peer-reviewed book chapters, journal, and extension articles were published by members of the group with 100s of presentations at various professional and grower meetings. Additionally, a range of online material and user-friendly calculators have been developed.

Increasing acidification of western soils is reducing crop yields and multi-state update of lime recommendations in Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Colorado, and Washington. A white paper on this is available. Has produced a better understanding of lime calibrations and needs.

Idaho/Utah Barley Production Guide in the process of being updated.

Idaho - Sugarbeet yield has increased but nitrogen requirements have not and Tarkalson has updated nitrogen recommendations for sugarbeet and presented to Amalgamated Sugar.

Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Wisconsin are conducting nutrient management work in alfalfa and creating new fertilizer recommendations for alfalfa.

Colorado building on Utah/Idaho work from WERA-103 conversations to conduct alfalfa N credit work.

Industry-sponsored research at several universities developed through collaborations and trust built through WERA-103 coordination. Example is Nutrien sponsoring nutrient trials on 4R practices of various products at about $50,000 in funding for WERA-103 members.

Idaho (Spackman) research on mustard that will help improve recommendations in Utah and Montana as well.

California (Geisler): Two tools (nitrogen calculator for processing tomatoes and N min. from organic amendments) that improve estimates of organic nutrient utilization.  


Objective #2: Promote effective use of soil, water, plant, manure and compost analytical information.

Expansion of the multi-state Agricultural Laboratory Proficiency Program and the growing Manure and Compost Analysis Proficiency programs (Robert Miller, CSU)

North American Proficiency Testing (NAPT) Program (with the Soil Science Society of America) continues to be coordinated, supported and utilized by members of WERA-103 with Bryan Hopkins as the program lead.

Repurposing nutrients:

Several ongoing efforts on capturing, repurposing, and recycling nutrients from byproducts, wastes, etc. 

Ken Greer and Bryan evaluating re-purposing tires. Each tire about 2% Zn that could be turned into 8% Zn product. There are about 3 billion tires sold globally every year with little re-purposing.

Environmental Quality:

Greenhouse gas emissions work by USDA-ARS in Idaho (Rob Dungan).

Heavy metal work in Colorado (Jim Ippolito).

Soil Health:

IN-RICHES and W1196 development (Jay Norton, Matt Yost, Grant Cardon, Jim Ippolito) to focus on soil health advancement in the eastern part of the western region.

Soil Health Institute collaborated with several Western states to collect soils data from long-term trials that resulted in several manuscripts.

National study on soil health of turf in stadiums in several parts of the west and the nation.

Nitro alfalfa as an organic N source for small grains (Spackman).

Objective #3: Provide education on the principles of soil-plant-animal-water system management and the tools and practices that lead to sustainable agricultural production

WERA-103 members have provided many presentations and talks for both agriculture producers, industry personnel, and other researchers.

Articles were published in Crop and Soil Magazine with a circulation of ~15,000

A wide-range of online tools developed by UC-Davis, Oregon State University,  and other institutions.

Western Nutrient Management Conference

Virtual Regional Crop School – hosted by USU and participation from several states

Re-calibrating buffer pH methods:


  1. Western Nutrient Management Conference 2022 had 70 registered attendees for the virtual conference
  2. Western Nutrient Management Conference 2022 had nearly 30 presentations and 25 poster presentations from university, USDA-ARS, industry, and student contributors
  3. Articles in Crops and Soil reach around 15,000 individuals with direct interest in crop and soil management
  4. The agricultural input and consulting industry continues to be heavily involved with the current incoming president being in industry and 33% of the administrative committee made up of industry
  5. Multiple on-going multistate projects with WERA-103 members as key members of the research
  6. USDA-ARS continues have a strong presence in the committee with the incoming vice-president and 33% of the administrative committed comprise of USDA-ARS employees



  1. i) Peer-reviewed journal articles

Babst-Kostecka, Alicja           Journal/Publication    Soil microbial community and abiotic soil properties influence Zn and Cd hyperaccumulation differently in Arabidopsis halleri            The Science of the total environment

Babst-Kostecka, Alicja           Journal/Publication    Green and Effective Preparation of α-Hydroxyphosphonates by Ecocatalysis    Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)

Babst-Kostecka, Alicja           Journal/Publication            Mechanochemistry and Eco-Bases for Sustainable Michael Addition Reactions   Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)

Babst-Kostecka, Alicja           Journal/Publication    Metalliferous habitats and seed microbes affect the seed morphology and reproductive strategy of          Plant and soil

Babst-Kostecka, Alicja           Journal/Publication    Diversity and activity of soil biota at a post-mining site highly contaminated with Zn and Cd are enhanced by metallicolous compared to non-metallicolous Arabidopsis halleri ecotypes   Land Degradation & Development

Betancourt, Walter Quintero  Journal/Publication    SARS-CoV-2 variant detection at a university dormitory using wastewater genomic tools Science of The Total Environment

Betancourt, Walter Quintero  Journal/Publication    Extending the life of water reuse reverse osmosis membranes using chlorination            Journal of Membrane Science

Betancourt, Walter Quintero  Journal/Publication    Quantitative Assessment of Microbial Pathogens and Indicators of Wastewater Treatment Performance for Safe and Sustainable Water Reuse in India  Microbiology spectrum

Betancourt, Walter Quintero  Journal/Publication    Variations in Bacterial Communities and Antibiotic Resistance Genes Across Diverse Recycled and Surface Water Irrigation Sources in the Mid-Atlantic and Southwest United States: A CONSERVE Two-Year Field Study  Environmental science & technology

Betancourt, Walter Quintero  Journal/Publication    Population level SARS-CoV-2 fecal shedding rates determined via wastewater-based epidemiology    The Science of the total environment

Blankinship, Joseph    Journal/Publication    Mulch more so than compost improves soil health to reestablish vegetation in a semiarid rangeland     Restoration Ecology

Blankinship, Joseph    Journal/Publication    Ride the dust: linking dust dispersal and spatial distribution of microorganisms across an arid landscape         Environmental Microbiology

Blankinship, Joseph    Journal/Publication    Rock structures improve seedling establishment, litter catchment, fungal richness, and soil moisture in the first year after installation            ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT

Blankinship, Joseph    Journal/Publication    Making soil health science practical: Guiding research for agronomic and environmental benefits           SOIL BIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY

Blankinship, Joseph    Journal/Publication    Ride the dust: Linking dust dispersal and spatial distribution of microorganisms across an arid landscape         ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY

Blankinship, Joseph    Journal/Publication    Using mulch and compost to restore soil health and reestablish vegetation in a semiarid rangeland     RESTORATION ECOLOGY

Brusseau, Mark L       Journal/Publication    The impact of multiple-component PFAS solutions on fluid-fluid interfacial adsorption and transport of PFOS in unsaturated porous media            The Science of the total environment

Brusseau, Mark L       Journal/Publication    A Screening Model for Quantifying PFAS Leaching in the Vadose Zone and Mass Discharge to Groundwater      Advances In Water Resources

Brusseau, Mark L       Journal/Publication    PFAS Experts Symposium 2: Key Advances in Poly‐ and Perfluoroalkyl Characterization, Fate, and Transport Remediation Journal

Brusseau, Mark L       Journal/Publication    Air-water interfacial adsorption of C4-C10 perfluorocarboxylic acids during transport in unsaturated porous media           The Science of the total environment

Brusseau, Mark L       Journal/Publication    Sucralose as an oxidative-attenuation tracer for characterizing the application of  chemical oxidation for the treatment of 1,4-dioxane            Environmental science. Processes & impacts

Brusseau, Mark L       Journal/Publication    General Backward Model to Identify the Source for Contaminants Undergoing Non-Fickian Diffusion in Water        Environmental science & technology

Brusseau, Mark L       Journal/Publication    PFOS Mass Flux Reduction/Mass Removal: Impacts of a Lower-Permeability Sand Lens within Otherwise Homogeneous Systems            Environmental science & technology

Brusseau, Mark L       Journal/Publication    PFAS concentrations in soil versus soil porewater: Mass distributions and the impact of adsorption at air-water interfaces   Chemosphere

Brusseau, Mark L       Journal/Publication    Global distributions, source-type dependencies, and concentration ranges of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in groundwater         The Science of the total environment

Brusseau, Mark L       Journal/Publication    The Co-Transport of PFAS and Cr(VI) in porous media     Chemosphere

Carini, Paul     Journal/Publication    The Microbial Borg: New Allies Against Climate Change?       GEN Biotechnology

Carini, Paul     Journal/Publication    Genome evolution in bacteria isolated from isolated from million-year-old subseafloor sediments        BioRxiv

Carini, Paul     Journal/Publication    The Microbial Borg: New Allies Against Climate Change?       GEN Biotechnology

Chief, Karletta Journal/Publication    Exploring personal, relational, and collective experiences and mentorship connections that enhance or inhibit professional development and career advancement of native American faculty in STEM fields: A qualitative study.        Journal of Diversity in Higher Education

Crimmins, Michael A Journal/Publication    Using scale and human agency to frame ranchers’ discussions about socio-ecological change and resilience        Journal of Rural Studies

Crimmins, Michael A Journal/Publication    Ranch-scale drought monitoring tools for Arizona  University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Bulletin

Crimmins, Michael A Journal/Publication    Tree mortality response to drought-density interactions suggests opportunities to enhance drought resistance     Journal of Applied Ecology

Crimmins, Michael A Journal/Publication    Public Engagement on Weather and Climate with a Monsoon Fantasy Forecasting Game  Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

Crimmins, Michael A Journal/Publication    Assessing the vulnerability of an aquifer to climate variability through community participation in Arivaca, Arizona            Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education

Crimmins, Michael A Journal/Publication    Guide to Southwest U.S. Station Climate Summaries    University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Bulletin

Dontsova, Katerina M Journal/Publication    Elevated temperatures drive abiotic and biotic degradation of organic matter in a peat bog under oxic conditions      Science of The Total Environment

Dontsova, Katerina M Journal/Publication    A laboratory rill study of IMX-104 transport in overland flow  Chemosphere

Dontsova, Katerina M Journal/Publication    Transport of insensitive munitions constituents, NTO, DNAN, RDX, and HMX in runoff and sediment under simulated rainfall.           Science of The Total Environment

Fitzsimmons, Kevin    Journal/Publication    Ani, Josiah Sabwa, Julius O. Manyala, Frank O. Masese, and Kevin Fitzsimmons. "Effect of stocking density on growth performance of monosex Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in the aquaponic system integrated with lettuce (Lactuca sativa)." Aquaculture and Fisheries 7, no. 3 (2022): 328-335.            Aquaculture and Fisheries

Fitzsimmons, Kevin    Journal/Publication    Teal, C. N., Schill, D. J., Fogelson, S. B., Roberts, C. M., Fitzsimmons, K., & Bonar, S. A. (2022). Development of aquaculture protocols and gonadal differentiation of green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus). Aquaculture, 547, 737515.     Aquaculture

Fitzsimmons, Kevin    Journal/Publication    Sabwa, J.A., Manyala, J.O., Masese, F.O., Fitzsimmons, K., Achieng, A.O. & Munguti, J.M. (2022) Effects of stocking density on the performance of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) in small-scale lettuce-Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) aquaponic system. Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries, 2, 458– 469.            Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries

Fitzsimmons, Kevin    Journal/Publication    Teal, C. N., Schill, D. J., Fogelson, S. B., Roberts, C. M., Fitzsimmons, K., Bauder, J. M., ... & Bonar, S. A. (2022). The effects of estradiol-17β on the sex reversal, survival, and growth of green sunfish Lepomis cyanellus. Aquaculture, 738853.     Aquaculture

Gerba, Charles P         Journal/Publication    Resuspension and attachment of phix174 in sediment flow        Journal of Environmental engineering

Gerba, Charles P         Journal/Publication    Virucidal efficacy of laundry sanitizers against SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses and influenza viruses   Scientific reports

Gerba, Charles P         Journal/Publication    Quantifying pathogen infection risks from household laundry practices      Journal of Applied Microbiology

Gerba, Charles P         Journal/Publication    An application for relating Legionella shower water monitoring results to estimated health outcomes     Water research

Gerba, Charles P         Journal/Publication    An application of relating Legionella water monitoring results to estimate health outcomes         Water Reserch

Gerba, Charles P         Journal/Publication    In vitro antiviral effect of Mexican and Brazilian propolis and phenolic compounds against human coronavirus 229E       International journal of environmental health research

Gerba, Charles P         Journal/Publication    Occurrence of enteric viruses and fecal indicators in submarine groundwater discharges in the coastal environment of the Mexican Caribbean       Water Environment

Gerba, Charles P         Journal/Publication    Control of viral and bacterial contamination of lettuce by subsurface drip irrigation            Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

Gerba, Charles P         Journal/Publication    Variations in Bacterial Communities and Antibiotic Resistance Genes Across Diverse Recycled and Surface Water Irrigation Sources in the Mid-Atlantic and Southwest United States: A CONSERVE Two-Year Field Study         Environmental science & technology

Gerba, Charles P         Journal/Publication    UV Inactivation of Common Pathogens and Surrogates Under 222 nm Irradiation from KrCl* Excimer Lamps         Photochemistry and photobiology

Gerba, Charles P         Journal/Publication    Minding the matrix: The importance of inoculum suspensions on finger transfer efficiency of virus       Journal of applied microbiology

Gerba, Charles P         Journal/Publication    . Entrainment of E. coli and Listeria montocytogenes from sediment in irrigation canal.            International Journal of Sediment Reserch

Haverland, Arin C      Journal/Publication    "Varady, R. G., Albrecht, T. R., Gerlak, A. K., & Haverland, A. C. (2022). Global Water Initiatives Redux: A Fresh Look at the World of Water. Water, 14(19), 3093.

Hogan, David Edward Journal/Publication    Removal of uranium from contaminated groundwater using monorhamnolipids and ion flotation    Journal of Environmental Management

Hoover, Joseph H       Journal/Publication    Individual level spatial-temporal modeling of exposure potential of livestock in the Cove Wash Watershed, Arizona        Annals of GIS

Hoover, Joseph H       Journal/Publication    A team-science approach to address water quality and security challenges and COVID-19 on the Navajo Nation         Water Resources IMPACT

Ikner, Luisa A Journal/Publication    In vitro antiviral effect of Mexican and Brazilian propolis and phenolic compounds against human coronavirus 229E       International Journal of Environmental Health Research

Ikner, Luisa A Journal/Publication    UV Inactivation of Common Pathogens and Surrogates Under 222 nm Irradiation from KrCl* Excimer Lamps   Photochemistry and Photobiology

Ikner, Luisa A Journal/Publication    Bench scale investigation of the effects of a magnetic water treatment device in pool systems on chlorine demand    Journal of Water Process Engineering

Maier, Raina Margaret           Journal/Publication    Double-Network Hydrogel: A Potential Practical Adsorbent for Critical Metals Extraction and Recovery from Water Environmental science & technology

Maier, Raina Margaret           Journal/Publication    Metal Lability and Mass Transfer Response to Direct-Planting Phytostabilization of Pyritic Mine Tailings   Minerals (Basel, Switzerland)

Maximillian, Jacqueline         Journal/Publication    Responsive Teaching in Online Learning Environments: Using an Instructional Team to Promote Formative Assessment and Sense of Community.             Journal of College Science Teaching

Megdal, Sharon B       Journal/Publication    Drought and groundwater management: Interconnections, challenges, and policyresponses          Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health

Megdal, Sharon B       Journal/Publication    Featured Collection introduction: Severe sustained drought revisited managing the Colorado River system in times of water shortage 25 years later—Part II JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association

Pepper, Ian L   Journal/Publication    Influence of demographic factors and stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic on SARS-CoV-2  fecal shedding rates in wastewater Science of the Total Environment

Pepper, Ian L   Journal/Publication    Pilot scale investigation of the effects of a magnetic water treatment device in pool systems on chlorine demand    Journal of Water Process Engineering

Ramirez, Monica D    Journal/Publication    Confronting Legacy Lead in Soils: Community-engaged Researchers Doing Undone Science          Environmental Science and Policy

Ramirez, Monica D    Journal/Publication    Minding the gap: socio-demographic factors linked to the perception of environmental pollution, water harvesting infrastructure, and gardening characteristics Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences

Root, Robert A            Journal/Publication    Metal Lability and Mass Transfer Response to Direct-Planting Phytostabilization of Pyritic Mine Tailings  Minerals (Basel, Switzerland)

Root, Robert A            Journal/Publication    Molecular speciation controls arsenic and lead bioaccessibility in fugitive dusts from sulfidic mine tailings     Environmental Science. Processes & Impacts

Root, Robert A            Journal/Publication    Reductive transformation of the insensitive munitions compound nitroguanidine by different iron-based reactive minerals            Environmental Pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)

Root, Robert A            Journal/Publication    Minding the gap: socio‑demographic factors linked to the perceptionof environmental pollution, water harvesting infrastructure,and gardening characteristics        Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences

Sanchez, Charles A     Journal/Publication    Software for Hydraulic Analysis of Linear-move and Center Pivot Irrigation Systems: LincSys, II. Application Examples and Model Evaluation    Irrig. Drain. Sys. Eng

Sanchez, Charles A     Journal/Publication    Software for Hydraulic Analysis of Linear-Move and Center-Pivot Irrigation Systems: LincSys, I. User Interface and Computational Module.           Irrig. Drain. Sys. Eng.

Sanchez, Charles A     Journal/Publication    Assessing evaporation in lettuce crops with a two-source energy balance model.              Irrigation Science

Sanchez, Charles A     Journal/Publication    Remote sensing-based energy balance for lettuce in an arid environment: influence of management scenarios on irrigation and evapotranspiration modeling         Irrigation Science

Sanchez, Charles A     Journal/Publication    Nutrition by Design: Boosting selenium content and fresh matter yields of salad greens with pre-harvest light intensity and selenium applications    Frontiers in Nutrition

Sanyal, Debankur       Journal/Publication    Using the Haney Soil Test to Predict Nitrogen Requirements in Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)         Nitrogen MDPI

Sanyal, Debankur       Journal/Publication    Precipitation and not Cover crop Composition influenced corn economic optimal N rate and yield  Agronomy Journal

Scriber, Kevin Journal/Publication    Defining apple snail (Pomacea sp.) diets in native and non-native habitats using SIAR (Stable Isotope Analysis in R).           Sustainability

Tfaily, Malak  Journal/Publication    The influence of soil development on the depth distribution and structure of soil microbial communities           Soil Biology and Biochemistry

Tfaily, Malak  Journal/Publication    Coupling plant litter quantity to a novel metric for litter quality explains C storage changes in a thawing permafrost peatland  Global change biology

Tfaily, Malak  Journal/Publication    Natural organic matter composition and nanomaterial surface coating determine the nature of platinum nanomaterial-natural organic matter corona            The Science of the total environment

Tfaily, Malak  Journal/Publication    Temperature and moisture alter organic matter composition across soil fractions       Geoderma

Tfaily, Malak  Journal/Publication    Dynamics of organic matter molecular composition under aerobic decomposition and their response to the nitrogen addition in grassland soils   The Science of the total environment

Tfaily, Malak  Journal/Publication    Organic matter transformations are disconnected between surface water and the hyporheic zone    Biogeosciences

Tfaily, Malak  Journal/Publication    Effects of Microbial-Mineral Interactions on Organic Carbon Stabilization in a Ponderosa Pine Root Zone: A Micro-Scale Approach    Frontiers in Earth Science

Tfaily, Malak  Journal/Publication    Microbial Communities Influence Soil Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration by Altering Metabolite Composition       Frontiers in Microbiology

Tfaily, Malak  Journal/Publication    Susceptibility of new soil organic carbon to mineralization during dry-wet cycling in soils from contrasting ends of a precipitation gradient            Soil Biology and Biochemistry

Tfaily, Malak  Journal/Publication    Mapping substrate use across a permafrost thaw gradient        Soil Biology and Biochemistry

Tfaily, Malak  Journal/Publication    Molecular characterization of dissolved organic nitrogen and phosphorus in agricultural runoff and surface waters       Water research

Tfaily, Malak  Journal/Publication    Using Macro- and Microscale Preservation in Vertebrate Fossils as Predictors for Molecular Preservation in Fluvial Environments Biology

Tfaily, Malak  Journal/Publication    Capturing the microbial volatilome: an oft overlooked 'ome'   Trends in microbiology

Tfaily, Malak  Journal/Publication    Plant organic matter inputs exert a strong control on soil organic matter decomposition in a thawing permafrost peatland  The Science of the total environment

Tfaily, Malak  Journal/Publication    Elevated temperatures drive abiotic and biotic degradation of organic matter in a peat bog under oxic conditions The Science of the total environment

Tfaily, Malak  Journal/Publication    Elucidating Drought-Tolerance Mechanisms in Plant Roots through H NMR Metabolomics in Parallel with MALDI-MS, and NanoSIMS Imaging Techniques     Environmental science & technology

Tuller, Markus            Journal/Publication    Genome Wide Association Study Uncovers the QTLome for Osmotic Adjustment and Related Drought Adaptive Traits in Durum Wheat Genes

Tuller, Markus            Journal/Publication    Cation exchange capacity and soil pore system play key roles in water vapour sorption           Geoderma

Tuller, Markus            Journal/Publication    Short- and mid-term forecasts of actual evapotranspiration with deep learning            Journal of Hydrology

Tuller, Markus            Journal/Publication    A novel physical-empirical model linking shortwave infrared reflectance and soil water retention     Journal of Hydrology


  1. i) Peer-reviewed journal articles

Geisseler, D., Soto Ortiz, R., Diaz, J. 2022. Nitrogen nutrition and fertilization of onions (Allium cepa L.) – A literature review. Scientia Horticulturae, 291: 110591.

Santiago, S., Geisseler, D. 2022. Effects of moisture contents in incorporated residues and soil on net nitrogen mineralization in a laboratory study. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment, 5: e20268.

Biscaro, A., Riffle, V., Geisseler, D. 2022. Assessing nitrogen uptake and the impact of fertilizer amounts and sources on strawberry production in California. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment, 5: e20293.

Geisseler, D., Vazquez, M., Savidge, M., Lloyd, M. 2022. Effect of grafting and cover crop quality on nitrogen uptake from different pools by drip irrigated heirloom tomatoes in an open field trial. Journal of Plant Nutrition.

Nelsen, T. S, Rodriguez, M., McCullough, E., Lewin, S.N., Geisseler, D., Mathesius, K., Becker T., Rosa, G.G., Lundy, M.E. 2022. Improvements to the soil nitrate quick test for California small grains. California Agriculture, 76: 93-99.

Smith, R., Cahn, M., Hartz, T., Geisseler, D., Love P. 2022. Fine-tuning fertilizer applications in organic cool-season leafy green crops can increase soil quality and yields. California Agriculture, 76: 77-84.

Santiago, S., Light, S.E., Clark N.E., Wang, Z., Mathesius, K., Geisseler, D. 2022. Seasonal net nitrogen mineralization in the topsoil of subsurface drip irrigated fields. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis.

Lazicki, P., Geisseler, D., Smith, E., Lloyd, M. 2022. Nitrogen accumulation and partitioning in field-grown heirloom tomato cultivar ‘Brandywine‘. Agronomy Journal.


  1. ii) Extension bulletins, factsheets, and publications

Freeman Long, R., Geisseler, D., Meyer, R.D., Putnam, D.H. Can Calcium Fertilizers Improve Soil Health or Crop Production in Alfalfa? Alfalfa & Forage News.

Geisseler, D., Smith, R., Cahn, M., & Muramoto, J. 2022. Nitrogen Availability from Organic Amendments. CSA News magazine, February 2022.

Geisseler, D., Santiago, S. 2022. Nitrogen Uptake of Sunflowers Grown in the Sacramento Valley. Agronomy Notes & Sacramento Valley Field Crops Newsletter, May 2022.

Geisseler, D., Parikh, S., Clark, N., Leinfelder-Miles, M., Light, S., Mathesius, K., Wilson, R. 2022. Development of site-specific nitrogen fertilization recommendations for annual crops. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Fertilizer Research and Education Program Conference, 30: 51-54.

Diaz, J., Soto, R., Geisseler, D. 2022. Assessing drip irrigation and nitrogen management of fresh onions produced in California low desert. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Fertilizer Research and Education Program Conference, 30: 23-27.

Gazula, A., Dahlquist-Willard, R., Geisseler, D. 2022. Evaluation of Nitrogen Uptake and Applied Irrigation Water in Asian Vegetables Bok Choy, Water Spinach, Garlic Chives, Moringa, and Lemongrass . Proceedings of the 30th Annual Fertilizer Research and Education Program Conference, 30: 28-30.

Smith, R., Cahn, M., Muramoto, J., Geisseler, D. 2022. Immobilization of Nitrate in Winter-Fallow Vegetable Production Beds to Reduce Nitrate Leaching. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Fertilizer Research and Education Program Conference, 30: 64-68.

Muramoto, J., Cahn, M., Smith, R., Geisseler, D. 2022. Developing a Nitrogen Mineralization Model for Organically Managed Vegetable Farms on the Central Coast . Proceedings of the 30th Annual Fertilizer Research and Education Program Conference, 30: 36-40.

Montazar, A., Cahn, M., Geisseler, D., Sidhu, J. 2022. Enhancing Nitrogen and Water Use Efficiency in California Carrot Production Through Management Tools and Practices . Proceedings of the 30th Annual Fertilizer Research and Education Program Conference, 30: 87-91.

Céspedes-León, C., Geisseler, D., Reyes, M. 2022. Salud de suelos: Importancia, características y prácticas de manejo sostenible. Ficha Técnica. UC Davis chile Life Sciences Innovation Center.

Geisseler, D. 2022. Salud de suelos: Características y descripción de indicadores. Ficha Técnica. UC Davis chile Life Sciences Innovation Center.

Lloyd, M., Geisseler, D., Lazicki, P., Muramoto, J., Smith, R. 2022. Estimating Nitrogen Availability in Organic Annual Production: For Nitrogen Budgeting and Other Purposes. UC ANR Publication 8712, 39 pp.


  1. i) Peer-reviewed journal articles

Keshavarz, R., T. Banet, L. Li, and J.A. Ippolito. 2022. Furrow-irrigated corn residue management and tillage strategies for improved soil health. Soil and Tillage Research. 216:105238.

Li, L., K. Mao, J.A. Ippolito, W. Xing, X. Chen, and W. Zhu. 2022. Calcium amendments affect heavy metal bioavailability in an acidic and calcareous soils. International J. Environ. Sci. Technol. 19:10067-10076.

Miner, G.L., J.A. Delgado, J.A. Ippolito, J. Johnson, D. Kluth, and C.E. Stewart. 2022. Wheat grain micronutrients and relationships with yield and protein in the Central High Plains. Field Crops Res. 279:108453.

Bagnall, D.K., C.L.S. Morgan, M. Cope, G.M. Bean, S.B. Cappellazzi, K.L.H. Greub, D. Liptzin, C.E. Norris, E.L. Rieke, P.W. Tracy, E. Aberle, O. Bañuelos Tavarez, A.I. Bary, R.L. Baumhardt, A. Borbón Gracia, D.C. Brainard, J.R. Brennan, D.B. Reyes, D. Bruhjell, C.N. Carlyle, J.H. Crawford, C.F. Creech, S.W. Culman, B. Deen, C.J. Dell, J.D. Derner, T.F. Ducey, S.W. Duiker, R.S. Dungan, M.F. Dyck, B.H. Ellert, M.H. Entz, A. Espinosa Solorio, S.J. Fonte, S. Fonteyne, A-M. Fortuna, J.L. Foster, A.J. Franzluebbers, L.M. Fultz, A.V. Gamble, C.M. Geddes, D. Griffin-LaHue, J.H. Grove, S.K. Hamilton, X. Hao, Z.D. Hayden, J.L. Heitman, N. Honsdorf, J.A. Howe, J.A. Ippolito, G.A. Johnson, M.A. Kautz, N.R. Kitchen, S. Kumar, K.S.M. Kurtz, F.J. Larney, K.L. Lewis, A.B. Leytem, M.A. Liebig, M. Liebman, A. Lopez Ramirez, S. Machado, B. Maharjan, M.A. Martinez Gamiño, W. May, M.P. McClaran, M.D. McDaniel, N. Millar, J.P. Mitchell, A. Moore, P.A. Moore Jr., M.M Gutiérrez, K.A. Nelson, E.C. Omondi, S.L. Osborne, D.L. Osmond, L.O. Alcalá, E.M. Pena-Yewtukhiw, H.J. Poffenbarger, B.P Lira, J.R. Reeve, T.M. Reinbott, M. Reiter, E.L. Ritchey, K.L. Roozeboom, Y. Rui, A. Sadeghpour, U.M. Sainju, G.R. Sanford, W.F. Schillinger, R.R. Schindelbeck, M.E. Schipanski, A.J. Schlegel, K.M. Scow, L.A. Sherrod, A.L. Shober, S.S. Sidhu, E. Solís Moya, M. St. Luce, J.S. Strock, A.E. Suyker, V.R. Sykes, H. Tao, M.L. Thompson, A. Trujillo Campos, L.L. Van Eerd, N. Verhulst, T.J. Vyn, D.B. Watts, B.B. William, D.L. Wright, T. Zhang, C.W. Honeycutt. 2022. Carbon-sensitive pedotransfer functions for plant available water. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 86:612-629.

Afshar, R.K., P. Cabot, J.A. Ippolito, M. Dekamin, B. Reed, H. Doyle, and J. Fry. 2022. Corn productivity and soil characteristic alterations following transition from conventional to conservation tillage. Soil and Tillage Research. 220:105351.

Rieke, E.L., S.B. Cappellazzi, M. Cope, D. Liptzin, G.M. Bean, K.L.H. Greub, C.E. Norris, P.W. Tracy, E. Aberle, A. Ashworth, O. Bañuelos Tavarez, A.I. Bary, R.L. Baumhardt, A. Borbón Gracia, D.C. Brainard, J.R. Brennan, D. Briones Reyes, D. Bruhjell, C.N. Carlyle, J.J.W. Crawford, C.F. Creech, S.W. Culman, B. Deen, C.J. Dell, J.D. Derner, T.F. Ducey, S.W. Duiker, R.S. Dungan, M.F. Dyck, B.H. Ellert, M.H. Entz, A. Espinosa Solorio, S.J. Fonte, S. Fonteyne, A-M. Fortuna , J.L. Foster, A.J, Franzluebbers, L.M. Fultz, A.V. Gamble, C.M. Geddes, D. Griffin-LaHue, J.H. Grove, S.K. Hamilton, X. Hao, Z.D. Hayden, J.L. Heitman, N. Honsdorf, J.A. Howe, J.A. Ippolito, G.A. Johnson, M.A. Kautz, N.R. Kitchen, S. Kumar, K.S.M. Kurtz, F.J. Larney, K.L. Lewis, A.B. Leytem, M.A. Liebig, M. Liebman, A. Lopez Ramirez, S. Machado, B. Maharjan, M.A. Martinez Gamiño, W.E. May, M.P. McClaran, M.D. McDaniel, N. Millar, J.P. Mitchell, P.A. Moore, A.D. Moore, M. Mora Gutiérrez, K.A. Nelson, E.C. Omondi, S.L. Osborne, D.L. Osmond, L. Osorio Alcalá, P. Owens, E.M. Pena-Yewtukhiw, H.J. Poffenbarger, B. Ponce Lira, J.R. Reeve, T.M. Reinbott, M.S. Reiter, E.L. Ritchey, K.L. Roozeboom, Y. Rui, A. Sadeghpour, U.M. Sainju, G.R. Sanford, W.F. Schillinger, R.R. Schindelbeck, M.E. Schipanski, A.J. Schlegel, K.M. Scow, L.A. Sherrod, A.L. Shober, S.S. Sidhu, E. Solís Moya, M. St. Luce, J.S. Strock, A.E. Suyker, V.R. Sykes, H. Tao, C. Morgan, and C.W. Honeycutt. 2022. Linking soil microbial community structure to potential carbon mineralization: a continental scale assessment of reduced tillage. Soil Biol. Biochem. 168:108618.

Liptzin, D., C.E. Norris, S.B. Cappellazzi, G.M. Bean, M. Cope, K.L.H. Greub, E.L. Rieke, P.W. Tracy, E. Aberle, A. Ashworth, O.B. Tavarez, A.I. Bary, R.L. Baumhardt, A.B. Gracia, D.C. Brainard, J.R. Brennan, D.B. Reyes, D. Bruhjell, C.N. Carlyle, J.J.W. Crawford, C.F. Creech, S.W. Culman, B. Deen, C.J. Dell, J.D. Derner, T.F. Ducey S.W. Duiker, R.S. Dungan, M.F. Dyck, B.H. Ellert, M.H. Entz, A.E. Solorio, S.J. Fonte, S. Fonteyne, A-M. Fortuna, J.L. Foster, A.J. Franzluebbers, L.M. fultz, A.V. Gamble, C.Hm Geddes, D. Griffin-LaHue, J.H. Grove, S.K. Hamilton, X. Hao, Z.D. Hayden, J.L. Heitman, N. Honsdorf, J.A. Howe, J.A. Ippolito, G.A. Johnson, M.A. Kautz, N.R. Kitchen, S. Kumar, K.S.M. Kurtz, F.J. Larney, K.L, Lewis, A.B. Leytem, M.A. Liebig, M. Liebman, A.L. Ramirez, S. Machado, B. Maharjan, M.A.M. Gamino, W.E. May, M.P. McClaran, M.D. McDaniel, M. Millar, J.P. Mitchell, P.A. Moore Jr., A.D. Moore, M.M. Gutierrez, K.A. Nelson, E.C. Omondi, S.L. Osborne, D.L. Osmond, L.O. Alcala, P. Owens, E.M. Pena-Yewtukhiw, H.J. Poffenbarger, B.P. Lira, J.R. Reeve, T.M. Reinbott, M.S. Reiter, E.L. Ritchey, K.L. Roozeboom, Y. Rui, A. Sadeghpour, U.M. Sainju, G.R. Sanford, W.F. Schillinger, R.R. Schindelbeck, M.E. Schipanski, A.J. Schlegel, K.M. Scow, L.A. Sherrod, A.L. Shober, S.S. Sidhu, E.S. Moya, M. St. Luce, J.S. Strock, A.E. Suyker, V.R. Sykes, H. Tao, M.L. Thompson, A.T. Campos, L.L. Van Eerd, N. Verhulst, T.J. Vyn, Y. Wang, D.B. Watts, B.B. William, D.L. Wright, T. Zhang, C.L.S. Morgan, and C.W. Honeycutt. 2022. An evaluation of carbon indicators of soil health in long-term agricultural experiments. J. Soil Biol. Biochem. 172:108708.

Ma, J., G. Quan, J. Yan, J.A. Ippolito, L. Cui, H. Wang, T. Qiu, and Y. Sun. 2022. Biochar extract compounds alter germination and growth of crop seed. Bioresources. 17:4151-4166.

Mosier, S., S. Apfelbaum, P. Byck, J. Ippolito, and M.F. Cotrufo. 2022. Improvements in soil properties under adaptive multipaddock grazing relative to conventional grazing. Agronomy J. 114:2584-2597. DOI: 10.1002/agj2.21135.

Kleinman, P.J.A., D.L. Osmond, L.E. Christianson, D.N. Flaten, J.A. Ippolito, H.P. Jarvie, J.P. Kaye, K.W. King, A.B. Leytem, J.M. McGrath, N.O. Nelson, A.L. Shober, D.R. Smith, K.W. Staver, and A.N. Sharpley. 2022. Addressing conservation practice limitations and trade-offs for reducing phosphorus loss from agricultural fields. Agric. Environ. Letters.

Bagnall, D.K, G.M. Bean, D. Liptzin, S.B. Cappellazzi, M. Cope, K.L.H. Greub, E.L. Rieke, C.E. Norris, P.W. Tracy, E. Aberle, A. Ashworth, O. Bañuelos Tavarez, A.I. Bary, R. L. Baumhardt, A. Borbón Gracia, D.C. Brainard, J.R. Brennan, D. Briones Reyes,  D. Bruhjell, C.N. Carlyle, J.J.W. Crawford, C.F. Creech, S.W. Culman, B. Deen, C.J. Dell, J.D. Derner, T.F. Ducey, S.W. Duiker, M.F. Dyck, B.H. Ellert, M.H. Entz, A. Espinosa Solorio, S.J. Fonte, S. Fonteyne, A-M. Fortuna, J.L. Foster, L.M. Fultz, A.V. Gamble, C.M. Geddes, D. Griffin-LaHue, J.H. Grove, S.K. Hamilton, X. Hao, Z.D. Hayden, N. Honsdorf, J.A. Howe, J.A. Ippolito, G.A. Johnson, M.A. Kautz, N.R. Kitchen, S. Kumar, K.S.M. Kurtz, F.J. Larney, K.L. Lewis, M. Liebman, A. Lopez Ramirez, S. Machado, B. Maharjan, M.A. Martinez Gamiño, W.E. May, M.P. McClaran, M.D. McDaniel, N. Millar, J.P. Mitchell, A.D. Moore, P.A. Moore Jr., M. Mora Gutiérrez, K.A. Nelson, E.C. Omondi, S.L. Osborne, L. Osorio Alcalá, P. Owens, E.M. Pena-Yewtukhiw, H.J. Poffenbarger, B. Ponce Lira, J.R. Reeve, T.M. Reinbott, M.S. Reiter, E.L. Ritchey, K.L. Roozeboom, Y. Rui, A. Sadeghpour, U.M. Sainju, G.R. Sanford, W.F. Schillinger, R.R. Schindelbeck, M.E. Schipanski, A.J. Schlegel, K.M. Scow, L.A. Sherrod, A.L. Shober, S.S. Sidhu, E. Solís Moya, M. St. Luce, J.S. Strock, A.E. Suyker, V.R. Sykes, H. Tao, A. Trujillo Campos, L.L. Van Eerd, H.M. van Es, N. Verhulst, T.J. Vyn, Y. Wang, D.B. Watts, B.B. William, D.L. Wright, T. Zhang, and C.W. Honeycutt. 2022. Selecting soil hydraulic properties as indicators of soil health: Measurement response to management and site characteristics. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 86:1206-1226.

Reike, E., D.K. Bagnall, C.L.S. Morgan, K.D. Flynn, J.A. Howe, K.L.H. Greub, G.M. Bean, S.B. Cappellazzi, M. Cope, D. Liptzin, C.E. Norris, P.W. Tracy, E. Aberle, A. Ashworth, O. Bañuelos Tavarez, A.I. Bary, R.L. Baumhardt, A. Borbón Gracia, D.C. Brainard, J.R. Brennan, D. Briones Reyes, D. Bruhjell, C.N. Carlyle, C.F. Creech, S.W. Culman, B. Dean, C.J. Dell, J.D. Derner, S.W. Duiker, T.F. Ducey, M.F. Dyck, B.H. Ellert, M.H. Entz, A. Espinosa Solorio, S.J. Fonte, S. Fonteyne, A-M. Fortuna, J.L. Foster, L.M. Fultz, A.V. Gamble, C.M. Geddes, D. Griffin-LaHue, J.H. Grove, S.K. Hamilton, X. Hao, Z.D. Hayden, N. Honsdorf; J.A. Ippolito, G.A. Johnson, M.A. Kautz, N.R. Kitchen, S. Kumar, K.S.M. Kurtz, F.J. Larney, K.L. Lewis, M. Liebman, A. Lopez Ramirez, S. Machado, B. Maharjan, M.A. Martinez Gamiño, W.E. May, M.P. McClaran, M.D. McDaniel, N. Millar, J.P. Mitchell, A.D. Moore, P.A. Moore Jr., M. Mora Gutiérrez, K.A. Nelson, E.C. Omondi, S.L. Osborne, L. Osorio Alcalá, P. Owens, E.M. Pena-Yewtukhiw, H.J. Poffenbarger, B. Ponce Lira, J.R. Reeve, T.M. Reinbott, M.S. Reiter, E.L. Ritchey, K.L. Roozeboom, Y. Rui, A. Sadeghpour, U.M. Sanju G.R. Sanford, W.F. Schillinger, R.R. Schindelbeck, M.E. Schipanski, A.J. Schlegel, K.M. Scow, L.A. Sherrod, A.L. Shober, S.S. Sidhu, E. Solís Moya, M. St. Luce, J.S. Strock, A.E. Suyker, V.R. Sykes, H. Tao, A. Trujillo Campos, L.L. Van Eerd, H.M. van Es, N. Verhulst, T.J. Vyn, Y. Wang, D.B. Watts, D.L. Wright, T. Zhang, and C.W. Honeycutt. 2022. Evaluation of Aggregate Stability Methods for Soil Health. Geoderma. 428:116156.

Harmel, R.D., P.J.A. Kleinman, A. Hopkins, P. Millhouser, J.A. Ippolito, and D. Sahoo. 2022. Updates to the MANAGE database to facilitate regional analyses of nutrient runoff. Agric. Environ. Letters.


  1. ii) Extension bulletins, factsheets, and publications

Ippolito, J., and T. Bauder. 2022. Changing soil pH. Colorado State University Extension Fact Sheet 0.315. Available at:


Miner, G., J. Delgado, J. Ippolito, J. Johnson, D. Kluth, and C. Stewart. 2022. Wheat grain micronutrients and relationships with yield and protein at six sites in Eastern Colorado. In: Making better decisions – 2021 Colorado winter wheat variety performance trials. Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report TR22-3. 2022 Wheat Field Days Edition.



  1. i) Peer-reviewed journal articles

Chen, C., Zhou, S., Afshar, R. K., Franck, W., Zhou, Y. 2022 Durum wheat yield and protein influenced by nitrogen management and cropping rotation. Journal of Plant Nutrition.

Chen, C., Etemadi, F., Franck, W., Franck, S., Abdelhamid, M., Ahmadi, J., Mohammed, Y., Lamb, P., Miller, J., Carr, P., McPhee, K., Shou, Y., Torabian, S., Qin, R. 2022. Evaluation of environment and cultivar impact on lentil protein, starch, mineral nutrients, and yield. Crop Science/Wiley. Doi: 10.1002/csc2.20675

Sigler, W.A., S. Ewing, S.D. Wankel, C. A. Jones, S. Leuthold, E. N. J. Brookshire, and R. A. Payn. 2022. Isotopic signals in an agricultural watershed suggest denitrification is locally intensive in riparian areas but extensive in upland soils.  

  1. ii) Extension bulletins, factsheets, and publications

Baber, K., C. Jones, and P. Miller. 2022. Lentil Yield and Nitrogen Fixation Response to Inoculant and Fertilizer. Fertilizer eFact No. 81. Montana State University Extension, Bozeman, MT. 3 p.

Jones, C., K. Olson-Rutz, P. Miller, C. Zabinski, and S. Tallman. 2022. Cover Crops as Partial Replacement of Summer Fallow. MT202203AG. MSU Extension. Bozeman, MT. 4 pp.

Olson-Rutz, K. and C. Jones. 2022. Nutrient Management on Market Vegetable Farms: Soil Phosphorus, Potassium, & Micronutrients. EB0241. MSU Extension. Bozeman, MT. 15 pp.


Olson-Rutz, K. and C. Jones. 2022. Nutrient Management on Market Vegetable Farms: Soil Nitrogen & Sulfur. EB0240. MSU Extension. Bozeman, MT. 26 pp.


Olson-Rutz, K. and C. Jones. 2022. Nutrient Management on Market Vegetable Farms: Soil Characteristics & Testing. EB0239. MSU Extension. Bozeman, MT. 10 pp.


iii) Outreach/Educational Activities

  1. Over 30 producer, Ag Agent, Agribusiness, and crop adviser meetings were conducted in MT, 2 radio interviews granted, and participated in 2 Montana Aglive guest panels (5,000 viewers each) on nutrient management and/or water quality. With record high prices early in 2022, many of our presentations were on using fertilizer more efficiently while reducing losses to air and water.


  1. i) Peer-reviewed journal articles

Bi, G., Scagel, C. F., & Bryla, D. R. (2022). Nitrogen Rate, Irrigation Frequency and Volume Differentially Influence Growth, Flowering, and Nutrient Uptake of Container-Grown Rhododendron during the Following Growing Season. Horticulturae, 8(7), 647.

Davis, A. J., & Strik, B. C. (2022). Long-term effects of pre-plant incorporation with sawdust, sawdust mulch, and nitrogen fertilizer rate on ‘Elliott’ highbush blueberry. HortScience, 57(3), 414-421.

Farhangi-Abriz, S., Ghassemi-Golezani, K., Torabian, S., & Qin, R. (2022). A meta-analysis to estimate the potential of biochar in improving nitrogen fixation and plant biomass of legumes. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-11.

Frewert, A., Trippe, K., & Cheeke, T. E. (2022). Can locally sourced inoculum and biochar synergistically improve the establishment of mycorrhizal fungi in mine tailings?. Restoration Ecology, 30(3), e13518.

Heinrich, A., Sullivan, D. M., Moore, A. D. (2022). Indicators of lime reactivity in soil: particle size, carbon dioxide evolution, and citric acid titration. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 68, 732-748.

Kowalewski, A., Cain, A., Braithwaite, E., McDonald, B., & Schmid, C. (2022). Nitrogen fertility rates affecting weed population dynamics in a perennial ryegrass stand in western Oregon. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal, 14(1), 797-801.

Leon-Chang, D. P., Bryla, D. R., Scagel, C. F., & Strik, B. C. (2022). Influence of Fertigation and Granular Applications of Potassium Fertilizer on Soil pH and Availability of Potassium and Other Nutrients in a Mature Planting of Northern Highbush Blueberry. HortScience, 57(11), 1377-1386.

Light, S. E., Sullivan, D. M., & Horneck, D. A. (2022). Timing of potassium chloride application effect on soil and potato uptake of chloride. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment, 5(3), e20301.

Makepeace, C., Moore, A., Sullivan, D. (2022). Quantifying the effects of modifications to the Sikora buffer pH method for Oregon soils. Communications in Soil and Plant Analysis. 53:1473-1481.

Makepeace, C., Moore, A. D., Sullivan, D. M., Huggins, D. (2022). Evaluation of Non-hazardous Lime Requirement Estimation Methods for Oregon Soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 86, 1354-1367.

Moore, A., Smith, E., Bary, A., Sullivan, D. (2022). Biosolids processing effect on sulfur plant availability. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 86:714-727.

Ozores-Hampton, M., Biala, J., Evanylo, G., Faucette, B., Cooperband, L., Roe, N., ... & Sullivan, D. (2022). Compost use. In The Composting Handbook (pp. 777-846). Academic Press.

Phillips, C. L., Meyer, K. M., Garcia-Jaramillo, M., Weidman, C. S., Stewart, C. E., Wanzek, T., ... & Trippe, K. M. (2022). Towards predicting biochar impacts on plant-available soil nitrogen content. Biochar, 4(1), 9.

Sales, B. K., Bryla, D. R., Trippe, K. M., Scagel, C. F., Strik, B. C., & Sullivan, D. M. (2022). Biochar as an Alternative Soil Amendment for Establishment of Northern Highbush Blueberry. HortScience, 57(2), 277-285.

Strik, B. C., Davis, A. J., Jones, P. A., & Finn, C. E. (2022). Reduced-input Pruning Methods Are a Viable Option for Machine-harvested ‘Mini Blues’ Highbush Blueberry. HortScience, 57(10), 1313-1320.

Strik, B. C., & Davis, A. J. (2022). Pruning method and trellising impact hand-and machine-harvested yield and costs of production in ‘Legacy’highbush blueberry. HortScience, 57(7), 811-817.

  1. ii) Extension bulletins, factsheets, and publications

Sullivan, D. M., Tomasek, A. A., Griffin LaHue, D., Verhoeven, E. C., Moore, A. D., Brewer, L. J., Bary, A., Cogger, C., Biswanath, D.  (2022). Fertilizing with Biosolids (PNW 508, pp 27). Oregon State University Extension Service.

Style guide available at


  1. i) Peer-reviewed journal articles

Walsh OS, Marshall JM, Nambi E, Jackson CA, Owusu Ansah E, Lamichhane R, JR McClintick-Chess, and F Bautista. 2023. Wheat Yield and Protein Estimation with Handheld and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Mounted Sensors. Agrosystems Geosciences & Environment,

Walsh OS, Nambi E, Shafian S, Jayawardena DM, Lamichhane R, Owusu Ansah E, and JR McClintick-Chess. UAV-Based NDVI Estimation of Sugarbeet Yield and Quality under Varied Nitrogen and Water Rates.

Walsh OS, Marshall JM, Nambi E, Shafian S, Jayawardena DM, Jackson CA, Lamichhane R, Owusu Ansah E, and JR McClintick-Chess. 2022. Spring Wheat Yield and Quality Response to Nitrogen Rate. Agronomy Journal, doi: 10.1002/agj2.21101 (1 2 3 4 5 6 7)

Walsh OS, Marshall JM, Jackson CA, Shafian S, JR McClintick-Chess, Nambi E, Owusu Ansah E, and R. Lamichhane R. Wheat Yield and Protein Estimation with Handheld- and UAV-Based Reflectance Measurements.  Agrosystems Geosciences & Environment, DOI:10.1002/agg2.20309ii) Extension bulletins, factsheets, and publications

iii) Outreach/Educational Activities

Estimation of Sugar Beet Yield and Quality with UAV-Based Sensors. 2022. Walsh OS, Shafian S, and JR McClintick-Chess. UI Extension Bulletin 1036.

Estimation of Wheat Yield and Grain Protein with Handheld and UAV-Mounted Sensors. 2022. Walsh OS, Marshall J, Lamichhane R, Owusu Ansah E, and E Nambi. UI Extension Bulletin 1033.

Walsh OS, Nambi E, Marshall J, and C Jackson. 2022. Optimum Nitrogen Rates for Wheat Depend on the Environment and Field-Specific Conditions. UI CIS 1028


  1. i) Peer-reviewed journal articles

Holt, J., M. Yost, E. Creech, N. Allen, D. McAvoy, and D. Winward. 2022. Biochar had minor impacts on yield, quality, and water availability of alfalfa, corn, and wheat. Agronomy Journal 114:1717-1730.

Crookston, B., M. Yost, M. Bowman, and K. Veum. 2022. Relationships among soil health interpretive frameworks, soil texture, and crop yield in the midwestern United States. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 86:91-105. 

Burgin, HR, Wear, GA, Hansen, NC, Hopkins, BG. Variable impacts on growth of deficit irrigation on Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. × Cynodon transvaalensis Burtt Davy and Poa pratensis L Int Turfgrass Soc Res J. 2022; 14: 152– 156.

Evans, S.R., K. Kopp, P.G. Johnson, B.G. Hopkins, X. Dai, and C. Schaible. 2022. A Comparison of Smart Irrigation Controllers in the Urban Landscape. Hortech.

Geary, B.T., C.J. Seely, and B.G. Hopkins. 2022. Microplastics in sweet corn: Polymer coated fertilizers. (poster presentation.) In Proceedings of the Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference (GPSFC); 8-9 Mar. 2022; Denver, CO. Great Soil Fertility Conference.

Hopkins, B.G., Lawley, J.R. and Cardon, G.E. (2022), Soil Testing: How Precise Is My Lab Data?. Crops & Soils Mag., 55: 46-49.

Hopkins, B.G., J.R. Lawley, and G.E. Cardon. 2022. Soil test methods accuracy and precision comparison: Historical north American proficiency testing (NAPT) program results. (poster presentation.) In Proceedings of the Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference (GPSFC); 8-9 Mar. 2022; Denver, CO. Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference.

Ioannou, J.D., E.A. Woolley, and B.G. Hopkins. 2022. Homogenous boron-potassium fertilizer: Plant uptake. (poster presentation.) In Proceedings of the Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference (GPSFC); 8-9 Mar. 2022; Denver, CO. Great Soil Fertility Conference.

Kerry R., B.R. Ingram, K. Hammond, S. Shumate, D. Gunther, R. Jensen, S. Schill, N.C. Hansen, and B.G. Hopkins. 2022. Variable rate irrigation: Investigating within zone variability. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Precision Agriculture (ICPA); 26-29. June 2022; Minneapolis, MN.

Lambert, A.M., D.L. Cole, S.M. Anderson, A. Haderlie, C.J. Seely, and B.G. Hopkins. 2022. A new hydroponic system for testing mineral nutrient deficiencies and its application to soybeans. (poster presentation.) In Proceedings of the Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference (GPSFC); 8-9 Mar. 2022; Denver, CO. Great Soil Fertility Conference.

Seely, C.J., B.T. Geary, and B.G. Hopkins. 2022. Microplastics: polymer coated fertilizers in urban landscapes. (poster presentation.) In Proceedings of the Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference (GPSFC); 8-9 Mar. 2022; Denver, CO. Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference.

Stapley, S.H., N.C. Hansen, M.A. Yost, E.A. Woolley, and B.G. Hopkins. 2022. Stacking nutrient 4Rs on potato and wheat. (poster presentation.) In Proceedings of the Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference (GPSFC); 8-9 Mar. 2022; Denver, CO. Great Soil Fertility Conference.

  1. ii) Extension bulletins, factsheets, and publications
  2. Zesiger, C., K. Taylor, C. Ransom, E. Creech, and M. Yost. 2022. Easy calibration for boom sprayers. Utah State Univ. Ext. Fact Sheet.
  3. Zesiger, C., K. Taylor, C. Ransom, E. Creech, and M. Yost. 2022. Easy calibration for backpack and canister (handheld) sprayers. Utah State Univ. Ext. Fact Sheet.
  4. Boren, D., L. Johnson, M. Yost, T. Sullivan, E. Creech, G. Cardon, C. Ransom, R. Violett, C. Reid, C. Zesiger, K. Taylor, J. Hadfield, M. Pace, and J. Gale. 2022. Sorghum-sudangrass production guide. Utah State Univ. Ext. Fact Sheet.
  5. Taylor, K., C. Zesiger, C. Ransom, E. Creech, and M. Yost. 2022. Three options for mixing/loading spray tanks. Utah State Univ. Ext. Fact Sheet.
  6. Yost, M., E. Creech, G. Cardon, M. Baker, J. Austin, J. Gale, and C. Zesiger. 2022. Guide to on-farm trials. Utah State Univ. Ext. Fact Sheet.
  7. Yost, M., N. Allen, G. Cardon, E. Creech, R. Larsen, R. Miller, M. Nelson, C. Nischwitz, M. Palmer, S. Price, R. Ramirez, C. Ransom, B. Scow, and R. Violett. 2022. 25 Rules of thumb for field crops. Utah State Univ. Ext. Fact Sheet.
  8. Re, M. Z., Tomasek, A., Hopkins, B. G., Sullivan, D. M., & Brewer, L. J. (2022). Managing Salt-affected Soils for Crop Production. Pacific Northwest Extension Publishing.



  1. i) Peer-reviewed journal articles

Singh, N., Kogan, C., Chaudhary, S., Rajagopalan, K., & LaHue, G.T. (2022). Effects of controlled drainage and subirrigation on crop yield and soil moisture. Vadose Zone J. 21:e20219.

Kendall, A., Miles, C., Alexander, T., Scheenstra, E., & LaHue, G.T. (2022). Reduced irrigation during orchard establishment conserves water and maintains yield for three cider apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivars. HortScience, 57, 118–125.

Una, T.M., McMoran, D., Seefeldt, S.S., Maupin, B., Myhre, E., Griffin-LaHue, D. (2022). Short-term impacts of cover crops in maritime potato (Solanum tuberosum) systems. Agrosystems, Geosciences, and Environment 5, 1-11.

Lu, Q., H. Tao, Ndegwa, P., Alege, F.P., & DeVetter, L.W. (2022). Biofertilizer derived from dairy manure increases raspberry fruit weight and leaf magnesium concentration. Scientia Horticulturae. 302, 111160.

Lu, Q., Miles, C., Tao, H., & DeVetter, L.W. (2022). Evaluation of real-time nutrient analysis of fertilized raspberry using petiole sap. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13, 918021.

Lu, Q., Miles, C., Tao, H., & DeVetter, L.W. (2022). Reduced nitrogen fertilizer rates maintained raspberry growth in an established field. Agronomy. 12(3), 672.

Lukas, S., Singh, S., DeVetter, L.W., & Davenport, J.R. (2022). Leaf tissue macronutrient standards for northern highbush blueberry grown in contrasting environments. Plants. 11(23), 3376.

Ramphisa, P.D., & Davenport, J. (2022): Pinto bean yield and phosphorus uptake as affected by the application of composted chicken manure and anaerobically digested dairy manure, Journal of Plant Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2022.2092509

Spargo, J. T., Lyons, S. E., Clark, J. D., Osmond, D. L., Parvej, R. Md., Pearce, A. W., Slaton, N. A., Saffire, D., Alford, S., Allen, T., Arnall, B., Buob, T., Camberato, J. J., Cardon, G., Culman, S, W., Davenport, J. R., Fernandez, F. G., Florence, R., Flynn, R., Franzen, D., Geisseler, D., Grove, J., Hardy, D., Heckman, J., Hopkins, B., Hoskins, B., Hue, N. V., Huluka, G., Jones, C., Jones, K., Kaiser, D. E., Kalmbach, B., Ketterings, Q. M., Laboski, C. A. M., Lessl, J., Lucas, E., Maguire, R., Mahler, R., Mallerino, A., Margenot, A., McGrath, J. M., Miller, R., Moore, A. D., Morris, T. F., Mylavarapu, R., Nathan, M., Nelson, N. O., Norton, J., Pena-Yewtukhiw, E., Pettinelli, D., Provin, T., Radin, A., Ross, D., Saunders, O., Self, J., Shober, A. L., Sonon, L., Sotomayor, D. R., Stammer, A., Steinke, K., Toor, G., Walworth, J., Wang, J. J., Wortmann, C., & Zhang, H. (2022). A survey to evaluate the current status of land grant university and state department of agriculture soil fertility recommendations and analytical methods. Ag Data Commons.

  1. ii) Extension bulletins, factsheets, and publications

McIlquham, M., M. Moyer, J. Davenport, D. Rippner, D. Gelardi, T. Potter, L. Michel, D. Griffin-LaHue. 2023. FS378E: Soil Health in Washington Vineyards. WSU Extension.

Breslauer, R., K. Smith, D. Griffin-LaHue. 2023. FS379E: A Practical Guide to Soil Health Indicators for Monitoring Shifts in Soil Organic Matter. WSU Extension.

Sullivan, D.M., A. Tomasek, D. Griffin-LaHue, E. Verhoeven, A.D. Moore, L.J. Brewer, A.I. Bary, C.G. Cogger, D. Biswanath. 2022. PNW 508: Fertilizing with biosolids. Pacific Northwest Extension.

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