SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Academic: Viacheslav Adamchuk (NE); Paul Carter (ND); Bill Chancellor (CA); Jiyul Chang (SD); Lene Christensen (CA); Tom Colvin (IA, ARS); David Clay (SD); Glenn Davis (MO); Reza Ehsani (OH); Hamid Farahani (CO, ARS); Richard Ferguson (NE); Dave Fran-zen (ND); Bruce Hartsough (CA); Brian Heidman (CA); Ronnie Heiniger (NC); Glenn Hoffman (CSREES, NE); Susan Hubbard (CA); John Hummel (MO, ARS); Berlie Jahn (CA); Raj Khosla (CO); Dan Long (MT); Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer (IN); Neil McLaughlin (Ontario); Pete Nowak (WI); John Oliveira (CA); Eileen Perry (WA); Francis Pierce (WA); Richard Plant (CA); Pierre Robert (MN); Uriel Rosa (CA); Abilio Filho (CA); James Schepers (ARS, NE); Daniel Schmoldt (CSREES, DC); Larry Schwankl (CA); Stephen Searcy (TX); Clark Seavert (OR); John Shanahan (ARS, NE); Tim Stombaugh (KY); Rollin Strohman (CA); Kurt Thelen (MI); Lei Tian (IL); Shrini Upadhyaya (CA); Peter Waller (AZ); Lori Wiles (ARS, CO). Industry: John Ahlrichs (DigitalGlobe, CO); Daniel Bosch (Robert Mondavi Winery, CA); Colin Christy (Veris Technology, KS); Brian Hanley (KonnectWorld Inc., CA); Larry Hen-drickson (Deere & Co., IA); Ted Mayfield (NTech Ind., CA); Michael OConnor (In-tegriNautics Corp, CA); Ken Reed (Accenture, CA); Paul Reep (Milestone Tech, ID); John Reid (Deere & Co., IL); Bill Reinert (Precision Farming Enterprises, CA); William Rudolph (Midwest Tech., IL); Nyle Wollenahupt (SOILTEQ, MN).


Coordination of multidisciplinary research & technology transfer:

1. The ASA/CSSA/SSSA Precision Agriculture Working Group was created to update tri-society members regarding activities of NCR-180 committee members. The function of this ad hoc group has been taken over by a more formal relationship with Division A-8, Integrated Agricultural Systems. Members of NCR-180 have served as past-chair and current chair of A-8. Division A-8 sponsored or co-sponsored these symposia in 2003:

a. Sponsored

i. Variable N management of field crops--Nine presentations

ii. Precision Farming: Management of low-yielding areas in production fields--Six presentations

b. Co-sponsored

i. The role of remote sensing products in creation of management zones--Sixteen presentations

ii. Are management zones useful and practical in precision agriculture--Three presentations

iii. Management zones for agronomical and environmental management--Six presentations

2. NCR-180 members organized several initiatives within the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE). At the 2003 ASAE Annual Meetings in Las Vegas, NV, 95 precision agriculture-related papers were presented in these categories:

a. Remote sensing/imaging

i. Hyperspectral and Multispectral Imaging

ii. Vision Systems for Precision Agriculture

iii. Remote Sensing for Precision Agriculture - Parts 1-3

b. Sensors

i. Recent Advances in Instrumentation and Control

ii. Performance of Crop Yield Monitors for Precision Agriculture

iii. Soil Sensors in Precision Farming

c. Applications of Geophysical Methods in Agriculture (ground penetrating radar, electromagnetic induction, resistivity. etc.) - Parts 1 and 2

d. Variable Rate Technology to Support Precision Agriculture

e. Performance and Accuracy of GPS-Based Systems

f. Automated Guidance of Agricultural and Off-Highway Equipment

g. Using Precision Agricultural Technologies for Management Decision-Making

h. Educational Methodologies and New Technologies in Precision Agriculture

3. NCR-180 members are in the process of organizing the biennial International Preci-sion Agriculture Conference held in Minneapolis, MN. In 2002, 600 registrants heard more than 200 technical papers and posters in concurrent sessions on natural resource variability, management systems, management for crop quality, new applications from around the world, statistics, geostatistics, sampling, modeling, technology/sensors, technology/guidance systems, technology/yield monitoring, applications of remote sensing to precision agriculture, remote sensing/nitrogen management, remote sensing/pest detection and management, information management, profitability, environment, and technology transfer and curriculum.

4. A website hosting NCR-180 reports and meeting minutes can be found at


  1. Developed new protocols for the quantification and sampling of spatiotemporal variability
  2. Developed guidance for development of management zones for researchers and ag produers
  3. Developed remote sensing techniques and real-time soil sensors for producers
  4. Initiated a web-based educational curriculum and a visualization tool (VRML) for spatial datasets



Kostrzewski M., P. Waller, P. Guertin, J. Haberland, P. Colaizzi, E. Barnes, T. Thompson, T. Clarke, E. Riley, C. Choi. 2002. Ground-Based Remote Sensing of Water and Nitrogen Stress. (to be published in ASAE Transactions. Vol 45(6)).

Colaizzi, P.D., Barnes, E.M., Clarke, T.R., Choi, C.Y., and Waller, P.M. 2002. ?Estimating soil moisture under low frequence under low frequency irrigation.? ASCE Journal of Irri-gation and Drainage Engineering (in press).

Colaizzi, P.D., Barnes, E.M., Clarke, T.R., Choi, C.Y., and Waller, P.M. 2002. ?Water Stress Detection under High Frequency Irrigation.? ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (in press).

Heidman, B. C. , A.Z. Abidine, S. K. Upadhyaya, and D. H. Hills. 2002. Application of RTK GPS based auto-Guidance System in Agricultural production. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference in Precision Agriculture, July 14-17, Minneapolis, MN. (In Press).

Andrade, P., S. K. Upadhyaya, and B. Jenkins. Development of a Compaction Profile sensor. July 14-17, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference in Precision Agriculture, Minneapolis, MN. (In Press).

Rosa, U. A, S. K. Upadhyaya, P. Brown, and N. Bellallouri. 2002. Development of an Elec-tronic Weigh Bucket. ASAE Paper. 021049. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.

Andrade, P., S. K. Upadhyaya, B. Jenkins, and A.G.S. Filho. 2002. Evaluation of UC Davis Compaction Profile Sensor. ASAE Paper. 021185. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.


Farahbakhshazad, N., Mclaughlin, D., Dinnes, D.L., Jaynes, D.B., and Li, C. 2002. A site-specific evaluation of a crop-denitrification/decomposition model based upon a US Mid-western row-crop field. 6th Int. Conf. on Precision Agriculture. Minneapolis, MN July 14-17, 2002.

Jaynes, D.B., Kaspar, T.C., and Colvin, T.S. 2002. Comparison of techniques for defining yield potential zones in an Iowa field. Proc. 6th Intl. Conf. on Precision Agric. Minneapolis, MN July 14-17, 2002.


Bajwa, S.G., L. Tian. 2002. Multispectral CIR image calibration for cloud shadow and soil background influence using intensity normalization. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. Vol. 18 (5): 627-635.

Steward, B., L. Tian, L. Tang. 2002. Distance-based control system for machine vision-based selective spraying. Transactions of ASAE. Vol. 45(5) 1255-1262.

Tian, L. 2002. Sensor-based precision chemical application system. Journal of Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. Vol. 36 (2-3): 133-149.

Yao, H. L. Tian, L. Tang, K. Thorp. 2002. Corn Canopy Reflectance Study With A Real-Time High-Density Spectral-Image Mapping System. ASAE Paper number 023144, St. Joseph, MI.

Thorp, K., Tian, L.. 2002. Development of Vegetation Indices for Hyperspectral Data. ASAE Paper number 021077. St. Joseph, MI.

Yao, H. L. Tian, K. Thorp. 2002. Hyperspectral Imagery for Various Crop Growth Information Extraction. ASAE Paper number 021076, St. Joseph, MI.

Kaleita, A., L. Tian. 2002. Remote Sensing Of Site-Specific Soil Characteristics for Precision Farming. ASAE Paper number 021078, St. Joseph, MI.

Singh, M., M, R. Paulsen, L. Tian, H. Yao. 2002. Site-Specific Study of Corn Protein, Oil, and Extractable Starch Variability using NIT Spectroscopy. ASAE Paper number 021111. St. Joseph, MI.

Tang, L. 2002. Machine vision systems for real-time plant variability sensing and in-field application. Ph.D. dissertation, L. Tian, advisor.


Blumhoff, Greg K. "The Order 1 Soil Survey: Getting It Ready to Use," SSMC Newsletter, January, 2002.

Lowenberg-DeBoer, J. "Liability Problems for Autonomous Equipment?? SSMC Newsletter, February, 2002.

Blumhoff, Greg K. "Introduction to the Nuts and Bolts of Directed Crop Scouting With Remotely Sensed Data," SSMC Newsletter, March, 2002.

Blumhoff, Greg K. "A Comparison of Directed Crop Scouting and Traditional Sampling" SSMC Newsletter, April, 2002.

Colonna, Ignacio. "Comparison of Organic Matter Interpolated Maps from 0.5 and 2.5 Acre Grids Using Geostatistics," SSMC Newsletter, May, 2002.

Lowenberg-DeBoer, J. "Blocks vs. Strips for On-Farm Experimentation," SSMC Newsletter, June, 2002.

Blumhoff, Greg, and Chris Johannsen, ?Perspectives on the Application of Remote Sensing for Site-Specific Management,? SSMC Newsletter, July, 2002.

Mercuri, Pablo, ?Agricultural Terrain Analysis Using Remote Sensing Derived Elevations,? SSMC Newsletter, August, 2002.

Lowenberg-DeBoer, J., ?Zero Rates in Site-Specific On-Farm Trials,? SSMC Newsletter, September, 2002.

Lowenberg-DeBoer, J. and Rodolfo Bongiovanni, ?The Status of Site-Specific Crop Response,? SSMC Newsletter, October, 2002.

Urcola, Hernan, and J. Lowenberg-DeBoer, ?What questions should be asked about Yield Monitor Use for Hybrid and Variety Selection?? SSMC Newsletter, November, 2002.

Lowenberg-DeBoer, J., ?Will Farmers Chose Precision Farming or Convenience Agriculture?? SSMC Newsletter, December, 2002.

Adamchuk, V.I., M.T. Morgan and D.R. Ess. 03/12/02. System and method for automated measurement of soil pH. U.S. Patent #6,356,830.

Brouder, S.M., M. Thom, V.I. Adamchuk and M.T. Morgan. Potential uses of ion-selective K electrodes in soil fertility management. Comm. Soil Sci. Plan Anal. (in press)

Adamchuk, V.I., M.T. Morgan, and J. M. Lowenberg-DeBoer. A Model for Agro-Economic Analysis of Soil pH Mapping. Precision Agriculture.(accepted)

Ess, D.R., S. Fountas, J. Lowenberg-DeBoer, S.E. Hawkins, and S. B. Blackmore. Information source preferences in precision agriculture. ASA Abstracts 2003, Indianapolis, IN, Nov. 10-15, 2002.

S. Fountas, S.E. Hawkins, D.R. Ess, and S. B. Blackmore. Farm management decision analysis. ASA Abstracts 2003, Indianapolis, IN, Nov. 10-15, 2002.

S. Fountas, D.R. Ess, S.E. Hawkins, and S. B. Blackmore. Precision agriculture information systems. ASA Abstracts 2003, Indianapolis, IN, Nov. 10-15, 2002.

Ess, D.R., S. Fountas, J. Lowenberg-DeBoer, S.E. Hawkins, and S. B. Blackmore. Information source preferences in precision agriculture. ASA Abstracts 2003, Indianapolis, IN, Nov. 10-15, 2002.

S. Fountas, S.E. Hawkins, D.R. Ess, and S. B. Blackmore. Farm management decision analysis. ASA Abstracts 2003, Indianapolis, IN, Nov. 10-15, 2002.

S. Fountas, D.R. Ess, S.E. Hawkins, and S. B. Blackmore. Precision agriculture information systems. ASA Abstracts 2003, Indianapolis, IN, Nov. 10-15, 2002.

Bullock, David, J. Lowenberg-DeBoer and Scott Swinton, ?Adding Value to Spatially Man-aged Inputs by Understanding Site-Specific Yield Response?, Agricultural Economics 27(2002) p. 233-245.

Lambert, D.; Lowenberg-DeBoer, J.; and R. Bongiovanni. 2002. ?Spatial Regression, an Alternative Statistical Analysis for Landscape Scale On-farm trials: Case Study of Variable Rate N Application in Argentina.? Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Precision Agriculture. Minneapolis, MN.

Bongiovanni, Rodolfo, and J. Lowenberg-DeBoer, "Economics of Nitrogen Response Vari-ability over Space and Time: Results from the 1999-2001 Field Trials in Argentina," Pro-ceedings of the 6th International Precision Agriculture Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 2002

Bongiovanni, R., and J. Lowenberg-DeBoer. 2001. ?Precision Agriculture and Sustainability.? VII Congreso de Maíz, Pergamino, Argentina. November 7-9, 2001.

Lowenberg-DeBoer, J. and Harold Reetz, ?Phosphorous and Potassium Economics for the 21st Century,? Better Crops, Vol. 86 (2002, No. 1), p. 4-8.

Lowenberg-DeBoer, J., ?Economics of Site-Specific Management in Agronomic Crops?, XXIV Congresso Nacional de Milho e Sorgo, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil, September 2002.

Bongiovanni, Rodolfo, ?A Spatial Econometric Approach to the Economics of Site-Specific Nitrogen Management in Corn Production,? PhD Dissertation, Department of Agricul-tural Economics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2002.

Whipker, Linda, and Jay Akridge, ?Precision Agricultural Services: Dealership Survey Results.? Staff Paper No. 02-02, Center for Food and Agricultural Business, Purdue Univer-sity, West Lafayette, IN, USA, June, 2002. (, click on publications and scroll down).


Taylor, R. K., G. J. Kluitenberg, M. D. Schrock, N. Zhang, J. P. Schmidt, and J. L. Havlin. 2001. Using yield monitor data to determine spatial crop production potential. Trans. ASAE 44:1409-1414.

Wu, J., M. D. Ransom, M. D. Nellis, G. J. Kluitenberg, H. L. Seyler, and B. C. Rundquist. 2002. Using GIS to assess and manage the conservation reserve program in Finney County, Kansas. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 68:735-744.

Nivens, H., T. Kastens, K. Dhuyvetter, and A. Featherstone. ?Using Satellite Imagery in Predicting Kansas Farm Land Values.? Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 27,2:(December 2002):464-480.

Kastens, T.L., J.P. Schmidt, and K.C. Dhuyvetter. ?Yield Models Implied by Traditional Fertilizer Recommendations and a Framework for Including Non-traditional Informa-tion.? Soil Science Society of America Journal. 67,1:(January-February 2003):??-??.

Kastens, T.L., K.C. Dhuyvetter, and J.P. Schmidt. ?Combining Farm and University/Industry Information in Yield Models for Optimal Fertilizer Decisions.? Paper was presented by Kastens and published in the proceedings of the Sixth International Confer-ence on Precision Agriculture. Minneapolis, Minnesota. July 14-17, 2002.

Kastens, T.L., J.P. Schmidt, and K.C. Dhuyvetter. ?Yield Response Implied by Fertilizer Recommendations.? Paper was presented by Kastens and published in the proceedings of the 2002 Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference, Denver, Colorado, March 5-6, 2002. pp 53-60.

Staggenborg, S.A., and R.K. Taylor. 2002. A procedure to normlize soil EC across time and Space. Proceedings to the 6th International Conference on Precision Agriculture. July 14-17, 2002. Minneapolis, MN. In-Press.

Nathan E. Isaac, Randal K. Taylor, Scott A. Staggenborg, Mark D. Schrock, Dale Leikam. 2002. Using Cone Index Data to Explain In Field Yield Variation. 2002 ASAE Annual Meeting. Paper number 021094. ASAE. St. Joseph, MI.

Randal K. Taylor, Kevin C. Dhuyvetter, Terry L. Kastens, Scott A. Staggenborg. 2002. Using GPS Technology to Evaluate Combine Performance. 2002 ASAE Annual Meeting. Paper number 02194. ASAE. St. Joseph, MI.


Swinton, S.M., Y. Liu and N.R. Miller 2002. ?Is Yield Response Site-specific? Revisiting Nitrogen Recommendations on Corn.? Selected Paper, American Agricultural Econom-ics Association annual meeting, Long Beach, CA, July 28-31, 2002.

Swinton, S.M., Y. Liu, N.R. Miller, A.N. Kravchenko, and C.A.M. Laboski 2002. ?Corn Yield Response to Nitrogen: Does It Vary Site-specifically?? Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Precision Agriculture and Other Precision Resources Management. Minneapolis, July 14-17, 2002

Swinton, S.M., K.Q. Jones, R. Brook, N. Miller, O. Schabenberger, and D. Warncke 2002. ?Site-specific versus Whole-field Fertility and Lime Management in Michigan Soybeans and Corn.? Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Precision Agriculture and Other Precision Resources Management. Minneapolis, July 14-17, 2002. (Issued as Staff Paper 2002-16).

Miller, N.R., A.N. Kravchenko, and S.M. Swinton 2002. ?Accuracy of Soil Sampling Methods and Implications for Fertility Management and Crop Production in Michigan.? Pres-entation at the 6th International Conference on Precision Agriculture and Other Precision Resources Management. Minneapolis, July 14-17, 2002.

Kravchenko, A.N., K. D. Thelen, D.G. Bullock, and N. R. Miller. 2003. Relationship between crop grain yield, topography and soil EC studied with cross-correlograms. In review.
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