SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


See meeting minutes.


At the 2003 NCR-193 meeting, state reports by plant pathologists were alternated with reports by entomologists, which stimulated interdisciplinary discussion, and illustrated topics where collaboration among plant pathologists and entomologists will be essential to solving plant health challenges in ornamental landscapes and urban forests. Coordination of research objectives to address these knowledge gaps was discussed, as were collaborative, interstate projects, including development of a multi-state, interdisciplinary research proposal that was subsequently submitted to USDA NCR IPM program on 17 October 2003 to USDA NCR-IPM Program: Induction of systemic resistance to diseases and insects in woody plants by soil amendment with select composts and microorganisms. $100,000. Adams, G.C. (Michigan State University), D.A. Herms (Ohio State University/OARDC), P. Bonello (Ohio State University), R. Hammerschmidt (Michigan State University), R.E. Shutzki (Michigan State University). USDA NCR-IPM Program.

Members provided updates on the status of surveys, research, and outreach projects for the following invasive insects and pathogens:
 Gypsy moth in Indiana, Illinois, New York, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Ohio.
 Viburnum leaf beetle in New York and Ohio.
 Emerald ash borer in Michigan and Ohio.
 Hemlock woolly adelgid in New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.
 Elongate Hemlock scale in Pennsylvania.
 Asian longhorn beetle in Illinois and New York.
 European pine shoot beetle in Illinois.
 Asian ambrosia beetles in Illinois.
 Sudden oak death in Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, and Washington.
 Powdery mildew and anthracnose of dogwood in Michigan and Kentucky.
 Sphaeropsis tip blight in Michigan.

A final draft of the North Central Regional publication IPM of Midwest Landscapes was distributed and reviewed. The manual, was produced with multi-state cooperation, including chapters authored by six members of NCR-193 and edited by Vera Krischik, University of Minnesota. The manual will go to press in late 2003 or early 2004, and orders for purchase of the manual are currently being solicited through the office of Dr. Susan T. Ratcliffe, North Central IPM Facilitator, University of Illinois.

Progress on the following on-going inter-state NCR-193 research collaborations was reported:
 Host plant resistance of ash to emerald ash borer, Ohio State University (Dan Herms and Enrico Bonello) and Michigan State University (Dave Smitley).
 Conservation biological control of pine needle scale, Purdue University (Cliff Sadof) and University of Illinois (Larry Hanks).
 DNA identification of the Sphaeropsis tip blight pathogen, Michigan State University (Gerry Adams), University of Kentucky (John Hartman), and Ohio State University (Enrico Bonello).
 Extraction and identification of bacterial leaf scorch, University of Kentucky (John Hartman) and Rutgers University (Ann Gould).
 Isolation of 20 Cytospora canker isolates. Colorado State University (Bill Jacobi) and University of Kentucky (John Hartman).
 Molecular probes and evaluation of resistance of Douglas-fir to needlecast diseases. Washington State University (Gary Chastanager) and Michigan State University (Gerry Adams).
On the second day of the meeting, two programs were organized for attendees including a field trip to Willoway Nursery in Avon Ohio, and an eriophyid mite workshop conducted at OARDC. The field trip to Willoway Nursery, the largest nursery in Ohio, was organized by Harry Hoitink, and focused on nursery operations, their IPM program, and plant pathology research projects being conducted on site. The eriodphyid mite workshop was conducted by Dr. Rayanne Lehman, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, who is a world authority on the group. The hands-on workshop focused on the identification, diagnosis, and management of this difficult group of nursery and landscape pests.

Most NCR-193 entomologists remained in Wooster following the meeting (September 10-12) to participate in the associated Woostock research conference on Ecology and Management of Arthropod Pests of Woody Ornamental Plants (organized by Dave Shetlar and Dan Herms, Ohio State University). The conference included invited and submitted papers, as well as a field trip to Michigan on September 11 to tour the emerald ash borer infestation and research projects.

Goals for 2004 include continuation of ongoing collaborative inter-state projects currently underway, as well as development of grant proposals for new inter-state projects discussed at the 2003 meeting, including projects including emerald ash borer and sudden oak death.


  1. Our meetings promote awareness of regional and inter-regional arthropod and disease pest problems and research efforts to understand their potential impact and develop mitigation tactics and strategies. Particular focus on exotic pests such as emerald ash borer, Asian longhorned beetle, dogwood anthracnose, and sudden oak death has resulted in timely research and outreach programs for these invasive species.
  2. Our meetings have fostered communication and facilitated interactions of entomologists and phytopathologists throughout the country. The email list server, "Ornaent," that promotes sharing of questions and answers among subscribers is maintained at Colorado State University, and is a direct outcome of NCR-193 interactions.
  3. Collaboration of members will soon result in publication of "IPM of Midwest Landscapes," a comprehensive field guide to managing arthropod pests that threaten the health and esthetics of woody plants. Interstate and interdisciplinary grant proposals have been developed by committee members.
  4. Committee members have collaborated to develop annual, Plant Health Care (PHC) workshops and other inter-state outreach programs for green industry professionals. Information exchange at this venue and at our annual meeting enhance each of our outreach programs.
  5. Planning within our group contributes to individual program definition, coordination of research objectives, and minimizes duplication of effort and sharpens our critical thinking about priority research and technology issues.


Adams GC. 2003. Beech Bark Disease in Michigan: Mapping the occurrence and spread of an invasive exotic disease, Pgs 19-20. In: Nursery and Landscape Research Projects and Educational Programs 2003. Michigan State University Extension. 58 pgs.

Adams GC. 2003. Pathogens in ponds and recirculated irrigation systems in Michigan nurseries: the Phytophthora water molds, Pgs 15-16. In: Nursery and Landscape Research Projects and Educational Programs 2003. Michigan State University Extension. 58 pgs.

Adams GC. 2003. Protecting Michigan forests from the introduction of Sudden Oak Wilt, Pgs 21-22. In: Nursery and Landscape Research Projects and Educational Programs 2003. Michigan State University Extension. 58 pgs.

Ambruzs, B., and Gleason, M.L. 2003. Leaf spot and melting out of turfgrass. SUL-13, ISU Extension, 4 pp.

Blodgett, J. T., P. Bonello, and G. R. Stanosz. 2003. An effective medium for isolating Sphaeropsis sapinea from asymptomatic pines. Forest Pathology 33, 395-404.

Blodgett, J.T., and P. Bonello. 2003. The aggressiveness of Sphaeropsis sapinea on Austrian pine varies with isolate group and site of infection. Forest Pathology 33:15-19.

Blodgett, J.T., P. Bonello, and D.A. Herms. 2003. Fertilization decreases resistance of red pine to the Sphaeropsis canker pathogen. Phytopathology 93 (6 Supplement):S9.

Bonello, P. 2003. Current perspectives on honeylocust knot. The Buckeye, May 2003:32-35.

Bonello, P., M. Bellizzi, and H.A.J. Hoitink. 2003. Update on honeylocust knot. Wooster, OH: Ohio State University/Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Special Circular 189: 69-72.

Brazee, R.D., R.C. Derksen, C.R. Krause, K.A. Williams, D. Lohnes, M.G. Klein, M. Reding, R. Lyons, W. Hendricks, R. Zondag, R.D. Fox, and D.A. Herms. 2003. The USDA / Agricultural Research Service Research Weather Network in Lake County, Ohio  2002 Update. In: J.A. Chatfield, J.F. Boggs, E.A. Draper, and P.J. Bennett, eds. Ornamental Plants: Annual Reports and Research Reviews 2002, pp. 145-148. OARDC / OSU Extension Special Circular 189, 172 pp.

Changa C.M., Wang, P, Watson, M.E., Hoitink, H.A.J. and Michel, Jr. 2003. Assessment of the reliability of a commercial maturity test kit for composted manures. Compost Sci.& Util. 11:125-143.

Cloyd, R. A., and C. S. Sadof 2003. Seasonal abundance and the use of an action threshold for western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), in a cut carnation, Dianthus caryophyllus L. greenhouse. HortTechnology 13:497-500.

Cranshaw, W.S. 2003. Managing Houseplant Pests. Colorado State Extension Fact Sheet 5.595. (

Cranshaw, W.S. and D.A. Leatherman. 2003. Ips Beetles. Colorado State Extension Fact Sheet 5.558. (

Edmunds, B.A., and Gleason, M.L. 2003. First report of petiole rot of Pulmonaria longifolia caused by Sclerotium rolfsii var. delphinii. Plant Disease 87:15.

Edmunds, B.A., and Gleason, M.L. 2003. Overwinter survival of Sclerotium rolfsii var. delphinii in Iowa. Plant Health Progress. doi:10.1094/PHP-2003-1201-01-RS.

Edmunds, B.A., Flynn, P.F., and Gleason, M.L. 2003. Hosta takeover: A plant disease management case study. Plant Health Instructor: Accepted.

Edmunds, B.A., Gleason, M.L., and Wegulo, S.N. 2003. Resistance of hosta cultivars to Sclerotium rolfsii var. delphinii crown rot. HortTechnology 13:302-305.

Edmunds, B.E., and Gleason, M.L. 2003. Overwinter survival of Sclerotium rolfsii var. delphinii in Iowa. Phytopathology (Abstract) 93:S22-23.

Edmunds, B.E., Gleason, K.I., and Gleason, M.L. 2003. First report of Pulmonaria longifolia and Astilbe arndsii as hosts of Sclerotium rolfsii var. delphinii. Phytopathology (Abstract) 93:S23.

Flowers, J., J. Hartman, and L. Vaillancourt. 2003. Detection of Latent Sphaeropsis sapinea Infections in Austrian Pine Tissues Using Nested Polymerase Chain Reaction. Phytopathology 93:1471-1477.

Gill, S.A., R.Reeser, M.Raupp, J. Lutz, P. Shrewsbury, and S. Klick. 2003. Taking control. American Nurseryman. 209:30-33.

Gleason, M.L. 2003. Whats in a name? Convoluted common names for hosta diseases. HostaScience 2:32-35.

Gleason, M.L., and Helland, S.J. 2003. Botrytis. Pp. 144-148 in: Encyclopedia of Rose Science, Elsevier, Oxford, U.K.

Glynn, C., D.A. Herms, M. Egawa, R. Hansen, and W.J. Mattson. 2003. Effects of nutrient availability on dry matter allocation, and constitutive and induced insect resistance of poplar. Oikos 101:385-397.

Hale, F. A. and J. F. Grant. 2003. SP609. Insect Defoliators of Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. The University of Tennessee, Agricultural Extension Service.

Held, D.W. and D.A. Potter. 2003. Characteristics of rose cultivars, Rosa spp., that affect susceptibility to the Japanese beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). J. Econ. Entomol. In Press.

Held, D.W. and D.A. Potter. 2003. Characterizing toxicity of Pelargonum spp. and two other reputedly toxic plant species to Japanese beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Environ. Entomol. 32: 873-880.

Held, D.W. and D.A. Potter. 2003. Floral affinity and consequences of flower-feeding and diet mixing by the Japanese beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Oecologia. Submitted, In Revision.

Held, D.W., P. Gonsiska, and D.A. Potter. 2003. Evaluating Companion Planting and Non-host Masking Odors for Protecting Roses from the Japanese Beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 96: 81-87.

Herms, D.A. 2003. A biological calendar for predicting pest activity: six years of plant and insect phenology in Secrest Arboretum. In: J.A. Chatfield, J.F. Boggs, E.A. Draper, and P.J. Bennett, eds. Ornamental Plants: Annual Reports and Research Reviews 2002, pp. 40-49. OARDC / OSU Extension Special Circular 189, 172 pp.

Herms, D.A. 2003. Assessing options for managing gypsy moth. Pesticide Outlook 14(1):14-18.

Herms, D.A. 2003. Biology and management of bronze birch borer. Arborist News 12(3):13-15.

Herms, D.A. 2003. Research update: management of black vine weevil in nurseries. The Buckeye (publication of Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association). May 2003, pp. 18-23.

Herms, D.A. 2003. Understanding the biology and management of wood-borers. Part I: Flatheaded borers. Tree Care Industry 19(4):8-17.

Herms, D.A. 2003. Understanding the biology and management of wood-borers. Part II: Clearwing and roundheaded borers. Tree Care Industry 19(5):28-39.

Herms, D.A. 2003. Weighing in on scale: biology and management of magnolia scales. Magnolia, The Journal of the Magnolia Society 38(3):25-29.

Hoitink, H.A.J., Musselman, C.A., Moore, T.L. ,Horst. L.E.,Krause, C.R., Zondag, R.A. and Mathers, H. 2003. Biological suppression of foliar diseases of foliar diseases of ornamental plants with composted manures, biosolids, and Trichoderma hamatum 382. Ornamental Plants. Annual Reports and Research Reviews 2002. Jan. 2003. Special Research Circular 189. OARDC/OSU.p 50-56.

Hoitink, H.A.J., Nameth, S.T. and J.C.Locke. 2003. Control of Phytophthora and other major diseases of ericaceous plants. The Buckeye. Educational Update. June, 2003. p1-8.

Koehler, K.A., Edmunds, B.E., Gleason, M.L., and Wegulo, S.N. 2003. Testing an oxalic acid screening method for evaluating resistance of hosta (Hosta spp.) to Sclerotium rolfsii var. delphinii. Phytopathology (Abstract) 93:S46-47.

Krause, M.E., De Ceuster, T.J.J., Tiquia, S.M., Michel Jr., F.C. and Hoitink, H.A.J. 2003. Isolation and characterization of rhizobacteria from composts that suppress the severity of bacterial leaf spot of raddish. Phytopathology 93:1292-1300.

Kreuger, B. and D.A. Potter. 2003. Does Early-Season Defoliation of Crabapple (Malus sp.) by Eastern Tent Caterpillar Induce Resistance to Japanese Beetles? Kreuger, B. and D.A. Potter. J. Entomol. Sci. 38: 457-467.

LaForest, J.H., P. Bonello, and D.A. Herms. 2003. Effect of soil type and management on ectomycorrhizal colonization of Betula papyrifera. Phytopathology 93 (6 Supplement):S48.

Leeson, T.M. and D.A. Potter. 2003. Eastern tent caterpillar (Malacosoma americanum) literature having potential relevance to managing Mare Reproductive Loss Syndrome, pp. 120-125, In: Powell, D.G., A. Troppman, and T. Tobin (eds.). Proc. 1st Workshop on Mare Reproductive Loss Syndrome, Univ. KY, Lexington. SR-2003-1.

Lspez, R. and D.A. Potter. 2003. Biodiversity of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in golf course and lawn turf habitats in Kentucky. Sociobiology 42: 701-714.

Ma, R., P. Bonello, and D. F. Cipollini. 2003. Systemic expression of defense responses in Austrian pines induced by Sphaeropsis sapinea. Phytopathology 93 (6 Supplement):S55.

Martin, A., C. Sadof, P. Pecknold, L. Bode and S. Pearson 2003. Category 3a Ornamental Pest Control Indiana Commercial Pesticide Application Training Manual. Purdue Coop. Ext. Serv. Bull. PPP-3a. 60, pp.

Parry, D., D.A. Herms, and W.J. Mattson. 2003. Responses of an insect folivore and its parasitoids to defoliation-induced changes in aspen during a multi-year, experimental outbreak. Ecology. 84(7):1768-1783.

Potter, D.A. 2003. Managing insect pests of sport fields: Problems and prospects. Acta Horticulturae. In Press.

Raupp, M.J. and P. S. Shrewsbury. In press. Landscape ornamentals. In: Encyclopedia of Pest Management. (ed. D. Pimentel). Dekker Publishing.

Raupp, M.J. and P.M. Shrewsbury. 2003. The balance of nature unbalanced: CSI for EAB. Arborist News. 12:27-29.

Raupp, M.J., I. Mars, and G. d‘Eustachio. In press. Integrated approaches for managing the boxwood leafminer, Monarthropalpus flavus (Schrank). Acta Horticulturae.

Raupp, M.J., R. Webb, A. Szczepaneic, D. Booth, and R. Ahern. In press. Incidence, abundance, and severity of mites on hemlocks following applications of imidacloprid. J. Arboric.

Rebek, E. J. and C. S. Sadof 2003. Effects of Pesticide Applications on the Euonymus Scale (Homoptera: Diaspididae) and Its Parasitoid, Encarsia citrina (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) J. Econ. Entomol. 96:446-452.

Rogers, M.E. and D.A. Potter. 2003. Biology and conservation of Tiphia wasps, parasitoids of turf-infesting white grubs. Acta Horticulturae In Press.

Rogers, M.E. and D.A. Potter. 2003. Biology of Tiphia pygidialis (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae), a parasitoid of masked chafer (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) grubs, with notes on the seasonal occurrence of Tiphia vernalis in Kentucky. Environ. Entomol. Submitted, In Review.

Rogers, M.E. and D.A. Potter. 2003. Potential for sugar sprays and flowering plants to increase parasitism of white grubs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) by tiphiid wasps (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae). Environ. Entomol. In Press.

Rogers, M.E. and D.A. Potter. 2003. Behavior of the parasitic wasps Tiphia pygidialis and Tiphia vernalis in response to their respective white grub hosts. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. In Press.

Rogers, M.E. and D.A. Potter. 2003. Effects of spring imidacloprid application for white grub control on parasitism of Japanese beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) by Tiphia vernalis (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae). J. Econ. Entomol. In Press.

Rogers, M.E., T. Cole, S. Ramaswamy, and D.A. Potter. 2003. Behavioral changes in Japanese beetle and masked chafer grubs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) following parasitism by Tiphiid wasps (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae). Environ. Entomol. 32: 618-625.

Sadof, C. S., J. Neal, and R. A. Cloyd. 2003. Effect of variegation on phloem composition of Solenostemon scutellarioides (L.) and life history characteristics of Planococcus citri (Risso). Environ. Entomol. 32:463-469.

Stephens, M., D.W. Held, L.H. Townsend, C. Prater, and D.A. Potter. 2003. Timing of emergence of eastern tent caterpillars and management with reduced risk insecticides and treatment strategies, pp. 92-96, In: Powell, D.G., A. Troppman, and T. Tobin (eds.). Proc. 1st Workshop on Mare Reproductive Loss Syndrome, Univ. KY, Lexington. SR-2003-1.

Webb, R.A., J.R. Frank, and M.J. Raupp. 2003. Recovery of eastern hemlock from attack by hemlock woolly adelgid following treatment with imidacloprid. J. Arboric. 29: 298-302.

Weston, P. A. and E. R. Hoebeke. 2003. Spread of an introduced leaf beetle, Pyrrhalta viburni, in the northeast U.S. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 105(4): 889-895.
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