SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: NCR197 : Agricultural Safety and Health Research
- Period Covered: 01/01/2002 to 12/01/2002
- Date of Report: 01/02/2003
- Annual Meeting Dates: 11/06/2002 to 11/07/2002
The National Land Grant Research and Extension Agenda for Agricultural Safety and Health has been drafted and is undergoing final revisions prior to publication. This document was the focus of the committees activities and will impact the national effort to reduce injuries and illnesses suffered by agricultural workers, their families, and others exposed to agricultural hazards. The Agenda draws on the strengths of the land grant system and will provide coordination and legitimacy to future research and Extension efforts, with the overall goal of expanding and enhancing such efforts.
Plans in the coming year include publication and broad distribution of the Agenda, promotion of the Agenda through presentations at national conferences and published articles, and publication of a list of land grant faculty and staff involved in work related to agricultural safety and health.
Plans in the coming year include publication and broad distribution of the Agenda, promotion of the Agenda through presentations at national conferences and published articles, and publication of a list of land grant faculty and staff involved in work related to agricultural safety and health.
None to date; see "Accomplishments and Impacts" section