SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


On Location: Karla Wilke, Jerry Volesky, Mitch Stephenson, Daren Redfearn, Mary Drewnowski, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Walt Fick, Keith Harmoney, Kansas State University. Via Zoom Conference: Katana Lippolis, Iowa State University; Jaymelynn Farney, Kansas State University; Jay Parsons, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Administrative Advisor Deb Hamernik also joined via Zoom

Administrative Advisor Deb Hamernik joined via Zoom and gave a brief summary of the end reporting process as well as new points of emphasis for the new project going forward.  Each participant in attendance reviewed their accomplishments and activities for the past year, and are summarized in the attached accomplishments, impacts, and outputs.  Keith Harmoney will serve as the chair for 2020 in the first year of the new NC1181 project.  The first meeting date of the new NC1181 project is August 13-14, 2020. 


Accomplishments and Impacts are listed in the attached file of the meeting minutes.



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