SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


MEMBERS: Nora Bello (KS), Bruce Craig (IN, Admin.), Philip Dixon (IA), Sara Duke (USDA-ARS), Susan Durham (UT), Ed Gbur (AR), Carla Goad (OK), Matt Kramer (UDSA-ARS), Nick Keuler (WI), Neil Paton (Cargill), Raul Macchiavelli (PR), Larry Madden (OH), Bahram Momen (MD), Julia Sharp (SC), John Stevens (UT), Rob Tempelman (MI), Kathy Yeater (USDA-ARS), OTHERS: William Bridges (SC), JungAe Lee (AR), Kelci Miclaus (SAS), Jason Osborne (NC), Aaron Rendahl (MN), Brian Rice (IL), Esperanza Shenstone (IL), Qiong Hu(Cargill), Tatiana Lust (Cargill), Andrea Ostrom (Cargill), Travis Wolter (Cargill)


Accomplishments: Statisticians who consult and do research in an Agricultural Experiment Station environment enable land grant institutions to perform their agricultural research missions more effectively and efficiently than would otherwise be possible. However, most stations have at most one or two professional statisticians who are not, and cannot be expected to be, experts in every area of statistics.

This multi-state committee brings together statisticians to work cooperatively to determine the best current approaches to common statistical problems and to help guide future directions of sound statistical practice. In addition to producing group outputs such as workshops, the committee serves as a resource for its members and a sounding board for new ideas in their applied statistical research. As a result, all members are able to provide more effective assistance to agricultural researchers addressing national research priorities than they would without NCCC-170.



Larry Madden taught a one-day workshop entitled “Meta-analysis for evidence synthesis” at the Annual Meeting of the American Phytopathological Society (APS), August 2017. San Antonio, TX.

 Nora Bello, Nick Keuler, and Kevin McCarter taught a one and a half day workshop in conjunction with the Joint Annual Meetings of the American Dairy Science Association and American Society of Animal Sciences with focus on the application of general and generalized linear mixed models to research problems in the animal and food sciences. 61 participants. June 2017. Pittsburgh, PA.

 Nora Bello taught three day workshop on the application of general and generalized linear mixed models for experimental design and data analysis of research problems in animal health and production. 25 participants. May 31 to July 2, 2017. Kansas State University. The workshop was sponsored by Shell US.

 Nora Bello taught two day workshop on mixed models for repeated measures data at the XXI Annual Meeting of the Argentinean Chapter of the International Biometrics Society (Grupo Argentino de Biometria). Approximately 50 participants. September 2016. Corrientes, Argentina.

 Kathy Yeater and Maria Villamil presented a half-day workshop entitled “Multivariate Analysis: Tools for understanding complex systems” at the ASA-CSSA-SSSA Meetings. November 2016. Phoenix, AZ.

 Kathy Yeater presented an introduction to JMP for researchers at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, NE. February 2017.

 Rob Templeman presented a half-day workshop entitled “An introduction to SAS” at the Center for Statistical Training and Consulting at Michigan State. November 2016.

 Rob Templeman presented a half-day workshop entitled “Introduction to generalized linear models” at the Center for Statistical Training and Consulting at Michigan State. February 2017.

 Rob Templeman presented a half-day workshop entitled “Determining the right standard errors and statistical tests using mixed models” at the Center for Statistical Training and Consulting at Michigan State. March 2017.


Bello N.M., Gonclaves M. On linear and non-linear mixed modeling of dose responses: Lessons learnt. David H. Baker Amino Acid Symposium, 2016 Midwest Chapter Meetings of the American Society of Animal Sciences. DesMoines, Iowa. March 2016. (Invited Keynote Address)

 Bello N.M. Brief tour of Structural Equation Models: Rethinking causal inference in beef cattle. Kansas State University Center for Outcomes Research and Education. February 2016. (Invited)

 Bello N.M. Towards reproducible research in animal health and production: Thoughts from Statistics. Center for Outcomes Research and Epidemiology. Kansas State University. February 2017. (Invited)

 Bello N.M. Further thoughts for reproducible research in animal health and production (Part II). Center for Outcomes Research and Epidemiology. Kansas State University. May 2017. (Invited)

 Bello N.M. A closer look at low-expression RNASeq transcripts: Motivations from the prairie. Department Seminar Series at the University of Kansas Cancer Center. Kansas City, Kansas. July 2016. (Invited)

 Madden, L. V. Network meta-analysis for evidence synthesis in the plant and agricultural sciences. Central European Network of the International Biometric Society (IBS), August 2017. Vienna, Austria. (Invited)

 Stevens J.R. Annotation Tools for Multivariate Gene Set Testing in Non-Model Organisms. Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology Laboratory Seminar, Colorado State University Department of Biomedical Sciences, October 2016. (Invited)

 Bishop M.O., Stevens J.R., and Isom S.C. Statistical Methods for Assessing Individual Oocyte Viability Through Gene Expression Profiles. ENAR Spring Meeting, Washington DC, March 2017.

 Bishop M.O., Stevens J.R., and Isom S.C. Statistical Methods for Assessing Individual Oocyte Viability Through Gene Expression Profiles. Kansas State University Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture, April 2017.

 Pillai S.M., Hoffman M.L., Jones A.K., McFadden K.K., Stevens J.R., Zinn S.A., Reed S.A., and Govoni K.E. Poor maternal nutrition during gestation alters muscle gene expression in fetal offspring. Annual meeting of the American Society of Animal Science, July 2017.

 Stevens J.R. The academic applied statistician -- transitioning domain-specific data into statistics research.  Joint Statistical Meetings, Baltimore MD, August 2017.

 Bello N.M. Honing in on low-expression RNASeq transcripts: Motivations from the prairie. Applied Bioinformatics Seminar Series at Kansas State University. February 2016.

 Yeater, K.M.  Introduction to JMP. U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, NE. February 2017.

 Yeater, K.M.  Tools for Researchers: Omics using JMP Genomics Software.  VA SAS Users’ Group, Richmond, VA. May 2017.

 Yeater, K.M.  What is a GLMM? And, how do I analyze it?  U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, NE.  June 2017.

 Craig, B.A., Hurwitz, S, Sampson, P.D., Smith, H.S., and Wiest, M.  Teaching a Statistical Consulting Course. Joint Statistical Meetings, Chicago, Illinois, August 2016. (Panel discussion)

 Craig, B.A., Chen, N., and Wijayawardana, S.R. Assessing Inter-rater Agreement of Immunohistochemistry Scores. 28th International Biometric Conference, Victoria, Canada, July 2016.

 Lawrence, G.B., Sabo, R., Scanga. S.E., Momen, B. Is recovery of forest soils from acidic deposition accelerating watershed release of atmospherically deposited nitrogen accumulated over past decades? American Geophysical Union, Fall General Assembly 2016.

 Macchiavelli, R.; P. Torres-Saavedra, J. Chavarría-Carvajal, A. Calvo-Alfaro, Liz Terán-Herrera. Semi-parametric mixed beta regression models for disease severity in plants: Modelling Black Sigatoka in banana crops. 61st ISI World Statistics Congress, Marrakech, Morocco, July 2017.

 Casanoves, F.; R. Macchiavelli; J. Di Rienzo. Non-linear mixed model implementation in InfoStat: an Interface with the nmle Library. 61st ISI World Statistics Congress, Marrakech, Morocco, July 2017.

 Giménez, G., Rubio, N., Haique, A., Macchiavelli, R.. Métodos alternativos para predecir categorías de frutos en base a curvas de crecimiento simuladas: modelo generalizado mixto multicategórico y support vector machine (SVM). XXI Reunión Científica del Grupo Argentino de Biometría., Corrientes, Argentina. 2016.

 Piccardi, M., Macchiavelli, R., Balzarini, M. Ajuste de curvas de lactancia que derivan de un aborto. XXI Reunión Científica del Grupo Argentino de Biometría, Corrientes, Argentina. 2016.

 Padilla, Ingrid Y., Vilda L. Rivera, Norma I. Torres, Raul Macchiavelli, Jose Cordero, David Kaeli, and Akram Alshawabkeh. Assessment of Links Between Contamination in Karst Groundwater and Water Quality in Drinking Water Systems., NIEHS Environmental Health Science FEST, Durham, NC, December 2016.

 Di Rienzo, J.; R. Macchiavelli; Casanoves, F. Non-linear mixed model implementation in InfoStat. XXVIII International Biometric Conference, Victoria, Canada, July 2016.

 Murphy, M., D. Hodgson, N. M. Bello. On accuracy and precision of oxygen flow meters. International Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Symposium. September 2017. Nashville, TN

 Sharpe, S., L. Johnson, N. M. Bello, O. Parrish and M. Galliart. Rapid evolution in a disturbed environment: Evolutionary response of native grass Andropogon virginicus to heavy metals in an abandoned mine site. Switchgrass IV: Prairie and Native Grass International Conference. Lincoln, NE. August 2017.

 Sharpe, S., L. Johnson, N. M. Bello, M. Galliart and O. Parrish. Rapid adaptation in a contaminated environment: Evolutionary adaptive response of old field grass Andropogon virginicus to heavy metals in abandoned lead and zinc mines. Joint Annual Conference of the American Society of Naturalists, the Society for the Study of Evolution and the Society of Systematic Biologists. Portland, OR. June 2017.

 Sharpe, S., L. Johnson, N. M. Bello, M. Galliart and O. Parrish. Rapid adaptation in a disturbed environment: Evolutionary adaptive response of native grass Andropogon virginicus to heavy metals in an abandoned mine site. 2017 Botany Conference. Fort Worth, TX. June 2017.

 Chitakasempornkul, K. , E. Cha, M. Sanderson, A. Jager, N. Cernicchiaro, T. Schroeder, D. G. Renter and N.M. Bello. Accounting for data architecture on structural‐equation‐based modeling of feedlot performance outcomes. Kansas State University Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture. April 2017.

 Chitakasempornkul, K., M. B. Menegatgs, S. S. Dritz, M. A. D. Goncalves, A. Jager, M.D. Tokach, R. D.Goodband and N.M. Bello. Exploring biological relationships between reproductive outcomes in high‐performing gilts and sows following nutritional management during late gestation. Kansas State University Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture. April 2017.

 Cha, E., M. Sanderson, N.M. Bello, N. Cernicchiaro, A. Jager and D. G. Renter Network assessment of the relationship between Bovine Respiratory Disease Morbidity and performance in feedlot cattle. Kansas State University Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture. April 2017.


Di Rienzo, Julio Alejandro; Raúl E. Macchiavelli; Fernando Casanoves 2017. Modelos lineales generalizados mixtos: aplicaciones en InfoStat. Córdoba: Digital Book, PDF (InfoStat Software Estadístico / Di Rienzo, Julio Alejandro) ISBN 978-987-42-4985-2

 Other project related activities:

Larry Madden maintains a website with statistical software code (SAS) and PowerPoint presentations on a range of data-analytic subjects. Material based heavily on previously presented workshops.

Current specific goals for the 2016-2021 project:

(1)        To identify, foster and coordinate cooperative research efforts in statistics among statisticians serving food and agriculture research programs.

 (2)        To provide continuing education and statistical support to the scientific community in the review and editorial process.

 (3)        To address the statistical design and analysis issues associated with studies involving technologies that typically produce a large number of spatially and/or temporally correlated variables per observations but small sample sizes (e.g.,-omics, informatics, and -metrics).

 (4)        To address concerns associated with the development and implementation of generalized linear mixed model techniques and software used by statisticians and researchers.

 (5)        To address meta-analysis issues associated with multi-location, multi-investigator projects including those in which study treatments and/or designs may differ by location.


  1. Education of members leading to cooperative research efforts and improved consulting and teaching by individual members.
  2. Cooperative research efforts among some members and information exchange on new developments among all members in the areas of generalized linear mixed models and the analysis of high dimensional, large volume data (i.e., Big Data).
  3. Members continuing to offer workshops and, where appropriate, alternative means of continuing education and support for subject matter scientists, reviewers, and technical editors on valid design and statistical analysis of studies.


Bello, NM, Kramer, M, Tempelman, RJ, Stroup, WW, St-Pierre, NR, Craig, BA, Young, LJ, and Gbur, EE. 2016. Short communication: On recognizing the proper experimental unit in animal studies in the dairy sciences. Journal of Dairy Science 99, 8871-8879. [Article highlighted in Journal of Dairy Sciences as “Best Research Practices”]

 Mohammadi, S., S.S. French, L.A. Neuman-Lee, S.L. Durham, Y. Kojima, A. Mori, E.D. Brodie, Jr., and A. Savitzky 2017. Corticosteroid responses of snakes to toxins from toads (bufadienolides) and plants (cardenolides) reflect differences in dietary specializations. General and Comparative Endocrinology 247, 16-25. doi: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2017.03.015

 Skinner, H.M., A.M. Durso, L.A. Neuman-Lee, S.L. Durham, S.D. Mueller, and S.S. French 2016. Effects of diet restriction and diet complexity on life history strategies in side-blotched lizards (Uta stansburiana). Journal of Experimental Zoology 325(9), 626-637. doi: 10.1002/jez.2056

 Tepedino, V.J., L.C. Arneson, and S.L. Durham 2016. Pollen removal and deposition by pollen- and nectar-collecting specialist and generalist bee visitors to Iliamna bakeri (Malvaceae). Journal of Pollination Ecology 19(8), 50-56.

 Ogata, E.M., W. W. Wurtsbaugh, T.N. Smith, and S.L. Durham 2017. Bioassay analysis of nutrient and Artemia franciscana effects of trophic interactions in the Great Salt Lake, USA. Hydrobiologia 788(1), 1-16. doi: 10.1007/s10750-016-2881-9

 Denlinger, D.S., A.Y. Li, S.L. Durham, P.G. Lawyer, J.L. Anderson, and S.A. Bernhardt 2016. Comparison of in vivo and in vitro methods for blood feeding of Phlebotomus papatasi (Diptera: Psychodidae) in the laboratory. Journal of Medical Entomology 53(5), 1112-1116. doi: 10.1093/jme/tjw074

 Messina, F.J., and S.L. Durham 2015. Loss of adaptation following reversion suggests trade-offs in host use by a seed beetle. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28, 1882-1891. doi: 10.1111/jeb.12704

 Flint, C.G., X. Dai, D. Jackson-Smith, J. Endter-Wada, S.K. Yeo, R. Hale and M.K. Dolan 2017. Social and Geographic Contexts of Water Concerns in Utah. Society & Natural Resources 30(8), 885 - 902. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2016.1264653.

 Bushman, B.S., L. Wang, X. Dai, A. Joshi, J.G. Robins and P.G. Johnson. 2016. Responses of Tolerant and Susceptible Kentucky Bluegrass Germplasm to Salt Stress. Hort Science 141(5), 449 - 456.

Hass, Z, DePalma G, Craig, BA, Xu, H, and Sands, LP. 2017. Unmet Need for Help With Activities of Daily Living Disabilities and Emergency Department Admissions Among Older Medicare Recipients. Gerontologist 57(2), 206 - 210.

Rivera, RL, Maulding, MK, Abbott, AR, Craig, BA, and Eicher-Miller, HA. 2016. SNAP-Ed (Supplemental nutrition assistance program-education) increases long-term food security among Indiana households with children in a randomized controlled study. Journal of Nutrition 146(11), 2375 - 2382.

Xavier, A, Muir, WM, Craig, BA, and Rainey, KM. 2016. Walking through the statistical black boxes of plant breeding. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 129(10), 1933-1949.

Osei-Boadi Anguah, K, Lovejoy, JC, Craig, BA, Gehrke, MM, Palmer, PA, Eichelsdoerfer, PE, and McCrory, MA 2017. Can the palatability of healthy, satiety-promoting foods increase with repeated exposure during weight loss? Foods In press.

Cabezòn, FA, Schinckel, AP, Leòn, YL, and Craig, BA. 2017. Analysis of lactation feed intakes for sows with extended lactation lengths. Translational Animal Science. In press.

Gallagher, P, Craig, BA, Luttermoser, T, and Buczkowski, G. 2017.  Paired Competition Analysis using Mixed Models. Proceedings of the Kansas State University Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture. In press.

Lakshmikantha H. Channaiaha, Minto Michaelb, Jennifer C. Acuffb, Randall K. Phebusb, Harshavardhan Thippareddic, Maureen Olewnika, George Milliken 2017. Validation of the baking process as a kill-step for controlling Salmonella in muffins. International Journal of Food Microbiology 250(5), 1-6

Michaela A. Schenkelberg, Richard R. Rosenkranz, George A. Milliken, Kristi Menear, David A. Dzewaltowski 2017. Implications of Social Groups on Sedentary Behavior of Children with Autism: A Pilot Study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 47 (4), 1223–1230.

 Dale E. Bauman, Normand R. St-Pierre, George A. Milliken, Robert J. Collier, Joseph S. Hogan, Jan K. Shearer, K. Larry Smith, William W. Thatcher. 2016. Recombinant bovine somatotropin: Overview and results from a recent meta-analysis of effects on health and welfare of dairy cows. The AABP Proceedings 48, 73-78.

 Channaiah, L.H., E.S. Holmgren, M. Michael, N.J. Sevart, D. Milke, C.L. Schwan, M. Krug, A. Wilder, R.K. Phebus, H. Thippareddi, and G. Milliken. 2016. Validation of baking to control Salmonella serovars in hamburger bun manufacturing, and evaluation of Enterococcus faecium ATCC 8459 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as nonpathogenic surrogate indicators. Journal of Food Protection. DOI: 10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-15-241.

 Khan S, Jackson RT, Momen B. 2016. The relationship between diet quality and acculturation of immigrated South Asian American adults and their association with metabolic syndrome. PLOS ONE. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0156851.

 Cartwright J, Dzantor EK, Momen B. 2016. Soil microbial community profiles and diversity in limestone cedar glades. CATENA 147, 216-224.

lsen VBK, Momen B, Langsdale S, Galloway G, Link E, Brubaker K, Matthias R, Hill R. 2016. An approach for improving flood risk communication using realistic interactive visualization. Journal of Flood Risk Assessment, DOI: 10.1111/jfr3.12257.

Yu M, Kearney M, Momen B. 2017. Drought associated phenological changes of coastal marshes in Louisiana. Ecosphere. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.18.

Rogers, C.W., R.J. Norman, T.J. Siebenmorgen, B.C. Grigg, J.T. Hardke, K.R. Brye and E.E. Gbur 2016. Rough rice and milling yields as affected by nitrogen, harvest moisture, and cultivar. Agronomy Journal 108, 813-821.

Chitwood, J., A. Shi, M. Evans, C. Rom, E.E. Gbur, D. Motes, P. Chen and D. Hensley 2016. Effect of temperature on seed germination in spinach (Spinaciaoleracea L.). Hort Science 51, 1475-1478.

Suhartono, M.C. Savin and E.E. Gbur 2016. Genetic redundancy and persistence of plasmid-mediated trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole resistant effluent and stream water Escherichia coli. Water Research 103, 197-204.

Weeks, W., M.P. Popp, M. Salmeron, L.C. Purcell, E.E. Gbur, F.M. Bourland, N.W. Buehring, L. Earnest, F.B. Fritschi, B.R. Golden, D. Hathcoat, J. Lofton, A.T. McClure, T.D. Miller, C. Neely, G. Shannon, T.K.  Udeigwe, D.V. Verbree, E.D. Vories and W.J. Weibold 2016. Diversifying soybean production risk using maturity group and planting date choices. Agronomy Journal 108, 1917-1929.

Singh, V., N. Burgos, S. Singh, D. Gealy and E. Gbur 2017. Impact of volunteer rice infestation on yield and grain quality of rice. Pest Management Science 73, 604-615. DOI: 10.1002/ps.4343.

Jones, J., M.C. Savin, C.R. Rom and E. Gbur 2017. Denitrifier community response to seven years of ground cover and nutrient management in an organic apple orchard soil. Applied Soil Ecology 112, 60-70.

Burgos, N., Singh, V., S. Singh, H. Black, V. Boyett, S. Basu, D. Gealy, E. Gbur, A. Pereira, R.C. Scott and A. Caicedo 2017. Introgression of ClearfieldTM rice crop traits into weedy red rice outcrosses. Field Crops Research 207, 13-23.

Brennan, R.B., J.T. Scott, A.N. Sharpley, H.T. Lally, H.P. Jarvie, M.J. Bowes, Haggard, M. and E.E. Gbur 2017. Linking soil erosion to instream dissolved P cycling and periphyton growth. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 1-13. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12534.

Cobb, Adam B., Gail W. T. Wilson, Carla L. Goad, Jeff D. Wilson 2017. Assessing the influence of farm fertility amendments, field management, and sorghum genotypes on soil microbial communities and grain quality. Applied Soil Ecology 119, 367-364. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.06.010.

Basyouni, Rania, B. L. Dunn, Carla Goad 2016. Use of Nondestructive Sensors to Assess Nitrogen Status in Potted Dianthus (Dianthus chinensis L.) Production. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 97(1). DOI: 10.1139/CJPS-2016-0059.

Chang, Dan, Yanqi Wu, Linglong Liu, Shuiyi Lu-Thames, Hongxu Dong, Carla Goad 2016. Quantitative trait mapping for tillering-related traits in two switchgrass populations, The Plant Genome, 9(2). DOI: 10.3835/plantgenome2016.01.0010.

Cobb, Adam B., Gail W. T. Wilson, Carla L. Goad, Scott R. Bean, Rhett C. Kaufman, Thomas J. Herald, Jeff D. Wilson 2016. The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in grain production and nutrition of sorghum genotypes: Enhancing sustainability through plant-micorbial partnership. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 233, 432-440.

Akehi, K, Long, B, Warren, AJ, Goad, C. 2016. Ankle joint angle and lower leg musculotendinous unit responses to cryotherapy. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 30(9), 2482-92.

Dunn, Bruce L., T. Cavins and C. Goad 2016. Effect of applying calcium chloride and three milk supplements to poinsettia ‘Prestige Red’. Journal of Plant Nutrition 39(1), 45-50.

Hanzlicek, A. S., J. H. Meinkoth, J. S. Renschler, Carla Goad, L. J. Wheat, 2016. Antigen concentrations as an indicator of clinical remission and disease relapse in cats with histoplasmosis. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 30(4). DOI: 10.111/jvim.13962

Jiang, Li, Bruce Dunn, Yunwen Wang, Carla Goad 2016. Responses to Propagation Substrate and Rooting Hormone Products to Facilitate Asexual Propagation of Silene chalcedonica and Silene coronaria. Journal of Environmental. Horticulture 34(3): 80-83.

Jeger, M. J., Stevenson, K. L., and Madden, L. V. 2017. Plant disease epidemiology. Oxford Bibliographies.  DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199830060-0166.

Mila, A. L. and Madden, L. V. 2017. Introduction to Bayesian analysis of Phytopathological data using SAS. Plant Health Instructor. DOI: 10.1094/PHI-A-2017-0603-01.

Thomson, J., K.M. Yeater, L. Zurek, and D. Nayduch 2016. Abundance and accumulation of Escherichia coli and Salmonella Typhimurium procured by male and female house flies (Diptera: Muscidae) exposed to cattle manure. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 110, 37-44.

Crippen, T.L., C.L. Sheffield, J.A. Byrd, J.F. Esquivel, R.C. Beier, and K.M.Yeater 2016. Poultry litter and the environment: Physiochemical properties of litter and soil during successive flock rotations and after remote site deposition. Science of the Total Environment 553, 650-661.

Piccardi, M., R. Macchiavelli, Ariel Capitaine Funes, Gabriel A Bó and Monica Balzarini 2017. Fitting milk production curves through nonlinear mixed models. Journal of Dairy Research 84 (2), 146-153. DOI:

Flores, C., R. Macchiavelli, O. Bosques, and R. Toledo 2016. Calidad y Estado Fisiológico del Café al momento de la Cosecha y su Efecto en el Rendimiento en Puerto Rico. Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico 100: 27-41.

Stevens J.R., Al Masud A., and Suyundikov A. 2017. A comparison of multiple testing adjustment methods with block-correlation positively-dependent tests. PLOS ONE 12(4):e0176124.

Belmont P., Stevens J.R., Czuba J.A., Kumarasamy K., and Kelly S.A. 2016. Comment on ‘Climate and agricultural land use change impacts on streamflow in the upper midwestern United States’ by Satish C. Gupta et al. Water Resources Research 52,7523-7528.

Polejaeva I., Ranjan R., Davies C.J., Regouski M., Hall J., Olsen A.L., Meng Q., Rutigliano H.M., Dosdall D.J., Angel N.A., Sachse F.B., Seidel T., Thomas A.J., Stott R., Panter K.E., Lee P.M., Van Wettere A.J., Stevens J.R., Wang Z., MacLeod R.S., Marrouche N.F., and White K.L. 2016. Increased Susceptibility to Atrial Fibrillation Secondary to Atrial Fibrosis in Transgenic Goats Expressing Transforming Growth Factor-beta1. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 27(10),1220-1229.

Ruppert D, Needelman BA, Kleinman PJA, Rabenhorst MC, Momen B, Wester DB. 2017. Hydrology and soil manipulations of iron-rich ditch mesocosms provide little evidence of phosphorus capture within the profile. Journal of Environmental Quality 46, 596-604.

Kivett, J. M., R. A. Cloyd and N. M. Bello 2016. Evaluation of entomopathogenic fungi against Western flower thrips (Thysanoptera: thripidae) under laboratory conditions. Journal of Entomological Science 51(4), 274-291. doi: 10.18474/JES16-07.1

Goncalves, M. A. D., K. M. Gourley, S. S. Dritz, M. D. Tokach, N. M. Bello, J. M. DeRouchey, J. C. Woodworth and R. D. Goodband 2016. Effects of amino acids and energy intake during late gestation of high-performing gilts and sows on litter and reproductive performance under commercial conditions. Journal of Animal Science 95(5), 1993-2003. doi: 10.2527/jas.2015-0087

Martin, E. C., K. Gido, N. M. Bello, W. K. Dodds and A. Veach 2016. Increasing fish taxonomic and functional richness affects ecosystem properties of small headwater prairie streams. Freshwater Biology 61(6), 887-898. doi: 10.1111/fwb.12752.

Becker, M. W., R. P. Sundar, N. M. Bello, R. Alahabi, L. Weatherspoon and L. Bix 2016. Assessing attentional prioritization of front-of-pack nutritional labels using change detection. Journal of Applied Ergonomics 54, 90-99. doi:10.1016/j.apergo.2015.11.014.

Fissekis, S., D. S. Hodgson and N. M. Bello 2017. Effect of cleaning on accuracy and precision of oxygen flow meters on anesthetic machines of various ages. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia

Delph, K., E. G. Davis, N. M. Bello, K. Hankins, M. J. Wilkerson, C. Ewen 2017. Comparison of immunologic responses following intranasal and oral administration of a USDA-approved, live-attenuated Streptococcus equi vaccine. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science doi: 10.1016/j.jevs.2016.08.015

Tempelman, R.J. 2016. Editorial: The frontier spirit and reproducible research in animal breeding. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 133, 441-442. doi: 10.1111/jbg.12244.

 Lu, Y., M.J. Vandehaar, D.M. Spurlock, K.A. Weigel, L.E. Armentano, C.R. Staples, E.E. Connor, Z. Wang, M. Coffey,R.F. Veerkamp, Y. de Haas, and R.J. Tempelman 2017.  Modeling genetic and non-genetic variation of feed efficiency and its partial relationships between component traits as a function of management and environmental factors. Journal of Dairy Science 100, 412-427. doi: 10.3168/jds.2016-11491.

 Yao, C., G. de los Campos, M. J. Vandehaar, D.M. Spurlock, L.E. Armentano, M. Coffey, Y. deHaas, R.F. Veerkamp, C.R. Staples, E.E. Connor, Z. Wang, M.D. Hanigan, R.J. Tempelman, and K.A. Weigel  2017. Use of genotype × environment interaction model to accommodate genetic heterogeneity for residual feed intake, dry matter intake, net energy in milk, and metabolic body weight in dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science 100, 2007-2016. doi: 10.3168/jds.2016-11606.

 Mmongoyo, J.A., F. Wu, J.E. Linz, M.G. Nair, J.K. Mugula, R.J. Tempelman and G.M. Strasburg 2017. Aflatoxin levels in sunflower seeds and cakes collected from micro- and small-scale sunflower oil processors in Tanzania. PLOS One 12(4), e0175801. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0175801

 Mota, R.R., B.P. Sollero, P.S. Lopes, R.J. Tempelman, I. Aguilar, and F. F. Cardoso 2017.  Analyses of Reaction Norms Reveal New Chromosome Regions Associated with Tick Resistance in Cattle.  Animal July 13, 1-10. doi: 10.1017/S1751731117001562.

 Chen, C., J.P. Steibel, and R.J. Tempelman 2017. Genome wide association analyses based on broadly different specifications for prior distributions, genomic windows, and estimation methods. Genetics 206, 1791-1806. doi: 10.1534/genetics.117.202259

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Describe your bug clearly, including the steps you used to create it.