SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Abbott, Albert ( - University of Kentucky (KY); Ashrafi, Hamid ( - North Carolina State University (NC); Bassil, Nahla ( - USDA ARS (OR); Bernardo, Rex ( - University of Minnesota (MN); Bourland, Fred ( - University of Arkansas (AK); Bushakra, Jill ( - USDA ARS (OR); Campbell, B. Todd ( - USDA-ARS (SC); Ethalinda Cannon ( - Iowa State University (IA); Cantrell, Roy ( – Monsanto; Chavez, Dario ( - University of Georgia (GA); Chee, Peng ( - University of Georgia (GA); Chen, Chunxian ( - USDA-ARS (WV); Cheng, Max ( - University of Tennessee (TN); Coe, Michael ( - Cedar Lake Research (OR); Coyne, Clare ( - USDA ARS (WA); Curtis, Bob ( - Almond Board of California (CA); Dardick, Chris ( - USDA ARS (WV); Dever Jane ( Texas A&M AgriLife Research (TX); Dossett, Michael ( - BC Blueberry Crowers; Evans, Kate ( - Washington State University (WA); Fang, David ( - USDA ARS (LA); Fernandez, Gina ( - North Carolina State University (NC); Ficklin, Stephen ( - Washington State University (WA); Finn, Chad ( - USDA ARS (OR); Frelichowski, James ( - USDA ARS (TX); Fresnedo Ramirez, Jonathan ( - Ohio State University (OH); Gasic, Ksenija ( - Clemson University (SC); Gmitter, Fred jr. ( - University of Florida (FL); Gross, Briana ( - University of Minnesota Duluth (MN); Grusak, Michael ( - USDA ARS (ND); Hague, Steve ( - Texas A&M University (TX); Hinze, Lori ( - USDA ARS (TX); Hokanson, Stan ( - University of Minnesota (MN); Iezzoni, Amy ( - Michigan State University (MI); Iorizzo, Massimo ( - North Carolina State University (NC); Jones, Don ( - Cotton Incorporated (NC); Jung, Sook ( - Washington State University (WA); Kahn, Michael ( - Washington State University (WA); Khan, Awais ( - Cornell University (NY); Knapp, Steve ( - University of California Davis (CA); Koebernick, Jenny ( - Auburn University (AL); Kuraparthy, Vasu ( - North Carolina State University (NC); Layne, Desmond ( - Washington State University (WA); Liu, Zhongchi ( - University of Maryland (MD); Luby, Jim ( - University of Minnesota (MN); Mahoney, Lise ( - University of New Hampshire (NH); Main, Dorrie ( - Washington State University (WA); McCarty, Jack ( - USDA-ARS (MS); McFerson, Jim ( Washington State University (WA); McGee, Rebecca ( - USDA ARS (WA); Moore, Pat ( - Washington State University (WA); Norelli, Jay ( - USDA ARS (WV); Olmstead, Mercy ( - University of Florida (FL); Peace, Cameron ( - Washington State University (WA); Poland, Jesse ( - Kansas State University (KS); Rife, Trevor ( - Kansas State University (KS); Roose, Mikeal ( - University of California Davis (CA); Saski, Chris ( - Clemson University (SC); Scheffler, Jodi ( - USDA-ARS (MS); Seabolt, Audrey ( - Michigan State University (MI); Slovin, Janet ( - USDA ARS (MD); Staton, Margaret ( - University of Tennessee (TN); Stelly, David ( - Texas A&M University (TX); Stewart, Philip ( - Driscolls (CA); Swanson, J-D ( - University of Rhode Island (RI); Thompson, Ellen ( - Pacific Berry Breeding; Udall, Josh ( - Brigham Young University (UT); Vandermark, George ( - USDA ARS (WA); Volk, Gayle ( - USDA ARS (CO); Wegrzyn, Jill ( - University of Connecticut (CT); Whitaker, Vance ( - University of Florida (FL); Wiesniewski, Michael ( - USDA ARS (WV); Worthington, Margaret ( - University of Arkansas (AK); Xu, Kenong ( - Cornell University (NY); Yu, John ( - USDA ARS (TX); Yue, Chengyang ( - University of Minnesota (MN);

In person or teleconference discussed meetings and workshops held during the year with various special interest groups:

Rosaceae Community Meetings (RosEXEC and GDR Advisory Board): October 31, 2017; January 14, 2018; April 25, 2018; Aug 30, 2018
Reported progress on GDR activities every quarter and plans for the next quarter to RosEXEC, the advisory board for GDR and the US Rosaeace Genomics, Genetics and Breeding Coordinating Committee (formal report provided ahead of meetings to RosEXEC). Discussed new genomic, genetic and breeding data being generated by the community that should be added to GDR, plans to provide access to high throughput phenotypic data being generated for certain Rosaceae crops, standardization of naming and how to best educate the scientific community on using standard nomenclature for map, marker, QTL and gene naming. We also discussed outcome and feedback after holding the first GDR workshop at the Plant and Animal Genome Conference in San Diego in 2018. 

CottonGen Steering Committee and Users Meeting, Cotton Beltwide Conference, Dallas, TX, Jan 4, 2018
Oral and poster presentation followed by a CottonGen steering committee and user meeting with a focus on training of use of CottonGen and BIMS and how it could be improved. The community provided very useful feedback on the improvements in the Breeding Information Management System and additional needs for it and CottonGen in general. Discussions on new data forthcoming helped us plan when and how to add these data to CottonGen.

Two day Tripal Hackathon and User Meeting: San Diego, CA, Jan 11-12, 2018
Reviewed code for existing core Tripal functionality and extension modules available, and discussed future plans for development of Tripal 4 and how to fund the project in a sustainable way. Continue to develop a larger network of Tripal developers.

Tripal Developers and Users Meetings: Nine online meetings held on the third Friday of every month (Jan to May and Aug to Dec)
Discussion on Tripal core updates, problem solving, new extension module development. Discussions initiated on governance management.

International Cotton Genomics Initiative Officers Meeting, San Diego, CA, Jan 13, 2018
As part of the annual in-person ICGI meeting at the Plant and Animal Genome Conference, we discussed progress in collecting and curating genomic and genetic data for CottonGen and discussed larger projects that would likely deposit data in the following year; and the genomic tools for transcriptome expression querying and visualization. We further discussed the continuing role of CottonGen in hosting the ICGI portal as part of the database and in hosting the ICGI biannual conference registration and documentation.

AgBioData Meeting, Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA, Jan 13, 2018
Meeting with participants of the 30 plus agricultural database community members to discuss further opportunities for the AgBioData community ( such as submitting a networking grant to the USDA FACT CIN program.  Also finalized the outline for our AgBioData peer-reviewed manuscript which was submitted and published in 2018 in Databases.

Tripal Workshop, Plant and Animal Genome Conference: San Diego, CA, Jan 14, 2018
Series of presentations on Tripal advances and discussion of general future needs for core Tripal and extension modules in development or needed.
- Cucurbit Genomics Database: Integration Genetic and Genomics Resources for Cucurbit Breeding (Yi Zheng)
- Updates on Tripal Mapviewer and the Tripal Breeding Information Management System (BIMS) (Dorrie Main)
- The​ ​Tripal​ ​Gateway​ ​Project:​ ​Supporting​ ​Exchange,​ ​Transfer​ ​and​ ​Analysis​ ​of​ ​Large-Scale Data​ ​for​ ​Online​ ​Biological​ ​Databases (Stephen Ficklin)
- Tripal​ ​Extensions​ ​Facilitate​ ​Association​ ​Mapping​ ​Studies​ ​on​ ​Forest​ ​Trees​ ​with CartograTree (Nic Herndon)
- Tripal Elasticsearch: Bringing Simple and Powerful Sitewide Search to Tripal Websites (Abdullah Almsaeed)
- National Center for Genome Analysis Support use and development of Tripal Genome Browsers on XSEDE’s Jetstream (Sheri A. Sanders)
- An Open and Community Oriented Web Portal for Subtropical Fruit Trees Genomic, Phenotype and Breeding Data Analysis (Alicia Talavera)

9th International Rosaceae Genomics Conference Conference, Nanjing, China, June 24-28, 2018
Presented update on the Genome Database for Rosaceae and Breeding Information Management System and held a user meeting with rosaceae scientists on forthcoming data, and new tools needed for the database. Discussed submission of NRSP10 renewal proposal and the GDR SRS for the USDA SCRI program.

NRSP10: Bioinformatic and Database Resources for Specialty Crops Workshop at ASHS Annual Conference, Washington,  DC,  August 2, 21, 2018
Two hour workshop with a series of presentations on resources available from NRSP10, followed by a discussion session on progress and future plans and direction.
- Welcome and Goals of NRSP10 Workshop (Mike Kahn)
- Tripal v3, the Collaborative Online Database Platform Supporting an International Community of Plant Genome Databases (Meg Staton)
- New Data and Functionality in NRSP10 Databases (Sook Jung)
- Integrating Free Mobile Apps into Specialty Crop Breeding and Horticultural Programs (Trevor Rife)
- Using the Tripal Breeding Information Management System to Improve Breeding Efficiency (Ksenija Gasic)
- Extending the Tripal Breeding Information System to Combine International Data for Global Performance Predictions (Cameron Peace)
- NSRP10 - the Next Five Year Plan: Furthering Integration of Big Data, Tools and Analysis Capability to Enable Specialty Crop Research Discovery and Improvement (Dorrie Main)
- Open Discussion on Direction of NRSP10 (moderated by Michael Kahn)


Tripal Progress: Major progress for Tripal in Yr 4 includes release of Tripal v3.0.rc3 and the first stable release of Tripal v3 as well as release of the Tripal MapViewer extension module (for Tripal v2.1 and v3.0) and several other extension modules. Of the available modules 30 are already Tripal v3.0 compatible with the remainder being converted. In the Tripal website, the extensions modules are now classified by category into Administration, Analysis/Annotation, Data Loading/Collection, Developer Tools, Third Party Integration (BrAPI, JBrowse, Galaxy, BLAST, VCF Filter), Searching, Visualization/Display and Development. There are 12 groups active in Tripal development in five countries, over 150 downloads of the Tripal platform and over 500 help desk support questions submitted and answered over the last 4 years. We estimate that over 4000 crop and wild relative species are now served through a Tripal database. Monthly Tripal meetings are regularly attended by 20 to 30 developers and the yearly codefest (formerly hackathon) attracts a similar number of developers. A Tripal workshop is held yearly at PAG with participant numbers exceeding 60 in the last 2 years following the inaugural workshop in 2015. The Tripal website ( is kept current with tutorials and documentation, and regular webinars are provided for the community. In year 4 of NRSP, the Tripal site has been accessed by 6,760 users from 163 countries (1,332 U.S.) with 10,085 visits and 23,574 page views. All code is checked and approved by the Project Management Committee (PMC) before it is released to ensure standards are maintained. For newer projects, when required, we provide images of established databases, such as CottonGen to accelerate the transition to production, or provide programmatic support to update to newer Tripal versions, e.g. PeanutBase. While all new versions of Tripal core are backward compatible, a lack of Drupal experience can make it a challenging for developers at times. Having access to an experienced support system led by initiators of Tripal, Drs. Stephen Ficklin (WSU) and Meg Staton (UTenn) has been highly effective when accompanied by training for new developers.

GenSAS Progress: GenSAS v5.1 was released in January 2018. Major improvements include (1) Upgraded to Tomcat v8 and Apollo v2 and enabled GenSAS to submit jobs to computational cluster which significantly increased performance (2) Implemented restrictions to user accounts to limit the number of jobs that can be run concurrently and also added PRINSEQ to check assembly quality (3) Gene models manually edited in Apollo have functional annotation jobs run on then during publish step and integration into final annotation. GenSAS v6.0 was released September 2018. Major improvements include (4) Addition of the tools BUSCO, HISAT2, DIAMOND, pBLAT (version of BLAT that runs multi-threaded), and BRAKER2 (5) GenSAS now allows tools that can run multi-threaded to run as such on cluster, this has decreased the time it takes for jobs to complete (6) At the final publish step, summary reports about the types of repeats and annotation metrics are produced along with the final annotation files. A file with a summary of which tools were used to generate the final annotation, and the tool settings, is also produced. Users also have the option of creating a merged GFF3 file of the final annotation that is suitable for submission to GenBank. GenSAS was presented at the International Plant & Animal Genome Conference in January 2018 and as a component in general NRSP10 presentations. A book chapter called "Structural and functional annotation of eukaryotic genomes with GenSAS" was accepted for publication in a "Eurkaryotic Gene Prediction" volume of the Methods in Molecular Biology series. In Year 4, GenSAS was accessed by 1,424 visitors from 78 countries, with 2,252 sessions and 7,079 pages viewed. It was used to annotate bacteria, viruses, fungi, plants and animal species.

Breeding Tools Progress: In year 4 of the NRSP10 we continued development of the Tripal Breeding Information Management System (BIMS) and the phenotype data collection tool FieldBook App (Poland Program). New functionality includes addition of: (1) ability to archive data , (2) graphical and tabular view of phenotype statistics, (3) configuration page to set column names for phenotype files, (4) new search/download, (5) ability to generate Field Book input file for progeny from a new cross, (6) ability to add more columns to the downloaded file, (6) generate list of accessions for searches, (7) Mean/max/min/std and frequency were added in the downloaded file from search, (8) Google Map embedded in BIMS to show the locations of the sites when breeding program coordinates are provided, (9) ability to change order of traits in ''Manage Breeding' section, (10) ability to compare trait statistics from different categories (year, cross, etc), (11) Frequency of each categories are now displayed for categorical traits for a given dataset, and (12) Updated User Manual and FAQ and added video tutorials. Two full day BIMS training workshops held, several webinars and BIMS presented at several conferences in year 4. In year 4, at the request of the Plant Breeding Coordinating Committee SCC-80, we also developed and hosted infrastructure on NRSP10 for a US Plant Breeding Capacity Survey. In addition to collecting the data we created a dynamically generated interactive map of the States to enable browsing and searching of the data by crop and state (see

NRSP10 Databases: In year 4 we upgraded the Citrus Genome Database to Tripal v3.0. and begun converting the other 4 to Tripal 3.0. This involved converting our Mainlab search and display modules to this new version and releasing these to the Tripal community. Conversion to Tripal 3.0 means users are now able to cross query data from the TreeGenes and Hardwood Genomics databases.  Details on improvements to each database can be found in the work completed section of each database. Highlights include (1) synteny analysis performed for all sequenced genomes in each database, with results visualized in the Tripal Synteny Viewer (Fei Lab, BTI) and linked to all ortholog and functional annotation, (2) major expansion of the map, marker, QTL and genome sequence datasets (curated) in GDR and CottonGen as well as keeping the Citrus, Vaccinium and Legume databases up to date with published data, (3) GRIN data added for all the databases, (4) Several new/modified search interfaces added such as genotype and marker searching and (5) Updated RefTrans expression data analyses and Pathway analyses. Usage of the databases continues to grow. In year 4 usage was as follows: GDR - 24,331 users from 156 countries, 649,026 pages viewed; CottonGen - 12,098 users from 143 countries, 278,001 pages viewed; CSFL - 3,685 users from 108 countries, 47,203 pages viewed; CGD - 5,410 users from 127 countries, 76,653 pages viewed; and GDV - 2,664 users from 92 countries, 30,997 pages viewed. For the first four years of the NRSP10 project, over 2.5 million pages have been accessed. In Year 4, NRSP10 databases were cited in 323 peer-reviewed publications, increasing the total number to 1059 in the first 4 years of the NRSP10 award.

Our plans for Year 5 of NSRP10 are as follows: (1) GenSAS: Further develop GenSAS to add more tools and error checking of assemblies, and complete creation of a GenSASLite version that directly plugs into Tripal for better community curation within Tripal databases (2) BIMS: Further develop BIMS by adding more searching and analysis capability, with more testing by additional breeding programs, and provision of training workshops.(3) Keep the NRSP10 databases current with tools and data while serving as community communication portals for their respective communities (4) Continue contributing to development of Tripal Core and Tripal Extension Module Development while providing advocacy and support for Tripal database adoption and module development by the developer community (help desk, web site, hackathon, monthly meetings) (5) Further participate in database advocacy by contributing to the AgBioData consortium outreach activities, including leading submission of federal proposals for the consortium (6) present the outcomes of NRSP10 through peer-reviewed publications, conferences, meetings and training activities and continue to develop outreach materials to inform industry of NRSP10 activities and their contribution to basic, translational and applied research.


  1. Continued to enable basic discovery and crop improvement research efforts in tree fruit, berries, nuts and cotton through access and use of high-quality, curated and integrated data and analysis tools in the Rosaceae, Cotton, Vaccinium, Citrus and Legume databases and the one-stop genome annotation platform supported by NRSP10. Use and impact of the NRSP10 databases continues to grow as more data and functionality are added. In year 4, use of the NRSP10 databases was referenced by 323 peer-reviewed publications (Google Scholar), an increase of 14 over year 2 citation numbers. Measured by Google Analytics, collectively, these database resources were visited by 12,779 US visitors (increase of 24.3% from year 3) from all 52 states and major territories out of a total visitor count of 48,653 from 156 countries, with 1,063,066 pages served (increase of 71% from year 3).
  2. Access to U.S. Plant Breeding capacity data information to enable national, state and institutional decision making. At the request of the Plant Breeding Coordinating Committee (SCC-80), NRSP10 developed long term resources to collect, collate and disseminate information on U.S. Plant Breeding Capacity in Public Sector institutions.
  3. Enhanced visibility of the resources provided by NRSP10. Disseminating the results of this project has further increased the visibility and need for the resources provided by NRSP10. This has been accomplished through 3 peer reviewed publications, 1 book chapter published and 1 in press, several peer reviewed publications in press, 30 presentations at 4 international conferences (XXVI International Plant and Animal Genome Conference, 2018 International Cotton Genome Initiative Conference, 9th International Rosaceae Genomics Conference, 2018 Bioinformatics open Source Conference), 4 national conferences (Cotton Beltwide, 2018 American Society for Horticultural Science conference, 2018 American Society Plant Biology conference, National Association of Plant Breeders Annual Meeting) and several local meetings. These include holding user-taught dedicated NRSP10 training workshops at the American Society of Horticultural Science and a CottonGen BIMS breeder training workshop at the Cotton Beltwide Conference All presentations/webinars are available from the database websites and the NRSP10 project website.
  4. Reduced redundancy of effort and resources by providing access to a standardized Tripal database platform with help desk support enabling adoption. In year 4, this translated into more than 130 species/clade genomics, genetics and/or breeding databases using a common platform. Over 4000 crop and wild relative species are now served through a Tripal database. Extensive collaboration among 12 database research groups (increase of 7 from year) in 5 countries (increase of 2) continues to increase co-development and extension of the Tripal database platform functionality. Funding for development of the Tripal by federal agencies and industry demonstrates the impact of this open-source software as a standard platform for databases serving genomics, genetics and breeding data and analysis/visualization tools to scientists.
  5. Increased communication and coordination toward sustainability within the Agricultural Biological Database Community (AgBioData) facilitated through NRSP10 and associated NSF PGRP award.
  6. Increased sustainability of NRSP10 databases through leverage of federal funding of $7,209,903 (2014-2019) from USDA and NSF projects for Tripal and GDR, CGD and CSFL Databases as well as industry/USDA-ARS funding for CottonGen of $780,000 (2016-2020).


Jung, S., Lee, T., Cheng, C-H., Buble, K., Zheng, P., Yu, J., Humann, J.L., Ficklin, S.P., Gasic, K., Scott, K., Frank, M., Ru, S., Hough, H., Evans, K., Peace, P., DeVetter, L., McFerson, J., Coe, M., Wegrzyn, J.L., Staton, M., Main D. (2018) 15 years of GDR: New data and functionality in the Genome Database for Rosaceae.  Nucleic Acids Research 47(D1), D1137-D1145.

Falk, T., Herndon, N.,  Grau, E.,  Buehler, S.,  Richter, P., Zaman, S., Baker, E.M.,  Ramnath, R.,  Ficklin, S.,  Staton, M., Feltus, F.A., Jung, S., Main, D., Wegrzyn, J.L. (2018) Growing and cultivating the forest genomics database, TreeGenes. Database, bay084.

Harper, L., Campbell, J., Cannon, E., Jung, S., Poelchau, M., Walls, R.L., Andorf, C.M., Arnaud, E., Berardini, T., Birkett, C., Cannon, S., Carson, J., Condon, B., Cooper, L., Dunn, N., Elsik, C., Farmer, A., Ficklin, S.P., Grant, D., Grau, E., Herndon, N., Hu, Z-L., Humann, J.L., Jaiswal, J., Jonquet, C., Laporte, M.A., Larmande, P., Lazo, G., McCarthy, F., Menda, N., Mungall, C., Munoz-Torres, M., Naithani, S., Nelson, R., Nesdill, D., Park C., Reecy, J., Reiser, L., Sanderson, L-A., Sen, T.Z., Staton, M., Subramaniam, S., Tello-Ruiz, M.K., Unda, V., Unni, D., Wang, L., Ware, D., Wegrzyn, J.L., Williams, J., Woodhouse, M., Main, D. (2018). AgBioData Consortium Recommendations for Sustainable Genomics and Genetics Databases for Agriculture.  Database, bay088.

Herndon, N., Falk, T., Grau, E.S., Jung, S., Ficklin, S., Main, D., Staton, M.E., Wegrzyn, J.L. (2018) Association Mapping for Forest Trees with CartograTree. Studies on the Semantic Web, 33, Chapter 8, 137-149. IOS Press eBooks (Ed. Anne E. Thessen)

Humann, J. L., Lee, T., Ficklin, S., & Main, D. Structural and Functional Annotation of Eukaryotic Genomes with GenSAS. Gene Prediction (pp. 29-51). Humana, New York, NY (in press).

Gasic, K., Jung, S., Cheng, C.H., Lee, T., Zheng, P., Yu, J., Humann, J., Evans, K., Peace, C., DeVetter, L., Mcferson, J., Coe, M.I. and Main, D. Resources in the Genome Database for Rosaceae for Peach Research. Acta Horticulturae (in press).

McFerson, J., Jung, S., Cheng, C-H., Lee, T., Zheng, P., Evans, K., Peace, C., Main, D. (2017) Tree Fruit Breeding and Big Data Get together in the Genome Database for Rosaceae. Presentation at the Washington State Tree Fruit Association Annual Meeting, Dec 5, 2017, Kennewick, WA, USA.

Main, D., Yu, J., Jung, S., Cheng, C.H., Lee, T., Humann, J. Zheng, P., McGaughey, D., Frank, M., Scott, K., Hough, H., Campbell, B.T., Mohan, A., Udall, J., Percy, R.G., Jones, D. (2018). Using CottonGen for Crop Improvement.  Proceedings of the National Cotton Council Beltwide Cotton Conference, January 3-5, 2018, San Antonio, Texas, USA. 

Campbell, J.D., Cannon, E., Jung, S., Main, D., Poelchau, M., Walls, R., Harper, L.C. (2018). AgBioData: Identifying and Meeting Common Goals in the Management of Agricultural Biological Data. Proceedings of the International Plant & Animal Genome Conference XXVI, January 13-17, 2018, San Diego, CA, USA. 

Poelchau, M., Campbell, J.D., Cannon, E., Jung, S., Main, D., Walls, R., Harper, L.C. (2018). Challenges and Recommendations for Genomics, Genetics and Breeding Databases from the AgBioData Consortium. Proceedings of the International Plant & Animal Genome Conference XXVI, January 13-17, 2018, San Diego, CA, USA. 

Jung, S., Lee, T., Cheng, C-H., Ficklin, S.P., Yu, J., Humann, J., Main, D. (2018). Mainlab Chado Module, a Tripal Module for Loading Map, Marker, QTL, Genotype, Phenotype and Germplasm Data. Proceedings of the International Plant & Animal Genome Conference XXVI, January 13-17, 2018, San Diego, CA, USA. 

Buble, K., Jung, S., Humann, J., Cheng, C-H., Lee, T., Ficklin, S.P., Yu, J., Main, D. (2018). TripalMap Mapviewer 1.0. Proceedings of the International Plant & Animal Genome Conference XXVI, January 13-17, 2018, San Diego, CA, USA. 

Main, D., Buble, K., Lee, T., Jung, S., Humann, J., Yu, M., Ficklin, S.P., Gasic, K., Campbell, B.T. (2018). Updates on Tripal Mapviewer and the Tripal Breeding Information Management System (BIMS). Proceedings of the International Plant & Animal Genome Conference XXVI, January 13-17, 2018, San Diego, CA, USA. 

Main, D., Buble, K., Lee, T., Jung, S., Humann, J., Yu, M., Ficklin, S.P., Gasic, K., Campbell, B.T. (2018). Updates on Tripal Mapviewer and the Tripal Breeding Information Management System (BIMS). Proceedings of the International Plant & Animal Genome Conference XXVI, January 13-17, 2018, San Diego, CA, USA. 

Jung, S., Lee, T., Cheng, C-H., Zheng, P., Yu, J., Humann, J., Gasic, K., Frank, M., Scott, K., Evans, K.M., Peace, C., Devetter, L., McFerson, J., Kahn, M., Main, D. (2018). Using GDR for Translational Research. Proceedings of the International Plant & Animal Genome Conference XXVI, January 13-17, 2018, San Diego, CA, USA. 

Jung, S., Lee, T., Cheng, C-H., Gasic, K., Campbell B.T., Main, D. (2018). Using the Tripal Breeding Information Management System (BIMS) to Enable Efficient Management of Phenotypic and Genotypic Data. Proceedings of the International Plant & Animal Genome Conference XXVI, January 13-17, 2018, San Diego, CA, USA. 

Ficklin, S.P., Cheng, C-H., Spoor, S., Chen, M., Almsaeed, A., Mills, N., Watts, N., Wytko, C., Grau, E., Herndon, N., Soto, B., Wang, K-C., Feltus, A., Staton, M., Wegrzyn, J., Jung, S., Main, D. (2018) The​ ​Tripal​ ​Gateway​ ​Project: ​ ​Supporting​ ​Exchange, ​ ​Transfer​ ​and​ ​Analysis​ ​of​ ​Large-Scale Data​ ​for​ ​Online​ ​Biological​ ​Databases. Proceedings of the International Plant & Animal Genome Conference XXVI, January 13-17, 2018, San Diego, CA, USA. 

Jung, S., Lee, T., Yu, J., Humann, J.L., Hough, H., Main, D. (2018). Breeding Information Management System Training Workshop Presentations. Breeders Workshop at the RosBREED Participants Meeting, March 5, 2018, East Lansing, MI, USA.

Buehler S., Falk T., Grau E.S., Herndon N., Zaman S., Main D., Jung S., Ficklin F., Staton M., Wegrzyn J.L. (2018). Tripal Sequence Similarity Search provides efficient protein sequence similarity search for Tripal sites. Proceedings of the Bioinformatics Open Source Conference, June 25-30. 2018, Portland, OR, USA.

Main, D. (2018). CottonGen: A Database Resource for Genomics, Genetics and Breeding Research. Proceedings of the International Cotton Genome Initiative (ICGI) Research Conference, May 31 - June 4, 2018, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom. 

Yu, J., Lee, T., Jung, S., Campbell, B.T., Gasic, K., Humann, J., Hough, H., Jones, D., Percy, R., Main, D. (2018). CottonGen BIMS for effective and efficient management of breeding data. Proceedings of the International Cotton Genome Initiative (ICGI) Research Conference, May 31 - June 4, 2018, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom. 

Cheng, C.H., Yu, J., Jung, S., Zheng, P., Humann, J., Lee, T., McGaughey, D., Mohan, A., Frank, M., Hough, H., Udall, J., Jones, D., Main, D. (2018). How to Effectively Search and Download Data in CottonGen. Proceedings of the International Cotton Genome Initiative (ICGI) Research Conference, May 31 - June 4, 2018, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom. 

Zheng, P., Jung, S., Cheng, Cheng, C.H., Yu, J., Hough, H., Udall, J., Jones, D., Main, D. (2018). Visualization of Conserved Syntenic Blocks Among Six Cotton Genomes in CottonGen. Proceedings of the International Cotton Genome Initiative (ICGI) Research Conference, May 31 - June 4, 2018, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom. 

Buble, K., Yu, J., Jung, S., Humann, J., Cheng, C.H., Lee, T., Hough, H., McGaughey, D., Frank, M., Main, D. (2018). Using TripalMap for Genetics Research. Proceedings of the International Cotton Genome Initiative (ICGI) Research Conference, May 31 - June 4, 2018, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom. 

Jung, S., Lee, T., Cheng, C-H., Buble, K., Zheng, P., Yu, J., Humann, J.L., Ficklin, S.P., Gasic, K., Scott, K., Frank, M., Ru, S., Hough, H., Evans, K., Peace, P., DeVetter, L., McFerson, J., Coe, M., Wegrzyn, J.L., Staton, M., Main D. (2018). Genome Database for Rosaceae: A Resource for Genomic, Genetic and Breeding Research. Proceedings of the 9th International Rosaceae Genomics Conference, June 26-30, 2018. Nanjing, China. 

Hardner, C., Satish, K., Main, D., Hayes, B., Peace, C. (2018). Global Genomic Prediction of Performance. Proceedings of the 9th International Genomics Conference, June 26-30, 2018. Nanjing, China. 

Jung, S., Lee, T., Cheng, C-H., Buble, K., Zheng, P., Yu, J., Humann, J.L., Gasic, K., Scott, K., Frank, M., Ru, S., Hough, H., Evans, K., Peace, P., DeVetter, L., McFerson, J., Coe, M., Main D. (2018) Genome Database for Rosaceae: resource for genomic, genetic and breeding research. ‎July 5th 2018, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, South Korea. 

Main, D., Harper, L., Jung, S., Campbell, J.D., Cannon, E., Poelchau, M., Walls, R. (2018) AgBioData Visioning and Implementation. Proceedings of the ASPB Annual Conference; July 14-18, 2018, Montreal, Canada 

NRSP10 databases and Tripal brochures at AgBioData Booth. ASPB Annual Conference; July 14-18, 2018,  Montreal, Canada

Staton, M (2018). Tripal v3, the Collaborative Online Database Platform Supporting an International Community of Plant Genome Databases.  Proceedings of the ASHS Annual Conference; July 31-Aug 4, 2018, Washington, D.C., USA. 

Jung, S., Lee, T., Cheng, C-H., Buble, K., Zheng, P., Yu, J., Humann, J.L., Gasic, K., Scott, K., Frank, M., Ru, S., Hough, H., Crabb J., Evans, K., Peace, P., DeVetter, L., McFerson, J., Coe, M., Jahn, M., Main D. (2018). New Data and Functionality in NRSP10 Databases. Proceedings of the ASHS Annual Conference; July 31-Aug 4, 2018, Washington, D.C., USA. 

Rife, T., Poland, J.A. (2018). Integrating Free Mobile Apps into Specialty Crop Breeding and Horticultural Programs. Proceedings of the ASHS Annual Conference; July 31-Aug 4, 2018, Washington, D.C., USA.

Gasic, K., Lee, T., Jung, S., Humann, J.L.,Yu, J., Hough, H., Campbell, B.T.,  Peace, P., Evans, K., Main D. (208). Using the Tripal Breeding Information Management System to Improve Breeding Efficiency. Proceedings of the ASHS Annual Conference; July 31-Aug 4, 2018, Washington, D.C., USA. 

Peace, C., Hardner, C., Lee, T., Jung S., Main, D. (2018) Extending the Tripal Breeding Information System to Combine International Data for Global Performance Predictions. Proceedings of the ASHS Annual Conference; July 31-Aug 4, 2018, Washington, D.C., USA. 

Main, D., Jung, S., Humann, J.L., Peace, C., Gasic, K., Kanh, M., McFerson, J. (2018). NSRP10 - the Next Five Year Plan: Furthering Integration of Big Data, Tools and Analysis Capability to Enable Specialty Crop Research Discovery and Improvement. Proceedings of the ASHS Annual Conference; July 31-Aug 4, 2018, Washington, D.C., USA.

Plant Breeding Coordinating Committee SCC-80 (2018). U.S. Public Plant Breeding Capacity. Proceedings of the National Association of Plant Breeders Annual Meeting, August 7-10, Guelph, Canada.

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