SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Olson, Kenneth (  South Dakota State University; Hess, Bret (  University of Wyoming; Endecott, Rachel (  Montana State University; ZoBell, Dale (  Utah State University; Scholljegerdes, Eric (  New Mexico State University; Lewis, Ron (  Virginia Tech; Ivey, Shanna (  New Mexico State University; Soto-Navarro, Sergio (  New Mexico State University; Mueller, Chad (  Oregon State University; Jim Sprinkle (  University of Arizona; Faulkner, Dan (  University of Arizona; Islam, Anowarm ( - University of Wyoming; Students Present: Colt Knight  graduate - Faulkner, University of Arizona; Francesa Melgar  undergraduate  Ivey, New Mexico State University; James Graves  graduate  Scholljegerdes, New Mexico State University; Clayton Gardner  graduate  Scholljegerdes, New Mexico State University; Leah Schmitz  graduate  Scholljegerdes, New Mexico State University; Katelin Marchetti  graduate  Ivey, New Mexico State University; Matt Crouse  undergraduate  Ivey, New Mexico State University; Allison Salazar  undergraduate  Ivey, New Mexico State University; Christopher Shelley  graduate  Ivey, New Mexico State University

W1012 met in Las Cruces, NM on October 15 to 17, 2013 at New Mexico State University. NIFA report: Government is shut down and looking for a continuing resolution to operate. Two different farm bills have been passed. One eliminated the food program. It will go to conference committee. The AFRI program is in deficit and the call this year may be for the next two years. Administrative Advisor report (Bret Hess): Impact statements are being developed. It is important that reports are filed for these impact statements. They are used heavily in Washington. This years report should include not only this year but also summarize the 5 years. The committee did not meet in FY 2013 so we need to document activities the last year. The renewal will be discussed later in the meeting. The fund balance for the committee is $14,864.61. Discussion of progress toward project objectives: Objective 1. Validation of the utility and repeatability of the alkane assay for measuring fecal output by grazing ruminant animal. Samples have been received by NM lab from Ron Lewis (VT) to evaluate the assay. Richard Waterman (USDA/ARS) is starting to work on the analysis. Ten test diets are being evaluated. Four locations at testing VT, USDA-ARS, Fort Keogh, NMSU. Two technicians per lab and two runs per technician. Three pure diets and defined mixtures of the three pure diets for a total of 10 diets. Ron Lewis discussed some of the challenges with the assay and the across lab validation. Smooth brome and switch grass are similar enough in alkane analysis to create problems. Red clover C29 alkane is so high that it over whelms the calculations for diet composition. Diagnostic Bi-plot separation can help tell the plants apart. Size of grind may be an issue for warm season grasses. We may need to develop standard samples and training procedures. The tool works and there is some error as expected. Predictions do not predict the presence of a forage if it is not present. We may also need to add in more markers (alcohols). We could also use nutrient content to help the analysis. The four sets of data will be combined an analyzed in the next year. This more complex than anticipated but progress is being made toward the objective. Progress is being made on the technique. We need to evaluate the additions of external markers (i.e. beeswax). VT is doing alcohols, NM is doing beeswax and titanium, WY has a metabolism experiment (metabolism and duedonal for flow comparisons) comparing titanium and beeswax with FT Keogh. These samples will be used to evaluate animal intake. Objective 2 Identify the shortcomings of the 1996/2000 beef NRC for cows grazing in Western rangeland environments. The group presented a symposium at the JAM 2013 in Indianapolis IN on July 8-12, 2013. It was a joint annual meeting of the ADSA-AMPA-ASAS-CSAS dealing with research and current issues in animal science. The symposium was well received and made the information available to the NRC committee. The two presentations have been prepared for publication as review papers and comments are back from the reviewers. The third is being prepared for submission. A member of this committee (Joel Caton) is part of the NRC and will share the information papers with the NRC committee. Station reports: Each station gave a brief update of ongoing research and future plans. The station reports are incorporated into the annual report. Project renewal: After reviewing the options for renewal, the committee decided to pursue a W renewal. Shana Ivey will be the chair of the writing committee. Other committee members include Ken Olson, Eric Scholljegerdes, Ron Lewis, and Rachel Endecott. Next meeting will be the day prior to the Western Section ASAS meeting On June 24. Chad Mueller will be the next secretary and Dan Faulkner will move up to the chair position. Grazing nutrition conference was discussed. The suggested steering committee will be Jack Whittier (chair), Mark Peterson (historian) , Richard Waterman (sponsorship), Eric Scholljegerdes (editor), Ken Olson (site coordinator), and Joel Caton (grants coordinator).


Accomplishments Objective 1 Virginia Tech (Ron Lewis) validate the utility and repeatability of the alkane assay for measuring fecal output by grazing ruminant animal. A validated n-alkane method is available for validation across laboratories in multiple states. A thesis has been completed and 3 abstracts have been presented as a result of the validation of the n-alkane method. (Milestone 2010 and 2013) By combining n-alkanes and long chain alcohols as plant-wax markers, the botanical composition of mixed diets varying in their fescue and red clover contents could be even more reliably predicted. Furthermore, using multivariate statistical analyses (principal components), the information value of individual markers to distinguish plants could be characterized. Two studies have been conducted using supplements treated with beeswax that were fed to cattle. In these studies actual feed intakes were measured and fecal output was estimated using a either titanium dioxide or chromium-EDTA. These two markers are commonly used and will allow the validation of n-alkanes as an alternative. (Milestone 2012) Ken Olson at SDSU submitted a grant proposal that was funded dealing with supplementation of range cows. In this study he will dose beeswax with the supplement and the animals will be fitted with fecal bags for validation of beeswax as an estimator of supplement intake. (Milestone 2012, 2011) In a collaboration of Virginia Tech, New Mexico State University, USDA-ARS (Fort Keogh), and CSIRO (Canberra, ACT, Australia), laboratory protocols were shared, and defined mixtures of Smooth Broome and Switchgrass (collected at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, Nebraska) and red clover (collected at the Shenandoah Valley Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Raphine, Virginia) were distributed, for a blind across-lab validation study. The laboratory analyses of these sample are underway. A portable Calan Broadbent Feeding System was built to administer plant-wax markers to individual cattle at pasture via their addition to a small quantity of feed supplement. Through the construct of the supplement  inclusion of cracked corn or rolled oats mixed with color dyes  fecal samples could also be connected to individual animals without need for their physical restraint. Objective 2 The group presented a symposium at the JAM 2013 in Indianapolis IN on July 8-12, 2013. It was a joint annual meeting of the ADSA-AMPA-ASAS-CSAS dealing with research and current issues in animal science. The symposium was well received and made the information available to the NRC committee. The two presentations have been prepared for publication as review papers and comments are back from the reviewers. The third is being prepared for submission. A member of this committee (Joel Caton) is part of the NRC and will share the information papers with the NRC committee 5th Grazing Livestock Nutrition Conference will be held in conjunction with JAM 2015. When the host city for JAM 2015 is identified then a venue will be chosen for this conference. (Milestone 2014) Objective 3: The members of W-1012 have published the following in 2012-13: 47 Referred journal articles 23 Abstracts and proceedings 10 Popular press articles 32 Extension bulletins and revisions Objective 4 A total of 28 graduate and undergraduate students have been advised and/or mentored by members of W-1012. Approximately 300 high school youth have participated in youth camps and field days Four ration balancing software trainings were conducted for 23 Montana State University Extension Agents Extension programs have reached over 2200 producers representing over 50% of the cowherd in New Mexico, Montana, and Arizona


  1. Nutritionists and practitioners will gain a better understanding of the shortcomings of the current NRC Beef Nutrition manual as a result of publishing 3 refereed publications addressing changes needed to the NRC to appropriately feed cattle on western rangelands. These publications are projected to be used by the new NRC committee as they develop the latest NRC revision. More accurate NRC models will lead to more optimal production practices.


REFEREED VIRGINIA TECH UNIVERSITY Vargas Jurado, N., A. E. Tanner, S. R. Blevins, H. M. McNair, R. W. Mayes, and R. M. Lewis. 2013. n-Alkanes and long-chain alcohols reliably estimate botanical composition in forage mixtures. Grass Forage Sci. (submitted) MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Endecott, R. L., R. N. Funston, J. T. Mulliniks, and A. J. Roberts. 2013. Implications of beef heifer development systems and lifetime productivity. J. Anim. Sci. 91:1329-1335. Mulliniks, J. T., M. E. Kemp, R. L. Endecott, S. H. Cox, A. J. Roberts, R. C. Waterman, T. W. Geary, E. J. Scholljegerdes, and M. K. Petersen. 2013. Does ²-hydroxybutyrate concentration influence conception date in young postpartum range beef cows? J. Anim. Sci. 91:2902-2909. Endecott, R. L., S. H. Cox, C. M. Rubio, C. A. Löest, D. E. Hawkins, and M. K. Petersen. 2012. Effects of supplements with increasing glucogenic precursor content on reproduction and nutrient utilization in young postpartum range cows. Livest. Sci. 145:109-118. Mulliniks, J. T., S. H. Cox, M. E. Kemp, R. L. Endecott, R. C. Waterman, D. M. VanLeeuwen, and M. K. Petersen. 2012. Relationship between body condition score at calving and reproductive performance in young postpartum cows grazing native range. J. Anim. Sci. 90:2811-2817. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Coleman, S., S. Gunter, J. Sprinkle, and J. Neel. 2013. Difficulties associated with predicting forage intake by grazing beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. Submitted. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY Noviandi, C. T., J.-S. Eun, M. D. Peel, B. L. Waldron, B. R. Min, D. R. ZoBell, and R. L. Miller. 2013. Effects of energy supplementation in pasture forages on in vitro ruminal fermentation characteristics in continuous cultures. Prof. Anim. Sci. (manuscript accepted (ID: PAS-13-01218) and in press) Noviandi, C. T., K. Neal, J.-S. Eun, M. D. Peel, B. L. Waldron, D. R. ZoBell, and B. R. Min. 2013. Effects of grass-legume mixed pasture forages with different composition ratios on microbial fermentation in continuous cultures. Prof. Anim. Sci. (manuscript accepted (ID: PAS-13-01259) and in press) Eun, J.-S., T. Z. Davis, J. M. Vera, D. N. Miller, K. E. Panter, and D. R. ZoBell. 2013. Addition of high concentration of inorganic selenium in grass hay does not interfere with microbial fermentation in mixed ruminal microorganisms in continuous cultures. Prof. Anim. Sci. 29: 3945. Noviandi, C. T., B. L. Waldron, J.-S. Eun, D. R. ZoBell, and M. D. Peel. 2012. Growth performance, ruminal fermentation profiles, and carcass characteristics of beef steers grazing tall fescue without or with nitrogen fertilization. Prof. Anim. Sci. 28:519527. Noviandi, C. T., R. E. Ward, D. R. ZoBell, R. D. Stott, B. L. Waldron, M. D. Peel, and J.-S. Eun. 2012. Fatty acid composition in adipose tissue of pasture- and feedlot-finished beef steers. Prof. Anim. Sci. 28:184193. Vera, J. M., A. H. Smith, D. R. ZoBell, A. J. Young, and J.-S. Eun. 2012. Effects of an exogenous proteolytic enzyme on growth performance of beef steers and in vitro ruminal fermentation in continuous cultures. Prof. Anim. Sci. 28:452463. NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY Arias, R. P., L. J. Unruh-Snyder, E. J. Scholljegerdes, A. N. Baird, K. D. Johnson, D. Buckmaster, R. P. Lemenager, and S. L. Lake. 2013. Effects of feeding corn modified-wet distillers grains plussolubles co-ensiled with chopped whole-plant corn on heifer growth performance, and diet digestibility in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 91:4366-4373. Dávila-Ramírez, J. L., U. Macías-Cruz, N. G. Torrentera- Olivera, H. González-Ríos, S. A. Soto-Navarro, R. Rojo-Campos, and L. Avendaño-Reyes. 2013. Effects of zilpaterol hydrochloride and soybean oil supplementation on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of hair-breed ram lambs under heat stress conditions. J. Anim. Sci. Submitted. Lodge-Ivey, S. L., L. N. Tracey, and A. Salazar. 2013. The utility of lipid extracted algae as a protein source in forage or starch-based ruminant diets. Journal of Animal Science. In press. Macías-Cruz, U., F. D. Álvarez-Valenzuela, S. A. Soto-Navarro, E. Águila-Tepato and L. Avendaño-Reyes. 2013. Effect of zilpaterol hydrochloride on feedlot performance, nutrient intake, and digestibility in hair-breed sheep. J. Anim. Sci. 91:1844-1849. Martínez-Pérez, M. F., D. Calderón-Mendoza, A. Islas, A. M. Encinias, F. Loya-Olguín, and S. A. Soto-Navarro. 2013. Effect of corn dry distiller grains plus solubles supplementation level on performance and digestion characteristics of steers grazing native range during forage growing season. J. Anim. Sci. 91:1350-1361. Mulliniks, J. T., D. E. Hawkins, K. K. Kane, S. H. Cox, L. A. Torell, E. J. Scholljegerdes, and M. K. Petersen. 2013. Metabolizable protein supply while grazing dormant winter forage during heifer development alters pregnancy and subsequent in-herd retention rate. J. Anim. Sci. 91: 1409-1416. Mulliniks, J. T., M. E. Kemp, R. L. Endecott, S. H. Cox, A. J. Roberts, R. C. Waterman, T. W. Geary, E. J. Scholljegerdes, and M. K. Petersen. 2013. Does ²-hydroxybutyrate concentration influence conception date in young postpartum range beef cows? J. Anim. Sci. 91: 2902-2909. Sanchez, P. H., L. N. Tracey, J and S. L. Lodge-Ivey. 2013. Propionibacterium acidipropionici P169 and glucogenic precursors to improve rumen parameters associated with low quality forage. Accepted Journal of Animal Science. Soto-Navarro, S. A., R. Lopez, C. Sankey, B. M. Capitan, B. P. Holland, L. A. Balstad, and C. R. Krehbiel. 2013. Comparative digestibility by cattle versus sheep: Effect of forage quality. J. Anim. Sci. Submitted. Arias, R. P., L. J. Unruh-Snyder, E. J. Scholljegerdes, A. N. Baird, K. D. Johnson, D. Buckmaster, R. P. Lemenager, and S. L. Lake. 2012. Effects of feeding corn modified wet distillers grain plus solubles co-ensiled with direct cut forage on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics and diet digestibility of finishing steers. J. Anim. Sci. 90:3574-3583. Beall, J. A., J. A. Gonzalez-Simental, S. Soto-Navarro, N. C. Flores and W. M. Fedio. 2012. The effect of calcium chloride on the microbiological characteristics of fermented chile pepper (Capsicum annuum cv. mesilla cayenne) mash. J. Agric. Sci. Tech. 17:1113-1118. Conway, L. K., D. M. Hallford, S. A. Soto-Navarro. 2012. Effects of wet corn gluten feed and yellow grease on digestive function of cattle fed steam-flaked corn-based finishing diets. Anim. Feed Sci. and Tech. 178:20-26. Kronberg, S. L., E. J. Scholljegerdes, E. J. Murphy, R. E. Ward, T. D. Maddock, and C. S. Schauer. 2012. Treatment of flaxseed to reduce biohydrogenation of ±-linolenic acid by ruminal microbes in sheep and cattle and increase n-3 fatty acid concentrations in red meat. J. Anim. Sci. 90:4618-4624. Lodge-Ivey, S. L., J. Petersen, and J. Browne-Silva. 2012. Effects of nordihydroguaiaretic acid on in vitro fermentation profiles of rumen bacteria. J. Anim. Sci. 90:4118-4125. Scholljegerdes, E. J., L. A. Lekatz, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2012. Effects of short-term oilseed supplementation on hormone production in beef cows. Animal (Accepted with revision). Soto-Navarro S. A., A. M. Encinias, M. L. Bauer, G. P. Lardy, and J. S. Caton. 2012. Feeding value of field pea as a protein source in forage based-diets fed to beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 90:585-591. USDA-ARS FORT KEOGH Waterman, R. C., V. L. Ujazdowski, and M. K. Petersen. Effects of rumen-protected methionine on plasma amino acid concentrations during a period of weight loss for late gestating heifers. Amino Acids. 43:2165-2177. 2012. Waterman, R. C., T. W. Geary, J. A. Paterson, and R. J. Lipsey. Early weaning in Northern Great Plains beef cattle production systems: I. Performance and reproductive response in range beef cows. Livestock Science. 148:26-35. DOI 10.1016/j.livsci.2012.05.004. 2012. Waterman, R. C., T. W. Geary, J. A. Paterson, and R. J. Lipsey. Early weaning in Northern Great Plains beef cattle production systems: II. Development of replacement heifers. Livestock Science. 148:36-45. DOI 10.1016/j.livsci.2012.04.020. 2012. Waterman, R. C., T. W. Geary, J. A. Paterson, R. J. Lipsey, W. R. Shafer, L. L. Berger, D. B. Faulkner, and J. W. Homm. Early weaning in Northern Great Plains beef cattle production systems: III. Steer weaning, finishing and carcass characteristics. Livestock Science. 148:282-290; DOI 10.1016/j.livsci.2012.06.024. 2012. Fouts, D. E., S, Szpakowski, J. Purushe, M. Torralba, R. C. Waterman, M. D. MacNeil, L. J. Alexander, and K. E. Nelson. Next Generation Sequencing to Define Prokaryotic and Fungal Diversity in the Bovine Rumen. PLoS ONE 7(11):e48289. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0048289. 2012. Jinks, E. M. M. F. Smith, J. A. Atkins, K. G. Pohler, G. A. Perry, M. D. MacNeil, A. J. Roberts, R. C. Waterman, L. J. Alexander, and T. W. Geary. Preovulatory estradiol and the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy in suckled beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 91:1176-1185. 2013. Mulliniks, J. T., M. E. Kemp, R. L. Endecott, S. H. Cox, A. J. Roberts, R. C. Waterman, T. W. Geary, E. J. Scholljegerdes, and M. K. Petersen. Does ²- Hydroxybutyrate concentration influence conception date in young postpartum beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 91:2902-2909. 2013. Mulliniks, J. T., R. C. Waterman, and T. W. Geary. Economics of early weaning in Northern Great Plains beef cattle production system. Agricultural Sciences. 4:219-223. 2013. Mulliniks, J.T., Mathis, C.P., Cox, S.H., Petersen, M.K. 2013. Supplementation strategy during late gestation alters steer progeny health in the feedlot without affecting cow performance. Feed Science and Technology 185:126-132. Mulliniks, J. T., J. E. Sawyer, C. P. Mathis, S. H. Cox and M. K. Petersen. 2012. Winter protein management during late gestation alters range cow and steer progeny performance. J Anim Sci. 90:5099-5106. Mulliniks, J. T., S. H. Cox, M. E. Kemp, R. L. Endecott, R. C. Waterman, D. M. VanLeeuwen and M. K. Petersen. 2012. Relationship between body condition score at calving and reproductive performancein young postpartum cows grazing native range. J Anim Sci 2012, 90:2811-2817. Mulliniks, J. T., D. E. Hawkins, K. K. Kane, S. H. Cox, L. A. Torell, E. J. Scholljegerdes,and M. K. Petersen. 2013. Metabolizable protein supply while grazing dormant winter forage during heifer development alters pregnancy and subsequent in-herd retention rate. J. Anim. Sci. 2013.91:14091416 Reeves, J.L., Derner, J.D., Sanderson, M.A., Petersen, M.K., Vermeire, L.T.,Hendrickson, J.R., Kronberg, S.L. 2013. Seasonal temperature and precipitation effects on cow-calf production in northern mixed-grass prairie. Livestock Science. 155:355-363. Reeves, J.L., Derner, J.D., Sanderson, M.A., Petersen, M.K, Vermeire, L.T., Hendrickson, J.R., Kronberg, S.L. 2013. Temperature and precipitation affect steer weight gains differentially by stocking rate in northern mixed-grass prairie. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 66(4):438-444. Reeves, J.L., Derner, J.D., Sanderson, M.A., Petersen, M.K, Vermeire, L.T., Hendrickson, J.R., Kronberg, S.L. 2014. Seasonal weather influences on yearling beef steer production in C3-dominated Northern Great Plains rangeland. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 183:110117. J. E. Sawyer, J. T. Mulliniks, R. C. Waterman and M. K. Petersen. 2012. Influence of protein type and level on nitrogen and forage use in cows consuming low-quality forage. J Anim Sc. 90:2324-2330. Wesley, Robert L., Andrés F. Cibils, J. Travis Mulliniks, Emily R. Pollak, Mark K. Petersen, Ed. L. Fredrickson. 2012. An assessment of behavioural syndromes in rangeland-raised beef cattle. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 139:183194. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING Islam, M.A., Obour, A.K., Saha, M.C., Nachtman, J.J., Cecil, W.K., and Baumgartner, R.E. 2013. Grain yield, forage yield, and nutritive value of dual-purpose small grains in the Central High Plains of the USA. Crop Management doi: 10.1094/CM-2012-0154-RS. Tracy, B., Albrecht, K., Flores, J., Hall, M., Islam, M.A., Jones, G., Lamp, W., MacAdam, J., Skinner, H., and Teutsch, C. 2013. Forage yield, weed suppression and fertilizer nitrogen replacement value (FNRV) of alfalfa-tall fescue mixtures. Grassland Science in Europe. 18:192-194. Islam, M.A., Obour, A.K., Krall, J.M., Cecil, J.T., and Nachtman, J.J. 2013. Performance of turfgrass under supplemental irrigation and rain-fed conditions in the Central Great Plains of USA. Grassland Science, 59, 111-119. Islam, M.A., Obour, A.K., Saha, M.C., Nachtman, J.J., and Baumgartner, R.E. 2013. Small grains have forage production potential and nutritive value in Central High Plains of Wyoming. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2013-0121-02-RS. Kimura, E. and Islam, M.A. 2012. Seed scarification methods and their use in forage legumes. Research Journal of Seed Science, 5, 38-50. PROCEEDINGS: VIRGINIA TECH UNIVERSITY Rutter, J. K., A. E. Tanner, and R. M. Lewis. 2013. Using n-alkanes to estimate herbage composition of a diet. Page 37 in 11th Annual Virginia Tech Undergraduate Research Conference, Blacksburg, VA. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY Noviandi, C. T., R. E. Ward, J.-S. Eun, D. R. ZoBell, R. D. Stott, B. L. Waldron, and M. D. Peel. 2013. Fatty acid metabolism on pasture- and feedlot-finished cattle. Pages 585586 in Proceedings, 22nd International Grasslands Congress, Sydney, Australia, New South Wales Department of Primary Industry, Kite St., Orange New South Wales, Australia. Saunders, C. S., M. S. Holt, J.-S. Eun, D. R. ZoBell, A. J. Young, and K. E. Nestor Jr. 2013. Growth performance and ruminal fermentation characteristics of growing beef steers fed brown midrib corn silage-based diet. Pages 344347 in Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, Bozeman, MT. Sieg, J. M., J.-S. Eun, D. R. ZoBell, and B. R. Min. 2012. Assessment of chestnut tannin extract supplementation on animal performance and ruminal fermentation profiles in feedlot finishing diets. Pages 3538 in Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, Phoenix, AZ. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING Islam, M.A., and Saha, M.C. 2013. Agronomic traits in tall fescue populations under irrigated and rain-fed conditions. Proceedings of the 22nd International Grassland Congress, September 15-19, 2013. Sydney, NSW, Australia (International Grassland Congress). Islam, M.A., Krall, J.M., Cecil, W.K., Nachtman, J.J., Baumgartner, R.E., Bandara, M., and Acharya, S. 2012. Fenugreek: A potential legume for multipurpose use. Proceedings of the 6th International Crop Science Congress, August 6-10, 2012. Bento Goncalves, RS, Brazil (International Crop Science Congress). Islam, M.A., Groose, R., Norton, U., Garcia y Garcia, A., Santra, D., Sivanpillai, R., Ritten, J., Norton, J., Paisley, S., and Krall, J. 2012. Legume Adoption Practices in the Central Great Plains of the United States: Economic and Environmental Benefits in Face of Climate Change. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Climate Change, July 12-13, 2012. University of Washington, Seattle, WA (Common Ground Publishing, USA). USDA-ARS FORT KEOGH Petersen, M.K., J.M. Muscha, J.T. Mulliniks, A.J. Roberts, and R.C. Waterman. A preliminary assessment of year long relative loose mineral intake and range cow productivity in Northern Great Plains. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 64:258-260. 2013. EXTENSION PUBLICATIONS UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Sprinkle, J., G. Ruyle, C. Eppler, D. Cook, and M. Merrill-Davies. 2012. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for Ranchers. Western Beef Resource Committee Cattle Producer's Handbook, 3rd Edition, # 574. 8 pp. Sprinkle, J., G. Ruyle, C. Eppler, D. Cook, and M. Merrill-Davies. 2012. Writing your own alternative using NEPA for ranchers. Western Beef Resource Committee Cattle Producer's Handbook, 3rd Edition, # 575. 4 pp. Sprinkle, J., J. Stratton, D. England, and M. Leonard. 2013. 12 Range Monitoring Reports summarized for data collected 2009-2012. 6,623 pages for the 12 reports. Sprinkle, J., J. Stratton, D. England, and M. Leonard. 2012. 7 Range Monitoring Reports summarized for data collected 2009-2012. 3,499 pages for the 7 reports. Sprinkle, J., J. Stratton, D. England, and M. Leonard. 2012. 13 Range Monitoring Reports summarized for data collected 2009-2010. 5,903 pages for the 13 reports. Dal Molin, T., D. Tolleson, J. Sprinkle, M. Sprinkle, D. Schafer, and B. McMurry. 2012. Remote monitoring of individual animal mineral supplement intake by range cattle. Producer's Update and Research Highlights. Department of Animal Sciences, University of Arizona. Arizona Cattlemen's Association Summer Meeting, July, 2012, Prescott, AZ. 5 pp. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING Islam, M.A. 2013. A Guide for Successful Forage Establishment. University of Wyoming Extension Bulletin B-1248, Ed. S.L. Miller, pp.1-8, August 2013. University of Wyoming, Laramie. Available at: (verified September 10, 2013) Islam, M.A. 2013. Mixtures of grass-legume may benefit producers in Wyoming. Wyoming Livestock Roundup, the Weekly News Source for Wyomings Ranchers, Farmers, and Agribusiness Community, Vol. 25, No. 18, September 7, 2013. Wehmeyer, B.A., Saha, M.C., and Islam, M.A. 2013. Forage and Biomass Potential and Their Genetics of Tall Fescue Genotypes. 2013 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 27-28. Available at (verified September 2, 2013). Jolivet, M.T., Waldron, B.L., Stahl, P.D., and Islam, M.A. 2013. Forage Kochia May Have Potential for Both Forage and Reclamation. 2013 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 23-24. Available at (verified September 2, 2013). Dhakal, D. and Islam, M.A. 2013. Benefits from GrassLegume Mixtures in Forage-Production Systems. 2013 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 25-26. Available at (verified September 2, 2013). Islam, M.A. 2012. Birdsfoot Trefoil: A Bloat-free Forage Legume. Wyoming Livestock Roundup, the Weekly News Source for Wyomings Ranchers, Farmers, and Agribusiness Community, Vol. 24, No. 27, November 10, 2012. Islam, M.A. 2012. Benefits from and Principles for Composing Grass-legume Mixture. Wyoming Livestock Roundup, the Weekly News Source for Wyomings Ranchers, Farmers, and Agribusiness Community, Vol. 24, No. 21, September 29, 2012. Islam, M.A. 2012. Genetics, Variety Development, and Species Selection. Factsheet, Pasture Management Professional Development Workshop, University of Idaho Nancy M. Cummings Research, Extension, and Education Center, North of Salmon, Idaho, August 21-23, 2012. Islam, M.A. 2012. Grass-Legume Mixture Has Multiple Advantages in Forage Production Systems. Wyoming Livestock Roundup, the Weekly News Source for Wyomings Ranchers, Farmers, and Agribusiness Community, Vol. 24, No. 13, August 4, 2012. Islam, M.A., and Kimura, E. 2012. Forage Legumes Establishment through Seed Scarification and Companion Crop. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 31-32. Available at (verified November 14, 2012). Wehmeyer, B.A., Saha, M.C., and Islam, M.A. 2012. Forage and Biofuel Potential of Tall Fescue Germplasms. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 33-34. Available at (verified November 14, 2012). Jolivet, M.T., Waldron, B.L., Stahl, P.D., and Islam, M.A. 2012. Forage Kochia on Wyoming Rangelands. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 35-36. Available at (verified November 14, 2012). Islam, M.A., Krall, J.M., Cecil, W.K., Nachtman, J.J., and Baumgartner, R.E. 2012. Assessment of Fenugreek for Adaptation to Southeast Wyoming. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 57-58. Available at (verified November 14, 2012). Dhakal, D., and Islam, M.A. 2012. GrassLegume Mixtures to Minimize Nitrogen Need and Improve Soil Properties. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 59-60. Available at (verified November 14, 2012). Islam, M.A., and Kniss, A.R. 2012. Tolerance of Tall Fescue to Aminocyclopyrachlor at Two Application Timings and Two Sowing Dates. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 61-62. Available at (verified November 14, 2012). Islam, M.A., Saha, M.C., Baumgartner, R.E., Nachtman, J.J., and Cecil, W.K. 2012. Forage and Grain Yield Potential of Small Grains in the Great Plains of Wyoming. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 63-64. Available at (verified November 14, 2012). Islam, M.A., Cecil, W.K., and Baumgartner, R.E. 2012. Sustaining Legumes in Grasslands to Reduce Nitrogen Fertilization: A Multi-Regional Assessment. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 65-66. Available at (verified November 14, 2012). Islam, M.A., Saha, M.C., Cecil, W.K., and Baumgartner, R.E. 2012. Cool-Season Grass Response to Irrigation, Drought, and Planting Time. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 67-68. Available at (verified November 14, 2012). Islam, M.A., Cecil, W.K., Krall, J.M., Nachtman, J.J., and Baumgartner, R.E. 2012. Turf Grass Variety Trials. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 71-72. Available at (verified November 14, 2012). Islam, M.A., Violett, R., and Killen, M.J. 2012. Forage Yield and Seed Yield Potential of Novel Tall Fescue Under Irrigated Conditions in the Bighorn Basin of Wyoming. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 139-140. Available at (verified November 14, 2012). Carter, C., Garcia y Garcia, A., Islam, M.A. 2012. Effect of Water Stress on Alfalfa Establishment. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 141-142. Available at (verified November 14, 2012). Islam, M.A., and Killen, M.J. 2012. Effect of Phosphorus on Established and Newly Established Sainfoin. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 171-172. Available at (verified November 14, 2012). Carter, C., Garcia y Garcia, A., Islam, M.A., and Hansen, K. 2012. Making the Switch: Surface vs. Sprinkler Irrigation. Whats Right for You? Factsheet, Wyoming Forage Field Day, Mile High Ranch, Riverton, June 28, 2012. Islam, M.A. 2012. Interseeding and Reseeding in Hay and Pasture and No-till Pasture Renovation. Factsheet, Wyoming Forage Field Day, Mile High Ranch, Riverton, June 28, 2012. Islam, M.A. 2012. Successful Forage Establishment: Some Key Factors to Consider. Factsheet, Wyoming Forage Field Day, Mile High Ranch, Riverton, June 28, 2012. Islam, M.A. 2012. Calibration of Planter. Wyoming Livestock Roundup, the Weekly News Source for Wyomings Ranchers, Farmers, and Agribusiness Community, Vol. 24, No. 23, June 9, 2012. Islam, M.A. 2012. Harvest and Storage Affect Forage Quality. Wyoming Livestock Roundup, the Weekly News Source for Wyomings Ranchers, Farmers, and Agribusiness Community, Vol. 24, No. 16, April 21, 2012. Islam, M.A. 2012. Companion Crop and Seed Scarification Enhance Forage Legumes Establishment. Wyoming Livestock Roundup, the Weekly News Source for Wyomings Ranchers, Farmers, and Agribusiness Community, Vol. 24, No. 8, February 25, 2012. POPULAR PRESS ARTICLES UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING Islam, M.A., Obour, A., Nachtman, J., and Baumgartner, R. 2013. Scientists study turfgrass performance under supplemental irrigation and rain-fed conditions. Reflections, pp. 19-22. Available at (verified 1 September, 2013). Dhakal, D. and Islam, M.A. 2013. Legume grass mixtures reduce nitrogen requirements and production costs. Reflections, pp. 30-33. Available at (verified 1 September, 2013). Islam, M.A. 2013. Research gleans best turf grass options for Central Great Plains. Barnyards & Backyards Profitable & Sustainable Agricultural Systems (PSAS) Newspapers Insert (an insert to twenty-four Wyoming newspapers; 144,000 copies of this insert were distributed across the state), March 2013. Islam, M.A. 2013. Cool-season tall fescue has potential for forage and seed yield production. Barnyards & Backyards Profitable & Sustainable Agricultural Systems (PSAS) Newspapers Insert (an insert to twenty-four Wyoming newspapers; 144,000 copies of this insert were distributed across the state), March 2013, p. 9. Islam, M.A. 2012. Select small grains could provide forage, grain combo in Wyoming. Barnyards & Backyards Profitable & Sustainable Agricultural Systems (PSAS) Newspapers Insert (an insert to twenty-four Wyoming newspapers; 144,000 copies of this insert were distributed across the state), November 2012. Islam, M.A. 2012. How to resolve autotoxicity issues in alfalfa stands. Barnyards & Backyards Profitable & Sustainable Agricultural Systems (PSAS) Newspapers Insert (an insert to twenty-four Wyoming newspapers; 144,000 copies of this insert were distributed across the state), July 2012. Islam, M.A. and Killen, M. 2012. Sainfoin: A potential forage legume in the West. Barnyards & Backyards Profitable & Sustainable Agricultural Systems (PSAS) Newspapers Insert (an insert to twenty-four Wyoming newspapers; 144,000 copies of this insert were distributed across the state), March 2012. Islam, M.A. and Violett, R.D. 2012. Study yields seed production potential for different tall fescue lines in Big Horn Basin. Barnyards & Backyards Profitable & Sustainable Agricultural Systems (PSAS) Newspapers Insert (an insert to twenty-four Wyoming newspapers; 144,000 copies of this insert were distributed across the state), March 2012. Islam, M.A. Baumgartner, R.E., and Nachtman, J.J. 2012. UW researchers study forage, grain yield potential of wheat, rye, triticale. Reflections, pp. 33-35. Available at (verified 12 November, 2012). ABSTRACTS UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY Eun, J.-S., M. S. Holt, A. J. Young, and D. R. ZoBell. 2013. Nutritional strategies to optimize feeding brown midrib corn silage to dairy and beef cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 96 (E-Suppl. 1):165. (Abstr.) Creech, J. E., J. M. Vera, C. T. Noviandi, J.-S. Eun, A. J. Young, and D. R. ZoBell. 2013. Effects of feeding teff hay-based diets on growth performance and ruminal fermentation profiles of growing beef steers and dairy heifers. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 91 (E-Suppl. 2):260. (Abstr.) Noviandi, C. T., K. Neal, J.-S. Eun, D. R. ZoBell, M. D. Peel, and B. L. Waldron. 2013. Assessment of in vitro fermentation characteristics of grass-legume mixed pasture forages with their different composition ratios using continuous cultures. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 91 (E-Suppl. 2):259. (Abstr.) Sieg, J. M., J.-S. Eun, D. R. ZoBell, and B. R. Min. 2012. Assessment of chestnut tannin extract supplementation on animal performance and ruminal fermentation profiles in feedlot finishing diets. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl. 3):150. (Abstr.) Vera, J. M., T. Z. Davis, D. N. Miller, K. E. Panter, D. R. ZoBell, and J.-S. Eun. 2012. Ruminal metabolism in continuous culture fermentation when administrating high concentration of inorganic selenium in mixed cultures of ruminal microorganisms. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl. 3):618. (Abstr.) Noviandi, C. T., M. N. McDonald, D. R. ZoBell, J.-S. Eun, M. D. Peel, and B. L. Waldron. 2012. Effects of energy supplementation for pasture forages on in vitro ruminal fermentation in continuous cultures. J. Dairy Sci. 95 (Suppl. 2):45. (Abstr.) UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING Islam, M.A., Saha, M.C., and Wehmeyer, B.A. 2013. Drought stress affects agronomic performance of tall fescue genotypes. Proceedings of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings November 3-6 2013. Tampa, FL (American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America). Dhakal, D. and Islam, M.A. 2013. Grass-legume mixtures to mitigate nitrogen need and improve soil properties in the Great Plains of Wyoming. Proceedings of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings November 3-6 2013. Tampa, FL (American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America). Carter, C., Garcia y Garcia, A., Islam, M.A., and Hansen, K. 2013. Effect of deficit irrigation on water use and water use efficiency of alfalfa. Proceedings of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Annual Meetings July 21-24 2013. Kansas city, MO. Islam, M.A., Krall, J.M., Nachtman, J.J., Baumgartner, R.E., Bandara, M., and Acharya, S.N. 2013. Fenugreek may have potential for multipurpose use. Proceedings of the Western Society of Crop Science Annual Meetings June 11-12 2013. Pendleton, OR (Western Society of Crop Science). Islam, M.A. and Wehmeyer, B.A. 2013. Biofuel and forage potential of cool-season grass genotypes. Proceedings of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science-US Alumni Association 3rd Multidisciplinary Science Forum International Annual Meetings 1 February 2013. Chapman University, Orange, CA (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science). Islam, M.A., and Violett, R. 2012. Effect of Nitrogen and Clipping on Forage and Seed Yield of Tall Fescue. Proceedings of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings October 21-24 2012. Cincinnati, OH (American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America). Kimura, E. Krall, J.M., Hess, B.W., and Islam, M.A. 2012. Establishing Forage Legumes with Companion Crop. Proceedings of the W-SCS Annual Meetings July 11-13 2012. Washington State University, Pullman, WA (Western Society of Crop Science). USDA-ARS FORT KEOGH Waterman, R.C., J.S. Caton, and C.A. Loëst. 2013. How well does the current metabolizable protein system account for protein supply and demand of beef females within extensive western grazing systems. J. Anim. Sci. 91(E Suppl. 2):440. Abstract #438. Petersen, M.K., C. Mueller, J. T. Mulliniks, A.J. Roberts, and T. Del Curto. 2013. Potential limitations of NRC in predicting energetic requirements of beef females within western U.S. grazing systems. J. Anim. Sci. 91(E Suppl. 2):440. Abstract #439 Handbooks UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Sprinkle, J., C. Eppler, G. Ruyle, and D. Cook. 2012. NEPA for Ranchers. Peer reviewed and sponsored by American Sheep Industry, Arizona Cattlemens Association, Gila County Cattle Growers, National Cattlemens Beef Association, Public Lands Council, and Tonto Natural Resource Conservation District. 30 pp. Thesis/Dissertation NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY Jose D. Caballero MS completed December 2013. Thesis title: Effect of Zuprevo as mass medication of receiving cattle on feedlot performance and health Travis Mulliniks, PhD completed December 2012. Dissertation title: Nutritional and metabolic factors influencing reproductive efficiency of grazing beef cattle Nigel Miller MS completed October 2012. Thesis title: Utilization of dried distillers grains to manage rate of body weight gain during heifer development and the use of a novel rumen-protected arginine to alter plasma levels of arginine Melanie Beckman MS completed December 2012. Thesis title: Use of lipid extracted algae in ruminant diets Christopher Shelley MS completed December 2013. Thesis title: Use of cobalt to enhance fiber digestion and alleviate stress in newly weaned cattle
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