SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


The following were present: Lloyd Bullerman-University of Nebraska-Lincoln Mark Casada-USDA ARS GMPRC Manhattan KS Florence Dunkel-Montana State University-Bozeman Peter Goldsmith-University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Arvid Hawk-Cargill, Inc. Ken Hellevang-North Dakota State University Tim Herrman-Kansas State University Charlie Hurburgh-Iowa State University David Jackson-University of Nebraska-Lincoln Bill Koshar-The Ohio State University/OARDC Dirk Maier-Purdue University Frank Manthey-North Dakota State University Linda Mason-Purdue University Mike Montross-University of Kentucky Vance Morey-University of Minnesota Marvin Paulsen-University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Richard Pierce-USDA GIPSA Kansas City MO Robert Smigelski-The Andersons, Inc. James Stitzlein-Consolidated Grain & Barge Richard Stroshine-Purdue University Steve Tanner-USDA GIPSA Kansas City MO Don Wicklow-USDA ARS NCAURA Peoria IL Bill Wilcke-University of Minnesota Charlene Wolf-Hall-North Dakota State University

Minutes of the NC-213 Annual Business Meeting
February 24, 2004 Hilton Towers ? Minneapolis, MN

The NC-213 Annual Business Meeting was held on February 24, 2004 in Directors Row 2, third floor, of the Hilton Towers in Minneapolis, MN.

The following were present:
Lloyd Bullerman-University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Mark Casada-USDA ARS GMPRC Manhattan KS
Florence Dunkel-Montana State University-Bozeman
Peter Goldsmith-University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Arvid Hawk-Cargill, Inc.
Ken Hellevang-North Dakota State University
Tim Herrman-Kansas State University
Charlie Hurburgh-Iowa State University
David Jackson-University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Bill Koshar-The Ohio State University/OARDC
Dirk Maier-Purdue University
Frank Manthey-North Dakota State University
Linda Mason-Purdue University
Mike Montross-University of Kentucky
Vance Morey-University of Minnesota
Marvin Paulsen-University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Richard Pierce-USDA GIPSA Kansas City MO
Robert Smigelski-The Andersons, Inc.
James Stitzlein-Consolidated Grain & Barge
Richard Stroshine-Purdue University
Steve Tanner-USDA GIPSA Kansas City MO
Don Wicklow-USDA ARS NCAURA Peoria IL
Bill Wilcke-University of Minnesota
Charlene Wolf-Hall-North Dakota State University

The meeting was called to order at 3:05 pm by Chair, Dirk Maier.

1. Selection of new objective chairs was discussed. Charlie Hurburgh moved that the following be nominated:
Obj 1. Florence Dunkel and Don Wicklow
Obj 2. Tim Herrman and Charlene Wolf-Hall
Obj 3. Dirk Maier and Mike Montross
The motion was seconded by Linda Mason. In discussion it was stated that more economists were needed on the committee. However, due to a present dearth of economists on the committee, the motion carried.

There was discussion about having the Objective Chairs serve on the Anderson Grant Committee instead of terminology that called it a Grant Review Panel. If an objective chair had a proposal submitted he or she would be excused from deliberation on that proposal. This is listed as an Objective Chair duty; however, under the Anderson Grant Committee duties, the Objective Chairs are excluded from the list of people to serve on the Anderson Grant Committee.

2. Election of officers. Our present secretary had been unable to secure travel funds to attend NC-213 and had discussed with Dirk Maier, the possibility to step down presumably until a future date when funding and time commitments would enable continuation of officer rotation. Given the situation, the committee with regret chose to nominate a new secretary who would move into the Vice Chair position following this meeting; and a secretary elect who would move into the Secretary position following this meeting. The current Vice Chair, Marvin Paulsen, would move to Chair following this meeting. David Jackson was nominated as Secretary and Mike Montross was nominated as Secretary-elect. Linda Mason moved election of these two individuals. Charlie Hurburgh seconded the motion. Both agreed to serve. The motion passed.

3. Revision to Responsibilities of NC-213 Officers Document. A sub-committee of volunteers consisting of Charlie Hurburgh, David Jackson, Tim Herrman and Dirk Maier was appointed to study the NC-213 Officer Responsibilities and Objective Chair responsibilities and provide a set of new/ revised recommendations prior to the 2005 NC-213 Annual meeting. Part of the Objective Chair responsibilities would include how they serve on the Anderson Grant Committee. [Dirk Maier expressed willingness and was appointed to chair this committee by incoming Chair, Marvin Paulsen after the meeting.]

4. NC-213 website revisions. The Fine Materials in Grains edited by Richard Stroshine has been placed on the web site. We would also like to have some NCR bulletins included. There was some mention of trying to make the site even more user friendly.

5. Annual meeting A/V costs. Bill Koshar reported that a slide projector at the Minneapolis meeting costs $75. The committee suggested asking NC-213 members living locally to try to provide items such as slide projector, overhead, and a laptop for PowerPoint projection. At this meeting Vance Morey supplied a laptop for PowerPoint and graciously loaded and brought up the PowerPoint presentations. His efforts were greatly appreciated.

6. Scheduling of the NC-213 2005 Annual Meeting. People liked having the NC-213 Annual Meeting piggy back with another meeting, such as GEAPS in 2004. Next year GEAPS meets February 26 to March 1 in Albuquerque. We also discussed having it with the Wheat Council in Kansas City. Charlie Hurburgh moved to have the 2005 Annual Meeting in Kansas City in conjunction with the Wheat Council on February 9 ? 11, 2005, with exact dates and location to be determined as local arrangements are worked out. Motion was seconded by Tim Herrman and was passed. It was suggested that there could be a one-half day visit to FGIS in Kansas City.

7. Update on the 2004 International Quality Grains Conference. Dirk Maier reported on the progress of the program and provided a tentative program for the International Quality Grains Conference, which will be held July 19-22, 2004 in Indianapolis. He encouraged members to submit for one or two more speaker slots on the program and openings still exist for posters. Mike Montross is handling tabletop exhibits. GIPSA has contributed $5000 toward the cost of the program. Dirk has written two proposals, which were submitted by Bill Ravlin on behalf of NC-213 to NRI 61.0 Markets & Trade for $10,000, and NRI 71.1 Improving Food Quality for $15,000. Dirk is to be commended for all of the work done in organizing this conference.

8. Midterm project review, need for collaboration and future Anderson Grant RFP?s. The NCRA Review Committee wants to see more collaboration among participants and states. The committee discussed that the 2004 IQGC should be a very good example of collaboration between participants and states. The committee discussed the Anderson Team proposals in the past had had a low number of participants. Bob Smigelski indicated purpose of the Anderson Grants was to support research on grain quality and get people involved. They like to see students supported by the funds and have projects funded for research that industry can use. They like to see their funds seed a concept and then leverage support from other agencies or groups.

David Jackson stated that NC-213 should continue the team projects since NCRA is asking for more teamwork. Linda Mason moved to continue team project RFP?s but have them due in the summer. Tim Herrman seconded the motion. Motion passed.

9. NC-213 Annual Progress Report ? purpose and format. The 2002 Annual Report of Progress was created in HTML format and posted on the NC-213 website in PDF and HTML format. There were 189 hits, with 25 hits coming from search engines.

The committee seemed to have no suggestions for changing the current procedure. Tim Herrman said he likes the NC-213 Newsletter and its format and that it needs to be widely placed in Director?s Offices, and presumably in many offices where good publicity can be maintained.

10. Submission of SAES-422 Annual Report. SAES-422 requires an annual report within 60 days following the Annual meeting. The SAES-422 includes the following sections from NIMSS.

Accomplishments: In this section focus on intended outcomes and potential impacts. This information should be built around the activity‘‘‘‘s milestones, as they were identified in the original proposal. The report should also reflect on the items that stakeholders want to know, or want to see.

Impact Statements: In this section focus on intended outcomes and potential impacts. This information should be built around the activity‘‘‘‘s milestones, as they were identified in the original proposal. The report should also reflect on the items that stakeholders want to know, or want to see. Also, describe plans for the coming year in no more than one or two short paragraphs. Even though the description is the same as Accomplishments, the impact statements are intended to be short, descriptive statements focusing on specific impacts. NIMSS has room for five Impact Statements.

Publications: For Annual Reports list the publications for current year only (with the authors, title, journal series, etc.). If the list exceeds the maximum character limit below, an attachment file may be used. Publications: Max characters = 50000. In 2003, Donna Schenck-Hamlin gathered this information for the committee by using the publication database.

The committee discussed who should be involved in preparing this report. Don Wicklow felt that the Objective Chairs should be involved in this report. This opinion was given before we found out on March 9, 2004 that Bill Ravlin has in the past prepared this report and and will do so again in 2004. Once a draft is completed, Bill Ravlin will circulate it among NC-213 Officers and Objective Chairs for review and input before the final report is submitted to NIMSS.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 pm.

[Note: There was no NC-213 Executive Meeting held the next day as scheduled at 7:00 am because all of the business was completed in this Annual Meeting.] Chairman Dirk Maier had provided an advance Agenda with a nine page write up giving background discussion information for the agenda. This enabled a very effective use of committee time.

Respectfully submitted,
Marvin R. Paulsen ? Past Vice Chair
March 23, 2004


Objective A--Determine the effects of genetic traits, abiotic environmental conditions, and handling practices on the quality of cereals and oilseeds.

A method to develop a quantification of sphingolipids in soybeans without alteration of their chemical structure and to provide preliminary evidence reflecting the effects of composition (variety), maturity, and environmental conditions on sphingolipid contents of soybeans. Solvent partition and TLC purification was identified to be the most accurate sample preparation method for HPLC quantification.

ARS scientists in Manhattan, KS and in Peoria, IL, obtained near infrared spectra for corn kernels infected by the mycotoxin producers A. flavus and F. verticillioides, making it possible to correctly classify infected kernels contaminated with mycotoxins. These spectra were applied successfully in programming a high volume commercial optical grain sorter to reject aflatoxin- and fumonisin-contaminated kernels in combine harvested 2002 corn grown in Eastern Kansas and Central Illinois to produce an ‘‘accepted grain lot‘‘ conforming to FDA guidelines for use in human food.

Objective B-Assess the effects of microbial growth, insect infestation and handling on quality of cereals and oilseeds.

Data from three years of field tests of controlled aeration of wheat in Kansas were analyzed and a journal manuscript prepared. Automatic control of aeration based on ambient temperature alone is not always adequate for summer aeration in such warm, humid climates because conditions are commonly encountered where temperatures normally desirable for summer aeration (below 21 to 24°C) occur with humidity high enough that no cooling takes place. Forty-six years of historical weather data were studied to evaluate the effect of year-to-year weather variation on summer aeration management in Kansas.

The impact of fungal feeding insect infestations on detection of CO2 was monitored as part of on-going stored grain insect pilot bin studies during the summer of 2003. A methodology for quantifying the total amount of CO2 retained in the storage structure using a portable CO2 that confirms the feasibility of early detection of the onset of grain spoilage was developed. One storage tank containing semi-wet corn the on-set of grain spoilage was detected almost two weeks before it was detected with temperature cables. A preliminary mathematical model was developed.

Kansas State and Purdue Universities developed a common survey tool in order to gather data from 150 country elevators throughout seven U.S. Corn Belt states. Information gathered from state grain and feed association directories allowed a random sample of elevators to be drawn based on overall licensed warehouse storage capacity. The purpose of this study was to investigate how well country elevators were equipped to handle the segregation of incoming multiple grain types. Additionally, site-specific system simulation models were developed for the receiving operation of three elevator facilities. The models were validated with the collected data, and used to explore ?what if? grain segregation scenarios. For one facility, improvement plans made by one operations manager were modeled to quantify the envisioned changes.

Objective C - Quantify and define quality of cereals and oilseeds for various end-use markets.

A project developed a non-enzymatic preparative-scale synthetic method for dityrosine and 3-bromotyrosine. These standard compounds make detection of these structures much easier in the many biological systems in which they occur. A patent that describes a native peroxidase in the endosperm of wheat that causes formation of tyrosine crosslinks during the breadmaking process, was prepared.. The protein and gene structure of the peroxidase are illustrated in detail. This patent also illustrates the manipulation of the breadmaking process using free radical scavengers to affect the activity of this native enzyme.

A Study was conducted to evaluate the effects of handling equipment on commingling during grain transfer operations in the research elevator at the USDA-ARS Grain Marketing and Production Research Center in Manhattan, KS. White corn was moved first through selected pieces of cleaned elevator equipment followed by yellow corn through the same equipment without any special clean-out between the two operations. Grain flow rates ranged from 43 to 50 t/h. Commingling was calculated as the percentage of white kernels mixed in the yellow corn samples collected at selected time intervals during the second operation. Commingling started at levels above 1% during the first 38 sec or less and declined to levels below 0.5% after the first metric ton of grain transfer. The grain cleaner had the highest cumulative commingling at 0.24%, followed by the weighing scale at 0.22%, the pit and boot at 0.18%, and the grain scalper at 0.01%. For grain transfer in this elevator with the pit and boot, scale, and cleaner in the grain path, total possible commingling was 0.64%.

Field-grown hard red winter wheat Karl and soft red winter wheat Clark were harvested at 21 days after flowering and air-dried in the spike at 20 C for 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 48, 96 h and until completely air-dried (one week). Fresh samples of Karl and Clark were also harvested and prepared immediately for microscopy. The methods used in this study can be used to investigate endosperm structural changes caused by adverse environmental stress.

A study was conducted to compare moisture meter readings to the 103°C 72-hr air oven reference method for naturally wet corn during the fall of 2002. A total of 178 samples were collected from 12 counties in Illinois. The oven moistures of the samples ranged from 12.6 to 39.6% wet basis. Each sample was tested by the Illinois Department of Agriculture in air ovens and in the Dickey-john GAC 2100, GAC 2000, and GAC II; Motomco 919, 919E, and 919ES; Steinlite SL 95, SB 900, SS 250, RC, RCT; and Burrows 700 moisture meters. Compared to the oven, most of the meters performed within the acceptable limits up to approximately 25% moisture content on combine and hand-shelled corn. Above 25% moisture, most of the meters read lower than the air oven on hand-shelled corn. Based on only one crop year with predominately hand-shelled samples no recommendations for changes in moisture meter calibrations could be made.

Soybeans were obtained from four crop years 1999 through 2002 from the USDA/ARS National Germplasm Lab at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Samples were scanned on a Perkin Elmer Spectrum One FT-NIR spectrophotometer. The instrument measured absorbance between 4000 per cm to 12000 per cm, with 8 per cm resolution. A total of 16 scans were averaged for each sample. The FT-NIR isoflavone calibration equations had a relatively low root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) and root mean square error of cross-validation (RMSECV) for all three types of isoflavones. FT-NIR calibrations had an RMSEP of 295, 269 and 82 for the total of three forms of daidzin, genistin, and glycitin, respectively. The validation data set correlation coefficients (r) ranged from 0.85 to 0.88 for the total of the three forms of daidzin and genistin. Results indicate that the FT-NIR technique with ground samples can be useful in screening for isoflavones levels in soybeans.

The SPROC model, which calculates outputs and estimates a total value of processed products per bushel (EPV), has become a standard tool of breeders and others studying soybean markets. Annual national surveys coupled with the SPROC model have demonstrated consistent regional patterns with accompanying embedded value differences. The amount and relative direction of these differences, northern states versus central versus southern states, have changed very little over time. Forecasting composition on smaller geographic areas (such as county) is much less predictable, which is probably why processors try very hard to minimize basis premiums to areas they think may have better beans. The inherent variability of producer deliveries (from different fields and varieties in a local area) has been very stable through numerous sampling studies from 1983 ? present, as has been the variability among varieties grown at a given location.

Studies have indicated that the level of fumonisin B1 in corn-based foods was reduced significantly by extrusion processing as determined by chemical (HPLC) and biochemical (ELISA) assay methods. However, it is still unproven whether the toxicity or biological activity of FB1 is likewise destroyed. Therefore, there is still a need to determine the reduction of toxicity of FB1 in extruded corn based food products using in vitro and in vivo bioassay methods that include cell culture bioassays and feeding of extruded FB1 contaminated corn grits to rats in controlled feeding studies.

Objective D - Determine the economic impact of improving the quality of cereals and oilseeds.

The Iowa Grain Quality Initiative (IGQI) developed producer training and awareness materials that encourage the development of higher value grain markets in Iowa. In 2003 the corn stewardship poster project was expanded to include nine Midwestern states. Thirty-seven partners from university extension programs, corn producer organizations, grain handler associations, and three seed companies cooperated on the project that promoted the delivery of Market ChoicesSM corn to grain collection sites willing to accept it. Market ChoicesSM corn is corn that is not authorized but may be scientifically accepted in the European Union. Two posters were developed, 18?x24? (publication SP 161) and 8.5?x11? (publication SP 162), promoting the delivery of Market ChoicesSM grain to facilities that accept it. The posters used the National Corn Growers Association?s Know Where to GoSM service mark as the main theme. This phrase is recognized by over 85% of producers. The posters were distributed to 4,346 grain collection sites in the partner states. The 806 Extension offices in cooperating states received the posters. Pioneer distributed the small poster to 19,000 producers that purchased Market ChoicesSM hybrids. Dow AgroSciences purchased an additional 10,000 small posters for distribution to producers. The American Seed Trade Association?s (ASTA) Market ChoicesSM committee developed a sticker that elevators could use for producer correspondence to indicate their Market ChoicesSM grain receiving policy. The sticker was included in the poster mailing. A comprehensive web site,, was created to disseminate information related to Market ChoicesSM grain and receive feedback. Future corn issues that require quick action by value chain participants will be more easily coordinated. IGQI provided information about the StarLinkTM corn settlement. Producers and Extension offices downloaded the StarLinkTM settlement information (2,278 downloads) and the StarLinkTM Situation publication (4,666 downloads) from the IGQI web site. The settlement documents enabled producers to file for a share of the $110,000,000 (plus accrued interest) class action suit settlement for producers of non-StarLinkTM corn from 1998 to 2002.

An Iowa grain company and Iowa State University created a guideline procedure for upgrading entry level quality management systems to ISO 9000-2000. An internal study in 2002 showed that $2 was returned for every $1 invested in the quality management system. The goal is total traceability from inbound receipt to outbound shipment. To date this has been achieved in units of 15,000 ? 20,000 bushels, but not to individual railcars or trucks. An electronic quality manual template was developed. After audit, scheduled for January 13-14, 2004, this template and its development will be made available in the public domain.


  1. The new sorghums are being grown by some producers who have received from 10 to 25 cents per bushel more for the grain. The high yields under limited irrigation combined with slightly higher grain prices have encouraged producers to plant food sorghums. A source of good quality sorghum is available for use in food and feed products. Information and grain samples were supplied to potential Japanese food processors by US Grains Council. NC-213 researchers provided technical assistance in Japan a
  2. The understanding of what happens during staling will lead to improved flavor and texture of tortillas which could significantly increase their consumption since they are low in fat and contain significant levels of calcium and fiber. A combination of maltogenic amylases and hydrocolloids give tortillas longer shelf life in terms of rollability.
  3. Microbial endophytes can restrict the spread of A. flavus and other mycotoxin producing fungi in preharvest corn and there is a common interest in understanding the mechanism(s) by which competing strains of Aspergillus species inhibit aflatoxin production. Acremonium zeae is one of the two most common fungal endophytes of corn and pyrrocidine antibiotics have a central role in effecting the outcome of competitive encounters with other microbial endophytes of corn.
  4. Creation of an object oriented grain handling system software package will enable elevator operators to test the flexibility of their current facility or create their ideal grain handling facility with all its equipment in a simple click and drag type format. A system simulation and economic analysis tool would allow them to define the operating conditions at their elevator (e.g. truck size distribution, type of grain, delivery rate), estimate average delay time and queue length, and quantify th
  5. Securing and improving the quality of grains produced in the U.S. so that they meet the needs of both domestic and overseas customers is a very important, but difficult, task. Grain quality improvement begins with a breeding program and ends with growers. In 2003, the HWWQL evaluated intrinsic quality parameters of hard winter breeding lines (2002 crop) and our data of breeders nursery samples are of prime importance for the release of breeding lines, some of which become released cultivars g


Molenda, M., M.D. Montross, S.G. McNeill, and J. Horabik. Airflow resistance of seeds at different bulk densities. Paper No. 03-6009. ASAE International Meeting. Las Vegas, NV. July 27-30, 2003.

Ng, P.K.W., Ward, R., Tanhehco, E. MSU Wheat Quality Testing Program: Report on Milling and Baking Test Results for Selected Michigan-Grown Soft Wheats Harvested in 2001. January 2003. 37 pp.

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Basman, A., Koksel, H., and Ng, P.K.W. 2003. Utilization of Transglutaminase to Increase the Level of Barley and Soy Flour Incorporation in Wheat Flour Breads. J. of Food Sci. 68:2453-2460.

Mujoo, R. and Ng, P.K.W. 2003. Identification of wheat protein components involved in polymer formation upon incubation with transglutaminase. Cereal Chem. 80:703-706.

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Basman, A., Koksel, H., and Ng, P.K.W. 2003. Utilization of rapid visco analyzer for assessing the effect of different levels of transglutaminase on gluten quality. In Proceedings of Gluten 2003, Universita degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy.

Otani, M., Rujoo, R., and Ng, P.K.W. 2003. Effect of wheat-koji on baking quality of bread. AACC Annual Meeting Program Book.

Gazza, L., Niglio, A., Pogna, N., and Ng, P.K.W. 2003. Allele composition at the Pina-D1 locus coding for puroindoline an in bread wheat. AACC Annual Meeting Program Book.

Otain, M., Mujoo, and Ng, P.K.W. 2003. Modification of wheat proteins by transglutaminase in bread doughs during frozen storage. AACC Annual Meeting Program Book.

Brumm, T.J. and C. R. Hurburgh, Jr. 2003. Quality of the 2003 US Soybean Crop. American Soybean Association Asia Quality Seminar Tour. November 15-22, 2003. Tokyo, Seoul, Taipei, Beijing, Shanghai, Dalien.

Rooney, L.W. and Serna-Saldivar, S.O. 2003. Food use of whole corn and dry-milled fractions. In: Corn Chemistry and Technology. White, P.J. and Johnson, Lawrence A. (eds.), American Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN, pp. 495-535.

Rooney, L.W. and Serna-Saldivar, S.O. 2003. Sorghum. In: Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2nd ed. (B. Caballero, LC Trugo, PM Finglas, eds.) Volume 8, pp 5370-5375. London: Academic Press.

Serna Saldivar, S.O., and Rooney, L.W. 2003. Tortillas. In: Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition. Second Edition. B. Caballero, L. Trugo and P. Finglas (eds.) Academic Press, London, UK. ISBN 0-12-227055-X pp. 5808-5813.

Earp, C.F., McDonough, C.M., Awika, Joseph M. and Rooney, L.W. 2004. Microscopic changes during development of sorghums with and without pigmented testa. J. Cereal Sci. (in press)

Earp, C.F., McDonough, C.M., Rooney, L.W., 2004. Microscopy of pericarp development in the caryopsis of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. J. Cereal Sci. (in press)

Awika, J.M., Dykes, L., Gu, L., Rooney, L.W., and Prior, R.L. 2003. Processing of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and sorghum products alters procyanidin oligomer and polymer distribution and content. J. Agric. Food Chem. 51:5516-5521.

Awika, J.M., Rooney, L.W., Wu, X., Prior, R.L., Cisneros-Zevallos, L. 2003. Screening methods to measure antioxidant activity of sorghum and sorghum products. J. Agric. Food Chem. 51:6657-6662.

Bejosano, F.P., Rooney, W.L., Klein, R.R., Rooney, L.W. and Waniska, R.D. 2003. Antifungal proteins in commercial hybrids and elite sorghums. J. Ag. and Food Chem. 51:5911-5915.

Betran, F.J., D. Beck, M. Bänziger, G. Edmeades. 2003. Genetic analysis of inbred and hybrid grain yield under stress and non-stress environments in tropical maize. Crop Sci 43:807-817.

Betrán, F.J., D. Beck, G. Edmeades, M. Bänziger. 2003. Secondary Traits in Parental Inbreds and Hybrids under Stress and Non-stress Environments in Tropical Maize. Field Crops Research 83: 51-65.

Betrán, F.J., A. Bockholt, F. Fojt III, G. Odvody. 2003. Registration of Tx807 Maize Parental Line. Crop Sci. 43: 1892-1893.

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Betrán, F.J., A. Bockholt, F. Fojt III, R. Waniska. 2003. Registration of Tx802 Maize Parental Line. Crop Sci. 43: 1891-1892.

Betrán, F.J., J.M. Ribaut, D. Beck, and D. Gonzalez de Leon. 2003. Genetic diversity, specific combining ability and heterosis in tropical maize under stress and non-stress environments. Crop Sci. 43:797-806.

Bhatnagar, S., F.J. Betrán, and D. Transue. 2003. Agronomic performance, aflatoxin accumulation and protein quality of subtropical and tropical QPM hybrids in southern USA. Maydica 48: 113-124.

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Acosta, David. December 2003. White food-type sorghum in direct-expansion extrusion applications. MS Thesis. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. 120 pp.

Leal Diaz, Ana. 2003. December 2003. Food quality and properties of quality protein maize. MS Thesis. Texas A& M University, College Station, TX. 150 pp.

Silva, Laura. August 2003. Effects of barley flour and beta-glucans in corn tortillas. MS Thesis. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. 98 pp.

Awika, Joseph. May 2003. Antioxidant properties of sorghum. PhD Dissertation. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. 118 pp.

Bueso, Javier. May 2003. Staling of corn tortillas. PhD Dissertation. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. 104 pp.

Maranphal, Nitit. May 2003. Direct expanded snacks from sorghum. MS Thesis. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. 65 pp.

Rudiger, Crystal. May 2003. The formulation of a nutraceutical bread mix using sorghum, barley, and flaxseed. MS Thesis. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. 97 pp.

Acosta, D., Riaz, M., Waniska, R.D. and Rooney, L.W. 2003. Decortication level and particle size effects on extrudates made from a food-type white sorghum. In J. A. Dahlberg et al. (eds.) Proc. 23rd Biennial Grain Sorghum Res. and Util. Conf., Feb. 16-18, 2003, Albuquerque, New Mexico. pp. 119-127.

Betrán, F.J., Tom Isakeit, Gary Odvody, Kerry Mayfield. 2003. Identification, development and characterization of corn germplasm to reduce aflatoxin contamination. Aflatoxin/Fumonisin Workshop 2003, October 13-15, 2003, Savannah, GE.

Kerry Mayfield, Bryan Jones, Leslie Lutz, Adam Blackwelder, T. Isakeit, Gary Odvody, and Javier Betrán. 2003. Aflatoxin accumulation in maize inbreds and hybrids. Aflatoxin & Fumonisin Workshop 2003, October 13-15, 2003, Savannah, GE.

Wicklow, D.T., Bobell, J., and Palmquist, D. Evaluation of intraspecific competition (Aspergillus flavus Link) and aflatoxin formation in suspended disc culture. Mycological Research. 2003. v. 107. p. 617-623.

Goto, T., Wicklow, D.T., McAlpin, C.E., Peterson, S.W. Aspergillus bombycis genotypes (RFLP) from silkworm cultivation. Mycoscience. 2003. v. 44. p. 209-215.

Zhang, Y., Li, C., Swenson, D.C., Gloer, J.B., Wicklow, D.T., Dowd, P.F. Novel antiinsectan oxalicine alkaloids from two undescribed fungicolous Penicillium spp. Organic Letters. 2003. v. 5. p. 773-776.

Billate, R.D., R.G. Maghirang, and M. E. Casada. 2003. Measurement of particulate emissions from corn receiving operations with simulated hopper bottom trucks. ASAE Paper No. MC03-406.

Casada, M.E., M.S. Ram, and P.W. Flinn. 2003. Thermal design of shipping containers for beneficial insects. ASAE Paper No. 03-6158.

Casada, M.E., and K. O?Brien. 2003. Accuracy and repeatability of protein content measurements for wheat during storage. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 19(2): 203-209.

Ingles, M.E., M.E. Casada, and R.G. Maghirang. 2003. Handling effects on commingling and residual grain in an elevator. Transactions of the ASAE. 46(6): 1625-1631.

Bhat, C.G., D.E. Maier, and K.E. Ileleji. 2003. Exploratory Use of a Portable CO2 Sensor for Early Detection of Spoilage in a Large Corn Storage Tank. Paper No. 036149. St. Joseph. Mich: ASAE.

Giesova, M., V. Martinez and L. B. Bullerman. 2003. Inhibition of Aspergillus flavus by sourdough lactic acid bacteria. Presented at the 90th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection. August 10-13, 2003. New Orleans, LA.

Bullerman, L. B., D. Deibert, Y. Hassan, M. Giesova and D. Ryu. 2003. Inhibition of mycotoxigenic fungi by sourdough bread cultures and lactic acid bacteria. Presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Sourdough. Sponsored by AACC European Section. October 8-11, 2003. Brussels, Belgium.

Bullerman, L. B., Y. Hassan, D. Deibert and D. Ryu. 2003. Antifungal activity of sourdough bread cultures. Presented at the 5th International Workshop on Food Mycology. Sponsored by the International Commission on Food Mycology. October 15-19, 2003. Ballen, Samso, Denmark.

McGill, J.M. and Maier, D.E. 2003. Capability of Eastern Cornbelt country elevators to segregate crops during harvest. Paper No. 03-6001. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI. Presented at the 2003 ASAE Annual International Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 27-30 July 2003.

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Ileleji, K.E., W.F. Wilcke, and R.V. Morey. 2003. Relative storability of high-oil and Bt corn compared to conventional hybrids. Transactions of the ASAE 46(2): 407-414.

Morey, R.V., W.F. Wilcke, and D.J. Hansen. 2003. Aeration strategies for reconditioning dry soybeans. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 19(4) 433-446.

Herrman, T.J. and T.M. Loughin. 2003. Processing and shelf-life performance of feed manufactured from high moisture corn. Transactions ASAE 46(3)697-703.

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Yan, J., T.J. Herrman, T.M. Loughin, A. Featherstone, and F.D. Yaun. 2003. Nutritional and economic implications of protein variance structure and the application of statistical process control in the Chinese feed industry. Cereal Chem. 80(5):623-626.

Guo, G., Jackson, D.S., Graybosch, R.A., and Parkhurst, A.M. 2003. Asian salted noodle quality: Impact of amylose content adjustments using waxy wheat flour. Cereal Chem. 80(4):437-445.

Guo, G., Jackson, D.S., Graybosch, R.A., and Parkhurst, A.M. 2003. Wheat flour tortilla quality: Impact of amylose content adjustments using waxy wheat flour. Cereal Chem. 80(4):427-436.

Baik, B.-K., and Lee, M.-R. 2003. Effects of starch amylose content of wheat on textural properties of white salted noodles. Cereal Chem. 80:304-309.

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Park, C. S., and Baik, B.-K. 2003. Cooking Time of White Salted Noodles and Its Relationship with Protein and Amylose Contents of Wheat. Cereal Chem. In Press.

Park, C. S., Hong, B. H., and Baik, B.-K. 2003. Protein quality of wheat required for making white salted noodles and its influences on processing and texture of noodles. Cereal Chem. 80:297-303.

Cogdill, R., P. Dardenne and C.R. Hurburgh, Jr. 2003. Support vector machines for NIRS calibration. Proc. NIR2003, International Conference on NIR Spectroscopy, Cordoba, Spain, April 8-12, 2003.

Dzupin, R, C. R. Hurburgh, Jr. and S. A. Roussel. 2003. Improvement of prediction speed and accuracy with internet enabled networking software. Proc. NIR2003, 11th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Cordoba, Spain. April 6-11, 2003.

Roussel, S. A., and C. R. Hurburgh, Jr. 2003. Noise robustness comparison for merging large datasets. Proc. NIR2003, 11th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Cordoba, Spain. April 6-11, 2003.

Codgill, R.P., C.R. Hurburgh, Jr., G.R. Rippke, R.W. Jones, T.C. Jensen, and J.R. McClelland. 2003. Single kernel maize analysis by near-infrared hyperspectral imaging. Trans. ASAE 47(1): 150

Cogdill, R. P. and C. R. Hurburgh, Jr. 2003. Photometric standardization of a near-infrared hyperspectral imaging spectrometer. J. N.I.R.

Hurburgh, C. R., Jr. 2003. Measurement of soybean fatty acid content with near-infrared spectroscopy. 2003 Annual Meeting, American Oil Chemists Society, Kansas City, MO May 5-9, 2003. (abstr)

Stevermer, S.W., B.L. Steward, R.P. Cogdill and C.R. Hurburgh, Jr. 2003. Automated Sorting and Single Kernel Analysis by Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging. ASAE Paper 036159. Am. Soc. Agr. Engr., St. Joseph, MI.

Bean, S. R. 2003. Evaluation of novel pre-cast gradient gels for the separation of sorghum proteins. Cereal Chem. 80:500-504.

Bean, S. R. and Tilley, M. 2003. Separation of water soluble proteins from cereals by free zone capillary electrophoresis (FZCE). Cereal Chem. 80: 505-515.

Lookhart, G. L., Bean, S., and Bietz, J. A. 2003. Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography in grain applications. Cereal Foods World. 48:9-16.

Zhan, X., Wang, D., Tuinstra, M., Bean, S., Seib, P. A., and Sun, X. S. 2003. Ethanol and lactic acid production as affected by sorghum genotype and location. Industrial Crops and Production. 18:245-255.

Pedersen, J. F., Bean, S. R., Funnell, D. L., and Graybosch, R. A. 2003. Rapid iodine staining techniques for identifying the waxy phenotype in sorghum grain and waxy genotype in sorghum pollen. In Press.

Park, S. H., and Bean, S. R. 2003. Investigation and optimization of the factors influencing sorghum protein extraction. J. Ag. Food Chem. 51: 7050-7054.

Rossell, C. M., Aja, S., Bean, S., and Lookhart, G. L. 2003. Wheat flour proteins as affected by transglutaminase and glucose oxidase. Cereal Chem. 80:52-55.

Hurkman, W. J., McCue, K. F., Altenbach, S. B., Korn, A., Tanaka, C.K., Kothari, K. M., Johnson, E. L., Bechtel, D. B., Wilson, J. D., Anderson, O. D. and DuPont, F. M. 2003. Effect of temperature on expression of genes encoding enzymes for starch biosynthesis in developing wheat endosperm. Plant Sci. 164:873-881.

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Bechtel, D. B. and Wilson, J. D. 2003. Amyloplast formation and starch granule development in hard red winter wheat. Cereal Chem. 80:175-183.

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Bechtel, D. B. and Wilson, J. D. 2003. Endosperm structural changes in wheat during drying of maturing caryopses. Abstracts AACC Meeting Program pp. 111.

Wilson, J. D., Bechtel, D. B. and Seib, P. A. 2003. Spelt quality and starch chemistry. Abstracts AACC Meeting Program pp.110.

Chung, O. K., Ohm, J. B., Lookhart, G. L., and Bruns, R. F. 2003. Quality characteristics of hard winter and hard spring wheats grown under an over-wintering condition. J. Cereal Sci. 37:91-99.

Chung, O. K., Park, S. H., Tilley, M., and Lookhart, G. L. 2003. Improving wheat quality. Chapter 26. Pp. 536-561 in: S. P. Cauvain (ed.), Bread making: Improving Quality. Woodhead Pub. Co.: London.

Chung, O. K., and Steele, J. L. 2003. Editors, Proceedings of the 2nd International Wheat Quality Conference. Grain Industry Alliance: Manhattan, KS. 509 pp.

Chung, O. K., and Steele, J. L. 2003. Preface. Pp. iii-iv in: O.K. Chung and J.L. Steele (eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Wheat Quality Conference. Grain Industry Alliance: Manhattan, KS.

Chung, O. K. 2003. Welcome Reception Statement. Pp. 17-18 in: O.K. Chung and J. L. Steele (eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Wheat Quality Conference. Grain Industry Alliance: Manhattan, KS.

Graybosch, R. A., Souza, E., Berzonsky, W., Baenziger, P. S., and Chung, O. K. 2003. Functional properties of waxy flours: genotypic and environmental effects. J. Cereal Sci. 38:69-76.

Chung, O. K., Park. S. H., Kim, Y. S., Tilley, M., Seabourn. B. W., and Lookhart, G. L. 2003. Improvement of U.S. Bread Wheat Quality. Pp. 153-160 in: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the U.S. ? Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (UJNR): Food and Agriculture Panel. November 9-15, 2003, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan. National Food Research Institute Pub.: Tsukuba, Ibaraki.

Kim, Y. S., Flores, R. A., Chung, O. K., and Bechtel, D. B. 2003. Physical and chemical characterization of wheat flour milling co-products. J. Food Process Engineering 26:469-488.

Chung, O.K., Bushuk, W., and Ohm, J.B. Rye production and uses worldwide. 2003. Pages 1-6 in: G. Juodeikiene (ed.), Proceedings of the 1st Baltic Conference on Rye in the EU. University of Kaunas Press: Kaunas, Lithuania.

Chung, O.K., Bean, S.R., Tilley, M., Lookhart, G.L., Dowell, F.E., Ram, M.S., Seitz, L. M., Casada, M.E., Ohm, J.B., Park, S.H., Seabourn, B.W., Caley, M.S., Maghirang, E. B., Wilson, J.D., Bechtel, D. B., Pearson, T. C., Arthur, F. H., Lyne, R. K., Brabec, D. B., Throne, J. E., Baker, J.E., Hubbard, J.D., and Downing, J. M. 2003. Wheat research in the U.S. Grain Marketing Research Laboratory, Grain Marketing and Production Research Center. Annual Wheat Newsletter 49:185-198.

Ram, M.S., Dowell, F.E. and Seitz, L.M. 2003. FT-Raman spectra of unsoaked and NaOH soaked wheat kernels, bran and ferulic acid. Cereal Chem. 80:188-192.

Park, S. H., and Bean, S. R. 2003. Investigation and optimization of the factors influencing sorghum protein extraction. J. Agric. Food Chem. 51:7050-7054.

Wang, D., Dowell, F.E., Ram, M.S. and Schapuagh, W.T. 2003. Classification of fungal-damaged soybean seeds using near-infrared spectroscopy. Intl. J. Food Properties. (in press)

Haley, S. D., Quick, J. S., Johnson, J. J., Peairs, F. B., Stromberger, J. A., Clayshulte, S. R., Clifford, B. L., Rudolph, J. B., Chung, O. K., and Seabourn, B. W. 2003. Registration of ?Anchor? wheat. Crop Sci. (In press)

Graybosch, R. A., Peterson, C. J., and Chung, O. K. 2003. Release of N95111881 and 9519521 strong gluten 1BL.1RS wheat. Crop Sci. (in press)

Graybosch, R. A., Peterson, C. J., Porter, D. R., and Chung, O.K. 2003. Registration of N96L9970 Greenbug resistant wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.). Crop Sci. (in press)

Graybosch, R. A., Souza, A, E., Berzonsky, W., Baenziger, P. S., McVey, D. V., and Chung, O. K. 2003. Registration of nineteen waxy spring wheat. Crop Sci. (in press)

Ibrahim, A.M.H., Haley, S. D., Jin, Y., Langham, M.A.C., Stymiest, C., Rickertsen, J., Kalsbeck, S., Little, R., Chung, O.K., Seabourn, B. W., and McVey, D. V. 2003. Registration of Expedition Wheat. Crop Sci. (in press)

Bean, S. R., Park, S. H., Ioerger, B. P., and Dixon, C. E. 2003. Sorghum research at the Grain Quality & Structure Research Unit. Page 42 in: Proceedings of the 23rd Biennial Grain Sorghum Research and Utilization Conference, 2003 Sorghum Industry Conference, Feb. 16-18, 2003, Albuquerque, New Mexico. National Grain Sorghum Producer.

Chung, O.K., Tilley, M., Park, S.H., Caley, M.S., and Seabourn, B.W. 2003. Directions in United States wheat quality. Page 14 in: Program and Abstract Book 2003, AACC Pacific Rim Meeting: Wheat Quality Measurement and Processing into the 21st Century, March 17-19, 2003, Honolulu, HI.

Lookhart, G.L., Bean, S.R., Lyne, R., Chung, O.K., Chandra, S., Ohm, J.B., Stearn, M., and Piland, S. 2003. Relationship of relative amounts of insoluble polymeric proteins to dough consistency for flours from commercial mills and individual cultivars. Page 17 in: Program and Abstract Book 2003, AACC Pacific Rim Meeting: Wheat Quality Measurement and Processing into the 21st Century, March 17-19, 2003, Honolulu, HI.

Park, S.H., Chung, O.K., Seib, P.A., and Bean, S.R. 2003. Pages 17-18 in: Wheat protein subclasses in relation to characteristics of Quality Measurement and Processing into the 21st Century, March 17-19, 2003, Honolulu, HI.

Seabourn, B.W., and Chung, O.K. 2003. Application of NIR for rapid wheat quality analysis. Page 13 in: Program and Abstract Book 2003, AACC Pacific Rim Meeting: Wheat Quality Measurement and Processing into the 21st Century, March 17-19, 2003, Honolulu, HI.

Arora, S., Lyne, R., Alviola, J.N., Lookhart, G.L., Waniska, R.D., and Chung, O.K. 2003. Development of a micro-scale procedure to prepare wheat flour tortillas. Abstract No. 337. Page 140 in: Program Book of the 88th AACC Annual Meeting of the American Association of Cereal Chemists.

Bean, S.R., and Chung, O.K. 2003. Tailoring the single kernel characterization system for sorghum. Abstract No. 265. Page 123 in: Program Book of the 88th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Cereal Chemists.

Caley, M.S., Chung, O.K., Park S.H., and Haden, Z.L. 2003. Comparison of pup straight dough method with pound sponge and dough method and pup sponge and dough method. Abstract No. 292. Page 129-130 in: Program Book of the 88th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Cereal Chemists.

Chung, O.K., Park, S.H., and Seib, P.A. 2003. Polyphenol oxidase activity in wheat grain kernels, meals, and flours in relation to noodle color. Abstract No. 232. Page 116 in: Program Book of the 88th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Cereal Chemists.

Park S.H., and Bean, S.R. 2003. Optimization of sorghum protein extraction for possible industrial uses. Abstract No. 262. Page 123 in: Program Book of the 88th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Cereal Chemists.

Singh, H., Lyne, R.K., Chung, O.K., Seib, P.A., and Lookhart, G.L. 2003. Comparison of different strip length for evaluating rheological properties of tortillas. Abstract No. 369a. Page 147 in: Program Book of the 88th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Cereal Chemists.

Singh, H., Lyne, R.K., Chung, O.K., Seib, P.A., and Lookhart, G.L. 2003. The staling of wheat flour tortillas studied by a texture analyzer and SE-HPLC. Abstract No. 369b. Page 147-148 in: Program Book of the 88th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Cereal Chemists.

Chung, Okkyung K., Ohm, Jae Bom, Lookhart, George L., and Bruns, R.F. "Quality Characteristics of Hard Winter and Spring Wheats Grown Under an Over-Wintering Condition" J. Cereal Sci. 37:91-99. 2003.

Wheat Gluten Protein Analysis. Peter R. Shewry and George L. Lookhart (eds.), AACC, Eagan Press, St Paul, MN. 2003.

Lookhart, G.L., Bean, S.R., and Bietz, J.A. HPLC of Gluten Monomeric Proteins. pp. 61-89. In Peter R. Shewry and George L. Lookhart (eds.), Wheat Gluten Protein Analysis. AACC, Eagan Press, St Paul, MN, Chapter 4, 2003.

Bean, S.R. and Lookhart, G.L. Separation of Gluten Proteins by High-Performance Capillary Electrophoresis. pp 91-113. In Peter R. Shewry and George L. Lookhart (eds.), Wheat Gluten Protein Analysis. AACC, Eagan Press, St Paul, MN, Chapter 5, 2003.

Rosell, C.M., Wang, Jinshui, Aja, S., Bean, S.R., and Lookhart, G.L., Wheat flour proteins as affected by transglutaminase and glucose oxidase. Cereal Chem. 80: 52-55. 2003.

Lookhart, G.L., Bean, S.R., and Bietz, J.A. Reversed-Phase high performance liquid chromatography in grain applications. Feature Article. Cereal Foods World, 48: 9-17. 2003.

Chung, O.K., Park, S.H., Tilley, M., and Lookhart, G.L. Improvement of U.S. Bread Wheats. pp. 536-561. In S. P. Cauvain (ed.), Breadmaking: Improving Quality, Woodhead Publishing Co., London, UK, Chapter 26, 2003.

Chung, O.K., Park, S.H., Kim, Y.S., Tilley, M., Seabourn, B.W., and Lookhart, G.L. Improvement of U.S. Bread Wheat Quality. pp. 153-160 in: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual meeting of the U.S. ? Japan Cooperative program in Natural Resources (UJNR): Food and Agriculture Panel. November 9-15, 2003, Ibaraki, Japan. National Food Research Institute Pub; Tsukuba Ibaraki.

Lookhart, George L. and Bean, Scott. 2002. Methods for Analyzing Polymeric Proteins of Wheat and Their Impact on Wheat Quality. AACC Pacific Rim Meeting, March 17-19, 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Lookhart, George L., Bean, Scott, Lyne, Rhonda Kay, Chung, Okkyung Kim, Chandra, S., Ohm, J-B, Stearns, M., and Piland, S. 2002. Relationship of Relative Amounts of Insoluble Polymeric Proteins to Dough Consistency for Flours from Commercial Mills and Individual Cultivars. AACC Pacific Rim Meeting, March 17-19, 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Bean, S. R. and Tilley, M. 2003. Separation of water soluble proteins from cereals by high performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE). Cereal Chemistry 80:505-510.

Tilley, M. 2003. PCR Amplification of Wheat Sequences from DNA Extracted During Milling And Baking. Cereal Chemistry (in press).

Tilley, K., and Tilley, M. Modifying tyrosine crosslink formation in wheat dough by controlling innate enzymatic activity. Symposium on Control of endogenous enzymes in food. Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting. July 12-16, 2003 Chicago IL.

Tilley, M., and Bean, S.R. Separation of water-soluble proteins from cereals by high performance capillary electrophoresis. Presented at the 88th annual meeting of the American Association of Cereal Chemists, September 28-October 2, 2003 Portland, OR, Abstract p.103.

Tilley, M., and Tilley, K.A. Tyrosine crosslink formation in dough: Innate enzymatic activity. Presented at the 87th annual meeting of the American Association of Cereal Chemists, September 28-October 2, 2003 Portland, OR, Abstract p.121.

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Paulsen, M.R., S.A. Watson, and M. Singh. 2003. Measurement and maintenance of corn quality. In Corn: Chemistry and Technology, 2nd edition. L. Johnson and P. White eds. AACC. St. Paul MN. pp 159-219.

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Singh, M., M.R. Paulsen and S.A. Colbrook. 2003. Corn moisture meter comparisons to the air oven in Illinois. ASAE Paper No. 03-6003. St. Joseph, MI 49085.

Paulsen, M.R. and M. Singh. 2003. Using NIT to determine extractable starch in corn. Abstract. Third International Starch Technology Conference. University of Illinois. Urbana, IL. Jun 2-4, 2003.

Nimaiyar, S. and M.R. Paulsen. 2003. Use of FT-NIR for measurement of isoflavones. Abstract No. 179. American Assoc. Cereal Chemist?s 88th Annual Meeting. AACC Portland, OR.

Maghirang, E.B., Dowell, F.E. Hardness measurement of bulk wheat by single-kernel visible and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Cereal Chemistry. v. 80(3). p. 316-322. 2003.

Pasikatan, M.C., Dowell, F.E. Evaluation of a high-speed color sorter for segregation of red and white wheat. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 2003. v. 19(1). p. 71-76.

Pasikatan, M.C., Haque, E., Spillman, C.K., Steele, J.A., Milliken, G.A. Granulation sensing of first-break ground wheat using a near-infrared reflectance spectrometer. Proceedings at the 107th Annual Technical Conference and Trade Show for the Association of Operative Millers, Pittsburg, PA. 2003. p. 2-20.

Pasikatan, M.C., Haque E., Spillman, C.K., Steele, J. L., Milliken, G.A. Granulation sensing of first-break ground wheat using a near-infrared reflectance spectrometer: Studies with soft red winter wheats. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2003. v. 83(3). p. 151-157.

Perez-Mendoza, J., Throne, J.E., Dowell, F.E., Baker, J.E. Detection of insect fragments in wheat flour by diffuser reflectance near-infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Stored Product Research. 2003. v. 39. p. 305-312.

Ram, M.S., Dowell, F.E., Seitz, L. FT-Raman spectra of unsoaked and NaOH soaked wheat kernels, bran and ferulic acid. Cereal Chemistry. 2003. v. 80(2). p. 188-192.

Wang, D., Dowell, F.E., Ram, M.S., Schapaugh, W.T. Classification of damaged soybean seeds using near-infrared spectroscopy. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 2003. v. 45. p. 1943-1948.

Xie, F., Dowell, F.E., Sun, X. Comparison of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy and a texture analyzer for predicting wheat bread staling. Cereal Chemistry. 2003. v. 80(1). p. 25-29.

Kundra, A. 2003. A new model to calculate Estimated Processed Value of Soybeans. MS. Thesis. Iowa State University. December 2003.

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Pineda-Valdes, G., D. Ryu, M. A. Hanna and L. B. Bullerman. 2003. Reduction of moniliformin in corn by heat processing. J. Food Sci. 68:1031-1035.

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Jarboe, D., C.R. Hurburgh, Jr., and R.G. Ginder. 2003. Education Programs for Biotechnology Grain Producers. Food Science and Human Nutrition Department Open House, Iowa State University. Ames, Iowa. October 3.

Jarboe, D., R.G. Ginder, C.R. Hurburgh, Jr., J. McGuire, and D. Pavlik. 2003. Biotechnology Corn: Fostering Communication Between Producers and Grain Handlers. American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting. Denver, Colorado. November 5.

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Ginder, R.G., D. Jarboe, A. Naik, M.H. Fung, and R. Dzupin. Soy Contract Explorer 2003. (Iowa State University Research Foundation # 03060, Copyright 2003).

Hurburgh, C. R. Jr. and John D. Lawrence. 2003. Quality management systems in agriculture: need and opportunity. Resource. April 2003. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.

Hurburgh, C. R., Jr. 2003. Certification and source verification in the grain handling industry. 2003 Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, Chicago, IL. July 15, 2003 (abstr)

Hurburgh, C. R., Jr. 2003. Biotechnology, world trade, and the bioeconomy. 2003 Annual Meeting, American Association of Cereal Chemists, Portland OR. September 1-4, 2003 (abstr.)
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