SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Mahr, Dan (WI); Horn, Dave (OH); Olsen, Denise (ND); Wright, Bob (NE); Puttler, Ben (MO); Prokrym, Dave (USDA-APHIS. ex offcio); Heimpel, George (MN); Landis, Doug (MI); O'Neil, Bob (IN); Wise, Dave (KY); Yaninek, Steve (IN, Admin. Adviser); Obrycki, John (IA); Wiedenmann, Rob (IL); Hoffman, Mike (NY); Zolerowich, Greg (KS); Rudyj, Erich (USDA/NBCI).

The meeting was held in conjunction with an international symposium on The Practice of Biological Control Importation and Management of Natural Enemies and Agents at Montana State University, Bozeman, MT from August 2-5, 2001. The chair was Dave Wise, the secretary was Bob ONeil, and the administrative advisor was Steve Yaninek. Reports were given on CSREES by Steve Yaninek, changes at APHIS/CPHT by Dave Prokrym, the 2001 MIBC short course by Rob Wiedenmann, the 2001 NCB/ESA Symposium by Dave Horn, and NBCI by Erich Rudyj.

Old Business:
The request of approval of NCR-125 was approved by CSREES. The Committee thanked Dave Horn for all his efforts in this regard. The new project has been posted on the NCR-125 web site (

New Business:
Doug Landis reported that the state reports are now on the NCR-125 web site. The Committee congratulated Doug on a job well done!
Doug also discussed the recent IFAFS granrts competition.. Although the project proposal was not funded, there were a number of positive suggestions and the proposal was well-received. A lunch meeting was planned to discuss option for any planned 2002 re-submissions. The Committee thanked Doug for his stellar efforts on this.
Rob Wiedenmann discussed the need for a 2002 MIBC short course. No decision was made on the 2002 MIBC offering.
Bob Wright presented information on NAPPO (North American Plant Protection Organization) biological control agent post-release evaluation. Erich Rudyj suggested that committee members send their comments to Mike Oraze of NBCI.
Ideas were solicited for the 2002 NCB/ESA biological control symposium. Ray Cloyd volunteered to organize a session with a title and presenters TBA.
Results of he recent foreign explorations in China and Japan for natural enemies of the soybean were presented by George Heimpel and Bob ONeil. Several natural enemies were discovered and are currently under quarantine culture at the USDA/ARS laboratory in Newark, DE. A general discussion of future plans and current finding on the aphid and the potential for biological control ensued.
State Reports: (see reports on the NCR-125 web site).
Dan Mahr announced the availability of a regional Extension publication on: Greenhouse biological control. Also, Dan requested suggested revision for the Mahr et al. biological control workbook as well as a request for orders for the latest edition.
The Committee voted to send a letter to Dr. Tim King thanking him and the other organizers of the contemporaneous biological control conference (The practice of biological control: importation and management of natural enemies and agents.).
The nominating committee submitted the name of George Heimpel as Secretary-elect (Sect. 2002). The nomination was seconded and Dr. Heimpel was elected by proclamation. The Chair thanked the nominating committee for their diligent work.
George Heimpel announced the next meeting to be held in Minnesota in 2002.
The Committee thanked David Wise for running a solid meeting.
With minor modification the minutes of the 2000 meeting were approved. A number of modifications to the 2001 agenda were added and the agenda was then approved. The Chair appointed Dave Horn & John Obrycki as members of the Nominating Committee, with the charge of advancing the name(s) for the 2003 Secretary. The Committee unanimously supported a motion for members to communicate with USDA administrators our support for the excellent work of NBCI and for the continued existence of NBCI. Rob Wiedenmann and Dan Mahr (as President of IOBC/NRS) indicated they would be submitting letters soon.


With minor modification the minutes of the 2000 meeting were approved. A number of modifications to the 2001 agenda were added and the agenda was then approved. The Chair appointed Dave Horn & John Obrycki as members of the Nominating Committee, with the charge of advancing the name(s) for the 2003 Secretary. The Committee unanimously supported a motion for members to communicate with USDA administrators our support for the excellent work of NBCI and for the continued existence of NBCI. Rob Wiedenmann and Dan Mahr (as President of IOBC/NRS) indicated they would be submitting letters soon.


  1. Our regional efforts on biological control of purple loosestrife has successfully established Galerucella beetles in 9 North Central states achieving up to 90% reduction in loosestrife density in sites up to two square miles in size. More than 50000 school students have been engaged in rearing natural enemies and learning about invasive species ecology and management. Widespread media attention to the project has bought invasive species information to more than 2 million of the regions citizens.
  2. Our team of regional collaborators has elucidated the biology and ecology of soybean aphid, a new exotic invasive pest in the region. The team has also conducted foreign exploration and quarantine testing of soybean aphid natural enemies from China and Japan, and evaluated the impacts of existing natural enemies on soybean aphid population regulation.
  3. We have impacted more than 500,000 students, educators, farmers, natural resource managers, IPM practitioners, policy makers and biological control specialists with diverse educational efforts including an electronic newsletter, website, extension and technical publications, presentations and sponsored symposia addressing diverse biological control topics. These educational efforts directly result in reduced pesticide usage, improved economic and environmental conditions in the region.


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