SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


See attachment for list of participants

In addition to the annual face-to-face meeting, conference calls are scheduled regularly throughout the year.  Minutes from conference calls and meetings are included in the attachment.


At the start of FY16, new members were recruited for all three operating committees- Coordinating, Feed Composition, and Modeling.  The Coordinating Committee was expanded from 8 to 12 members to accommodate the addition of equine, fish and small ruminants to the scope of the NANP. Participants continued working closely with the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) and industries to leverage the resources contributed through NIFA and the participant universities.

Major accomplishments toward meeting the projects objectives and anticipated outcomes include:

  • Added Beef NRC ingredient database to the NANP website
  • Developed a method and computer program to filter and analyze large ingredient databases
  • Added nutrient requirement models using different meta-analysis with a tutorial for usage to the NANP website
  • Worked with NASEM to pursue an agreement allowing for modification of the species-specific nutrient utilization models to make them more easily updatable and useful to the research community. NANP is also advocating for the development of a multi-species interface for diet formulations that could be used for teaching and extension.
  • Increased awareness of NANP resources by hosting booths at the Midwest ASAS/ADSA and annual JAM meetings. Both were well attended by faculty, students and industry representatives.
  • A publication summarizing the 2015 summit, Nutrition Research Priorities for a Healthy Society, was completed and disseminated broadly. Stakeholders receiving the publication included animal science departments, experiment station directors, veterinary school leadership and keep policymakers related to animal agriculture.  The publication was also translated into other languages (Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish).
  • Acquired Scopus citation database from Elsevier to serve as the basis for the Global Animal Nutrition Expert Network ( which was established to help identify and connect to animal nutrition experts.
  • Website usage was monitored through Google Analytics and reviewed by the Coordinating Committee periodically. Publicity received in July through the release of the Beef NRC report and distribution of a National Impact Statement on NRSP-9 resulted in a spike of visits to the site in August of 2016. The site saw an average of 90 visitors from a total of more than 45 countries for the last half of federal FY16.


  1. The significant support provided by the NANP to the NASEM committees has facilitated a number of completed and planned updates for species nutrient models. The Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle report and accompanying model were released in 2016. NANP provided critical assistance in updating feed ingredient composition data and nominating committee members who worked on the report, which was the first update since 2000. An update for dairy is underway and resources were sought for a poultry update to start in 2017.
  2. A new method developed by NANP personnel for analyzing raw feed composition data will improve the process of constructing a feed composition database and better facilitate creation of NANP as a national resource.
  3. Through NANP’s involvement with the creation of feed ingredient databases for the beef and dairy NASEM committees, a standard platform has been created for all nutrient requirement reports going forward. Availability of these databases adds substantial value to the NASEM reports and streamlines the process for not only constructing the databases as other species reports are updated, but also allows for continual updates and additions to the datasets.


  1. Tran, A. Caprez, P. Kononoff, P. S. Miller and W. Weiss. 2016. Automation of statistical procedures to screen raw data and construct feed composition databases. J. Anim. Sci. Col 94, E-Suppl. 5:670/ J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 99, E- Suppl. 1:670. 
  1. P. McNamara, M. D. Hanigan, and R. R. White. 2016. Experimental design, data reporting, and sharing in support of animal systems modeling research. J. Dairy Sci. 99 :9355–9371
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