SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Dr. Michael Bishop, Illumina 2. Heather Bradford, Kansas State University 3. Dr. Darrh Bullock, University of Kentucky 4. Dr. Jared Decker, University of Missouri 5. Dr. Mauricio Elzo, University of Florida 6. Dr. Rohan Fernando, Iowa State University 7. Dr. Dorian Garrick, Iowa State University 8. Dr. Bruce Golden, California Polytechnic State University 9. Dr. Kathy Hanford, University of Nebraska 10. Jesse Hoff, University of Missouri 11. Dr. Maynard Hogberg, Iowa State University 12. Jinming Huang, University of Missouri 13. Dr. Lauren Hyde, American Simmental Association 14. Dr. Steve Kachman, University of Nebraska 15. Dr. Larry Kuehn, US Meat Animal Research Center 16. Dr. Ignacy Misztal, University of Georgia 17. Dr. John Pollak, US Meat Animal Research Center 18. Dr. Warren Snelling, US Meat Animal Research Center 19. Dr. Matt Spangler, University of Nebraska 20. Dr. Mark Thallman, US Meat Animal Research Center 21. Dr. Bob Weaber, Kansas State University 22. Dr. Robert Williams, American International Charolais Association

Present: Michael Bishop, Heather Bradford, Darrh Bullock, Jared Decker, Mauricio Elzo, Rohan Fernando, Dorian Garrick, Bruce Golden, Kathy Hanford, Jesse Hoff, Maynard Hogberg, Jinming Huang, Lauren Hyde, Steve Kachman, Larry Kuehn, Ignacy Misztal, John Pollak, Warren Snelling, Matt Spangler, Mark Thallman, Bob Weaber, and Robert Williams Bob Weaber, committee chair, called the meeting to order. Everyone introduced themselves. Bob discussed the agenda for the business meeting. Station reports will be given tomorrow. Mark Thallman indicated that proceedings for the Genetic Prediction Workshop were e-mailed this afternoon. If you did not receive them, please let him know. Maynard Hogberg, academic advisor, discussed the impact of this multi-state project. He discussed funding issues. There is a movement for animal ag research funding in the new Farm Bill. He will be retiring and so the committee will need to select a new academic advisor. July 1, 2014, is the possible date for his retirement. Discussion was held on possible candidates for the chair and secretary of the committee. Wade Shafer was selected as chair and Lauren Hyde as secretary. The meeting will be held in Bozeman, Montana in the fall. Discussion was held on potential candidates for academic advisor. Keith Bertrand, Ken Odde, Bruce Golden, Greg Lardy and others were suggested. Bob Weaber will contact Keith Bertrand to see if they would be willing to serve as academic advisor. If he is not able to, Bob will contact Greg Lardy to see if he would serve. The agenda for the station reports were discussed. Additions were made to the agenda. A breakfast buffet will be served in the morning from 7:00 – 8:00 a.m. The meeting will start at 8:00 a.m. and then we will move to the convention center for the Genetic Prediction Workshop.


This committee’s meeting is the only place where leaders in the area of genetic evaluation technology in the beef industry meet on an annual basis. The most cutting edge methods and technologies are debated and discussed. Ideas from this meeting help inform research priorities and activities for the coming year. For example, many of the current technologies used to incorporate genomics into national genetic evaluation were presented and discussed at past annual meetings. As evidenced in the following sections, our committee members are very productive and collaborate a great deal. Their presence at a wide range of national and international meetings illustrates the stature of the scholarship and far reaching impacts of the committee in beef cattle breeding, and more broadly animal breeding, in the national and international research, teaching and extension arenas. Committee members are involved in the national online animal breeding graduate education program, and contribute to the national beef cattle extension Brown Bagger Series and the eXtension Beef Cattle Clearinghouse.


  1. This committee?s meeting is the only place where leaders in the area of genetic evaluation technology in the beef industry meet on an annual basis. The most cutting edge methods and technologies are debated and discussed. Ideas from this meeting help inform research priorities and activities for the coming year. For example, many of the current technologies used to incorporate genomics into national genetic evaluation were presented and discussed at past annual meetings.
  2. Committee members are involved in educational and extension programs as evidenced by participation in the national online animal breeding graduate education program, and contributions to the national beef cattle extension Brown Bagger Series and the eXtension Beef Cattle Clearinghouse.


Peer Reviewed Publications 1. Blair, E.E., J. Minick Bormann, D.W. Moser, and T.T. Marston. 2013. Relationship between residual feed intake and female reproductive measurements in heifers sired by high- or low-residual feed intake Angus bulls. Professional Animal Scientist. 29:46-50. 2. Bormann, J.M., D.W. Moser, and K.E. Bates. 2013. Factors affecting student performance in an undergraduate genetics course. J. Anim. Sci. 91:2438-2443. 3. Douthit, T.L., J.M. Kouba, and J.M. Bormann. 2013. A retrospective look at students enrolled in an upper-level horse science class: factors that affect classroom performance. J. Anim. Sci. 91:2976-2984. 4. Downey, E.D., R.G. Tait, M.S. Mayes, C.A. Park, J.F. Ridpath, D.J. Garrick, J.M. Reecy. 2013. An evaluation of circulating bovine viral diarrhea virus type 2 maternal antibody level and response to vaccination in Angus calves. Journal of Animal Science, 91:4440-4450. 5. Elzo, M. A., C. A. Martinez, G. C. Lamb, D. D. Johnson, M. G. Thomas, I. Misztal, D. O. Rae, J. G. Wasdin, and J. D. Driver. 2013. Genomic-polygenic evaluation for ultrasound and weight traits in Angus-Brahman multibreed cattle with the Illumina3k chip. Livest. Sci. 153:39-49. 6. Habier, D., R.L. Fernando and D.J. Garrick. 2013. Genomic-BLUP decoded: a look into the black box. Genetics 194:597-607. 7. Howard, J., Kachman, S., Nielsen, M., Mader, T., Spangler, M. (2013). The effect of Myostatin genotype on body temperature during extreme temperature events. Journal of Animal Science, 91, 3051-3058. 8. Howard, J., Kachman, S., Snelling, W., Pollak, J., Ciobanu, D., Kuehn, L., Spangler, M. (2013). Beef cattle body temperature during climatic stress: a genome-w ide association study. International Journal of Biometeorology. 9. Hulsman-Hanna, L.L., D.J. Garrick, C.A. Gill, A.D. Herring, P.K. Riggs, R.K. Miller, J.O. Sanders, D.G. Riley. 2013. Genome-wide association study of temperament and tenderness using different Bayesian approaches in a Nellore-Angus crossbred population. Livestock Science 10. Jeon, S. J., M. A. Elzo, N. DiLorenzo, G. C. Lamb, and K. C. Jeong. 2013. Evaluation of animal genetic and physiological factors that affect the prevalence of Escherichia coli O157 in cattle. PloS One 8:e55728. 11. Kachman, S.D., M.L. Spangler, G.L. Bennett, K.J. Hanford, L.A. Kuehn, W.M. Snelling, R.M. Thallman, M. Saatchi, D.J. Garrick, R.D. Schnabel, J.F. Taylor, E.J. Pollak. 2013. Comparison of molecular breeding values based on within and across-breed training in beef cattle. Genetics Selection Evolution 45:30. 12. Kizilkaya, K., R.G. Tait, D.J. Garrick, R.L. Fernando, and J.M. Reecy. 2013. Genome-wide association study of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis in Angus cattle. BMC Genetics, 14:23. 13. Kurdistani Karimi Z., J. Rostamzadeh, A. Rashidi, and M.E. Davis. 2013. Evaluation of insulin-like growth factor-I gene polymorphism on growth traits and yearling fleece weight in goats. Small Ruminant Research 111:10-15. 14. Leach, R. J., Chitko-McKown, C. G., Bennett, G. L., Jones, S. A., Kachman, S., Keele, J. W., Leymaster, K. A., Thallman, R. M., Kuehn, L. A. (2013). The change in differing leukocyte populations during vaccination to bovine respiratory disease and their correlations with lung scores, health records, and average daily gain. Journal of Animal Science, 91(8), 3564-3573. 15. Lourenco, D. A. L., I. Misztal, H. Wang, I. Aguilar, S. Tsuruta, and J. K. Bertrand. 2013. Prediction accuracy for a simulated maternally affected trait of beef cattle using different genomic evaluation models. J. Anim. Sci. 4090-4098. 16. Mateescu, R.G., D.J. Garrick, R.G. Tait, A.J. Garmyn, Q. Duan, Q. Liu, M.S. Mayes, A.L. van Eenennaam, D.L. VanOverbeke, G.G. Hilton, D.C. Beitz, and J.M Reecy. 2013. Genome-wide association study of concentrations of iron and other minerals in longissimus muscle of Angus cattle. Journal of Animal Science 91:3593-3600. 17. Mercadante, P. M., K. M. Bischoff, V. R. G. Mercadante, G. C. Lamb, M. A. Elzo, S. E. Johnson, D. O. Rae, J. V. Yelich, and A. D. Ealy. 2013. Subspecies differences in early fetal development and plasma pregnancy associated glycoprotein concentrations in cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 91:3693-3701. 18. Misztal, I., S. Aggrey, and B. Muir. 2013. Experiences with a Single-Step Genome Evaluation (ssGBLUP)" . J. Poultry Sci. 92:2530–2534. 19. Misztal, I., S. Tsuruta, I. Aguilar, A. Legarra, P. M. VanRaden, and T. J. Lawlor. 2013. Methods to Approximate Reliabilities in Single-Step Genomic Evaluation. J. Dairy Sci. 96:647–654. 20. Misztal, I., Z.G. Vitezica, A. Legarra, I. Aguilar, and A.A. Swan. 2013. Unknown-parent groups in single-step genomic evaluation. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 130:252–258. 21. Nafikov, R.A., J.P. Schoonmaker, K.T. Korn, K. Noack, D.J. Garrick, K.J. Koehler, J. Minick-Bormann, J.M. Reecy, D.E. Spurlock, and D.C. Beitz. 2013. Association of polymorphisms in solute carrier family 27, isoform A6 (SLC27A6) and fatty acid-binding protein-3 and fatty acid-binding protein-4 (FABP3 and FABP4) with fatty acid composition of bovine milk. J. Dairy. Sci. 96:6007-6021. 22. Nafikov, R.A., J.P. Schoonmaker, K.T. Korn, K. Noack, D.J. Garrick, K.J. Koehler, J. Minick-Bormann, J.M. Reecy, D.E. Spurlock, and D.C. Beitz. 2013. Sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 1 (SREBF1) polymorphism and milk fatty acid composition. J. Dairy Sci. 96:2605-2616. J. Dairy Sci. featured article April 2013. 23. Nielsen, M.K., M.D. MacNeil, J.C.M. Dekkers, D.H. Crews, Jr., T.A. Rathje, R.M. Enns, and R.L. Weaber. 2013. Review: Life-cycle, total-industry genetic improvement of feed efficiency in beef cattle: Blueprint for the Beef Improvement Federation. Professional Animal Scientist 2013 29:559-565. 24. Peters, S. O., K. Kizilkaya, D. J. Garrick, R. L. Fernando, J. M. Reecy, R. L. Weaber, G. A. Silver, and M. G. Thomas. 2013. Heritability and Bayesian genome-wide association study of first service conception and pregnancy in Brangus heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 91:605-612 25. Peters, S.O., K. Kizilkaya, D.J. Garrick, R.L. Fernando, E.J. Pollak, M. De Donato, T Hussain, and I.G. Imumorin. 2013. Application of multivariate heavy-tailed distributions to residuals in estimation of genetic parameters of growth traits in beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science 91:1552-1561. 26. Pravia, M.I., O. Ravagnola, J.I. Urioste, D.J. Garrick. 2013. Identification of breeding objectives using a bioeconomic model for a beef cattle production system in Uruguay. Livestock Science 27. Saatchi, M., D.J. Garrick, R.G. Tait Jr., M.S. Mayes, M. Drewnoski, J. Schoonmaker, C. Diaz, D.C. Beitz, J.M. Reecy. 2013. Genome-wide association and prediction of direct genomic breeding values for composition of fatty acids in Angus beef cattle. BMC Genomics 14:730. 28. Saatchi, M., J. Ward and D.J. Garrick. 2013. Impact of genetic relationships on the accuracy of direct genomic breeding values in Hereford beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science 91:1538-1551. 29. Song Y., J. Ahn, Y. Suh, M.E. Davis, and K. Lee. 2013. Identification of novel tissue- specific genes by analysis of microarray databases: A human and mouse model. PLoS ONE 8(5): e64483: 10.1371/journal.pone.0064483. 30. Tait, R.G., E.D. Downey, M.S. Mayes, C.A. Park, J.F. Ridpath, D.J. Garrick, J.M. Reecy. 2013. Evaluation of response to bovine viral diarrhea virus type 2 vaccinations and timing of weaning on yearling ultrasound body composition, performance, and carcass quality traits in Angus calves. Journal of Animal Science, 91:5466-5476. 31. Weber, K. L., R. M. Thallman, J. W. Keele, W. M. Snelling, G. L. Bennett, T. P. Smith, T. G. McDaneld, M. F. Allan, A. L. Van Eenennaam, and L. A. Kuehn. 2012. Accuracy of genomic breeding values in multi-breed beef cattle populations derived from deregressed breeding values and phenotypes. J Anim Sci 90: 4177-4190. 32. Zeng, J., A. Toosi, R.L. Fernando, J.C.M. Dekkers and D.J. Garrick. 2013. Genomic selection of purebred animals for crossbred performance in the presence of dominance gene action. Genetics Selection Evolution, 45:11. 33. Zhang, X., M.E. Davis, S.J. Moeller, and J.S. Ottobre. 2013. Effects of selection for blood serum IGF-I concentration on reproductive performance of female Angus beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 91:4104-4115. ? Peer-reviewed conference 1. Saatchi, M., and D.J. Garrick. 2013. Accuracies of genomic predictions in US beef cattle. Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding & Genetics 20th Conference, 20:207-210. ? Non-Peer Reviewed Publications (Trade, Conference Proceedings, Abstracts, Technical Reports, Station Reports, etc.) 1. Ahlberg, C.M., L.N. Schiermiester, J.T. Howard, C. Calkins, and M.L. Spangler. 2013. Genome Wide Association Study of protein and mineral content of beef from crossbred cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 91: E Suppl 2. 2. Bates, K. E., R. L. Weaber, J. M. Bormann, D. W. Moser, J. L. Salak-Johnson, C. C. L. Chase, R. K. Peel, H. Van Campen, G. H. Loneragan, J. J. Wagner, P. Bodhireddy, K. Prayaga, and R. M. Enns. 2013. Relationships among temperament, immune function, and carcass merit in beef cattle. Proceedings of the Western Section American Society Of Animal Science. 64: 169-173. 3. Bormann, J.M., D. Moser, and K. Bates. 2013. Factors impacting undergraduate student success in genetics. J. Anim. Sci. 91(Suppl. 2):58(Abstr.). 4. Bradford, H. L., D. W. Moser, J. M. Bormann, and R. L. Weaber. 2013. Genetic parameters for udder quality in Hereford cattle. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 91, E-Suppl. 2. 142. (Abstr.) 5. Cockrum, R. R., S. E. Speidel, J. L. Salak-Johnson, C. C. L. Chase, R. K. Peel, R. L. Weaber, H. Van Campen, G. H. Loneragan, J. J. Wagner, P. Boddhireddy, M. G. Thomas, K. Prayaga, and R. M. Enns. 2013. Heritability and correlations of immune response parameters in cattle treated for bovine respiratory disease. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 91, E-Suppl. 2. 70. (Abstr.) 6. Coy, B. Y., C. A. Martinez, C. Manrique, and M. A. Elzo. 2013. Genetic analysis of female weights via random regression and multiple trait models in a multibreed beef cattle population. J. Anim. Sci. 91(E-Suppl. 2):65. 7. Douthit, T.L., S.L. Schaake, J. M. Bormann, and M.H. McCammant. 2013. Blogging as a tool for assessment during an international experience. NACTA Journal. 57 (Suppl. 1):122(Abstr.). 8. Elzo, M. A., M. G. Thomas, C. A. Martínez, G. C. Lamb, D. D. Johnson, I. Misztal, D. O. Rae, J. G. Wasdin, and J. D. Driver. 2013. Genomic-polygenic evaluation of multibreed Angus-Brahman cattle for feed efficiency and postweaning growth using actual and imputed Illumina50k SNP genotypes. J. Anim. Sci. 91(E-Suppl. 2):72-73. 9. Fernando, R.L., D.J. Garrick. 2013. Bayesian regression as an alternative implementation of genomic-enhanced genetic evaluation. Proceedings of the Beef Improvement Federation 10th Genetic Prediction Workshop held in Kansas City 12-13 December 2103, pages 38-43. 10. Garrick, D.J. 2013. Bad news – they’re all carriers of something – broken genes in the beef business. Proceedings of the Beef Improvement Federation’s 45th Annual Research Symposium and Annual Meeting. 45:88-95. 11. Garrick, D.J. 2013. Genomic selection for the genetic evaluation of livestock – theory and practice. Proceedings of the XL reunion de la Asociacion Mexicana para la Produccion Animal y Seguridad Alimentaria, held in Villahermosa, Mexico, 22-24 May 2013. 12. Garrick, D.J. 2013. Status of genomics technologies. Proceedings of the Sociedade Brasileira de Zootechnia (SBZ) meeting held in Campinas 24 July, 2013. 13. Garrick, D.J., M. Saatchi. 2013. Experience in developing breed-specific predictions for GE-EPDs. Proceedings of the Beef Improvement Federation 10th Genetic Prediction Workshop held in Kansas City 12-13 December 2103, pages 24-34. 14. Garrick, DJ. 2013. They’re all carriers of something. October 2013 Angus Journal, pages 250-253. 15. Hyde, L., W. Shafer, S. McGuire, M. Saatchi, D.J. Garrick. 2013. American Simmental Association experience with incorporating genomics into genetic evaluation. Proceedings of the Beef Improvement Federation 10th Genetic Prediction Workshop held in Kansas City 12-13 December 2103, pages 10-14. 16. Hyde, L.R., W.R. Shafer, S.C. McGuire, M. Saatchi, D.J. Garrick. 2013. ASA experience with incorporating genomics into genetic evaluation. In: Proc. 10th BIF Genet. Prediction Workshop, Kansas City, MO. p. 10-14. 17. Jeon, S. J. , M. A. Elzo, N. DiLorenzo, G. C. Lamb, and K. C. Jeong. 2013. Animal genetic and physiological factors contribute to the prevalence of E. coli O157 in cattle. In Proc. 11th Annual Res. Symp. Anim. Mol. Cell Biol., p 20. 18. Kuehn, L. A., and R. M. Thallman. 2013. Across-breed EPD tables for the year 2013 adjusted to breed differences for birth year of 2011. In: Proceeding of the Beef Improvement Federation, Oklahoma City, OK. p 105-132. 19. Kuehn, L. A., and R. M. Thallman. 2013. Mean EPDs reported by different breeds. In: Proceeding of the Beef Improvement Federation, Oklahoma City, OK. p 133-137. 20. Otteman, K. L., J. M. Bormann, K. C. Olson, J. R. Jaeger, S. Johnson, B. Downey, D. M. Grieger, J. W. Waggoner, D. W. Moser, and R. L. Weaber. 2013. Phenotypic relationships between docility and reproduction in Angus heifers. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 91, E-Suppl. 2. 143. (Abstr.) 21. Riley, D., M. Elzo, M. Garcia, R. Randel, and R. Vann. 2013. Multi-State Research – Four universities collaborate on Brahman research. The Amer. Brahman Rev. 4:44-45. 22. Saatchi, M, D Garrick. 2013. Accuracies of genomic prediction in beef cattle. Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 2013, A.S. leaflet R2771. 23. Saatchi, M., D.J. Garrick. 2013. Improving genomic prediction in Simmental beef cattle using a multi-breed reference population. Proceedings Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, 64:174-177. . 24. Schaake, S.L., T.L. Douthit, J.M. Bormann, and M.H. McCammant. 2013. Comparison of student blogs at the beginning and end of an international experience. NACTA Journal. 57(Suppl. 1):122(Abstr.). 25. Schiermiester, L.N., C.M. Ahlberg, J.T. Howard, C. Calkins, and M.L. Spangler. 2013. Genome Wide Association Study of cholesterol and poly- and mono-unsaturated fatty acids of beef from crossbred cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 91: E Suppl 2. 26. Snelling, W., G. Bennett, M. Thallman, L. Kuehn, E.J. Pollak, S. Kachman, and M. Spangler. 2013. Prioritizing sequence polymorphisms for potential association with phenotype. J. Anim. Sci. 91: E Suppl 2. 27. Spangler, M. 2013. Selection for improved feed efficiency. Proceedings: Driftless Region Conference, Dubuque, IA. 28. Spangler, M.L. 2013. Current State of Integrating Genomics Into National Cattle Evaluation. Proceedings: DNA In Beef Cattle: where we've been, where we're at, and where we're going, Clay Center, NE. 29. Spangler, M.L. 2013. Genomic Predictors of Feed Efficiency. Proceedings: DNA In Beef Cattle: where we've been, where we're at, and where we're going, Clay Center, NE. 30. Spangler, M.L. 2013. Introduction to DNA Testing in Beef Cattle. Proceedings: South Dakota Seedstock Symposium, Sioux Falls, SD. 31. Spangler, M.L. 2013. Strengths and Weaknesses of Methods of Incorporating Genomics into Genetic Evaluation. Proceedings: Beef Improvement Federation Genetic Prediction Workshop, Kansas City, MO. 32. Speidel, S. E., R. R. Cockrum, J. L. Salak-Johnson, C. C. L. Chase, M. G. Thomas, K. G. Prayaga, R. K. Peel, R. L. Weaber, H. Van Campen, G. H. Loneragan, J. J. Wagner, and R. M. Enns. 2013. Cortisol, interleukin 8, and immunoglobulin G ratios predict treatment for bovine respiratory disease in feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 91, E-Suppl. 2. 486. (Abstr.) 33. Sun, X, R Fernando, D Garrick, J Dekkers. 2013. Genomic prediction using linkage disequilibrium and co-segregation. Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 2013, A.S. leaflet R2818. 34. Vergara, O. D., M. A. Elzo, R. M. Patino, A. Calderon, and R. Almanza. 2013. Genetic parameters and genetic trends for preweaning growth in an Angus-Brahman cattle population in the Colombian tropics. J. Anim. Sci. 91(E-Suppl. 2):65-66. 35. Weaber, R.L. 2013. Beef cattle economic selection indices. In Proceedings of 2013 South Dakota Genomic Seedstock Symposium. June 27, 2013. Sioux Falls, SD. 36. Weaber, R.L. 2013. Improving beef system efficiency: A genetics perspective. In Proceedings of National Program for the Genetic Improvement of Feed Efficiency in Beef Cattle Stakeholder Meeting. June 26, 2013. US-Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, NE. 37. Weaber, R.L. and M. L. Spangler. 2013. Crossbreeding-one of the tools to increase profitability. Pages 34-57 in Proc. of the Beef Improvement Federation’s 45th Annual Research Symposium and Convention. Oklahoma City, OK. 38. Weng, Z, D Garrick, M Saatchi, R Schnabel, J Taylor. 2013. Impact of pedigree information and genome assembly errors on inference of SNP haplotypes in cattle. Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 2013, A.S. leaflet R2770. 39. Zeng, J, A Toosi, R Fernando, J Dekkers, D Garrick. 2013. Genomic selection of purebred animals for crossbred performance in the presence of dominant gene action. Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 2013, A.S. leaflet R2772. ? Presentations 1. Elzo, M. A. 2013. A discussion on the Senepol Multibreed Genetic Evaluation System. World Senepol Conference, Bogota, Colombia, July 18, 2013. Invited by the Senepol Cattle Breeders Association. 2. Elzo, M. A. 2013. Multibreed animal model and expected progeny differences as instruments for genetic improvement in cattle. A series of four conferences in four Colombian cities on the role of genetics in livestock competitiveness, July 22-26, 2013. Invited by the National Federation of Colombian Livestock Producers (FEDEGAN), Colombia. 3. Elzo, M. A., D. D. Johnson, D. O. Rae, K. C. Jeong, D. G. Riley, C. A. Martinez, R. A. Mir, J. G. Wasdin, J. D. Driver, and G. E. Dahl. 2013. Brahman Project Update. Brahman Field Day, Gainesville, FL, November 21, 2013. 4. Garrick, D.J. “Bad news: they’re all carriers of something – broken genes in the beef business” Invited plenary presentation to the 45th Annual Research Symposium of the Beef Improvement Federation held in Oklahoma City, 14 June 2013. 5. Garrick, D.J. “Bayesian regression and genomic prediction” – a 2 day short course held in UNESP Jaboticabal, 15-16 August 2013. 6. Garrick, D.J. “Bayesian regression and its application to genomic prediction” – a 5 day short course held in Davos, Switzerland from 8-12 July 2013. 7. Garrick, D.J. “Cattle genomics – where have we come from and where are we headed?” to GeneSeek scientists and advisory board members at a meeting in Lincoln, Nebraska on 12 September 2013. 8. Garrick, D.J. “Combined analysis of pedigree, phenotypic and genomic information” to American Hereford Association, at Kansas City, 3 March 2013. 9. Garrick, D.J. “Current status of genomic prediction and genome-wide association studies in livestock” at Genomic Selection and Genome-Wide Association Studies Workshop held at the XXII Plant and Animal Genome Conference in San Diego, 12 January 2013. 10. Garrick, D.J. “Current status of genomic prediction in livestock” to scientists at AgResearch Invermay, NZ on 29 April 2013. 11. Garrick, D.J. “Developments in genomics and genomic prediction” to Livestock Improvement Corporation staff at Newstead, 24 April 2013. 12. Garrick, D.J. “Genomic prediction and GWAS in livestock” a seminar to Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences at Massey University on 18 October 2013. 13. Garrick, D.J. “Genomic prediction and its status in US beef cattle breed associations” to the American Shorthorn Association meeting held at Iowa State University on 8 June 2013. 14. Garrick, D.J. “Genomic prediction for the American Hereford Association” to the American Hereford Association Educational Forum held in Kansas City 1 November 2013. 15. Garrick, D.J. “Genomic prediction in American Hereford and other US beef cattle breed associations” to a regional Hereford Association meeting held in Lebanon, Tennessee, 2 February 2013. 16. Garrick, D.J. “Genomic prediction in beef cattle and its immediate limitations in South Africa”, to a meeting of SA-Studbook and the South African Angus Association, held at the Studbook headquarters in Bloemfontein, South Africa, 5 December 2012. 17. Garrick, D.J. “Genomic prediction in beef cattle” at the NBCEC symposium on integrating DNA information into beef cattle production systems held in Kansas City, 5 March 2013. 18. Garrick, D.J. “Genomic prediction in the American Hereford Association” to the AHA Board meeting in Kansas City, 9 April 2013. 19. Garrick, D.J. “Genomic Prediction” – a 3 day short course organized by Ondokuz Mayis University in Samsun Turkey, from 3-5 July 2013. 20. Garrick, D.J. “Genomic Selection” – a 4 day short course organized by Genome Canada at University Laval, Quebec, from 25-28 June 2013. 21. Garrick, D.J. “How to validate and apply genomic selection in beef cattle” an invited presentation at a two-day workshop on genomic prediction held in Jaboticabal, Brazil, 12-13 August 2013. 22. Garrick, D.J. “Implementation of genomic information into US beef cattle national genetic evaluations” at the 20th Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics Conference held in Napier, New Zealand, 22 October 2013. 23. Garrick, D.J. “Improving Angus in the genomics era” an invited talk to the World Angus Forum held in Rotorua, New Zealand on 15 October 2013. 24. Garrick, D.J. “In search of missing heritability – genomic architecture of complex traits” to the Livestock Improvement Corporation research team at Waitomo, NZ on 22 April 2013. 25. Garrick, D.J. “In search of the missing heritability: architecture of complex traits”, an invited presentation at the Gordon Research Conference on Quantitative Genetics and Genomics held in Galveston, Texas, 19 February 2013. 26. Garrick, D.J. “New opportunities for plant and animal improvement – using genomics to improve populations” to Iowa Master Farmers’ Meeting held at Gateway, Ames, 8 September 2013. 27. Garrick, D.J. “New tools for genetic improvement” at the AgInnovation Field days held in Feilding, NZ on the 13 May 2013. 28. Garrick, D.J. “Overview of genomic prediction and its status in beef cattle” at the AgInnovation Field days held in Feilding, NZ on the 13 May 2013. 29. Garrick, D.J. “Practical experiences in developing breed-specific predictions for genome-enhanced EPDs” at the 10th Genetic Prediction Workshop held by the Beef Improvement Federation in Kansas City 13 December 2013. 30. Garrick, D.J. “Preliminary GWAS, QTL analysis and genomic selection” to the Annual meeting of the scientific and industry advisory board meeting for the National program for genetic improvement of feed efficiency in beef cattle, held in Kansas City, 4 March 2013. 31. Garrick, D.J. “Recent advances in cattle genomics – visions from quantitative genetics” an invited presentation at the 3rd International Workshop on Genomics Applied to Livestock held in Aracatuba, Brazil, 25 February 2013. 32. Garrick, D.J. “Role of the NBCEC in the genomic improvement of beef cattle” at the NBCEC symposium on integrating DNA information into beef cattle production systems held in Kansas City, 5 March 2013. 33. Garrick, D.J. “Status of genomics technologies” an invited presentation at Sociedade Brasileira de Zootechnia (SBZ) meeting held in Campinas 24 July, 2013. 34. Garrick, D.J. “Unifying GWAS and genomic prediction” an invited presentation at a workshop on Phenotype Prediction Using Genomic Data. Held at University of Florida in Gainesville on 19 August 2013. 35. Garrick, D.J. “Update on genomic predictions in Herefords” to the American Hereford Association Board Meeting held in Kansas City 1 November 2013. 36. Garrick, D.J. “Update on genomic projects and incorporation of marker information into genetic analysis” to the Emerging Technology subcommittee of the 45th Annual Research Symposium of the Beef Improvement Federation held in Oklahoma City, 14 June 2013. 37. Garrick, D.J. “Where is DNA marker technology heading for stud breeders in the USA and what applies to us in New Zealand?” at the AgInnovation Field days held in Feilding, NZ on the 12 May 2013. 38. Hyde, L.R. ASA experience with incorporating genomics into genetic evaluation. Beef Improvement Federation Genetic Prediction Workshop, Kansas City, MO. December 12, 2013. 39. Hyde, L.R. Report on incorporation of genomic predictions into national cattle evaluations. Beef Improvement Federation 45th Annual Research Symposium and Convention, Oklahoma City, OK. June 14, 2013. 40. Hyde, L.R. Using genetics in beef cattle production. AIMS Community College, Ft. Lupton, CO. March 26, 2013. 41. Johnson, D. D., and M. A. Elzo. 2013. Carcass characteristics and meat quality of beef from the Angus-Brahman multibreed project. Florida Beef Cattle Short Course, Gainesville, FL, May 8, 2013. 42. Kachman, S. , Beef Improvement Federation 45th Annual Research Symposium & Convention, Beef Improvement Federation, Oklahoma City, OK, "Estimated Individual Animal MBV Reliabilities and Their Association with Realized MBV Reliabilities", (June 14, 2013). 43. Kachman, S., 2013 Weight Trait Project Meeting, University of Nebrska, Clay Center, NE, "Incorporating Genomics Information into NCE: Technical Considerations", (June 27, 2013). 44. Kachman, S., Beef Improvement Federation: 10TH Genetic Prediction Workshop, Beef Improvement Federation, Kansas City. KS, "Individual Reliabilities of Molecular Breeding Values", (December 13, 2013). 45. Spangler, M.L. Selection for improved feed efficiency. Proceedings: Driftless Region Conference, Dubuque, IA. 46. Spangler, M.L. Current State of Integrating Genomics Into National Cattle Evaluation. DNA In Beef Cattle: where we've been, where we're at, and where we're going, Clay Center, NE. 47. Spangler, M.L. Genomic Predictors of Feed Efficiency. DNA In Beef Cattle: where we've been, where we're at, and where we're going, Clay Center, NE. 48. Spangler, M.L. Introduction to DNA Testing in Beef Cattle. South Dakota Seedstock Symposium, Sioux Falls, SD. 49. Spangler, M.L. Strengths and Weaknesses of Methods of Incorporating Genomics into Genetic Evaluation. Beef Improvement Federation Genetic Prediction Workshop, Kansas City, MO. 50. Spangler, M.L. Current State of Integrating Genomics Into National Cattle Evaluation. DNA In Beef Cattle: where we've been, where we're at, and where we're going, Clay Center, NE. 51. Spangler, M.L. Genomic Predictors of Feed Efficiency. DNA In Beef Cattle: where we've been, where we're at, and where we're going, Clay Center, NE. 52. Spangler, M.L. Introduction to DNA Testing in Beef Cattle. South Dakota Seedstock Symposium, Sioux Falls, SD. 53. Spangler, M.L. Strengths and Weaknesses of Methods of Incorporating Genomics into Genetic Evaluation. Beef Improvement Federation Genetic Prediction Workshop, Kansas City, MO. 54. Spangler, M.L. Adoption of Genomics: Extending Science to an Industry. Transatlantic conference, Lincoln, NE. 55. Spangler, M.L. Beef Cattle Genomics: Current Status and Future Directions. Select Sires Annual Sales Conference, Columbus, OH. 56. Spangler, M.L. Genetic Improvement for Forage Use. Oklahoma Master Cattlemen Summit, Stillwater, OK. 57. Spangler, M.L. From Discovery to Application: A Genomics Story. Oklahoma State University Animal Science Seminar, Stillwater, OK. 58. Spangler, M.L. The Weight Trait Project: What We’ve Learned. Illinois Charolais Field Day, Champaign, IL. 59. Spangler, M.L. Beef Sire Selection Using Genomics: Current State and Future Goals. Genex Annual Delegate Meeting, MN. 60. Spangler, M.L. Beef Cattle Efficiency: Definitions and Improvement Strategies. Angus Boot Camp, Clemson, SC. 61. Spangler, M.L. Improving Feedlot Performance: Feed Efficiency Grant Update. National Beef Cattle Evaluation Consortium Brown Bagger Webinar. 62. Spangler, M.L. National Program for the Genetic Improvement of Feed Efficiency in Beef Cattle: Aims and Current Results. Beef Improvement Federation Annual Convention, Oklahoma City, OK. 63. Spangler, M.L. It’s In Their Genes! Angus Raising the Bar Conference, Lincoln, NE. 64. Weaber, R.L. Beef cattle genetics and selection expert training. Hosted by KazAgroMarketing. November 26-29, 2012. Astana, Kazakhstan. 65. Weaber, R.L. Cowherd building strategies. Red Angus Association of America’s Manage for Profit Workshop. June 12, 2013. Oklahoma City, OK. 66. Weaber, R.L. Crossbreeding: one of the tools to increase profitability. 45th Annual Research Symposium and Convention. June 12-15, 2013. Oklahoma City, OK. (with Dr. Matt Spangler) 67. Weaber, R.L. Economic selection indexes. South Dakota Seedstock Symposium. June 28, 2013. Sioux Falls, SD. 68. Weaber, R.L. Feed efficiency and understanding its impact on production systems. National Angus Conference and Tour. October 3, 2012. Wichita, KS. (with Dr. Daryl Strohbehn) 69. Weaber, R.L. Feed efficiency in beef cattle: what is it, why is it important and how to improve it! Northwest Missouri Beef Producers Seminar. Maryville, MO. November 15, 2012. 70. Weaber, R.L. Genetics required to meet future beef trends. New York Beef Producers Annual Meeting and Educational Conference. Syracuse, NY. January 18, 2013. 71. Weaber, R.L. Genomically enhanced EPD and selection indexes. Charolais on Feed: The Genetics of Feed Efficiency Field Day. August 22, 2013. Urbana, IL. 72. Weaber, R.L. Improving beef system efficiency: a genetics perspective. 5th Annual DNA Technology in Beef Cattle Workshop and Feed Efficiency Project Stakeholder meeting. June 26, 2013. US-MARC, Clay Center, NE. 73. Weaber, R.L. National Program for the Genetic Improvement of Feed Efficiency in Beef Cattle. Beef Innovations Summit. July 15, 2013. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 74. Weaber, R.L. National program for the genetic improvement of feed efficiency in beef cattle. Four State Beef Conference. January 28, 2013. Wamego, KS. 75. Weaber, R.L. Using genetics to meet the food demand of 2050. Ontario FarmSmart, January 19, 2013. University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. 76. Weaber, R.L. What is an Efficient Cow? Perspectives on Feed and Production Efficiency in the Beef Complex. Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences Seminar. University of Guelph. October, 29, 2012. Guelph, Ontario, Canada. 77. Weaber, R.L. What is an Efficient Cow? Perspectives on Feed and Production Efficiency in the Beef Complex. Department of Animal Sciences Seminar. University of Tennessee-Knoxville. October, 12, 2012 78. Weaber, R.L. What makes an efficient cow? Northeast Tennessee Beef Expo. Greeneville, TN, October 11, 2012. 79. Weaber, R.L. Who’s working for who? Perspectives on beef cattle feed and production efficiency. Ontario FarmSmart, January 19, 2013. University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
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