SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: W1004 : Marketing, Trade, and Management of Fisheries and Aquaculture Resources
- Period Covered: 05/01/2004 to 04/01/2005
- Date of Report: 09/01/2005
- Annual Meeting Dates: 05/26/2005 to 05/26/2005
Adams, Chuck ( - University of Florida; Anderson, Chris ( - University of Rhode Island; Anderson, Jim ( - University of Rhode Island; Bahn, Henry ( - USDA, representing CSREES liaison Fen Hunt; Criddle, Keith ( - Utah State University; Hanna, Susan ( - Oregon State University; Kazmierczak, Richard ( - Louisiana State University; Keithly, Walter ( - Louisiana State University; Knapp, Gunnar (OW33LW5YZ01@ALASKA.EDU) - University of Alaska; Larkin, Sherry ( - University of Florida; Leung, Ping-Sun ( - University of Hawaii; Matulich, Scott ( - Washington State University; Quagrainie, Kwamena ( - University of Arkansas; Queirolo, Lew ( - NOAA Fisheries; Roheim, Cathy ( - University of Rhode Island; Sylvia, Gil ( - Oregon State University; Wilen, Jim ( - University of California, Davis;
- Aquaculture production is one of the fast-growing diversified crops that can provide jobs, replace seafood importation, and enhance export opportunities for aquafarmers. The value of Hawaii-grown aquaculture products has increased to $25 million in 2003 from just $9.24 million in 1990. This project will provide the necessary decision aid for efficient farm management to increase profitability of marine shrimp growers and the expansion of aquaculture development in Hawaii.
- The results from the current sub-project are expected to provide information to regulators, harvesters, and processors on the rent-maximizing production decisions. Specifically, the economic tradeoffs implied by alternative seasonal closures and specific post-harvest seafood product treatments will be determined based on the likely marketing effects at the industry level.
- This sub-project is intended to enhance consumer and producer welfare of all involved stakeholders. More specifically, it is aimed at increasing the profitability of the U.S. capture shrimp fishery and improve the management of other natural fisheries.
- The results of this sub-project will generate the first ever quota trading model to predict quota prices and fleet behavioral responses to fishery rationalization, including an evaluation of conservation potential. The results will also provide insight into rationalization of the unique crab fishery. This model will look at the various management policies and address questions and initiatives that will come before the Council and provide expected outcomes.
- Results from the cold storage research of this sub-project has been used to design and evaluate cold storage projects in two Oregon ports and three Alaskan communities.
- The integrated scallop bio-economic model is being used to improve management of the Challenger scallop fishery.
- Research on approaches for improving management of Pacific Whiting has generated over $6 million in annual income through improving product quality and increasing yield and market price.
Gallagher, C., R. Hannah, and G. Sylvia. 2004. A Comparison of Yield per Recruit and Revenue per Recruit Models for the Oregon Ocean Shrimp, Pandalus jordani, Fishery. Fishery Research, 66 (1): 71-84
Kazmierczak, Jr., R.F., W.R. Keithly, Jr., J. Shackelford and H. Brown. 2004. The Cost of Harvesting Oysters from Private Leases in Louisiana. In Proceedings of the World Aquaculture Society's Aquaculture 2004 Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Keithly, Jr., W.R., R.F. Kazmierczak, Jr. and H. Diop. 2004. Coping With an Increasing Import Base: A Case Study of the Southeast U.S. Shrimp Processing Industry. In What Are Responsible Fisheries? International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, Kagoshima University Press, Japan. CD-ROM publication.
Larkin, S. and G. Sylvia. 2004. Generating Enhanced Fishery Rents by Internalizing Product Quality Characteristics. Environmental and Resource Economics, 28 (1):101-122.
Larkin, S., W.R. Keithly, Jr., C. Adams and R.F. Kazmierczak, Jr. 2004. Alternative Valuation Methods and Buyback Programs: Implications for the Atlantic Shark Fishery. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 36(2):317-332.
Matulich Scott C. 2004. Follow-up testimony for the record requested by Senator Cantwell during the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, hearing on Economic Implications of Seafood Processor Quotas. Submitted to Senator Cantwell and to the majority and minority staff March 2.
Matulich, Scott C. 2004. Written testimony to the U.S. Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, hearing on Economic Implications of Seafood Processor Quotas, partial text at id=3007 . 27 pages. February 25.
Matulich, Scott C. 2004. Summary testimony to the U.S. Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, hearing on Economic Implications of Seafood Processor Quotas. February 25.
Matulich, Scott C. 2004. Oral testimony to the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, hearing on Economic Implications of Seafood Processor Quotas. February 25.
Quigley-Lemieux, Kathryn and G. Sylvia. 2004. A Bioeconomic Simulation Model of a Fishery Using Area Based Management Under Uncertainty. Proceedings (CD ROM) of the Twelth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, What are Responsible Fisheries? eds Yoshiaki Matsuda and Tadashi Yamamoto, July 21-30, 2004, Tokyo, Japan.
Thompson, Michael; Sylvia, Gilbert, and Morrissey, Michael T. Seafood Traceability in the United States: Current Trends, System Design, and Potential Applications. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. 2005; 4(1):1-7.
Yu, R. and P.S. Leung. 2005. "Optimal harvesting strategies for a multi-pond and multi-cycle shrimp operation: a practical network model," Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 68(4):339-354. Yu, R., P.S. Leung and P. Bienfang. 2005. "Predicting shrimp growth: artificial neural network vs. nonlinear regression models," Aquacultural Engineering, in press.