SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: NCERA197 : Agricultural Safety and Health Research and Extension
- Period Covered: 01/01/2022 to 12/31/2022
- Date of Report: 10/14/2022
- Annual Meeting Dates: 09/19/2022 to 09/19/2022
Michael Pate (Utah State University), Aaron Yoder (UNL and UNMC), John Shutske (WI), Farzaneh Khorsandi (Cal Davis), Christine Johnston (MD and DW Ag Dept), Scott Cedarquist (ASABE), Bill Field (Purdue), Jennifer Lincoln (NIOSH), Andrea Lear (CASA), Angie Johnson (NDSU), Ann Dorrance (OSU – and our liaison), Haley Rosson, WVU), Jeff Sallee (Our new NPL from NIFA, replaces Brad Rein), Jim Versweyveld (UWI, statewide educator with focus on HR), Karen Funkenbusch (UMO), Kevin Moore (OSU), Linda Fetzer (PSU), Marsha Salzwedel (NFMC in WI), Salah Issa (UIL), Serap Gorocu (UF), Steve Freeman (ISU).
Short-term Outcomes:
No short-term outcomes to report.
Gearing Up (machinery safety) – developed a comprehensive mail list and is targeting 10-11,000 safety instructors to serve as a national contact list
Informational white papers for safety for emerging robotics and autonomous agriculture
Publications -
- Assessing Youth Safety Knowledge with Agricultural Experience Tracker (AET), Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 28(2): 87-98 (doi: 10.13031/jash.14801)
- Quantifying Farmers' Exposure to Corn and Soybean Dust in On-farm Grain Storage Bins, Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 28(2): 135-149. (doi: 10.13031/jash.14877)
- Farmers' Perceptions of Grain Bin Entry Hazards, Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 28(1): 1-17. (doi: 10.13031/jash.14395)
- Summary of Known U.S. Injuries and Fatalities Involving Livestock Waste Storage, Handling, and Transport Operations: 1975-2019, Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 28(1): 65-81. (doi: 10.13031/jash.14615)
- A test of Social Cognitive Theory to Increase Hearing Protection Use in Swine Buildings, Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 28(4): 215-228. (doi: 10.13031/jash.15183)
- Removing Out-of-Condition Grain: An Exploration and Documentation of Existing Strategies, Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 28(4): 245-259. (doi: 10.13031/jash.14897)
University of Illinois Hosted Conference for Safety for Emerging Robotics and Autonomous Agriculture
Purdue University Hosted National AgrAbility Workshop
University of Nebraska Hosted Safety in Agriculture for Youth National Steering Committee via Zoom
Utah State Univesity Hosted Quarterly Meetings with 1890, 1994, and 1862 Land-Grant faculty to develop a safety instructor needs-assessment
Committee Members Participated in the 2022 Conference of the International Society for Agricultural Safety and Health
Committee Members Participated in the 2022 Annual International Meeting for the American Society for Agricultural and Biological Engineers
A file repository has been created to help organize the committee's efforts through Microsoft Teams
By August 2023, a national needs assessment for professional development and curriculum will be completed with tractor safety instructors.
By July 2023, the committee will publish a series of special collection articles in the Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health on the emerging issues of robotics and autonomous agriculture.
By June 2023, the committee will host an in-person meeting with USDA NIFA representatives to document program outputs and short-term outcomes.
- The project demonstrates the value of agricultural safety and the capacity to transfer agriculture safety knowledge and skills to stakeholders, who are the future leaders in agriculture. The use of virtual tools and other technology has share training materials and content impact to reach individuals across the United States. The committee’s work is documented by the collaboration between eight different NIOSH Centers for Agricultural Safety and Health. These efforts represent
- Assessing Youth Safety Knowledge with Agricultural Experience Tracker (AET), Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 28(2): 87-98 (doi: 10.13031/jash.14801)
- Quantifying Farmers' Exposure to Corn and Soybean Dust in On-farm Grain Storage Bins, Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 28(2): 135-149. (doi: 10.13031/jash.14877)
- Farmers' Perceptions of Grain Bin Entry Hazards, Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 28(1): 1-17. (doi: 10.13031/jash.14395)
- Summary of Known U.S. Injuries and Fatalities Involving Livestock Waste Storage, Handling, and Transport Operations: 1975-2019, Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 28(1): 65-81. (doi: 10.13031/jash.14615)
- A test of Social Cognitive Theory to Increase Hearing Protection Use in Swine Buildings, Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 28(4): 215-228. (doi: 10.13031/jash.15183)
- Removing Out-of-Condition Grain: An Exploration and Documentation of Existing Strategies, Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 28(4): 245-259. (doi: 10.13031/jash.14897)