SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


List of participants in the 2010 TAC meeting is provided in "minutes", p. 2-8 of the attached comprehensive document. A list of all current NRSP6 TAC members is provided on the project website:

THE DOCUMENT ATTACHED INCLUDES TAC10 MEETING MINUTES AND ALL ASSOCIATED REPORTS Additional information is available on the project website:


The Accomplishments of this project are contained in the Annual Report starting on p. 10 of the attached complete document recording the TAC10 meeting. Additional details are available at the project website:


  1. An impact statement specific for the previous year is given on page 14 of the attached document. A more comprehensive impact statement is available at the project website: Pages 23-55 of the attached document provide the impact of project activities as reported by representatives of the Northcentral, Southern, Northeastern, Western and USDA/ARS representatives at the meeting.


Publications are listed on pages 15-22 of the attached complete document.
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