SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Paul Konnonoff – University of Nebraska Stephanie Ward – Mississippi State Jill Anderson – South Dakota State Ken Kalscheur – USDA FRC - Madison Dave Beede – Michigan State Tamilee Nennich – Purdue Victor Cabrera - Wisconsin Pete Erickson – New Hampshire Bob Peters - Maryland Ed dePeters – UC Davis Hugh Chester-Jones - Minnesota Brad Heins - Minnesota Gonzalo Ferreira – Virginia Tech Jud Heinrichs – Pennsylvania State Gustavo Lascano - Clemson Jeffrey Bewley – Kentucky


Farmers have started to adopt precision technologies for calf raising and for fertility and health monitoring of cows. This has resulted in improved labor efficiency on farm, as well as improved fertility for dairy cows. We have produced many publications related to the 3 objectives of the project and are collaborating on a comprehensive calf management publication from the last five years of the project. We have conducted many outreach events that have provided dairy producers, consultants, and dairy industry representatives with valuable information that will be able to enhance the profitability of the dairy industry in the United States.


  1. Research and outreach has improved the efficiency of heifer raising enterprises through adoption of new feeding strategies.
  2. Research has improved nutritional aspects of conventional and organic dairy productions systems to improve profitability of farms.
  3. Decision supports tools have improved profitability of dairy enterprises.


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