SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: NC_OLD1100 : Enhancing Rural Development Technology Assessment and Adoption Through Land Grant Partnerships
- Period Covered: 06/01/2014 to 05/01/2015
- Date of Report: 07/08/2015
- Annual Meeting Dates: 06/15/2015 to 06/15/2015
NC1100 Meeting Notes
Date: June 17, 2015
Time: 4:00 PM ET
1. In attendance: John Mann (Mich State), Scott Loveridge (NCRCRD), Michael Ladisch (Purdue), Richard Goe (Kansas State), Martin Kenney (U. Calif-Davis)
2. Inventor-investor matching program
a. For the fall 2015, there are two webinars tentatively scheduled:
i. Mike Ladisch @ Purdue University – innovation training for researchers
1. follow up in July
ii. Mark Cook @ University of Wisconsin
iii. Goal to have at least 5 webinars in the fall, and 5 in spring
b. Discussion of further developing faculty network regarding faculty entrepreneurs
3. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) paper/further exploration
a. Discussion of paper presented at MCRSA conference
i. Share revised version with group (try for July date) for additional feedback
b. Further/additional research
i. Expand data to match firms to patenting
ii. Consideration of firm award impacts of multiple awarded firms vs first time awarded firms
iii. Consider SBIR mills
4. New collaborative efforts for group
a. Summer/fall 2015 NSF – potential proposal to submit
b. Goal is to try for 2 new proposals for the fall 2015, and 2 proposals for spring 2016
i. Look for how we can take advantage of shift in new venture capital and financing for agricultural technologies
c. Potential paper(s)/webinars on:
i. VC and financing, differences in investor expectations
ii. potential exit strategies for Ag-Tech
iii. in general the differences between Ag-Tech and other technologies
d. Potential examination of FFAR program, and how the inventor-investing matching program may fit into this
e. Potential book idea – potential case studies on value of firm interactions with land grants, and that leads to economic development
i. Maybe each group member write a chapter
ii. Consider extension, since this plays strong role in agriculture
iii. Look for potential funding for this effort
iv. Maybe circulate to other groups, e.g., in Europe
f. NSF NRT (NSF research training) – is there a way to expand our work to support the NRT or incorporate it into work
5. Other 2015-16 Goals
a. Recruit additional NC1100 participants from unrepresented states
6. Tentative Summer 2016 Meeting
a. July 2016 - APLU’s Commission on Innovation, Competitiveness, and Economic Prosperity (CICEP)
b. Potential presentation at conference, need to talk with Jim Woodell
c. Do a pre- or post- meeting for NC1100 at the 2016 conference