SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Participants: Dale Vanderholm (AA, NCA-16), Loren Bode (IL), Vincent Bralts (IN), Glenn Hoffman (NE), Kevin A. Janni (MN), Ramesh Kanwar (IA), Van Kelley (SD), James Koelliker (KS), Ron Schuler (WI), Don Slack (AZ), Ajit Srivastava (MI), Earl Stegman (ND), Jinglu Tan (MO), K.C. Ting (OH), Mike Walter (NY), Fredrick Wheaton (MD), Roy Young (PA) William H. Brown (AA, SRAC-5), Ronald L. Elliott (OK), Clifford A. Flood, Jr. (AL), Richard S. Gates (KY), Godfrey A. Gayle (NC), Jerome A. Gilbert (MS), Wendy D. Graham (FL), Daniel L. Thomas (LA), E. Dale Threadgill (GA), Lalit R. Verma (AR), Ronald E. Yoder (TN), James H. Young (NC) Ivan Graff (CSREES), Richard Hegg (CSREES), Melissa Moore (ASAE), Brad Rein (CSREES), Daniel Schmoldt (CSREES), Bryan Shaw (on leave from Texas A&M at CSREES), Lyle Stephens (ASAE)

Roy Young: NCA-16 needs to review a number of NC projects. We may review several of them together with SRAC-05 before breaking up.

NCR-101 Controlled Environment Technology and Use reported by Ramesh Kanwar.
Discussion: This is one of the best run projects including participants from experiment stations, industry, and NASA. They met in England in 2001 and will meet in Australia in 2004. They received a $10,000 funding from USDA and seven travel grants from NASA. They have submitted a $35,000 grant proposal to NSF. There are a good number of engineers participating on the project. The website is good.
Recommendation: To approve/continue.

NCR-197 Agricultural Safety and Health Research reported by Jim Koelliker.
Discussion: The participants consist of equal number of researchers and Extension specialists. They have received a $20,000 grant from USDA to develop research agenda for agricultural safety and health. The report is still in draft form. The concern is that research should be important activities but most participants are not researchers. Historically, agricultural safety and health has a strong Extension emphasis. There is a need to work with academic department heads to discuss how to carry out research in this area. Most participants were not used to multi-state committee research programs. The agricultural and biological engineering group is the group for safety and health; therefore, we should support the work in this area. This work is important to Iowa State. It is more than just the tractor safety. It also includes biosecurity. They train the first responder to the biosecurity events. Ohio State has a very strong group already assigned to be the contact for biosecurity for the college. The project committee needs to be broadened to address homeland security and biosecurity. Texas A&M endorses this project very strongly. This project is to be rewritten for another five years starting October 1, 2004; therefore, there will be another opportunity to review this project. Ergonomics should be included. There are opportunities to increase visibility of this project. Educational delivery is an important issue in biosecurity. Extension is not excluded in multi-state projects depending on the topic and activities. The health side of the activities needs to be added. We should make a suggestion to include other important issues, especially research areas, and bring new people in. A different committee needs to be started on rural health and not to try to make this project open up for non-traditional people.
Recommendation: To continue the project with revision. Kevin Janni, Loren Bode, Ramesh Kanwar, and Vince Bralts have been appointed to draft opinions for revision of the project.

NC-213 Marketing and Delivery of Quality Cereals and Oilseeds reported by K.C. Ting.
Discussion: A formal report of the review is needed. A renewal project proposal (for October 2003-September 2008) entitled Management of Grain Quality and Security for World Markets was reviewed.
Recommendation: To approve/continue.

NC-136 Improvement of Thermal and Alternative Processes for Food reported by Kevin Janni.
Discussion: A formal report on the mid-term review is needed. There are four general objectives. They have good publications, good research, and good project reports.
Recommendation: To approve/continue.

NC-94 Impact Climate and Soils on Crop Selection and Management reported by Loren Bode.
Discussion: They had a series of papers for ASAE meetings. They have been a data collection group for a long time and are getting ready to do something about the data.
Recommendation: To approve/continue.

NCR-9 Midwest Plan Service reported by Ron Schuler.
Discussion: Many Extension directors decided not to fund this project. The Board of Directors of MWPS developed a proposal to go to the Extension directors with three options: (1) asking for 50% of the original funding based on number of farmers in each state, (2) only four states pay, since every state, except four states, has indicated not to support, (3) stop operation on June 30, 2005, and (4) stop operation on June 30, 2006.

Recommendation: A motion was made by Vince Bralts and seconded by Loren Bode to continue support with option 1 using resources from Extension directors. The result of voting is nine for, two against, and five abstention.

NCR-180 Site Specific Management reported by Glenn Hoffman.
Discussion: The project is eight years old. There were 12 industry representatives at the 2003 meeting at the University of California-Davis. A publication Application of GIS in Agriculture is to be formulated. The North Carolina State University has a web based course material with contributions from at least a dozen of schools.
Recommendation: To approve/continue.
Note: A new administrative advisor will be needed to replace Glenn Hoffman for this project. NCA-16 can recommend or express interest.

NCR-189 Air Quality Issues Associated with Animal Facilities reported by Jinglu Tan.
Discussion: The project was recently renewed. They had a meeting with S-291 and it was not well attended. No report from their meeting yet. The group is not active to show vitality. This group will struggle a little bit until Federal funding becomes available. This project started with a big ban (over 100 participants at its first meeting), but has been fading down.
Recommendation: To approve/continue.

NCS-5 Water Quality Research Strategy and Coordination reported by Earl Stegman.
Discussion: There was no activity in 2002. There is a role for this committee to play but it needs right people to take the leadership. There were a lot of activities during earlier days, such as developing guidelines and conducting briefings with congressional aids. The core group is still there, but there is just no real task at this time. (note: They were given a February 2002 deadline to rewrite.) To continue the committee needs to develop a vision. Another water quality committee is going to get underway. NCT-193, formerly NCR-195, Watershed Nutrient Sources and Management as Related to Water Quality will meet in Kansas City on April 4-5, 2003.
Recommendation: It was moved by Glenn Hoffman and seconded by Earl Stegman, that NCS-5 be terminated and a new NCT committee formed to study what needs to be addressed and write a proposal within one year. The motion was passed by voice vote.

NCA-16 officer election results (moved by Roy Young, seconded by Loren Bode, and passed by voice vote): Ron Schuler, Chair; K.C. Ting, Vice Chair; and Kevin Janni, Secretary.

Next meeting date and site (moved by Jim Koelliker, seconded by Vince Bralts, and passed by voice vote): October 2003 in Wisconsin.

Loren Bode moved to approve NCA-16 October 2001 meeting minutes as corrected. It was seconded by Ajit Srivastava and passed by voice vote.

Dale Vanderholm noted that NCA-16 will need a new administrative advisor.


Accomplishments and Impacts: The committee reviewed nine North Central multi-state projects, including a renewal proposal and a mid-term review, and made recommendations. The committee also discussed interests, concerns, and collaborative opportunities among all participating states. This annual meeting had very informative presentations from various Federal agencies including CSREES, EPA, NIH (NIBIB), NSF, NASA, DOE, NIST, and USDA-NRE. NASULGC also made a presentation at the meeting.



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