SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Cahoon, Edgar - University of Nebraska (UNL); Clemente, Thomas - UNL; Durrett, Timothy - KSU; Hoffmann-Benning, Susanne - Michigan State University; Kosma, Dylan - University of Nevada Reno (UNR); Lee, Young-Jin - Iowa State University; Louis, Joe - University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Minton, Ernie - Kansas State University (KSU); Roston, Rebecca - UNL; Schrick, Kathrin - KSU; Thelen, Jay - University of Missouri - Columbia; Welti, Ruth - KSU; Dhankher, Om Parkash - University of Massachusetts Amherst; Koo, Abraham - MU; Narayanan, Sruthi - Clemson University. Xuemin (Sam) Wang (Danforth Center/UMSL), Doug Allen (Danforth Center/USDA), Phil Bates (WSU), Julie Stone (UNL).

The 2020 NC-1203 meeting was held virtually on September 11 through 13. The meeting was opened by representatives of the hosts: Timothy Durrett and Ruth Welti, and included remarks from Multistate Project Administrative Advisor Ernie Minton. Rather than giving detailed updates, the group discussed their research in the context of the upcoming project renewal and the respective proposed experiments and collaborations. The renewal will be submitted in fall 2020. The 2021 meeting will be held at the Danforth Center and hosted by Doug Allen and Sam Wang. The 2022 meeting will be held at Michigan State University and be hosted by Susanne Hoffmann-Benning.  Jonathan Markham will oversee the rewrite, Ruth Welti and Young-Jin Lee will address Aim 1, Rebecca Roston and Susanne Hoffmann-Benning Aim 2, and Tim Durrett and Ed Cahoon Aim 3 specifically.


A pdf file containing the entire report and publications will be attached under "publications"



See attached file

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