SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information

  • Project No. and Title: NCAC12 : Agricultural Economics
  • Period Covered: 11/01/2001 to 11/01/2002
  • Date of Report: 12/23/2002
  • Annual Meeting Dates: 11/07/2002 to 11/08/2002


The agenda included:
*Trends in undergrad enrollment and dept initiatives to increase enrollment
*Sharing information re distance courses being offered at institutions
*A review of multistate research projects
*Report from CSREES and Administrative Adviser
*Reports from NCRCRD and Farm Foundation
*Discussion of opportunities for cross-state sharing of extension programs
*A review of the impacts being made by the programs within the region
*Sharing names of potential graduate students
*Review of opportunities to increase competitive funding for ag economics�


1. There is good cooperation across the region for the Distance Ed Masters in
Agribusiness programs at Kansas State and Purdue (as opposed to competing with each other).
2. Ag economist from the region had a large impact on the discussions and analysis that went into the development of the new Farm Bill.
3. Ag economists from the region are sought out for input (both state and national)on rural economic development issues.
4. Michigan State has an exemplary educational program for new legislators and new county commissioners.
5. Most states have redirected/redeployed faculty effort in support of Value-Added initiatives in the various states.
6. Departments are making much more effective use of the Web in delivering programs and content to clientele.
7. The NCRCRD and Kansas State are developing a Distance Ed course in Rural Economic Development.�



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