SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: NCAC16 : Biological and Agricultural Engineering
- Period Covered: 10/01/2002 to 09/01/2003
- Date of Report: 12/11/2003
- Annual Meeting Dates: 10/26/2003 to 10/28/2003
Les Backer (ND), Loren Bode (IL), Vincent Bralts (IN), Margaret Dentine, Associate Dean UW-Madison (substitute administrative advisor), Kevin Janni (MN), Ramesh Kanwar (IA), Van Kelley (SD), James Koelliker (KS), Derrel Martin (NE), Ron Schuler (WI), Ajit Srivastava (MI), Jinglu Tan (MO), K.C. Ting (OH), Roy Young (PA) Melissa Moore (ASAE), Brad Rein (CSREES), Daniel Schmoldt (CSREES), Jerry Wille (ASAE),
Committee Chair, Ron Schuler welcomed committee members and guests. Introductions were made. The agenda was reviewed.
Dean Elton Aberle, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS), UW-Madison and Rick Klemme, Associate Dean, Ag & Natural Resources Education, Cooperative Extension and CALS, gave welcomes and brief updates.
Dean Elton Aberle reported on the proposed taxonomy of fields and sub fields for the NRC rating system.
Ajit Srivastava, Department Head, Michigan State Universiy reviewed departmental changes and plans at Michigan State University.
Margaret Dentine, Associate Dean and Executive Director, UW-Madison CALS Research Division, presented the Administrator report for Wendy Wintersteen, who was not able to attend.
Daryl Lund, Executive Director of the North Central Regional Association of Agricultural Experiment Stations, reviewed the regional association organization.
Jerry Wille, President-Elect of ASAE, reported on ASAE Board of Trustee activities. Chemical and Biological Engineering
Dr. Thomas Kuech, Professor and Chair of Chemical and Biological Engineering at UW-Madison, discussed the role of biology in chemical engineering at UW-Madison.
Dr. David Bohnhoff, Professor in Biological Systems Engineering, UW-Madison, outlined a vision for refocusing curricula in the structures and environment area to cover agri-industrial facility design and management.
Brad Rein, National Program Leader, USDA CSREES, made a report on USDA funding.
NCA-16 Chair Ron Schuler took some time prior to the Biological Systems Engineering tour to describe the departments phase II construction plans. Neal Martin, Center Director, led a tour of the USDA ARS Dairy Forage Research Center. Following that a tour of the Biological Systems Engineering lab building was conducted.
NCA-16 Business Meeting
NCA-16 Chair Ron Schuler called the business meeting to order. It was moved and seconded that the 2002 minutes as submitted be accepted. The motion passed.
Midterm Reviews of NC Committees
Ramesh Kanwar reported on the midterm review of NCR-101, Controlled Environment Technology and Use. Ramesh reported that NCR-101 was a highly effective and productive committee. It had 40 to 50 people attending its annual meeting. Membership includes people from industry and outside of the U.S. Members brought graduate students and poster presentations. The committee is planning to meet in Brisbane, Australia in March 2004. A motion was made, seconded and passed that NCA-16 recommends continuation of NCR-101.
Loren Bode reported on NCR-197 (NC-temp 1099), Agricultural Safety and Health Research. The committee has requested a one-year extension. Loren noted that the committee was formed in 2000 and has published a National Land Grant Research and Extension Agenda for Agricultural Safety and Health. A motion was made and seconded that NCA-16 recommend approval of the one-year extension for NCR-197 (NC-temp 1099). The committee discussed the growing importance of agricultural safety and health issues. NCA-16 members feel that there are many engineering needs dealing with biosecurity, biosensors, and agro terrorism. NCA-16 members feel that NCR-197 has developed a good list of researchable topics. NCR-197 is encouraged to bring in additional researchers to develop a critical mass to address the issues they have identified in their National Agenda for Action. The motion passed. NCA-16 Chair Ron Schuler will report to the NCRA by October 31.
Ron Schuler reported on the NCR-09 (NC-temp 1090) request for renewal for five years, 2004 to 2009. He reviewed changes in funding for the Extension portion of NCR-09. Loren Bode noted that this is one of the best examples of regional cooperation, but it does not seem to be financially sustainable. NCR-09 is investigating cooperation or a partnership with ASAE and international opportunities with AID. Some NCA-16 members thought that NCR-09 might have opportunities to cooperate with researchers that need to have outreach and extension programs. Some NCA-16 members questioned where the research component was in the committee proposal. Others wondered if communications was key to the committee why were there no communications departments represented on the committee. It was moved and seconded that NCA-16 recommend approval for renewal of NCR-09 (NC-temp 1090). Discussion continued about the desire to strengthen the research component of the project, to integrate research and outreach more clearly. A motion was made and seconded to amend the motion to recommend that NC-temp 1090 be converted to a NCT committee with a two-year appointment. The two-year appointment would give the committee time to strengthen the project proposal. Discussion continued. NCR-09 publishes research results in an applied format; the committee converts discovery results into applied information. A vote on the amendment failed. Discussion on the original motion continued. NCR-09 (NC-temp 1090) members are encouraged to build relations between research and the publications they produce. The motion that NCA-16 recommends approval for renewal of NCR-09 (NC-temp 1090) was passed. Ron Schuler will prepare a draft of the appropriate NCRA form and circulate it among K. C. Ting, Kevin Janni, and Ramesh Kanwar before submission to NCRA.
K. C. Ting reported on the mid term review of NCR-180, Site Specific Management. He reported that it was a very good committee that was very active. Attendance has been good, 57 people attended the last meeting, which is greater than the 22 people listed as NCR-180 members at the NCRA website. The theme format for the meetings was believed to be a positive for attendance. The website for their upcoming annual meeting is He noted that state progress reports were not available through NIMSS. It was moved and seconded that NCA-16 recommend continuation of NCR-180. The motion passed.
Jinglu Tan reported on the mid term review of NCR-189, Air Quality Issues Associated with Animal Facilities. He reported that the committee was marginally active recently. It had one meeting last October (2002) and it had poor attendance. He also reported that there appears to be a need to clarify the NCR-189 leadership. Several NCA-16 members noted that this is a very active area of research in their states and this project needs to continue. It was noted that there was a recent air quality conference sponsored by ASAE that many NCR-189 members attended and made presentations. It was moved and seconded, that NMA-16 recommend that NCR-189 be continued and that the project leadership be clarified so that the committee can implement its plan. The motion passed.
K.C. Ting reported on NC-213, Marketing and Delivery of Quality Cereals and Oilseeds. He reported that this is a very good project. It is celebrating its 25th year. It is a unique project because it has an Anderson endowment that provides funding for the project. They have moved to team funded projects. The committee meets twice a year, an annual meeting with technical reports and a summer workshop. The project has an industrial advisory committee. No action was needed.
Kevin Janni reported on NC-136, Improvement of Thermal and Alternative Processes for Food. He reported that the committee met earlier in October. Draft minutes indicate 26 people attended. The committee has several ad hoc committees that work on collaborative tasks. The committee has been very productive in the past. The draft minutes did not include information on current accomplishments. Some NCA-16 members thought that this committee needed to expand its scope to include food safety. No action was needed.
Loren Bode reported on NC-94, Impact of Climate and Soils on Crop Selection. He reported that this committee has had several administrative advisors and that the midterm review had been problematic. The committee is in the process of developing a new proposal. Ramesh Kanwar, James Koelliker, and Loren Bode volunteered to review the proposal after December 1. No action was needed at this time.
Ideas for new NC committees were discussed. Several topics were discussed including nanotechnology, biosensors, bioprocessing, and biobased products. It was moved and seconded that NCA-16 endorse initiating a nanotechnology and biosensor NCT project. This would give the members two years to meet and develop a project proposal. Margaret Dentine indicated that proposals need letters of support from two Agricultural Experiment Stations and that the NCT proposal should be submitted by January 1, 2004 to be included in the March NCRA meeting agenda. Instructions for submitting NCT proposals are on the NCRA web site. Melissa Moore noted that Norm Scott is discussing opportunities for a nanotechnology conference with ASAE. The motion passed. Vince Bralts - chair, Ajit Srivastava, Roy Young and Ramesh Kanwar volunteered to prepare the NCT proposal.
It was moved and seconded that NCA-16 endorse initiating a biobased energy and products NCT project. The motion passed. Ajit Srivastava - chair, K.C. Ting, Vince Bralts, and Loren Bode volunteered to prepare the NCT proposal.
ASAE President-elect, Jerry Wille, provided an update on the Name Change Task Force. NCA-16 members discussed possible actions we could take. Many felt that it was important that ASAE members be encouraged to become aware of the issues and vote. Concerns were raised that if people became advocates that it would encourage efforts against the name change and the issue could become divisive and harm ASAE.
ASAE was interested in establishing a process to develop research priorities. Derrel Martin, Ramesh Kanwar, Brad Rein and Loren Bode volunteered to serve as a committee to develop the process for soliciting and developing research priorities.
Roy Young moved, seconded by Van Kelley, that Ramesh Kanwar be elected secretary for NCA-16 by acclimation. The motion passed. NCA-16 officers for 2003-2004 are:
K.C. Ting, Chair
Kevin Janni, Vice-chair
Ramesh Kanwar, Secretary
It was moved and seconded that the 2004 NCA-16 meeting be held in Columbus, OH, in October 2004. The motion passed.
It was moved and seconded that the name of NCA-16 be changed from Agricultural Engineering to Biological and Agricultural Engineering. The motion passed. A letter requesting the name change needs to be sent to NCRA.
NCA-16 Chair, Ron Schuler reminded people about the proposed Biological and Agricultural Department Chairs/Heads Retreat in March 2004 in Florida. Specific date and agenda information is not available yet. Several agenda topics were discussed.
Margaret Dentine requested that everyone review the NCA-16 membership information on the NRCA web site and submit changes needed.
NCA-16 members expressed appreciation to Ron Schuler for chairing and organizing the 2003 NCA-16 meeting.
The NCA-16 business meeting was adjourned.
Dean Elton Aberle, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS), UW-Madison and Rick Klemme, Associate Dean, Ag & Natural Resources Education, Cooperative Extension and CALS, gave welcomes and brief updates.
Dean Elton Aberle reported on the proposed taxonomy of fields and sub fields for the NRC rating system.
Ajit Srivastava, Department Head, Michigan State Universiy reviewed departmental changes and plans at Michigan State University.
Margaret Dentine, Associate Dean and Executive Director, UW-Madison CALS Research Division, presented the Administrator report for Wendy Wintersteen, who was not able to attend.
Daryl Lund, Executive Director of the North Central Regional Association of Agricultural Experiment Stations, reviewed the regional association organization.
Jerry Wille, President-Elect of ASAE, reported on ASAE Board of Trustee activities. Chemical and Biological Engineering
Dr. Thomas Kuech, Professor and Chair of Chemical and Biological Engineering at UW-Madison, discussed the role of biology in chemical engineering at UW-Madison.
Dr. David Bohnhoff, Professor in Biological Systems Engineering, UW-Madison, outlined a vision for refocusing curricula in the structures and environment area to cover agri-industrial facility design and management.
Brad Rein, National Program Leader, USDA CSREES, made a report on USDA funding.
NCA-16 Chair Ron Schuler took some time prior to the Biological Systems Engineering tour to describe the departments phase II construction plans. Neal Martin, Center Director, led a tour of the USDA ARS Dairy Forage Research Center. Following that a tour of the Biological Systems Engineering lab building was conducted.
NCA-16 Business Meeting
NCA-16 Chair Ron Schuler called the business meeting to order. It was moved and seconded that the 2002 minutes as submitted be accepted. The motion passed.
Midterm Reviews of NC Committees
Ramesh Kanwar reported on the midterm review of NCR-101, Controlled Environment Technology and Use. Ramesh reported that NCR-101 was a highly effective and productive committee. It had 40 to 50 people attending its annual meeting. Membership includes people from industry and outside of the U.S. Members brought graduate students and poster presentations. The committee is planning to meet in Brisbane, Australia in March 2004. A motion was made, seconded and passed that NCA-16 recommends continuation of NCR-101.
Loren Bode reported on NCR-197 (NC-temp 1099), Agricultural Safety and Health Research. The committee has requested a one-year extension. Loren noted that the committee was formed in 2000 and has published a National Land Grant Research and Extension Agenda for Agricultural Safety and Health. A motion was made and seconded that NCA-16 recommend approval of the one-year extension for NCR-197 (NC-temp 1099). The committee discussed the growing importance of agricultural safety and health issues. NCA-16 members feel that there are many engineering needs dealing with biosecurity, biosensors, and agro terrorism. NCA-16 members feel that NCR-197 has developed a good list of researchable topics. NCR-197 is encouraged to bring in additional researchers to develop a critical mass to address the issues they have identified in their National Agenda for Action. The motion passed. NCA-16 Chair Ron Schuler will report to the NCRA by October 31.
Ron Schuler reported on the NCR-09 (NC-temp 1090) request for renewal for five years, 2004 to 2009. He reviewed changes in funding for the Extension portion of NCR-09. Loren Bode noted that this is one of the best examples of regional cooperation, but it does not seem to be financially sustainable. NCR-09 is investigating cooperation or a partnership with ASAE and international opportunities with AID. Some NCA-16 members thought that NCR-09 might have opportunities to cooperate with researchers that need to have outreach and extension programs. Some NCA-16 members questioned where the research component was in the committee proposal. Others wondered if communications was key to the committee why were there no communications departments represented on the committee. It was moved and seconded that NCA-16 recommend approval for renewal of NCR-09 (NC-temp 1090). Discussion continued about the desire to strengthen the research component of the project, to integrate research and outreach more clearly. A motion was made and seconded to amend the motion to recommend that NC-temp 1090 be converted to a NCT committee with a two-year appointment. The two-year appointment would give the committee time to strengthen the project proposal. Discussion continued. NCR-09 publishes research results in an applied format; the committee converts discovery results into applied information. A vote on the amendment failed. Discussion on the original motion continued. NCR-09 (NC-temp 1090) members are encouraged to build relations between research and the publications they produce. The motion that NCA-16 recommends approval for renewal of NCR-09 (NC-temp 1090) was passed. Ron Schuler will prepare a draft of the appropriate NCRA form and circulate it among K. C. Ting, Kevin Janni, and Ramesh Kanwar before submission to NCRA.
K. C. Ting reported on the mid term review of NCR-180, Site Specific Management. He reported that it was a very good committee that was very active. Attendance has been good, 57 people attended the last meeting, which is greater than the 22 people listed as NCR-180 members at the NCRA website. The theme format for the meetings was believed to be a positive for attendance. The website for their upcoming annual meeting is He noted that state progress reports were not available through NIMSS. It was moved and seconded that NCA-16 recommend continuation of NCR-180. The motion passed.
Jinglu Tan reported on the mid term review of NCR-189, Air Quality Issues Associated with Animal Facilities. He reported that the committee was marginally active recently. It had one meeting last October (2002) and it had poor attendance. He also reported that there appears to be a need to clarify the NCR-189 leadership. Several NCA-16 members noted that this is a very active area of research in their states and this project needs to continue. It was noted that there was a recent air quality conference sponsored by ASAE that many NCR-189 members attended and made presentations. It was moved and seconded, that NMA-16 recommend that NCR-189 be continued and that the project leadership be clarified so that the committee can implement its plan. The motion passed.
K.C. Ting reported on NC-213, Marketing and Delivery of Quality Cereals and Oilseeds. He reported that this is a very good project. It is celebrating its 25th year. It is a unique project because it has an Anderson endowment that provides funding for the project. They have moved to team funded projects. The committee meets twice a year, an annual meeting with technical reports and a summer workshop. The project has an industrial advisory committee. No action was needed.
Kevin Janni reported on NC-136, Improvement of Thermal and Alternative Processes for Food. He reported that the committee met earlier in October. Draft minutes indicate 26 people attended. The committee has several ad hoc committees that work on collaborative tasks. The committee has been very productive in the past. The draft minutes did not include information on current accomplishments. Some NCA-16 members thought that this committee needed to expand its scope to include food safety. No action was needed.
Loren Bode reported on NC-94, Impact of Climate and Soils on Crop Selection. He reported that this committee has had several administrative advisors and that the midterm review had been problematic. The committee is in the process of developing a new proposal. Ramesh Kanwar, James Koelliker, and Loren Bode volunteered to review the proposal after December 1. No action was needed at this time.
Ideas for new NC committees were discussed. Several topics were discussed including nanotechnology, biosensors, bioprocessing, and biobased products. It was moved and seconded that NCA-16 endorse initiating a nanotechnology and biosensor NCT project. This would give the members two years to meet and develop a project proposal. Margaret Dentine indicated that proposals need letters of support from two Agricultural Experiment Stations and that the NCT proposal should be submitted by January 1, 2004 to be included in the March NCRA meeting agenda. Instructions for submitting NCT proposals are on the NCRA web site. Melissa Moore noted that Norm Scott is discussing opportunities for a nanotechnology conference with ASAE. The motion passed. Vince Bralts - chair, Ajit Srivastava, Roy Young and Ramesh Kanwar volunteered to prepare the NCT proposal.
It was moved and seconded that NCA-16 endorse initiating a biobased energy and products NCT project. The motion passed. Ajit Srivastava - chair, K.C. Ting, Vince Bralts, and Loren Bode volunteered to prepare the NCT proposal.
ASAE President-elect, Jerry Wille, provided an update on the Name Change Task Force. NCA-16 members discussed possible actions we could take. Many felt that it was important that ASAE members be encouraged to become aware of the issues and vote. Concerns were raised that if people became advocates that it would encourage efforts against the name change and the issue could become divisive and harm ASAE.
ASAE was interested in establishing a process to develop research priorities. Derrel Martin, Ramesh Kanwar, Brad Rein and Loren Bode volunteered to serve as a committee to develop the process for soliciting and developing research priorities.
Roy Young moved, seconded by Van Kelley, that Ramesh Kanwar be elected secretary for NCA-16 by acclimation. The motion passed. NCA-16 officers for 2003-2004 are:
K.C. Ting, Chair
Kevin Janni, Vice-chair
Ramesh Kanwar, Secretary
It was moved and seconded that the 2004 NCA-16 meeting be held in Columbus, OH, in October 2004. The motion passed.
It was moved and seconded that the name of NCA-16 be changed from Agricultural Engineering to Biological and Agricultural Engineering. The motion passed. A letter requesting the name change needs to be sent to NCRA.
NCA-16 Chair, Ron Schuler reminded people about the proposed Biological and Agricultural Department Chairs/Heads Retreat in March 2004 in Florida. Specific date and agenda information is not available yet. Several agenda topics were discussed.
Margaret Dentine requested that everyone review the NCA-16 membership information on the NRCA web site and submit changes needed.
NCA-16 members expressed appreciation to Ron Schuler for chairing and organizing the 2003 NCA-16 meeting.
The NCA-16 business meeting was adjourned.
NCA-16 reviewed eight multi-state projects, including three mid-term reviews and two extensions/renewals. NCA-16 recommended that two new committees be established and identified people to prepare NCT proposals. Numerous pressing issues and topics of common interest were discussed. A name change for NCA-16 was recommended.