SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Baker, John - Michigan; Hahn, Ned - Illinois; Reynolds, Don - Iowa; Roberson, Don - Kansas; Saif, Mo - Ohio; Stromberg, Bert - Minnesota; Zeman, David - South Dakota; Adams, Garry - Texas, Guest; Cunningham, Gary - USDA, CSREES; Dickerson, Harry - Georgia, Guest; Fenwick, Brad -USDA, CSREES; Gelberg, Howard - Oregon, Guest; Habtemariam, Tsegage - Georgia, Guest; Johnson, Peter - USDA, CSREES; Klei, Tom - Louisiana, Guest ; Malayer, Jerry - Oklahoma, Guest; Morris, Dave - USDA, CSREES; Otto, Ralph -USDA, CSREES; Palmisano, Anna - USDA, CSREES; Post, Mark - USDA, CSREES; Quaeshi, Marquarrab -USDA, CSREES; Saperstein, George - Massachusetts, Guest; Smith, Robert - USDA, CSREES; Torrence, Mary - USDA, CSREES;

Recommendations on North Central Projects took place as a conference call in Jabuary 21, 2004. Projects included NCR-57 (NC_temp1284), NC-229 (NC_temp 1088) and NC-228 (NC_temp1087). All three projects were recommended.

THe formal meeting took place in Washington, DC on March 10 and 11, 2004. The minutes are attached.


Reviewed the three projects assigned by NCRA, MRC



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