SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Boyd Padgett (Chair, LSU), Ash Sial (Secretary, UGA), Ric Bessin (UKY), Joe LaForest (UGA), Glenn Studebaker (Ark. Cooperative Extension), David Monks (AA), Robin Boudwin (NCSU), Francis Reay-Jones (Clemson), Danesha Seth Carley (NCSU), Daniel Frank (VT), Sarah Thomas Sharma (LSU), Tom Royer (Oklahoma State), Rebecca Melanson (Mississippi State), Amer Fayad (USDA-NIFA), Norm Leppla (UF), Wanda Almodovar Univ. of Puerto Rico), Harald Scherm (AA), David Held (Auburn), David Kerns (TAMU), Vijay Nandula (USDA-NIFA), Henry Fadamiro (Auburn), Julie Chao (USDA OPMP), Clayton Myers (USDA OPMP), Carrie Castille (USDA-NIFA), William Hoffman (USDA-NIFA), Wendy Britton (Southern IPM Center)



Arkansas IPM is a multi-disciplinary program providing education and information to producers and pest managers in five priority areas:

Row Crop IPM: Mini grants (31 counties) to support IPM education and demonstrations. Over 100 on-farm IPM demonstrations. Pest monitoring with over 150 pheromone traps. Resistant weed monitoring by county agents. Weekly pest reports/updates on the Arkansas Row Crops Blog. A mobile app on insect pest recommendations was developed and deployed with over 1500 individual downloads in 2020.

Animal IPM: Mini grants (11 counties) to support animal IPM education and demonstrations.

Specialty Crop IPM: Pecan IPM demonstrations (5 counties). IPM demonstrations strawberries and tomato conducted statewide. 12 newsletters on fruit and nut IPM posted on the Arkansas Vegetable, Fruit and Nut Update Blog.

Pollinator IPM: 38-page pocket guide, “Honey Bee Health” distributed to clientele. 3 newsletters on pollinator IPM posted on the Beekeeping Blog.

Plant Diagnostic Clinic: > 2,000 plant samples processed yearly. 23 newsletters on pests and management yearly. Master Gardener (MG) IPM presentations.



Norm Leppla, Faith Oi, Amanda Hodges, Silvana Paula-Moraes, and Gary Knox

The University of Florida, IFAS IPM Program provides statewide, interdisciplinary and inter-unit coordination and assistance in IPM to protect agriculture, communities and the environment ( In addition to coordination, the 2020 CPPM, EIP project includes four sub-projects: “Non-traditional IPM change agents providing programming for housing and residential environments”, “Enhance the Florida Collaborative Plant Pest and Disease Diagnostic System”, “Pest and natural enemy profiles in conventional and GMO cotton cultivars in North Florida”, and “A searchable database and website to train citizen scientists to promote vetted pollinator plants and enhance pollinator health”.

Accomplishments for coordination and these five sub-projects, respectively, were: 1) Prepared guidelines for standardized pesticide tables in Extension publications and a single link for all UF diagnostic resources (, 2) Emphasis on how pest control operators could work safety as an "essential service", 3) Revised 33 and released 5 new online modules available through Canvas Catalog for pest and disease diagnosis, 4) published several UF/IFAS Pest Alerts (UF/IFAS Pest Alert - UF/IFAS Pest Alert ( per month and distributed news through Twitter 5) Documentation and dissemination of the prevalent species of pests in cotton in the Florida Panhandle

Established a database on pollinator plants searchable by pollinator, season, hardiness zone, plant species, plant type, and other plant characteristics. In addition, 44 IPM presentations were delivered through various state, national, and international venues.



Specific activities/accomplishments of UGA IPM Program include:

  • IPM Implementation in Agronomic Crops (Peanut and Cotton): Peanut IPM team focused on development and implementation of effective IPM program for peanut burrower bug (PBB) and tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV). PBB IPM program included: deep tillage, organophosphate insecticide, and irrigation. TSWV IPM included: resistant cultivars, various chemical and cultural practices to reduce risks posed by thrips and TSWV complex. Cotton IPM team investigated the impact of planting date and cotton aphid management on cotton leafroll dwarf virus across the southeastern US: concluded naturally occurring fungus for aphid control are effective.
  • IPM Implementation in Animal Agriculture (Poultry and Beef Cattle): Team focused on developing sustainable IPM strategies to control horn flies. Tick populations on cattle were characterized, determined geographic distribution, seasonality, and on-host preferential attachment sites. Field sampling methodologies for surveying cattle ticks were standardized. Baseline data allows for monitoring for arrival of Asian longhorned tick (ALT).
  • IPM Implementation in Specialty Crops (Blueberries, Peaches, and Vegetables): Blueberry team evaluated reduced-risk insecticides (spinetoram and Cyantraniliprole), novel behavioral control technologies (Hook SWD), and cultural control strategies (pruning and mulching) to improve spotted wing drosophila IPM programs in organic and conventional production systems. Disease management trials on rabbiteye blueberries showed the single late-dormant application of Lime Sulfur Ultra lowered severity and incidence of Exobasidium leaf and fruit spot. Peach team focused to improve San Jose scale management using 1.5% horticultural oil applications post-pruning and optimize Xylella identification with the AmplifyRP XRT kits. Vegetable IPM team screened diamondback moth (DBM) populations for resistance and detected point mutation responsible for diamide resistance. Chemical rotations were recommended for resistance management. Center rot management trials resulted in recommending a bactericide program and a strong thrips management program for effective control.
  • IPM for Pollinator Health: The statewide Great Georgia Pollinator Census took place on 8/21-22/20. Stakeholders were recruited to promote the project, encouraged to host in-person workshops, and events relevant to pollinator health, and conduct workshops on pollinator gardens, insect identification, and bee health.
  • IPM Support for Pest Diagnostic Facilities: 7103 insect pests, disease, and weed samples were submitted and many more submitted through other means (email, text, and physical samples). Several advanced techniques were developed and optimized at the molecular diagnostic lab (MDL), and a total 0f 400 tests were conducted at the MDL. Proper insect, disease, and weed ID and IPM programs developed by our team members help stakeholders to control those pests and save millions of dollars in crop losses annually.
  • Coordination: Findings of all projects were shared with stakeholders at UGA County Extension meetings (lately via Zoom), webinars and extension publications including Peanut Rx, and UGA Pest Management Handbook. Updated UGA IPM website for clarity and user-friendly access to our program resources, developed UGA IPM blogsite, and redesigned the UGA IPM Newsletter as an electronic monthly newsletter. The newsletter contains a feed from the UGA IPM blogsite as well as other IPM-related blogs. The new UGA IPM blogsite houses all the past Feature Creature resources and Specialist and Agent Spotlight biographies. Working in collaboration with Southern IPM Center to digitize the GA Pest Management Handbook.



LSU AgCenter IPM programs in rural and urbans communities.

Pesticide and pollinator trainings: Since 1/1/20 include: 16 commercial recertifications, 10 commercial certifications, 61 private applicator recertifications, and 3 WPS trainings. Drift mitigation, dicamba, and paraquat application. Several pollinator trainings were delivered in 2020.

LSU Plant Diagnostic Center Activities

Diagnosed 1175 physical plant samples submitted by residents of Louisiana and LSU AgCenter Extension Personnel and provided best management practices to solve plant health problems.

Diagnosed 322 digital plant samples submitted by residents of Louisiana and LSU AgCenter Extension Personnel.

Processed 650 sudden oak death, 123 citrus greening and citrus canker, 73 lethal yellow and lethal bronzing, and 130 boxwood dieback samples.

110 site visits to grower fields and home gardens.

Nematode Advisory Service

Since 1/1/20 1760 samples, reports used for recommendations.

Published LSU AgCenter Pest Management Guides, Louisiana crops newsletter (monthly), factsheets on pest management. Rural and urban pest management info: .

Entomology related to EIP

Tawny Crazy Ant distribution. Insect ID and management



Year 4 Executive Summary of Accomplishments and Impacts

The Mississippi Extension IPM Implementation program is a multidisciplinary program involving extension specialists from entomology, plant pathology, and weed science.  Program area priorities are: IPM Implementation in Agronomic Crops; IPM in Communities; IPM Implementation in Specialty Crops; IPM in Public Health and IPM Support for Pest Diagnostic Facilities.  In each case, these are holistic Extension programs, rather than limited projects, with the goal of providing stakeholders with ongoing, comprehensive pest management training and information that allows them to manage or control pests in a manner that minimizes yield or property losses while also minimizing management and control costs.  Examples of some of the accomplishments and contributions of each of these programs during past year are as follows:

IPM in Agronomic Crops:

- Published Insect Control Guide for Agronomic Crops (covers all major row crops)

- Conducted 30+ efficacy trials and Extension IPM-focused field research projects

- Produced weekly issues of Mississippi Crop Situation Blog, IPM-related issues

IPM in Communities:

- conducted Master Gardener training for insects and diseases

- Developed and presented recurring training program for structural pest control professionals

- published 30+ weekly issues of the Bug’s Eye View Newsletter

IPM in Specialty Crops:

- conducted regional pest management trainings for vegetable and pecan producers

- Revised extension publication on Insect and Disease pests of greenhouse tomatoes

- provided 300+ diagnoses and individual consultations on pest management issues

IPM in Public Health:

- provided statewide training for mosquito and vector control technicians

- produced extension publication on Setting Up a Municipal Mosquito Control Program

- presented numerous presentations on public health insect pests

Pest Diagnostics:

- provided 2000+ disease and nematode diagnoses and management recommendations

- provided 1000+ insect pests diagnoses and management recommendations



Through North Carolina (NC) Cooperative Extension programs and diverse transdisciplinary team collaboration, the NC State University IPM team works to sustain and enhance environmental stewardship, reduce economic risks for growers and consumers, and protect human health by applying integrated pest management (IPM) in all appropriate settings, and to increase coordination and improve efficiency of translating IPM research through extension programming. In addition, the EIP project includes three sub-projects: “Implementing IPM into communities, agronomic crops and specialty crops through Extension Agent Training/In-service”, “Improved IPM Information Delivery in pesticide safety and fate, pests in the landscape, and pollinator health”, and through “enhancement of pest monitoring and pest forecasting systems”. Accomplishments for coordination and these three sub-projects, respectively, were 1) Updated or created 11 factsheets, and held 12 agent trainings to increase IPM adoption and implementation across North Carolina, 2)  Creating resources to help 206 people become certified as commercial pesticide applicators and reach over 11,000 youth through pollinator education and demonstrations, 3) Demonstrated that strawberry and apple pest forecasts can be delivered to stakeholders in a consistent and accurate manner through web-based and mobile delivery tools.



IPM Oklahoma!, the OCES IPM program provides statewide coordination and funding for IPM programs  works with a multi-disciplined group of qualified, experienced research and extension faculty and staff to provide educational programs dedicated to IPM delivery and adoption. The activities outlined in this program include support for two Primary Priorities “IPM Implementation for Agronomic Crops” (3 projects); “IPM Implementation for Specialty Crops” (1 project); and one Secondary Priority “IPM Training and Implementation in Housing” (1 project).  This is additional reports that were completed in 2021.  This grant was extended for one year and will end on August 31, 2021.

Coordination: Coordinator has presented information on four SUNUP TV programs with regard to insect management for row crops and small grains. One refereed publication was published.

IPM Implementation of Agronomic Crops:

  • Support for Oklahoma Forage, Small Grains, and Row Crops: Cotton acres have exceeded 500,000 acres and program managers have provided 11 news alerts regarding cotton pest management to more than 100 growers. Data includes information from weekly pheromone trap catches for beet armyworm, fall armyworm, cotton bollworm and tobacco budworm. Information was also provided for thrips management, the future of Dicamba use, and grasshopper management. An additional set of news releases were provided regarding alfalfa, sorghum, wheat and soybean insect management.
  • Support for Smart Phone Scouting App for Wheat Growers and Sorghum Growers: We are revising the Glance N’ Go scouting app for Sugarcane aphid (Beta Version) that is based on research published by Dr. Jessica Lindenmayer for her PhD project at Oklahoma State University. Work was funded by NIFA CPPM (grant no. 2015-7006-24259/project accession no. 1007751 and the NIFA EIP (grant no. 2017-7006- 27282/project accession no. 1014126).
  • Work is continuing to evaluate the impact of prophylactic insecticide applications that are added to winter nitrogen top-dress application in winter wheat. We are evaluating the presence of resident aphid and winter grain mites in replicated plots and evaluating efficacy.

IPM in Specialty Crops: Monthly Zoom Meetings were conducted tailored to specialty growers that market to Farmer’s Markets and Farm-to-School programs around the state. In-field demonstrations are located on organically certified land at the Wes Watkins Agricultural Research and Extension Center.



The goal of the Clemson University IPM Program ( is to empower South Carolina producers and pest managers with appropriate knowledge and competencies enabling them to implement cost-effective and environmentally sound integrated pest management practices that will provide long-term solutions to critical pest management challenges. The program addresses economically important IPM priority areas for South Carolina in Specialty Crops, Agronomic Crops, and Pollinator Health.

From March 2020-2021, examples of accomplishments for specialty crops include: (1) Conducted workshops to promote and update the MyIPM smartphone app with new photos, narrative, audio, and spray guidelines for multiple pests and diseases of fruit crops; (2) made progress in our understanding of Colletotrichum species sensitivity to fungicides, with a goal of developing effective management strategies; (3) conducted training programs for growers and agents with travelling weed garden on weed identification, herbicide injury identification, and impact of soil type on herbicide efficacy (see more information and photo samples here:; (4) continued development of a website with information on scale insect identification, biology, monitoring/forecasting and management, and a reporting and identification portal for native or invasive scale insect species ( Several articles on scale insects were published in a biweekly newsletter (

For agronomic crops, accomplishments included: 1) updated pest management recommendations for row crops and developed articles for Land-Grant Press (a new peer-reviewed Extension publication;; (2) initiated development of a MyIPM smartphone app for row crop pests, with collaborators from 8 land-grant universities in the eastern/southern U.S.; (3) worked on a peanut disease smartphone app, including finishing building of algorithms for seven peanut symptoms and initiated end-product software development bids to made algorithms available for stakeholder public use; (4) conducted training programs to familiarize cotton growers with the Thrips Infestation Predictor tool to predict thrips dispersal and select low risk planting dates, in addition to updates on management of other key pests of cotton.

Accomplishments for pollinator health included: 1) finished apiculture needs assessment survey to guide Extension program development; (2) continued development of foundations of apiculture and pollinator Extension program, with a new apiculture and pollinator program website, a monthly newsletter (CAPPings) for the Clemson Apiculture and Pollinator Program.



Overview: The University of Tennessee IPM Program provides statewide, interdisciplinary coordination of IPM programs for agriculture, education for pesticide applicators, IPM training and implementation in housing and training and implementation in schools. IPM needs are identified though informal and formal interactions with county extension agents, growers, crop advisors, commodity groups, and other stakeholders. Our goal is to deliver programs so that stakeholders have the necessary training and resources to make IPM recommendations and decisions that are effective, economically sustainable, and environmentally sound. The IPM activities are primarily designed to disseminate knowledge and improve adoption of IPM practices in agronomic crops, residential housing units, and schools. Specific objectives/activities include developing online resources (field guides at, intensive training of agricultural county agents (in-season training on soybean, corn, and cotton conducted as well as 2-day statewide row crop in-service), the monitoring and management of invasive and pesticide-resistant pests (collaborations with county agents and farmers were established where numerous pests were monitored, findings were reported through numerous blog newsletters), demonstration of cover crops and their effects on crop management (multiple cover crop termination timing and method trials were conducted in cotton, soybean, and corn production systems), education of private and commercial pesticide applicators (both in person and virtual training developed and deployed), and training for IPM decision makers in public or low-income housing facilities and in schools (multiple trainings and demonstrations conducted, all with positive feedback on implementing IPM practices).

Specific outcomes/accomplishments:

Row Crop IPM: Continued development on web-based IPM applications for insect & disease management at Held Intensive, in-season training of county agents on crop and pest management in soybean, corn, and cotton. Collaborations with county agents & farmers were established & monitoring of key pests and foliar diseases were done. Numerous blog newsletters reported pest occurrences throughout the season of which many were re-circulated by county agents directly to their clientele. Cotton and soybean sentinel plots were established with collaborations through county agents & farmers and pathogen isolates were obtained for target spot. Results of foliar diseases and fungicide resistance were shared at local and regional meetings and presented at scientific society regional and national meetings. Based on results management practices will be updated, potentially saving producers millions in ineffective applications and yield loss. Multiple herbicide and cover crop trials conducted; 50-minute online training module was created/updated. Results were shared during ~29 events, which trained over 2,500. Conducted trials evaluating experimental and commercial cotton cultivars and results were reported and presented at local, regional and national professional meetings. Estimating 101 lb/acre value of using UT cotton cultivar data to increase yield by picking optimum cultivar for cotton acreage, in 2019 based on 75% of TN acreage gaining this value a total increase of ~$21 M was gained. Launched and made available to growers the searchable database web tool for soybean varieties that contains all UT variety trials data. Total number of each of the following created for database: data tables-45, filters-5 to 10, column headers to sort by-40 to 50, and total data points/rows-4,000+/year. Estimating 4 bu/acre value of using UT soybean variety data to increase yield by picking optimum variety for soybean acreage, in 2019 based on 75% of TN acreage gaining this value a total increase of ~$47 M was gained. Trials evaluating cover crop termination timing and termination method prior to the establishment of cotton, corn and soybean were conducted. Results have been disseminated to clientele through blog posts, extension meetings and technical conferences. County agents and Tennessee producers have increased their knowledge of options and benefits/obstacles when using cover crops in their production systems IPM Education for Pesticide Applicators.

Pesticide Applicators: The following training modules have been developed but due to diverting efforts from COVID-19, still need to be completed: Pesticides and rate/ranges, Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC)/Fungicide classifications, Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC)/Insecticide classifications, Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (HRAC)/Herbicide classifications

IPM in Housing: Based on feedback from our annual bed bug and cockroach management meetings, we expanded our efforts beyond elder and disabled high rises into one and two-story housing. In year 3 (Sept. 1, 2019 – mid-March 2020) we conducted building-wide bed bug inspections in 3 low-income housing complexes for the elderly and disabled. Two others were scheduled but had to be postponed due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. We had many opportunities to educate stakeholders on bed bug identification, prevention and management as we conducted our bed bug work. For example, a security officer inquired into our actions, and as we explained our procedures, we used this teachable moment to explain the use of a lint roller in removing bed bugs from his uniform and vehicle. We provided 15 presentations to public health personnel, medical entomologists, housing authority residents and staff, health service providers to the elderly and disabled, undergraduate and graduate students, pest management professionals or the general public. We organized and will speak at the 6th Annual Tennessee Bed Bug and Cockroach Management Meeting. Meeting announcements (In-service trainings, 6th annual meeting) were placed on our bed bug web site, and posted to our Facebook site,  A short and long version of the publication, Social Distancing and Pest Control Operations in Multi-family Housing during the COVID-19/Coronavirus Outbreak, written by S. Kells, UMN and S. Reese, StopPestsinHousing/Cornell U/NEIPM Center with contributions from the ESA MUVE Initiative was posted to the News and Other Updates section of the bed bug website. Total non-peer reviewed publications: 2, Total of presentations: 15, Total number of people reached during reporting period: 2,229.

IPM in Schools:  Demonstrations were initiated in Decatur and Marion counties and Etowah City with the assistance of the agricultural and/or FCS Extension agents. A hands-on fire ant broadcast baiting demonstration was held in Etowah City and are planned for the others. Face-to-face Extension meetings are canceled through July 31 due to COVID-19 prevention efforts and our 7-hr Hands-on School IPM Technician Trainings are typically scheduled for June. We added a new activity this year. The school IPM curriculum for K - 6 graders developed by Michigan State was modified to conform to our 4H activities format and we hope these will be available next year to promote and increase school IPM adoption in a new set of stakeholders, 4H participants. Currently, 127 pest management professionals have now passed a post-training exam following seven hours of school IPM training. Total number of non-peer reviewed publications: 10, Total number of people reached during reporting period: 3,268.



Virginia – Virginia’s interdisciplinary IPM team provides statewide education and information to a diversity of clientele in six priority areas: 1) IPM Implementation in Agronomic Crops, 2) IPM Implementation in Specialty Crops, 3) IPM for Pollinator Health, 4) IPM Support for Pest Diagnostic Facilities, 5) IPM Training and Implementation in Housing, and 6) IPM on Recreational Lands.  Accomplishments in each priority area include:

Priority Area: IPM Implementation in Agronomic Crops

  • Growers, farm personnel, and extension agents were trained in insect identification and the use of chemical and non-chemical control measures for troublesome insect species. Resistance monitoring for two lepidopteran pests (Helicoverpa zea and Chrysodeixis includens) and Lygus lineolaris were conducted. Pest management strategies were revised, incorporating current recommendations, for the Virginia Cooperative Extension Field Crops Pest Management Guide. Furthermore, 4 peer reviewed articles, 9 conference abstracts, 4 Extension publications and 13 Extension field days were conducted.

Priority Area: IPM Implementation in Specialty Crops

  • Several spotted lanternfly (SLF) monitoring and public education activities were conducted.  Our research on SLF phenology was used to validate a temperature-driven model at Penn State University.  We determined differences in SLF impact on tree growth in several tree species.  Several Extension publications on spotted lanternfly were published and a new fact sheet was created for spotted wing drosophila (SWD). Insect pest management strategies were revised, incorporating current recommendations, for two Virginia Cooperative Extension Pest Management Guides. We also assisted the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Service on implementation of spotted lanternfly quarantine in northern Virginia.
  • Weed management strategies were revised, incorporating current recommendations, for two Virginia Cooperative Extension Pest Management Guides. Two weed IPM training sessions were conducted for grape growers and three presentations at extension meetings were made to small fruit producers. Presentations were made for growers that addressed weed identification and life cycles and weed control strategies. Herbicide resistance was discussed, including how to manage weeds utilizing IPM. Three presentations on anaerobic soil disinfestation for strawberry growers were presented at conferences, one report was written, and one journal article on the work was published. 
  • is an online pesticide application aid, which aids growers’ fungicide (and other pesticides) inventory, application planning, and record keeping. In 2020, we created several forms for growers to record disease and insect observations, phenological stages, and harvest parameters. The same system is used as a data repository for a new Virginia sentinel vineyard project, which aims to establish a network of specialists, agents, and experienced growers to obtain and deliver information to wine grape growers through extension outlets. We have more than 50 beta-testers using the system and there were 32,450 pageviews in 2020, indicating heavy usage among growers. was presented at the Virginia Vineyard Association meeting and two extension meetings, and two user training sessions were conducted. Grapevine virus kits (10) were distributed to grape growers, but kit return was low (2/10) in 2020 compared to previous years. Kits were tested for GLRaV-2 and -3 and GRBaV and reports were sent to submitters. The GLRaV-2 and GRBaV tests were optimized for real-time PCR testing. A virtual grapevine virus workshop was given and a virtual presentation on the critical need of clean grape material; two peer-reviewed first reports were published and one peer-reviewed manuscript was published. The grapevine virus detection kit and testing protocols optimized for a diagnostic lab were also shared with stakeholders in Japan and a YouTube instructional video developed for that audience. 

Priority Area: IPM for Pollinator Health

  • An apiary at the Northern Virginia 4-H center was developed to focus outreach efforts on products of the hive. Twelve Extension programs were held virtually for statewide audiences, and 11 additional events were held statewide specifically serving Virginia beekeepers. One peer reviewed, open access journal article was published.
  • Eleven Extension presentations on IPM and non-managed pollinator protection topics were delivered to Master Gardeners and pesticide applicators. Pollinator protection information was updated in three Virginia Cooperative Extension Pest Management Guides and two Extension publications were completed.

Priority Area: IPM Support for Pest Diagnostic Facilities

  • 715 samples were diagnosed and IPM-based recommendation reports prepared for 813 diseases/problems. Eight Master Gardener (MG) trainings, including in-person and virtual hands-on workshops and presentations were given to 676 MGs in 8 counties; Five were given to industry or professional groups (309 participants). Five videos (3,891 views) were created for the Common Plant Diseases in the Landscape, VCE MG YouTube series, two radio interviews given on boxwood blight, and one abstract was published. 132 new problems were added to the Plant Problem Image Gallery, along with 518 new images.

Priority Area: IPM Training and Implementation in Housing

  • One peer-refereed article was published, and 19 invited training programs were presented to a variety of audiences including- pest management professionals, low-income housing managers, public health officials, and social service organizations.

Priority Area: IPM on Recreational Lands

  • Lawn care personnel, landscapers, and extension personnel were trained in weed identification and the use of chemical and non-chemical control measures for troublesome weed species.  Weed management strategies were revised, incorporating current recommendations, for two sections of the Virginia Cooperative Extension Pest Management Guides.  Seventeen presentations were made for landscapers, nursery employees, and lawn care individuals that addressed weed identification, life cycles, and control strategies. Herbicide-resistant weeds were discussed, including how to manage weeds utilizing IPM. Three reports were written, one newsletter article, and an article on herbicide resistance was published. Potted weed samples were used to teach weed identification at three workshops. Seven videos were prepared and used for virtual training.



  1. SERA3 committee members met several times during the reporting period (1 April 2020 - 17 March 2021) to discuss IPM programs, grant opportunities, and regional IPM priorities. Multi-state collaborations were formed in the areas of monitoring for pest resistance to pesticides, a pest identification and management app (MyIPM), and pollinator health. These are benefiting stakeholders in the region for managing pests. Efforts are underway to increase awareness among committee members of IPM efforts in individual states, which should provide more opportunities for multi-state collaborations and strengthen Extension Implementation Program proposals. During the reporting period, members disseminated IPM programing information in over 250 research/extension publications. Stakeholders were also educated on IPM practices through numerous field days, agent trainings, workshops, blogs, web apps, and other social media venues. Over 15,000 samples (plant, pest) were process at diagnostic centers in the SERA3 region. This information was used for making management recommendations. Estimated savings to producers in some states ranged from 100-300 million dollars.


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