SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Bridges, Phillip ( Univ Kentucky Butler, Ron ( Cornell University Dailey, Robert ( West Virginia Univ Ealy, Alan ( Virginia Tech Univ Flores, Jorge ( West Virginia Univ Fissore, Rafael ( Univ Massachusetts Amherst Fortune, Joanne ( Cornell Univ Giordano, Julio ( Cornell Univ Inskeep, Keith ( West Virginia Univ Keating, Aileen ( Iowa St Univ Memili, Erdogan ( Mississippi St Univ Ott, Troy ( Penn St Univ Pate, Joy ( Penn St Univ Rhoads, Shelly ( Virginia Tech Univ Quirk, Susan ( Cornell Univ Townson, Dave ( Univ New Hampshire Tsang, Paul ( Univ New Hampshire Wiltbank, Milo ( Univ Wisconsin Wood, Jennifer ( Univ Nebraska Yao, Jianbo ( West Virginia Univ Administrator: Thompson, Gary ( Penn St Univ

Please see the attached meeting minutes.


Objective 1: Identify intracellular signaling pathways and gene expression regulatory mechanisms within the ovary, embryo, or female reproductive tract that promote oocyte growth and maturation, fertilization, early embryonic development, and establishment and maintenance of pregnancy.

micro RNAs and zinc finger protein findings expand our knowledge of regulation of oocyte maturation and early embryogenesis.

Identification of the impact that thermal stress has on ovarian signaling is resulting in a mechanistic map being developed, upon which strategies to ameliorate seasonal infertility can be based.

Estradiol and progesterone as important regulators of ovarian follicular development in cattle are supported.

Microarray-based transcriptional profiling revealed phase of the cycle-dependent changes in the expression of mRNA within the epithelium of the oviducts’ ampulla and isthmus.

A novel mechanism identified by which increased inflammation due to diet-induced changes in the gut microbe community alters oocyte gene expression and thereby contributes to obesity-dependent reduction in oocyte quality


Objective 2: Identify intercellular interactions between somatic cells of the ovary, somatic cells and germ cells, or somatic cells and the embryo that promote follicular growth, oocyte maturation, early embryonic development, and establishment and maintenance of pregnancy.

Growth hormone receptor (GHR) AluI(-) allele in Holstein cows is associated with increased serum IGF-I concentrations and a shorter calving to conception interval during lactation ie. higher fertility. 

Ovarian function alterations in cows with embryo mortality are mostly due to delayed luteal regression rather than follicular alterations after the onset of luteolysis.

The form of Selenium fed to cows affects the production of progesterone but not that of estradiol.

Paracrine signaling between granulosa and theca cells is different in ovulatory versus non-ovulatory cows.

Bovine granulosa and theca cells express CCN1, along with αV, αIIb, α6, β1, β3 and β5 integrin subunits. The heterodimeric integrins, e.g., αVβ3 and αVβ5, are receptors for CCN1.

The ovulatory transition involves changes in the Hippo signaling pathway that may be a key regulator of cumulus cell differentiation and oocyte maturation.

Changes in the luteal transcriptome and miRome during maternal recognition of pregnancy indicate modulation of immune response, matrix remodeling, and stress response as being important for rescue of the CL.

Luteal cells and T cells form physical contacts and colocalization of protein pairs at the immunological synapse revealed the molecules that mediate the interaction between these cells.

Luteal resident macrophages contain proteins consistent with an activation state and the concentration of NOS2 in macrophages changes with functional status of the CL.

Early plane of nutrition impacts the progression of uterine gland development in heifers, which may be mediated by changes in the expression of several local controllers of gland development.

Leptin is implicated as a putative mediator of early placental development and function in bovine trophoblast cells.

AMH is a reliable predictor of superovulatory success. This could be useful for veterinarians and producers that plan to do superovulation because use of cows as donors that have high AMH will dramatically increase embryo production in the procedure.

A second treatment with PGF can increase CL regression and improve fertility, particularly during Resynch programs.

Estradiol-benzoate-based timed AI programs, similar to GnRH-based programs, also have problems with adequate synchronization.

Pregnancy loss could be reduced in recipients of in-vitro produced embryos by treatment with GnRH on Day 5 of the cycle. This effect was limited to recipients that received expanded blastocysts.

Key responses of maternal uterine immune cells to conceptus signals during early pregnancy in dairy heifers have been identified.

A patent application on a novel device for sampling small volumes of biological fluids from farm animals has been developed and filed.

Effects of dietary lipid on transition cow immune function have been characterized.


Plans for next reporting period:

Studies to characterize the interactions of important oocyte-specific nuclear factors and the expression of oocyte-specific lncRNAs during early embryogenesis will be carried out.

The work on prostaglandin F receptors in bovine corpora lutea will be continued and if translocation is shown to occur from Day 4 to Day 10, further studies during maternal recognition of pregnancy may be initiated.

Further studies of interference with early pregnancy in the sheep model of bovine mastitis and analyses of changes in white blood cell types in postpartum, lactating dairy cows in contrast to heifers will be carried out during the coming year.

Complete the GHR and IGF-I genotyping of 110 dairy cows for comparison and analysis of phenotypic data for DMI, energy balance, insulin, IGF-I and fertility during early lactation.

Compare plasma IGF-I levels during lactation in cows with GHR and IGF-I SNP’s.

Build upon our findings from our previous research to design new studies (at least 3 large studies) to further our understanding of ovarian function in cows that lose their pregnancy and design new management protocols for dairy farms.

Work on PI3K and microRNA regulation of chemical metabolism will continue. We have a large bank that we are working through to understand infertility that results from chemical exposure, heat stress and elevated circulating lipopolysaccharide.

Investigate impacts of central metabolism alterations on reproductive function, with access to ovaries from hypoleptinemic mice, hyperinsulinemic pigs, obese pigs, and lipopolysaccharide treated pigs

The fate of labeled follicle cells as they respond to the LH surge (a time point when HH signaling declines substantially) and transition to formation of the corpus luteum will be determined. Mice will also be treated with an inhibitor of HH signaling (cyclopamine) and the effect on marked cells and the development of the thecal vasculature determined.

Determine the regulation of CCN1 expression in bovine granulosa cells by estradiol, gonadotropins, PGF2α and PGE2 as well as by growth factors, such FGF2.

Determine the signaling pathway(s) and molecules associated with the regulation of CCN1 expression in KGN and HGrC1 cells.

Continue study of how combinations of growth factors impact embryogenesis in cattle.

Continue exploration of how peri-conceptional obesity adversely affects embryonic and extraembryonic development and uterine function using sheep model.

Investigate a new embryo-derived regulator of embryogenesis in cattle.

Study how endophyte-infection in tall fescue impacts oogenesis and early embryonic development in cattle.

Examine how bovine subspecies genotype and nutritional status impact fetal outcomes.

Explore the basis of pre-implantation conceptus growth in cattle. 

Analyze the ultrastructure of oocytes exposed to high or low levels of estradiol at estrus.

Determine the effect of supplementation of rumen-protected methionine on reproduction.

Determine the timing of regression of an accessory CL in pregnant lactating cows and heifers. 

Determine the physiology of anovulation in lactating dairy cows.

Continue to work on the effect of GnRH and an accessory CL or reducing pregnancy loss in recipients of IVF embryos.

Evaluate the effect of GnRH on Day 5 after AI to improve fertility and reduce pregnancy loss.


  1. Developing understanding of how resting follicles are activated to grow and the regulating signals involved has practical importance for improving fertility in cattle.
  2. Understanding how stressors (obesity, heat stress, androgen excess) as well as how an altered ovarian environment (zinc effects) impacts reproductive performance will produce biological-based strategies to improve reproduction.
  3. Characterization of microRNA contribution to gene expression regulation adds to biological understanding of reproductive physiology.
  4. Characterization of microRNA contribution to gene expression regulation adds to biological understanding of reproductive physiology.
  5. Continued improvement of assisted reproduction strategies will contribute to U.S agriculture.
  6. Determination of the importance of a growth hormone receptor AluI (-/-) polymorphism to bovine fertility is novel and has potential to improve cattle selection for enhanced fertility.
  7. Studies on the interplay between the reproductive tract and the immune system will define mechanisms of importance during establishment and maintenance of pregnancy.


Peer-reviewed journal articles published in 2015 reporting research from this project

Bowdridge, EC, Goravanahally, MP, Inskeep, EK, Flores, JA. 2015. Activation of adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase is an additional mechanism that participates in mediating inhibitory actions of prostaglandin F2alpha in mature, but not developing, bovine corpora lutea. Biol. Reprod. 93:1-7.

Deacon, ML, Knights, M, Inskeep, EK. 2015. Effects of photoperiodic manipulation on growth rate and ability to breed fall-born ewe lambs in spring. Sheep and Goat Res, J. 30:30-35.

Nteeba, J, Sanz-Fernandez, MV, Rhoads, RP, Baumgard, LH, Ross, JW, Keating, AF. 2015. Heat stress alters ovarian insulin mediated phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase and steroidogenic signaling in gilt ovaries. Biol. Reprod; 92:148.

Johnson, JS, Abuajamieh, M, Sanz Fernandez, MV, Seibert, JT, Stoakes, SK, Keating, AF, Ross, JW, Selsby, JT, Rhoads, RP, Baumgard, LH. 2015. The impact of in utero heat stress and nutrient restriction on progeny body composition. Journal of Thermal Biology; 53; 143-150.

Johnson, JS, Abuajamieh, M, Sanz Fernandez, MV, Seibert, JT, Stoakes, SK, Nteeba, J, Keating, AF, Rhoads, RP, Baumgard, LH. 2015 Thermal stress alters postabsorptive metabolism during pre- and postnatal development. In: Climate Change Impact on Livestock: Adaptation and Mitigation. Eds. V. Sejian, J.Gaughan, L. Baumgard, and C. Prasad. Springer Publishing.

Hale, BJ, Keating, AF, Yang, CX, Ross, JW. 2015 Small RNAs: Their possible roles in reproductive failure. In: The Male Role in Pregnancy Loss and Embryo Implantation Failure. Ed. Richard Bronson. Springer Publishing.

Ross, JW, Hale, BJ, Gabler, NK, Rhoads, RP, Keating, AF, Baumgard, LH. 2015. Physiological consequences of heat stress in pigs. Animal Production Science 55;1381-1390.

Ganesan, S, Nteeba, J, Keating, AF. 2015. Impact of obesity on 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-induced altered ovarian connexin gap junction proteins in female mice. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 282(1):1-8.

Ganesan, S, Keating, AF. 2015. Phosphoramide mustard exposure induces DNA adduct formation and the DNA damage repair response in rat ovarian granulosa cells. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 282(3):252-258.

Mouttham, LL, Fortune, JE, Comizzoli, P. 2015. Damage to fetal bovine ovarian tissue caused by cryoprotectant exposure and vitrification is mitigated during tissue culture. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 32:1239-1250.

Yang, MY, Fortune, JE. 2015. Changes in the transcriptome of bovine ovarian cortex during follicle activation in vitro. Physiological Genomics 47:600-611.

Giordano JO., Watters, RD, Wijma, R, Stangaferro, ML. 2015. Reproductive Performance of Lactating Dairy Cows after Resynchronization with Ovsynch or a Program Aimed to Maximize Artificial Insemination in Estrus and Fertility of Timed Artificial Inseminations based on Ovarian Structures. J. Dairy Sci. 98:2488-501.

Cerny, KL, Garrett, E, Walton, AJ, Anderson, LH, Bridges, PJ. 2015. A transcriptomal analysis of bovine oviductal epithelial cells during the follicular phase versus the luteal phase of the estrous cycle. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology. 13:84.

Cushman RA, Tait Jr. RG, McNeel AK, Forbes ED, Amundson OL, Lents CA, Lindholm-Perry AK, Perry GA, Wood JR, Cupp AS, Smith TPL, Freetly HC, Bennett GL (2015) A polymorphism in myostatin influences puberty but not fertility in beef heifers, whereas µ-calpain affects first calf birth weight. J Anim Sci 93(1)117-126.

Morrow M, Ottobre J, Ottobre A, Neville P, St-Pierre N, Dreschel N, Pate JL. 2015. Breed-dependent differences in the onset of fear-related avoidance behavior in puppies. J. Vet. Behavior

Oh J, Giallongo F, Frederick T, Pate J, Walusimbi S, Elias RJ, Wall EH, Bravo D, Hristov AN. 2015. Effects of dietary Capsicum oleoresin on productivity and immune responses in lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 98:6327-6339

Sun T, Pepling M, Diaz FJ. 2015. Lats1 deletion causes an increase in germ cell apoptosis and follicular cysts in mouse ovaries. Biol. Reprod. 93(1)22, 1-11.

Xie, M., McCoski, SR., Johnson, SE, Rhoads, ML, Ealy, AD. 2015. Combinatorial effects of epidermal growth factor, fibroblast growth factor 2 and insulin-like growth factor 1 on trophoblast cell proliferation and embryogenesis in cattle. Reprod. Fertil. Devel. E-pub 8/25/2015.

Brown, BM, Stallings, JW, Clay, JS, Rhoads, ML. 2015. Periconceptional heat stress of Holstein dams is associated with differences in daughter milk production and composition during multiple lactations. PLoS One. 10(10): e0133574.

McCracken, VL, Xie, G, Deaver, SE, Baumgard, LH, Rhoads, RP, Rhoads, ML. 2015. Hepatic progesterone-metabolizing enzymes cytochrome P450 2C and 3A in lactating cows during thermoneutral and heat stress conditions. J. Dairy Sci. 98(5):3152-3157.

Deaver, SE, Felix, AM, Rhoads, ML. 2015. Reproductive performance of lactating dairy cattle after intrauterine administration of a prostaglandin F2α receptor antagonist four days after insemination. Theriogenology. 83(4):560-566. doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2014.10.019.

Baez GM, Barletta RV, Guenther JG, Gaska JM, Wiltbank MC. 2015. Effect of uterine size on fertility of lactating dairy cows. Theriogenology. 2015;84:1016-24.

Luo W, Salih SM, Bormann CL, Wiltbank MC. 2015. Induction of chemokines and prostaglandin synthesis pathways in luteinized human granulosa cells: potential role of luteotropin withdrawal and prostaglandin F2alpha in regression of the human corpus luteum. Reprod Biol. 15(4):247-56.

Carvalho PD, Fuenzalida MJ, Ricci A, Souza AH, Barletta RV, Wiltbank MC, et al. 2015. Modifications to Ovsynch improve fertility during resynchronization: Evaluation of presynchronization with gonadotropin-releasing hormone 6 d before initiation of Ovsynch and addition of a second prostaglandin F-2 alpha treatment. J Dairy Sci. 98(12):8741-52.

Carvalho PD, Wiltbank MC, Fricke PM. 2015. Manipulation of progesterone to increase ovulatory response to the first GnRH treatment of an Ovsynch protocol in lactating dairy cows receiving first timed artificial insemination. J Dairy Sci. 98(12):8800-13.

Monteiro PL, Jr., Nascimento AB, Pontes GC, Fernandes GO, Melo LF, Wiltbank MC, et al. 2015. Progesterone supplementation after ovulation: Effects on corpus luteum function and on fertility of dairy cows subjected to AI or ET. Theriogenology. 84(7):1215-24.

Monteiro PLJ, Borsato M, Silva FLM, Prata AB, Wiltbank MC, Sartori R. 2015. Increasing estradiol benzoate, pretreatment with gonadotropin-releasing hormone, and impediments for successful estradiol-based fixed-time artificial insemination protocols in dairy cattle. J Dairy Sci. 98(6):3826-39.

Pereira MHC, Wiltbank MC, Barbosa LFSP, Costa WM, Carvalho MAP, Vasconcelos JLM. 2015. Effect of adding a gonadotropin-releasing-hormone treatment at the beginning and a second prostaglandin F-2 alpha treatment at the end of an estradiol-based protocol for timed artificial insemination in lactating dairy cows during cool or hot seasons of the year. J Dairy Sci. 2015;98(2):947-59.

Pontes GCS, Monteiro PLJ, Prata AB, Guardieiro MM, Pinto DAM, Fernandes GO, et al. 2015. Effect of injectable vitamin E on incidence of retained fetal membranes and reproductive performance of dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 2015;98(4):2437-49.

Souza AH, Carvalho PD, Rozner AE, Vieira LM, Hackbart KS, Bender RW, et al. 2015. Relationship between circulating anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) and superovulatory response of high-producing dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 98(1):169-78.

Wiltbank MC, Baez GM, Cochrane F, Barletta RV, Trayford CR, Joseph RT. 2015. Effect of a second treatment with prostaglandin F-2 alpha during the Ovsynch protocol on luteolysis and pregnancy in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 2015;98(12):8644-54.


Conference papers and abstracts/presentations

Hand, JM, Zhang K, Wang L, Smith GW and Yao J. Discovery of a novel oocyte-specific KRAB-containing zinc finger protein required for early embryogenesis in cattle. 48th Annual Meeting Society for the Study of Reproduction, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA. June 18-22, 2015.

Bowdridge, E.C., Inskeep, E.K., Flores, J.A. The role of adenosine monophosphate activated kinase in luteal progesterone production. 48th Annual Meeting Society for the Study of Reproduction, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA. June 18-22, 2015.

Yang, M.Y. and J.E. Fortune, 2015. Expression of activin A and activin receptors in bovine fetal ovaries and potential interactions between estradiol and activin A: activin A stimulates bovine follicle formation and activation in vitro. Biology of Reproduction, Supplement, Proc. of the 48th annual meeting of the Soc. for the Study of Reproduction, Abstract #656.

Characterization of ovarian function in nonpregnant previously inseminated lactating dairy cows. 2015. R. Wijma, M.L. Stangaferro, and J.O. Giordano. J. Dairy Sci. Volume 98, E-Supplement 1.

Improved fertility of cows failing to respond to resynchronization of ovulation through presynchronization of ovulation or progesterone supplementation. 2015. J. O. Giordano, M. J. Thomas, G. Catucuamba, M. D. Curler, M. L. Stangaferro, and R. Wijma. J. Dairy Sci. Volume 98, E-Supplement 1.

ElMetwally M., and Giordano J.O. 2015. Prediction of corpus luteum function with B-mode and Power Doppler sonography during the Ovsynch protocol in lactating dairy cows. 48th Annual Conference of Physiology and Pathology of Reproduction. Zurich, Switzerland.

Kim, K.S., Kim, E.S., Seibert, J.T., Kim, K.S., Ross, J.W., Baumgard, L.H., Keating, A.F., Rothschild, M.F. 2015 Genome-wide association analyses of biological responses to heat stress in pigs. Plant and Animal Genome XXIII Conference. San Diego, CA, January 10-14.

Hale, B., Hager, C., Baumgard, L.H., Keating, A.F., Ross, J.W. 2015 Heat Stress Induces Autophagy in Pig Ovaries during Follicular Development. 47th Annual Meeting Society for the Study of Reproduction, San Juan, Puerto Rico. June 18-22.

Keating, A.F., 2015. Mechanisms of Phosphoramide Mustard-Induced Ovotoxicity. 47th Annual Meeting Society for the Study of Reproduction, San Juan, Puerto Rico. June 18-22.

Al-Shaibi, A.A., Schulz, L.C., Pollock, K.E., and Keating, A.F. 2015. Investigating influence of gestational hyperleptinemia on ovarian microsomal epoxide hydrolase 1. 47th Annual Meeting Society for the Study of Reproduction, San Juan, Puerto Rico. June 18-22.

Thomas, P.Q., Majeed, A., Ganesan, S., Keating, A.F. 2015. Multidrug resistance associated protein involvement in phosphoramide mustard-induced ovotoxicity. 47th Annual Meeting Society for the Study of Reproduction, San Juan, Puerto Rico. June 18-22.

Colpoys, J.D., Abell, C.E., Gabler, N.K., Keating, A.F., Millman, S.T., Siegford, J.M., Johnson, A.K. 2015. Barrow behavioral reactivity to a human or novel object when fed low versus high energy diets. American Society of Animal Science annual meeting.

Cheng, L., Nteeba, J., Keating, A.F., Cui, J.Y. 2015. Impact of Obesity on the Expression of Xenobiotic Metabolism Genes in the Mouse Liver. Society of Toxicology annual meeting.

Keating, A.F. 2015. Impact of phosphoramide mustard exposure on ovarian drug transporter expression. Society of Toxicology annual meeting.

P.J. Bridges, K.L. Cerny, M. Rhoads, L.H. Anderson, W.R. Burris and J.C. Matthews. 2015. Form of selenium in free-choice mineral mixes affects ovarian production of progesterone but not estradiol in cycling beef cows. Journal of Animal Science 93 (E-Suppl. 3):88.

K.L. Cerny and P.J. Bridges. 2015. Intraperitoneal administration of lipopolysaccharide induces differential expression of mRNA encoding inflammatory mediators in the oviducts of mice. Journal of Animal Science 93 (E-Suppl. 3):421.

K.L. Cerny, E. Garrett, L. Anderson and P.J. Bridges. 2015. Steroid-dependent regulation of bovine oviductal epithelial cells: a transcriptomal analysis. ASAS 2015 Southern Section Meeting. Abstract #44.

Bridges, P.J. Invited speaker in the Department of Biological Sciences at Eastern Kentucky University. Title: Effect of form of dietary selenium on gonadal steroidogenesis in cattle.  10/30/2015.  Moore Science Building, Eastern Kentucky University.

Bridges, P.J. Invited speaker for ABT 201 at the University Kentucky. Title: Effect of form of dietary selenium on gonadal function in cattle. 12/03/2015.  University of Kentucky.

Spuri-Gomes R, Tenley SC, Kurz SG, Wood JR, and Cupp AS (2015) Cows with intrafollicular androgen excess have lower sex hormone binding globulin and appear to be chronic or sporadic anovulatory. Society for the Study of Reproduction 48th Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Romereim SM, Summers AF, Pohlmeier WE, McFee RM, Spuri-Gomes R, Kurz SG, McNeel AK, Cushman RA, Davis JS, Wood JR, and Cupp AS (2015) Granulosa cell cycle regulation and steroidogenesis in a high androstenedione follicular microenvironment. Society for the Study of Reproduction 48th Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Abedal-Majed MA, Magamage M, Vinton R, Cushman RA, McNeel AK, Freetly HC, Wood JR, and Cupp AS (2015) Vascular endothelial growth factor A 165 (VEGFA165), angiogenic isoform, promotes while VEGFA165b antagonizes VEGFA165 stimulated follicular progression in bovine ovarian cortical pieces cultured from pre-pubertal heifers. Society for the Study of Reproduction 48th Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Xie F, Anderson CL, Timme K, Fernando SC, and Wood JR (2015) Increased Firmicutes in the cecum of obese female mice is correlated with increased Pou5f1 and Dppa3 mRNAs in growing oocytes which may be mediated by increased Toll-like receptor 4 signaling in the ovary. Society for the Study of Reproduction 48th Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Wood JR, Xie F, Anderson CL, Timme KR, and Fernando SC (2015) The female obese phenotype: increased ovarian inflammation and changes in the gut microbiome regulate the transcription of maternal effect gene mRNAs. Gordon Research Conference: Fertilization and Activation of Development, Holderness, NH

Xie F and Wood JR (2015) Localization and Absolute Quantification of Dppa3 and Pou5f1 mRNAs coupled to DPPA3 and POU5F1 Protein Expression Profiles in Individual GV and MII Oocytes. 12th Annual Gilbert Greenwald Symposium on Reproduction, Kansas City, KS

Romereim S, Wood JR, Hou X, Talbott H, Davis JS, and Cupp AS (2015) A Comparison of Ovarian Follicular and Luteal Cell Gene Expression Profiles Provides Insight into Cellular Identities and Functions. 12th Annual Gilbert Greenwald Symposium on Reproduction, Kansas City, KS

Tenley S, Spuri-Gomes R, Abedal-Majed MA, Bergman J, Kurz SG, Wood JR, Cushman R, and Cupp AS (2015) A Portion of Heifers Attaining “Early Puberty” do not Display Estrus, Ovulated and Have Reduced Sex Hormone Binding Globulin Concentrations. 12th Annual Gilbert Greenwald Symposium on Reproduction, Kansas City, KS

Kamat MM, Vasudevan S, Pate Jl, Ott TL. 2015. Induction of tolerogenic mediators in uterine immune cells during early pregnancy in dairy heifers. Amer J Reprod Immunol 73 (Suppl. 1):40

Branham KL, Ott TL, Pate JL. 2015. Role of bovine luteal cell-derived exosomes on immune cells. Amer J Reprod Immunol 73 (Suppl. 1):37

Diaz FJ. 2015. Programming the oocyte with zinc. 2015.   Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Sun T and Diaz FJ. 2015. The hippo pathway plays a role in Oocyte maturation and differentiation of the cumulus-oocyte complex during ovulation. Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Bradley, J.S., MacGhee, M.E., McCoski, S.R., Reeg, A.M., Ealy, A.D. and Johnson, S.E. (2015). Plane of nutrition affects muscle fiber hypertrophy and satellite cell activity in neonatal bull calves. ADSA-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Orlando FL.

Holloway, C.T.L., Geiger, A.J., Malkus, J., Ealy, A.D., Cockrum, R.R. and Akers, R.M. (2015). Exogenous estradiol decreases relative endometrial gene expression for ERα and ERβ in pre-pubertal dairy heifers. ADSA-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Orlando FL.

Jacobs, R.D., Ealy, A.D., Pennington, P.M., Pukazhenthi, B., Warren, L.K., Hess, T.M., Johnson, A.K., Wagner, A.L., and Splan, R.K. (2015). Effect of dietary omega-3 supplementation on equine endometrial and embryonic gene expression. Equine Science Symposium, St. Pete Beach, FL.

Jacobs, R.D., Ealy, A.D., Pennington, P.M., Pukazhenthi, B., Warren, L.K., Hess, T.M., Johnson, A.K., Wagner, A.L., and Splan, R.K. (2015). Dietary Omega-3 supplementation alters gene expression in equine endometrial and embryonic tissues. ADSA-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Orlando FL.

Kelley, D.E., Mortensen, C.J., Galvao, K.N., Risco, C.A. and Ealy, A.D. (2015) Uterine and Corpus Luteal Vascular Dynamics on Day 34 of Pregnancy Do Not Differ between Dairy Cattle which Abort or Carry Pregnancy to Term. Annual Therio Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Lu, Y., Bradley, J.S., McCoski, S.R., Geiger, A.J., Akers, R.M., Ealy, A.D., and Johnson, S.E. (2015). Muscle fiber hypertrophy is association with increased expression of key transcriptional and epigenome regulatory genes. ADSA-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Orlando FL.

Lu, Y., Bradley, J.S., McCoski, S.R., Gonzalez, J.M., Akers, R.M., Ealy, A.D., and Johnson, S.E. (2015). Caloric restriction reduces protein accretion in skeletal muscle by attenuating IGF1 signaling in young calves. ADSA-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Orlando FL.

MacGhee, M.E., McCoski, S.R., Geiger, A.J., Horton, E.A., Akers, R.M., and Ealy, A.D. (2015). The Role of Early Postnatal Nutrition and Estrogen Administration in Uterine Gland Development in Holstein Dairy Calves. Society for the Study of Reproduction Annual Conference, Jan Juan, Puerto Rico.

MacGhee, M.E., McCoski, S.R., Hughes, C.H.K, Johnson, S.E., and Ealy, A.D. (2015). Plane of nutrition affects Holstein bull calf growth, bone mineral density and organ size. ADSA-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Orlando FL.

MacGhee, M.E., McCoski, S.R., Geiger, A.J., Akers, R.M., Johnson, S.E. and Ealy, A.D. (2016). Early Postnatal Nutrition and Estrogen Administration Impacts Uterine Gland Gene Expression in Dairy Calves. Society for the Study of Reproduction Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.

McCoski, S.R. and Ealy, A.D. (2015). Epidermal Growth Factor Promotes Interferon-tau Expression in Bovine Trophectoderm. ADSA-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Orlando FL.

McCoski, S. R., Poole, R., Vailes, M.T. and Ealy, A.D. (2016). Maternal Obesity Alters Gene Expression During Peri-Implantation Ovine Conceptus Development Society for the Study of Reproduction Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.

McCoski, S.R., Xie, M., and Ealy, A.D. (2015). Production of Bovine Primitive Endoderm Outgrowths and Cell Lines for the Study of Early Embryogenesis. Society for the Study of Reproduction Annual Conference, Jan Juan, Puerto Rico.

Al Naib*, A., A.Y. Wood, H.L.M. Tucker, C.M. Parsons, V.L. McCracken, A.L. Zezeski, S.E. Deaver, B.M. Brown, R.M. Akers and M.L. Rhoads. (2015). Effects of Tamoxifen on pre-pubertal heifer reproductive tissues: Potential for disruption of tract development through alteration of related signaling pathways. J. Dairy Sci. 98(suppl 2):545.

Bridges, P.J.*, K.L. Cerny, M. Rhoads, L.H. Anderson, W.R. Burris and J.C. Matthews. (2015). Form of selenium in free-choice mineral mixes affects ovarian production of progesterone but not estradiol in cycling beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 93(suppl s3):88.

Wiegert, J.G.*, R.H. Preisser, M.C. Lucy, T.J. Safranski, R.P. Rhoads, J.W. Ross, L.H. Baumgard, M.J. Estienne and M.L. Rhoads. (2015). Effects of in utero heat stress on subsequent lactational performance of gilts and transgenerational effects on offspring. J. Anim. Sci. 93(suppl 2):166.

Safranski, T.*, M.C. Lucy, J.N. Rhoades, M. Estienne, J.G. Wiegert, M. Rhoads, R.P. Rhoads, L.H. Baumgard and J.W. Ross. (2015). Reproductive performance of gilts having developed in heat stressed dams. J. Anim. Sci. 93(suppl 2):85.

Wiltbank, M.C. Cellular and molecular mechanisms controlling corpus luteum function and progesterone concentrations in primates and ruminants. University of Florida; Invited seminar speaker for Reproductive Biology Program; n = 25 scientist/trainees in attendance. Feb 2, 2015.

Wiltbank, M.C. Amino Acids and Reproductive Efficiency in Lactating Dairy Cows. ADSA Discover Conference on Amino Acid Requirements of Dairy Cattle, ~180 Scientists. May 27, 2015.

Wiltbank, M.C. Physiological and Practical Effects of Progesterone on Reproduction in Dairy Cattle. July 12, 2015. ~200 scientists in attendance.

Wiltbank, M.C. Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms controlling Corpus Luteum Function and progesterone Concentrations in Cattle. Invited Presentation. ~200 scientists in attendance. July 12, 2015.

Wiltbank, M.C. Potential Benefits of Nutrition on Reproductive Performance of High-Efficiency Dairy Cows. ~250 scientists in attendance. July 13, 2015.

Wiltbank, M.C. Amino Acid University – 2 presentations, mostly for graduate students and some scientists. 1) Amino Acid Transporters and Regulation of Amino Acid Transport. 2) Amino Acids and Reproductive Efficiency.


Extension reports:

Giordano, J.O. 2015. Management Strategies to Optimize Reproductive Performance of Dairy Herds. Dia Internacional de Ganado Lechero. September 11th, 2015. Delicias, Chihuahua, Mexico.

Wijma, R., M. L. Stangaferro, and J. O. Giordano. 2015. Impact of Pregnancy Loss on Ovarian Function and Reproductive Performance of Lactating Dairy Cows. 11th International Reproduction Symposium. August 13-15th, 2013. Cordoba, Argentina.

Giordano J.O. Management Strategies to Optimize Reproductive Performance of Dairy Herds. Western Canadian Dairy Seminar. Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. March 10-13th, 2015.

Giordano J.O. Use of Technologies in Reproductive Management: Economics of Automated Activity Monitoring Systems for Detection of Estrus. Western Dairy Management Conference. Reno, Nevada. March 3-5th, 2015.

Cupp, AS, S Romereim, AF Summers, WE Pohlmeier, RM McFee, R Spuri-Gomes, SG Kurz, AK McNeel, RA Cushman, JS Davis, JR Wood. Granulosa cell exposure to excess androgens inhibits their ability to proliferate in the cow which may cause or perpetuate androgen excess. Beef Report 2015.

Spuri-Gomes, R, SC Tenley, MA Abedal-Majed, SG Kurz, J Bergman, JR Wood, AS Cupp. Cows with Excess Androgen are Anovulatory and have Differing Patterns of Progesterone Secretion.  Beef Report 2015.

Wiltbank, M.C. Blanca Workshop. Analysis and presentation of reproduction with Victor Cabrera. January 13-14, 2015. ~50 scientists/nutritionists/veterinarians in attendance.

Wiltbank, M.C. Nutrition and Reproductive Efficiency: Transition period management, energy status, and amino acid supplementation alter reproduction in lactating dairy cows. Florida Nutrition Conference, ~180 scientists, nutritionists, and veterinarians in attendance. Feb 3, 2015.

Wiltbank, M.C. The Tangled Web of Physiology, Management, Genetics, and Nutrition that underlies Reproductive Efficiency in Dairy Cattle. Great Lakes Regional Dairy Conference, ~160 nutritionists, producers, and veterinarians in attendance. Feb 6, 2015.

Wiltbank, M.C. Dairy Reproduction and Nutrition Workshop and Discussion. Feb 6, 2015. ~100 in attendance.

Wiltbank, M.C. Three (3) BRED Conferences with Richard Pursley (1.5 to 2 day courses for veterinarians). One included superovulation and all included physiology and management of reproduction in lactating dairy cattle. (April 9-10; April 17, 18; Sept 30-Oct 1, 2015) 25-35 veterinarians in attendance at each meeting.

Wiltbank, M.C. The Building Blocks for Reproductive Efficiency in Lactating Dairy Cattle. Kemin Technical Conference, Paris France. April 23, 2015. ~120 in attendance.

Wiltbank, M.C. Impact of rumen-protected amino acids on reproductive efficiency in lactating dairy cows. ADSA Adisseo Technical Conference. July 16, 2015. ~20 scientists in attendance.

Wiltbank, M.C.AABP Advanced Embryo Transfer Course. I do the morning session on Superovulation. I do a 2-hour afternoon session on Embryo Transfer Recipients. ~35 veterinarians (AABP course that is always fully booked; Reuben Mapletoft and I have done this course for 6 years). Presentation of data and discussion on the topic.

Wiltbank, M.C. Reproduction in Dairy Cattle. Presentation and PM Workshop for ~100 veterinarians from Turkey, Iran, Libya etc. in Cyprus, Oct 7-9, 2015.

Wiltbank, M.C. Blanca Conference on Reproduction in Dairy Cattle. I did this jointly with Paul Fricke and Victor Cabrera. October 12, 13, 2015. ~60 veterinarians/producers/scientists

Wiltbank, M.C. Presentation on Reproduction and Nutrition to 10 veterinarians/nutritionists from Germany. Oct 16, 2015.

Wiltbank, M.C. Update on Reproductive Management Methods. 4 hour update on reproductive management protocols. ~20 CRI International Representatives. Nov 18, 2015.

Wiltbank, M.C. New Developments in Ovulation Synchronization. VitaPlus Confererence. ~400 producers/nutritionists in attendance. Dec 10, 2015.



Allen, J.J. 2015. Development of fetal bovine ovaries: regulation of steroid production, role of endogenous steroids, and mechanisms of steroid action. Cornell University.

Cerny, K.L. 2015. Steroid-dependent regulation of the oviduct: A cross-species transcriptomal analysis. PhD dissertation. University of Kentucky.

MacGhee, M.E. 2015. The Role of Nutrition and Estrogen on Holstein Calf Development and Adenogenesis. MS Thesis. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

McCracken, V. 2015. The effects of dietary fructose and fat on the reproductive parameters of prepubertal and pregnant gilts. MS Thesis. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

McFee, RM. 2015. Role of VEGFA in Bovine Follicular Development; Evaluation of the Role of Laboratories in Physiology Classes. PhD Dissertation. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Wiegert, J. 2015. Effects of gestational heat stress on the lactational performance of gilts and the growth performance and carcass characteristics of their offspring. MS Thesis. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.


Active collaboration within the group

Inskeep and Pate - PG receptor and immune-electron microscopy

Bridges and Rhoads – progesterone assays

Bridges and Keating – LPS treated mice

Giordano and Ott – pregnancy maintenance        

Giordano & Wiltbank – AI improvement strategies

Ealy and Ott - pre-implantation conceptus growth


In addition to Hatch Multistate Funds, these studies were supported by:

Iowa Pork Producers Association (AK)

Global Food Security Consortium (AK)

Cornell Center for Vertebrate Genomics seed grant (SQ)

Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grant no. 2012-67015-30212 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (JP)

Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grant no. 2016-67015-24897 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (MR)

Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grant no. 2015-67015-23369 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (AE)

National Pork Board (MR, AE)

Commonwealth Health Research Board (AE)

Virginia Agricultural Council Research Funding (MR, AE)

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