SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information

  • Project No. and Title: NCAC14 : Plant Pathology
  • Period Covered: 10/01/2012 to 09/01/2013
  • Date of Report: 02/14/2014
  • Annual Meeting Dates: 02/04/2014 to 02/05/2014


Terry Niblack (Ohio State) <br> Jim Bradeen (Minnesota) <br> Jim English (Missouri) <br> Jim Steadman (Nebraska) <br> Thomas Baum (Iowa State) <br> Jack Rasmussen (North Dakota State)<br> Peter Goldsbrough (Purdue) <br> Sandy Pierson (Texas A&M) <br> John Leslie (Kansas State) <br> John Sherwood (Georgia)<br> Caitlyn Allen (Wisconsin) <br> Steve Slack (Ohio State, committee administrator) <br> Lawrence Datnoff (Louisiana State) <br> Phil Mulder (Oklahoma State)<br> Tom Mitchell (Ohio State, representing APS Office of Education) <p> <b>Unable to attend:</b> <p> Ray Hammerschmidt (Michigan State)<br> Rick Bennett (Arkansas)

Please see complete minutes which includes state reports in the attached document.




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