SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information



Demonstrated that a targeted reproductive management program for first service that combined insemination at detected estrus after automated estrus alerts and timed AI led to similar reproductive performance than an all-TAI program. Also, demonstrated that cows with at least one automated estrus alert during the voluntary waiting period had improved reproductive performance. Thus, automated estrus detection systems can be used to identify cows with different expected level of reproductive success for targeted management.

Demonstrated in an experiment with multiple farms that lactating dairy cows of superior genetic merit for fertility have better reproductive performance than cows of inferior genetic for fertility regardless of the method of submission to insemination.


Evaluated and demonstrated the reproductive and economic value of targeted reproductive management strategies that used genomically enhanced predictions for fertility to identify subgroups of cows for targeted management.


Demonstrate that cows of inferior genetic merit for fertility as determined by genomic daughter pregnancy rate are more likely to have atypical estrous cycles due to a multitude of physiological failures including premature luteal regression, extended luteal phases, anestrus, anovulation, and development of follicular cysts.


Determined the effect of form of Se on the transcriptome of the early luteal phase corpus luteum (CL) with the goal of elucidating form of Se-regulated processes affecting luteal steroidogenesis and function.


Determined effects of form of Se on the development of the bovine conceptus and the endometrium using targeted qPCR on day 17 of gestation, the time of maternal recognition of pregnancy (MRP).


Determined the effect of form of Se on the expression of mRNA encoding selenoproteins in the corpus luteum (CL), and whether the previously reported MIX-induced increase in P4 is the result of increased luteal expression of key steroidogenic transcripts. Overall, we observed that the form of Se provided to cows is reported to affect the expression of mRNA encoding several selenoproteins in the CL, and that the form of Se-induced effects on luteal production of P4 appears to be the result of changes in cholesterol uptake, rather than a direct effect on the expression of steroidogenic enzymes within the CL.


Generated evidence to support the hypothesis of a physiological mechanism, involving increased uterine blood flow, is responsible for maintenance of the CL during the second month of pregnancy in cattle.

The 5-day CO-Synch is an extensively used TAI protocol; however, it requires multiple administrations of prostaglandin F2α (PGF). We conducted a study to evaluate the effect of increasing progesterone (P4) device insertion from 5 to 6 days during a TAI protocol on ovarian dynamics and fertility in beef cows. Cows in the 6-day group had a larger maximum preovulatory follicle diameter and a greater CL volume seven days after ovulation than cows in the 5-day group. Furthermore, cows assigned to the 6-day group had greater estrus expression and pregnancy rate than cows in the 5-day group.

Demonstrated that increasing the length of P4 during a prolonged proestrus CO-Synch protocol by one day improved fertility to ET by reducing pregnancy loss.

Demonstrated that pregnancies per AI (P/AI) on day 35 after TAI were greater for cows presynchronized with a progesterone device and prostaglandin compared to cows presynchronized with prostaglandin alone or cows that did not undergo presynchronization.

Determined the effects of prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF2α) on CCN1 expression in ovarian adenocarcinoma 8 (OVCAR8) cells.

Determined the effects of estradiol (E2) on CCN1 expression in ovarian tumor granulosa (KGN) cells.

Determined the effects of a protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor (PKI), and peptide 17, an inhibitor of yes-associated protein/transcriptional enhanced associate domain (YAP/TEAD) protein-protein interaction, on CCN1 expression in steroidogenic luteal cells obtained from the 4-day-old bovine corpus luteum.

Determined the effects of the phytoestrogen, Daidzein, on CCN1 and VEGFA expression in steroidogenic luteal cells obtained from the 4-day-old bovine corpus luteum.

Determined the effects of angiotensin II (Ang II) on CCN1 expression in steroidogenic luteal cells obtained from the 4-day-old bovine corpus luteum.

Localized expression of ZIP9 to mural and cumulus granulosa cells in mouse and bovine

Identified ZIP9 localization to the mitotic spindle in granulosa cells.

Provided evidence that pregnancy in dairy cattle is associated with altered expression of molecules related to immune tolerance in peripheral blood leukocytes.

Demonstrated that AMH levels were not different in females by pregnancy status either 1 week before, or on day of AI. Similarly, serum levels of inhibin A were not significantly different by pregnancy status when analyzed pre-breeding, however on the day of AI there was a weak tendency for females who did not become pregnant to have lower levels of inhibin A.

Identified 29 follicular fluid metabolites with a positive relationship with pre-ovulatory follicle diameter and 22 metabolites that had a positive relationship with serum estradiol concentration at the time of GnRH injection to induce ovulation.


Determined that there is a positive relationship between serum estradiol concentration at the time of GnRH injection to induce ovulation and oocyte ATP level ~18 hours later.


Identified 1,387 and 2,765 mRNA transcripts with unique expression and 2,553 and 1,745 mRNA transcripts with upregulated expression in in vivo matured bovine oocytes or cumulus cells, respectively. This improves our understanding of oocyte and cumulus function during in vivo maturation.


Generated new knowledge highlighting that heat-induced increases in body temperature in lactating dairy cows differentially impacts the cumulus and granulosa cell transcriptome of the periovulatory follicle.


Characterized expression of galectin molecules, a family of lectins with essential functions during establishment of pregnancy in rodents, in bovine and ovine endometrium and conceptus tissues.


Tested and found that bovine galectin-1 has immunomodulatory effects within bovine endometrium related to maternal-conceptus immune tolerance.


Identified progesterone stimulated bovine endometrial epithelial and stroma fibroblast cell specific mRNAs (better understand uterine support of early embryonic development).


Tested and found an advantage of progesterone stimulated bovine endometrial epithelial and stroma fibroblast cell conditioned media on in vitro produced (IVP) bovine blastocyst development.


Identified 21 serum metabolites, from blood collected in the pre-ovulatory time period, that differed among beef cows with thin, moderate, and obese body condition scores. This helps understand the impact of body condition on fertility.


Showed that there is a positive relationship of rectal temperature at fixed timed artificial insemination on pregnancy outcomes in beef cattle during a regular breeding season where pregnancy outcomes are expected to exceed 50%.


Demonstrated that Chromium propionate supplementation during the early postpartum period (days 20-44 in milk) tends to increase the number of 6-9 mm ovarian follicles in multiparous Holstein cows. It also increases the mean diameter of follicles in this category.


Reported that early lactation dairy cattle fed a chromium propionate supplement have a greater ratio of plasma progesterone to corpus luteum volume.


Examined the role of cytokines in the initial development of the inner cell mass with blastocyst stage embryos. This served to establish the lowest effective concentration and determined the recombinant human IL6 concentration that is biologically active in bovine embryos.


Developed a CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing strategy that blocks expression of IL6 signal transducer, the predominant signaling component of the IL6 family receptor complex, reduces bovine blastocyst development.


Evaluated the effects of IL6 cytokine family members on bovine oocyte maturation.


Demonstrated that Chromium propionate supplementation during early lactation may protect against a resurgence in uterine inflammation as cows at 44 days in milk experienced no change in uterine polymorphonuclear leukocyte percent when consuming the supplement while control cows exhibited an increase in uterine polymorphonuclear leukocyte percent.

Improved understanding of the mechanisms involved in selection of a single dominant follicle in cattle. This will be key for the rational design of new reproductive management strategies and reproductive biotechnologies.

Discovered the mechanism that produces increased ovulation rate in carriers of the Trio allele.  This mechanism may also underlie double ovulation in dairy cattle and in other species. This should allow us to manipulate the ovulation rate in cattle and perhaps other species. We have now determined how to practically utilize Trio to reliably produce bilateral twins in beef cattle. This may be of great practical value to beef cattle producers in the future.

Demonstrated that the corpus luteum is maintained during early pregnancy by suppression of pulses of prostaglandin F2a by interferon-tau, based on our measurements of PGFM surges. We have also discovered that there is a second period of corpus luteum maintenance after Day 25 when interferon-tau secretion ends and PGF pulses are initiated. The resolution of the mechanisms that allow maintenance of the corpus luteum during this second period will be key for reducing pregnancy loss in cattle.

Demonstrated that increasing circulating progesterone can reduce pregnancy loss in lactating dairy cows and in recipients of in-vitro produced embryos. This provides an easy method to reduce pregnancy loss by treatment with either GnRH or hCG.

Identified profiles of gut microbial families that are associated with increased ovarian inflammation and reduced reproductive performance in beef cows.


Determined the mechanistic effects of inflammation and oxidative stress on bovine somatic cell steroidogenesis, oocyte maturation and pre-implantation embryo development.


  1. Low pregnancy rates in beef and dairy cows result in increased costs to producers associated with increased rebreeding or culling of animals, and reduced likelihood of recouping heifer development costs. Reduced fertility is also a major cause of reduced milk (dairy) and meat (beef) production which impacts the food supply. The focus of the NE1727 multistate project “Influence of ovary, uterus, and embryo on pregnancy success in ruminants”, is to understand how altered ovarian function, impaired oocyte quality, and disruptions of conceptus-uterine interactions contribute to infertility, and devise management strategies that will overcome these factors in order to optimize the chances that animals successfully achieve a pregnancy. To achieve this goal, the following three objectives were performed: (1) Determine the impact of altered ovarian function on reproductive performance; (2) Identify alterations in embryo development and uterine and CL function associated with declining pregnancy establishment; and (3) Identify changes in genetics and reproductive management that lead to improved pregnancy rates. As investigators in NE1727, we have used our collective expertise to broaden the current understanding of the mechanisms by which internal and external forces modify these important physiological processes. Furthermore, this information about core biological processes was used to rationally develop new and innovative tools to increase cyclicity and breeding efficiency, and reduce early embryonic failures. The outcome of these accomplishments was improving reproductive efficiency of both dairy and beef cattle operations in the United States.
  2. Active collaboration within the group OSU and WI: evaluated and currently working on projects to evaluate the effect of dose of GnRH at initiation of a 5-day synchronization protocol for FTET. NY and WI: working collaboratively on projects to determine physiological differences among cows of different genetic merit for fertility. PA and WV: Samples shared for analysis of molecular regulators of luteal function.
  3. In addition to Hatch Multistate Funds, these studies were supported by: USDA NIFA/AFRI Oregon State University Animal and Rangeland Sciences Department Funds Oregon State University Agricultural Research Foundation Oregon Beef Council OARDC SEEDS Early career investigator – The Ohio State University CFAES Honors Will C. Hauk Endowment Grant – Undergraduate student - The Ohio State University National Institute of Environmental Health Science Iowa State University Nutritional Sciences Council Martin Fund National Pork Board Texas A&M University - Triads for Transformation American Simmental Association University of Tennessee AgResearch Instrumentation Grants program NIH-R21 Binational Agriculture Research and Development (BARD) Office of Research and Economic Development, Univ Nebraska-Lincoln Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation NIH/NIGMS-sponsored Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Institutional Research Training (T32)


Crites, B.R., S.N. Carr, J.C. Matthews and P.J. Bridges. 2022. Form of dietary selenium affects mRNA encoding cholesterol biosynthesis and immune response elements in the early luteal phase bovine corpus luteum. Journal of Animal Science. In Press.

Crites, B.R., S.N. Carr, L.H. Anderson, J.C. Matthews and P.J. Bridges. 2022. Form of dietary selenium affects mRNA encoding interferon-stimulated and progesterone-induced genes in the bovine endometrium and conceptus length at maternal recognition of pregnancy. Journal of Animal Science. In Press.

Carr, S.N., B. Crites, J.L. Pate, C.H.K. Hughes, J.C. Matthews and P.J. Bridges. 2022. Form of supplemental selenium affects the expression of mRNA transcripts encoding selenoproteins, and proteins regulating cholesterol uptake, in the corpus luteum of grazing beef cows. Animals. 12:313.


Menichetti B.T., Garcia-Guerra A, Lakritz J., Weiss, W. P. Velez J. S., Bothe H., Merchan D., Schuenemann G. M. 2021. Effect of timing of prepartum vaccination relative to pen change with an acidogenic diet on lying time and metabolic profile in Holstein dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 104 (10): 11059-11071.


Menichetti B.T., Garcia-Guerra A, Lakritz J., Weiss, W. P. Velez J. S., Bothe H., Merchan D., Schuenemann G. M. 2021. Effects of prepartum vaccination timing relative to pen change with an acidogenic diet on serum and colostrum immunoglobulins in Holstein dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 104 (10): 11072-11081.


Duran B. J., F. L. V. Pinaffi, J. C. L. Motta, C. Hayden, A. E. Crist, C. Rykaczewski, S. Wellert, E. Rojas-Canadas, M. L. Mussard, A. García-Guerra. 2021. “Corpus luteum regression after induced pregnancy loss in cattle is preceded by a reduction in uterine artery vascular perfusion”. Abstract P136. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction 2021, December 13-18, St Louis, MO.


García-Guerra A., L. Cooper, B. W. Kirkpatrick, M. C. Wiltbank. 2021. “Circulating AMH, antral follicle count, and ovulation rate after unilateral ovariectomy in cattle: influence of the bovine fecundity allele Trio”. Abstract P150. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction 2021, December 13-18, St Louis, MO.


Crist A., J. C. L. Motta, C. Hayden, B. Duran, M. Mussard, A. Garcia-Guerra. 2021. “Ovarian dynamics and fertility in beef cows administered a 5-day or 6-day CO-Synch protocol for timed artificial insemination”. Journal of Animal Science, Volume 99, Issue Supplement 4, November 2021, Page XX.


Motta J. C. L., R. V. Sala, V. A. Absalón-Medina, V. C. Fricke, M. Dominguez, D. C. Pereira, C. Hayden, E. R. Canadas, B. J. Duran, J. F. Moreno, A. García-Guerra. 2021. “Influence of length of porcine follicle-stimulating hormone (p-FSH) treatment before ovum pickup on ovarian response and in vitro embryo production in Holstein heifers”. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 2021, Vol. 33 No. 2, Page 170-171.


Canadas E. R., B. Duran, G. Machado, A. Nall, S. E. Battista, M. Mussard, P. S. Baruselli, A. García-Guerra. 2021. “Presynchronization and reutilization of progesterone devices during a 6-day CO-Synch protocol for fixed-time artificial insemination in beef heifers”. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 2021, Vol. 33 No. 2, Page 165-166.


Brochado C., B. J. Duran, J. C. L. Motta, J. D. Kieffer, A. Pinczak, A. Menchaca, A. García-Guerra. 2021. “Simplification of the follicle-stimulating hormone protocol for superovulation of the first follicular wave in sheep”. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 2021, Vol. 33 No. 2, Page 182.


Duran B. J., J. C. Lemos-Motta, E. Rojas-Canadas, C. Hayden, C. Rykaczewski, A. Nall, M. L. Mussard, A. García-Guerra. 2021. “Timing of luteolysis and conceptus expulsion after induced pregnancy loss at three different timepoints after maternal recognition of pregnancy in cattle”. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 2021, Vol. 33 No. 2, Page 131.


Hayden C., R. V. Sala, D. C. Pereira, L. C. Carrenho-Sala, M. Fosado, D. Moreno, J. F. Moreno, A. García-Guerra. 2021. “Effect of follicle-stimulating hormone dose and circulating progesterone before ovum pickup and in vitro embryo production in pregnant Holstein heifers”. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 2021, Vol. 33 No. 2, Page 143.


Goulet MR, Hutchings D, Donahue J, Elder D, Tsang PCW. 2022. Regulation of cellular communication network factor 1 by Ras homolog family member A in bovine steroidogenic luteal cells. J Anim Sci, in press

Hughes CHK, Rogus A, Inskeep EK, Pate JL. 2021. NR5A2 and potential regulatory miRNAs in the bovine CL during early pregnancy. Reproduction

Carr SN, Crites BR, Pate JL, Hughes CHK, Matthews JC, Bridges PJ. 2022. Form of Supplemental Selenium Affects the Expression of mRNA Transcripts Encoding Selenoproteins, and Proteins Regulating Cholesterol Uptake, in the Corpus Luteum of Grazing Beef Cows. Animals2022,12,313. https://

Hughes CHK, Mezera M, Wiltbank M, Pate JL. 2022. Insights from two independent transcriptomic studies of the bovine corpus luteum of pregnancy. J Anim Sci. in press

Bishop C, Selvaraj V, Townson D, Pate J, Wiltbank M. 2022. History, insights and future perspectives on studies into luteal function in cattle. J Anim Sci in press

Oh, J., Harper, M. T., Melgar, A., Raisanen, S., Chen, X., Nedelkov, K., Fetter, M., Ott, T., Wall, E. H., & Hristov, A. N. (2021). Dietary supplementation with rumen-protected capsicum during the transition period improves the metabolic status of dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 104(11), 12 pages. DOI:

Fetter, M. E., Cunningham, D. M., Gambonini, F., Raisanen, S. E., Ott, T. L., & Hristov, A. N. (2021). Short communication: Postpartum plasma amino acid concentration in primi- and multiparous Holstein cows. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 281, 8 pages. DOI:

Ott, TL. An interview with Dr. Fuller Warren Bazer. (2021). Biology of Reproduction 104(2), 248-251.

Jachter SL, Simmons WP, Estill C, Xu J, Bishop CV. Matrix-free three-dimensional culture of bovine secondary follicles to antral stage: Impact of media formulation and epidermal growth factor (EGF). Theriogenology. 2022 Mar 15;181:89-94. doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2022.01.013. Epub 2022 Jan 12. PMID: 35066368; PMCID: PMC8871473.

de Souza V.P., Jensen J., Estill C., Bishop C. V. Increasing vitamin D levels to improve fertilization rates in cattle. Manuscript Accepted Journal of Animal Sciences, 05/5/2022. 

Bishop, C.V. Selvaraj, V. Townson, D.H., Pate, J.L., Wiltbank, M.C. History, Insights, and Future Perspectives on Studies into Luteal Function in Cattle. Manuscript Accepted Journal of Animal Sciences, 04/12/2022.

Ault-Seay T. B., R. R. Payton, S. E. Moorey, K. G. Pohler, F. N. Schrick, E. A. Shepherd, B. H. Voy, K. H. Lamour, D. J. Mathew, P. R. Myer and K. J. McLean. 2022. Bovine uterine endometrial response to lipopolysaccharide in the luteal and follicular phases between the contralateral and ipsilateral horns. Frontiers in Animal Science. In Review.


Ault-Seay T. B., K. J. Brandt, M. T. Henniger, R. R. Payton, D. J. Mathew, S. E. Moorey, F. N. Schrick, K. G. Pohler, T. P. L. Smith, J. D. Rhinehart, L. G. Schneider, K. J. McLean and P. R. Myer. 2022. Bacterial communities of the uterus and rumen during heifer development with protein supplementation. Frontiers in Animal Science. In Review.


Watson, E.M., K.A. Kurth, D.L. Metts, S.E. Moorey, B.F. Miller, and L.I. Muller. 2022. Evaluating the efficacy of large-scale, non-invasive fecal sampling for pregnancy detection in elk. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. In Review.


Walker B.N., J.L. Nix, C. Wilson, M.A. Marrella, S.L. Speckhart, L. Wooldridge, C. Yen, J.S. Bodmer, L.T. Kirkpatrick, S.E. Moorey, D.E. Gerrard, A. Ealy, and F.H. Biase. 2022. Tight gene co-expression between oocyte and surrounding cumulus is critical for oocyte developmental competence. Biology of Reproduction In Review.


Klabnik J., L.K. Christenson, S. Gunewardena, K.G. Pohler, L.A. Rispoli, R.R. Payton, S.E. Moorey, F.N. Schrick and J.L. Edwards. 2022. Heat-induced increases in body temperature in lactating dairy cows: impact on the cumulus and granulosa cell transcriptome of the periovulatory follicle. Journal of Animal Science. Accepted; In Press.


Liles, H.L., L.G. Schneider, K.G. Pohler, R.V. Oliveira Filho, F.N. Schrick, R.R. Payton, J.D. Rhinehart, K.W. Thompson, K. McLean, J.L. Edwards. 2022. Positive relationship of rectal temperature at fixed timed artificial insemination on pregnancy outcomes in beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science Accepted; In Press.



Moorey, S.E., E.A. Hessock, and J.L. Edwards. Pre-ovulatory follicle contributions to oocyte competence: 2022. Importance of the ever-evolving intrafollicular environment leading up to the LH surge. Journal of Animal Science. Accepted, In press.


Horn, E.J., C.C. Read, J.L. Edwards, F.N. Schrick, J.D. Rhinehart, R.R. Payton, S.R. Campagna, H.F. Castro, J.L. Klabnik, H.M. Clark, P.R. Myer, K.J. McLean, and S.E. Moorey. 2022. Pre-ovulatory follicular fluid and serum metabolome profiles in beef cows with thin, moderate, and obese body condition. Journal of Animal Science. Accepted; In Press.


Read, C.C., J.L. Edwards, F.N. Schrick, J.D. Rhinehart, R.R. Payton, S.R. Campagna, H.F. Castro, J.L. Klabnik, and S.E. Moorey. 2022. Pre-ovulatory serum estradiol concentration is positively associated with oocyte ATP and follicular fluid metabolite abundance in lactating beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science. Accepted, In Press.


Mathew D. J., K. D. Peterson, L. K. Senn, M. A. Oliver and A. D. Ealy. 2022. Review: Ruminant Conceptus-Maternal Interactions: Interferon Tau and Beyond. Journal of Animal Science. doi: 10.1093/jas/skac123. Accepted, In Press. Embargo until July, 2022.


Read, C.C., J.L. Edwards, F.N. Schrick, J.D. Rhinehart, R.R. Payton, S.R. Campagna, H.F. Castro, J.L. Klabnik, E.J. Horn, and S.E. Moorey. Correlation between pre-ovulatory follicle diameter and follicular fluid metabolome profiles in lactating beef cows. Metabolites. 2021. 11(9):623. doi: 10.3390/metabo11090623.


Read, C.C., S. Bhandari, and S.E. Moorey. 2021. Concurrent measurement of mitochondrial DNA copy number and ATP concentration in single bovine oocytes. Methods and Protocols. 4(4):88. doi: 10.3390/mps4040088.


Chaney H. L., L. F. Grose, J. M. LaBarbara, A. W. Sirk, A. M. Blancke, J. M. Sánchez, C. Passaro, P. Lonergan, and D. J. Mathew. 2021. Galectin-1 induces gene and protein expression related to maternal-conceptus immune tolerance in bovine endometrium. Biology of Reproduction. 106(3):487-502. doi: 10.1093/biolre/ioab215

Moorey, S.E., J.M. Monnig, M.F. Smith, M.S. Ortega, J.A. Green, K.G. Pohler, G.A. Bridges, S.K. Behura, T.W. Geary. Differential transcript profiles in cumulus-oocyte complexes originating from pre-ovulatory follicles of varied physiological maturity in beef cows. Genes. 2021. 12(6), 893. doi: 10.3390/genes12060893.


Bisinotto RS, Ribeiro ES, Greco LF, Taylor-Rodriguez D, Ealy AD, Ayres H, Lima FS, Martinez N, Thatcher WW, Santos JEP. Effects of progesterone concentrations and follicular wave during growth of the ovulatory follicle on conceptus and endometrial transcriptome in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 2022 105:S0022-0302(21)00928-0. doi: 10.3168/jds.2021-20193.


Byrd MKH, Arneson AG, Soffa DR, Stewart JW, Rhoads ML. Human continuous glucose monitors for measurement of glucose in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci Comm. 2022, 3(1): 78-83.


Ealy AD, Speckhart SL, Wooldridge LK. Cytokines that serve as embryokines in cattle. Animals 2021, 11(8), 2313;


Fontes PLP, Oosthuizen N, Ciriaco FM, Sanford CD, Canal LB, Cooke RF, Pohler KG, Henry DD, Mercadante VRG, Ealy AD, Johnson SE, DiLorenzo N, Lamb GC. Effects of nutrient restriction on the metabolic profile of Bos indicus-influenced and Bos taurus suckled beef cows. Animal. 2021 Mar;15(3):100166. doi: 10.1016/j.animal.2020.100166.


Kott ML, Pancini S, Speckhart SL, Kimble LN, White RR, Stewart JL, Johnson SE, Ealy AD. Effects of mid-gestational L-citrulline supplementation to twin-bearing ewes on umbilical blood flow, placental development and lamb production traits. Transl Anim Sci. 2021 Jun 9;5(3):txab102. doi: 10.1093/tas/txab102.

Owens CE, Huffard HG, Nin-Velez AI, Duncan J, Teets CL, Daniels KM, Ealy AD, James RE, Knowlton KF, Cockrum RR. Microbes of various maternal body systems are predictive of calf digestive bacterial ecology. Animals. 2021 Jul 26;11(8):2210. doi: 10.3390/ani11082210.


Seekford ZK, Wooldridge LK, Dias NW, Timlin CL, Sales AF, Speckhart SL, Pohler KG, Cockrum RR, Mercadante VGR, Ealy AD. Interleukin-6 supplementation improves post-transfer embryonic and fetal development of in vitro-produced bovine embryos. Theriogenology. 2021 Aug;170:15-22. doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2021.04.004. Epub 2021 Apr 28.


Timlin CL, Lynn A, Wooldridge LK, Uh K, Ealy AD, White RR, Lee K, Mercadante VRG. Physical parameters of bovine activated oocytes and zygotes as predictors of development success. Zygote. 2021 Mar 19:1-7. doi: 10.1017/S0967199421000058.


Wooldridge LK, Ealy AD. Interleukin-6 promotes primitive endoderm development in bovine blastocysts. BMC Dev Biol. 2021 Jan 12;21(1):3. doi: 10.1186/s12861-020-00235-z.


Wooldridge LK, Ealy AD. Leukemia inhibitory factor stimulates primitive endoderm expansion in the bovine inner cell mass. Front Anim Sci 2021. 2:796489. doi: 10.3389/fanim.2021.796489


Przygrodzka E, Monaco CF, Plewes MR, Li G, Wood JR, Cupp AS, and Davis JS (2021) Protein kinase A and 5’ AMP-activated protein kinase signaling pathways exert opposite effects on induction of autophogy in luteal cells. Front Cell Dev Biol, 9:723563, PMID: 34820368 


McFee RM, Romereim SM, Snider AP, Summers AF, Pohlmeier WE, Kurz SG, Cushman RA, Davis JS, Wood JR, and Cupp AS (2021). A high-androgen microenvironment inhibits granulosa cell proliferation and alters cell identity. Mol Cell Endocrinol, 531:111288, PMID: 33905753 


Snider AP, Romereim SM, McFee R, Summers AF, Pohlmeier WE, Kurz SG, Davis JS, Wood JR, and Cupp AS (2021) Transcriptomic data of bovine ovarian granulosa cells of control and High A4 cows. Data in Brief, 37:107217, PMID: 34189206, PMCID: PMC8220326 


Nafziger S, Tenley S, Summers AF, Abedal-Majed MA, Hart M, Bergman J, Kurz SG, Davis JS, Wood JR, Cupp AS (2021). Attainment and maintenance of pubertal cyclicity may predict reproductive longevity in beef heifers. Biol Reprod 104:1360-1372, PMID 33709137 

Bidne KL, Rister AL, McCain AR, Hitt BD, Dodds ED, and Wood JR. (2021) Maternal obesity alters placental lysophosphatidylcholine, lipid storage, and the expression of genes associated with lipid metabolism. Biol Reprod 104: 197-210, PMID: 33048132, PMCID: PMC7946805 Editor’s choice, Cover Image


Rial C., Laplacette A.L., and Giordano J.O.* 2022. Effect of a targeted reproductive management program designed to prioritize insemination at detected estrus and optimize days to insemination on the reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. (In Press)


Giordano J. O. *, E. M. Sitko, C. Rial, M. M. Perez and G. E. Granados. 2022. Use of multiple biological, management, and performance data for the design of targeted reproductive management strategies for dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 105:4669-4678.


Schilkowsky E. M., G. E. Granados, E M. Sitko, M. Masello, M. M. Perez, J. O. Giordano*. 2021. Evaluation and characterization of estrus alerts and behavioral parameters generated by an ear-attached accelerometer-based system for automated detection of estrus. J. Dairy Sci. 104:6222-6237.    


Abstracts for scientific conferences


Matthews J.C., Q. Li, K.C. Chen and P.J. Bridges. 2022. Sensitivity of pituitary and hepatic selenoprotein transcriptomes to consumption of ergot alkaloids in growing cattle. 12th International Symposium on Selenium in Biology and Medicine.

Webb K., R.J. Trotta, P. Bridges and J.C. Matthews. July 2021. Ad libitum consumption of a 1:1 blend of inorganic:organic Se by steers grazing endopyte-infected tall fescue increases serum prolactin and alkaline phosphatase activity, but not average daily gain. ASAS-CSAS Annual Meetings & Trade Show, Louisville, KY.


Hutchings DW, Elder D, Tsang PCW.  2022. Does the phytoestrogen Daidzein stimulate angiogenic factors in bovine steroidogenic luteal cells? 56th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction, Spokane, Washington.


da Silva M, Oli N, Gambonini F, Pate J, Ott T. 2021. Changes in immune cell populations and phenotype in peripheral blood leukocytes of dairy cows and heifers during early pregnancy. Society for the Study of Reproduction. Annual Meeting, St Louis, MO, Dec 12-15th

Hughes CHK, Pate JL. 2022. MicroRNA may regulate luteal cell susceptibility to cell death during acquisition of luteolytic capacity. Int Cong Anim Reprod. Bologna, IT

Peterson, K. D., M. A. Oliver, J. L. Edwards, R. R. Payton, T. M. Prado, L. G. Strickland and D. J. Mathew. 2022. Utilization of a conceptus-endometrial co-culture system to investigate endometrial gene expression and histotroph dependent on conceptus origin. 19th International Conference on Animal Reproduction (ICAR), Bologna, Italy.


Ault-Seay, T. B., K. J. Brandt, M. T. Henniger, D. J. Mathew, S. E. Moorey, F. N. Schrick, K. G. Pohler, J. D. Rhinehart, L. G. Schneider, K. J. McLean, P. R. Myer. 2021. Bacterial Communities in the Uterus and Rumen of Beef Heifers throughout Development with Protein Supplementation. American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) Southern Section. Fort Worth, TX, USA.


Payton, R.R., A.M. Saxton and J.L. Edwards. 2021. Differences in the responsiveness of maturing bovine oocytes to an acute heat stress depending on month of the year. 54th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR), St Louis, MO.


Read, C.C., J.L. Edwards, F.N. Schrick, J.D. Rhinehart, R.R. Payton, S.R. Campagna, H.F. Castro, J.L. Klabnik, and S.E. Moorey. Influence of pre-ovulatory follicle size on the follicular fluid metabolome in lactating beef cows. 54th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR), St Louis, MO.

Horn, E.J., C.C. Read, J.L. Edwards, F.N. Schrick, J.D. Rhinehart, R.R. Payton, S.R. Campagna, H.F. Castro, J.L. Klabnik, and S.E. Moorey. Pre-ovulatory follicular fluid and serum metabolome profiles in beef cows with thin, moderate, and obese body condition. 54th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR), St Louis, MO.

Hessock, E.A., M.F. Smith, T.W. Geary, K.G. Pohler, J.A. Green, S.K. Behura, A.K. Stokes, and S.E. Moorey. Transcriptome profiles of in vivo matured bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes reveal unique gene expression between the oocyte and cumulus cells. 54th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR), St Louis, MO.

Oliver, M.A., K.D. Peterson, S. Bhandari, R.R. Payton, L.G. Schneider, J.L. Edwards, and D.J. Mathew. The effect of endometrial cell conditioned media on in vitro cultured bovine embryo development. 54th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR), St Louis, MO.

Mathew, D.J., H.L. Chaney, L.F. Grose, G. Charpigny, S.K. Behura, I.M. Sheldon, J.G. Cronin, T.E. Spencer, and P. Lonergan. Effect of galectin-1 on bovine endometrial epithelial and fibroblast cell transcriptomes in 3D cell culture. 54th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR), St Louis, MO.

Peterson, K.D., M.A. Oliver, S. Bhandari, S.E. Moorey, and D.J. Mathew. 2021. The effect of small and large ovarian follicle fluid on oviduct cell gene expression in cattle. American Dairy Science Association 2021 Annual meeting. Virtual.


Oliver, M.A., K.D. Peterson, S. Bhandari and D.J. Mathew. Effect of progesterone on bovine endometrial cell expression of select transporters and growth factors. American Dairy Science Association 2021 Annual meeting. Virtual.


Arneson AG, Stewart JW, Harrod MK, Newberne HM, Burgess MK, Jordan JA, White RR, Ealy AD, El-Kadi SW, Rhoads RP, Rhoads ML. Impact of heat stress and glycemic state on plasma γ- aminobutyric acid (GABA) in lactating Holstein cows. 2021. J Dairy Sci. 104(suppl 1): 173.


Oliver MA, Speckhart SL, Ealy AD. Human recombinant interleukin-6 promotes inner cell mass development in bovine embryos. Society for the Study or Reproduction Annual Meeting, Spokane WA.


Speckhart SL, Farrell K, Wooldridge LK, Biase FH, Lee K, Ealy AD. Interleukin-6 signal transducer is involved in blastocyst development in cattle. 2022 Society for the Study or Reproduction Annual Meeting, Spokane WA.


Stewart JW, Newberne HM, Harrod MK, Arneson AG, Negron-Perez VM, White RR, El-Kadi SW, Ealy AD, Rhoads RP, Rhoads ML. Heat stress and glycemic state alter milk production and composition in Holstein dairy cows. 2021. J Dairy Sci. 104(suppl 1): 173.


Cunha TO, Statz LR, Domingues RR, Andrade JPN, Wiltbank MC, Martins JPN. Accessory corpus luteum induced by human chorionic gonadotropin on day 7 or days 7 and 13 of the estrous cycle affected follicular and luteal dynamics and luteolysis in lactating Holstein cows. J Dairy Sci 2022; 105:2631-2650.

Toledo MZ, Stangaferro ML, Gennari RS, Barletta RV, Perez MM, Wijma R, Sitko EM, Granados G, Masello M, Van Amburgh ME, Luchini D, Giordano JO, et al. Effects of feeding rumen-protected methionine pre- and postpartum in multiparous Holstein cows: Lactation performance and plasma amino acid concentrations. J Dairy Sci 2021; 104:7583-7603.

Stangaferro ML, Toledo MZ, Gennari RS, Perez MM, Gamarra CA, Sitko EM, Monteiro PLJ, Jr., Masello M, Prata AB, Granados GE, Van Amburgh ME, Luchini D, et al. Effects of feeding rumen-protected methionine pre- and postpartum on reproductive outcomes of multiparous Holstein cows. J Dairy Sci 2021; 104:11210-11225. **

Monteiro PLJ, Sartori R, Canavessi AMO, Melo LF, Motta JCL, Consentini CEC, Wiltbank MC. Accessory corpus luteum regression during pregnancy I: timing, physiology, and P4 profiles. Reproduction 2021; 162:473-482.

Monteiro PLJ, Gonzales B, Drum JN, Santos JEP, Wiltbank MC, Sartori R. Prevalence and risk factors related to anovular phenotypes in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 2021; 104:2369-2383.

Monteiro PLJ, Gamarra CA, Genari RS, Prata AB, Barletta RV, Duran PG, Canavessi AMO, Sartori R, Wiltbank MC. Accessory corpus luteum regression during pregnancy II: reproductive outcomes. Reproduction 2021; 162:483-495.

Mezera MA, Li W, Wiltbank MC. Pregnancy-induced changes in the transcriptome of the bovine corpus luteum during and after embryonic interferon-tau secretiondagger. Biol Reprod 2021; 105:148-163.

Mezera MA, Li W, Liu L, Meidan R, Penagaricano F, Wiltbank MC. Effect of natural pre-luteolytic prostaglandin F2alpha pulses on the bovine luteal transcriptome during spontaneous luteal regressiondagger. Biol Reprod 2021; 105:1016-1029.

Cardoso Consentini CE, Wiltbank MC, Sartori R. Factors That Optimize Reproductive Efficiency in Dairy Herds with an Emphasis on Timed Artificial Insemination Programs. Animals (Basel) 2021; 11.

Alves R, Silva MA, Consentini CEC, LO ES, Folchini NP, Oliva AL, Prata AB, Goncalves JRS, Wiltbank MC, Sartori R. Hormonal combinations aiming to improve reproductive outcomes of Bos indicus cows submitted to estradiol/progesterone-based timed AI protocols. Theriogenology 2021; 169:89-99.

Mezera MA, Lauber MR, Beard AD, Cabrera EM, Wiltbank MC, Fricke PM. Effect of route of administration of dinoprost tromethamine on plasma profiles of 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F2α and progesterone in lactating Holstein cows. JDS Communications 2021; 2:421-425.

Toledo MZ, Nienow C, Luchini D, Apelo SIA, Wiltbank MC. Quantification of bovine plasma amino acids via liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry: Comparison of underivatized and precolumn derivatized methods. JDS Communications 2021; 2:227-232.

Ermisch AF, Bidne KL, Bochantin KA, Wood JR (2021) Ovarian inflammation increases oocyte maternal mRNAs during maturation and alters expression of cumulus regulatory genes resulting in reduced developmental competence. 54th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction, St. Louis, MO, Oral presentation 


Bell B, Kurz SG, Abedal-Majed M, Springman S, Hart M, Snider AP, Wood JR, Davis JS, Cupp AS (2021) Anti-Mullerian Hormone and pro-inflammatory cytokines contribute to inflammation and follicle arrest while Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A isoforms may rescue follicle progression in High A4 cow ovarian microenvironment. 54th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction, St. Louis, MO, Oral presentation 


Keane JA, Snider AP, Fudolig MA, Sutton CM, Bochantin KA, Bergman JW, Kurz SG, Hanford KJ, Wood JR, and Cupp AS (2021) Reductions in hematocrit and hemoglobin concentrations in non-cycling pubertal classification beef heifers may contribute to delayed pubertal attainment. 54th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction, St. Louis, MO, Poster.


Rial C., A. L. Laplacette, and J. O. Giordano*. 2021. Effect of first-service management programs including AI at detected estrus based on automated estrus alerts and estrus occurrence during the voluntary waiting period on reproductive outcomes of dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 104 (E-Suppl. 1).


Giordano, J.O*. 2021. Use of multiple biological, management, and performance data for the design of targeted reproductive management strategies for dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 104 (E-Suppl. 1).


Sitko, E. M., Pérez, M. M., Granados, G. E., Masello, M., J.O. Giordano*. 2021. Effect of reproductive programs that prioritized timed AI or AI at detected estrus on cash flow of primiparous dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci.; 104. (E-Suppl. 1).






Helmers, AC. 2022. The role of microRNA, complement proteins and immune cells in bovine luteal function and rescue. PhD Dissertation. The Pennsylvania State University. (Pate)

Oli, N. 2022. Effects of the estrous cycle and early pregnancy on proportions and functions of peripheral immune cells in dairy cows and heifers. M.S. Thesis. The Pennsylvania State University. (Ott)

Master’s Thesis: “Increasing vitamin D levels to improve fertilization rates in cattle.” Vanessa Peixoto de Souza, M.S., D.V.M. 06/14/2021. Major Professors C. Estill and C. Bishop.

Casey Read. Effects of pre-ovulatory follicle physiological status on oocyte metabolic capacity. (PhD Dissertation, 2022; SEM PhD student).

Mary Ali Oliver. The effect of endometrial cell conditioned media on in vitro cultured bovine embryo development. (MS Thesis, 2021; DJM MS student)

Sarah Singleton. Novel postpartum reproductive phenotypes in beef cattle. (Undergraduate Chancellor’s Honor’s Thesis, 2021; SEM undergraduate student)

Alicia Arneson (2021). Evaluating the impact of heat stress and altered glycemic state on plasma gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in lactating Holstein cows (MS thesis).


Mary-Kathryn Harrod-Byrd (2021). Serial measurements of circulating glucose and luteinizing hormone concentrations in lactating dairy cattle (MS Thesis).


Michelle L. Kott (2021). Effects of mid-gestational L-citrulline supplementation to twin-bearing ewes on umbilical blood flow, placental development, and lamb production traits (MS Thesis).


Dallas Soffa (2022). Effects of feed additives on uterine morphology and selected reproductive attributes (MS thesis).


Jacob Stewart (2021). Physiological consequences of exposure to heat stress and the mycotoxin zearalenone (MS thesis).


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