SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: NC1172 : The Complex Nature of Saving: Psychological and Economic Factors
- Period Covered: 10/01/2012 to 09/01/2013
- Date of Report: 11/05/2013
- Annual Meeting Dates: 07/30/2013 to 08/01/2013
Bowen, Cathy ( - The Pennsylvania State University; Cho, Soo Hyun ( - South Dakota State University; Griesdorn, Timothy ( - Iowa State University; Gutter, Michael ( - University of Florida; Kim, Jinhee ( - University of Maryland; Kiss, Elizabeth ( - Kansas State University; Lown, Jean ( - Utah State University; Mauldin, Teresa ( - University of Georgia; Minton, J. Ernest ( - Kansas State University; Worthy, Sheri ( - University of Georgia
- In a sample of low and moderate income households, financial management behaviors (making spending plans, having written goals, and monitoring spending) were positively related to saving regularly.
- In a sample of low and moderate income households, those who used more sources of information were more likely than other similar households to have a savings account and also to have an investment account.
- In a sample of low and moderate income households, adults financial management behavior was influenced if the adults discussed money with parents when they were a child and also if they had used financial planners as a source of information.
- In a sample of low and moderate income households, if households had more perceived barriers (such as access to financial services), they were less likely to have a savings account.
- In a sample of low and moderate income households, about one third held term life insurance or cash value life insurance; holding life insurance increased as household income increased and also if the household saved regularly.