SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

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Objective 1. Evaluate the potential use of field indicators of hydric soils to characterize wetland hydroperiods with respect to frequency, depth, and duration of water table fluctuations; test the effectiveness of proposed hydric soil indicators to identify 'problem hydric soils'; test monitoring protocols used to identify reducing conditions to determine if they are effective within a range of soil conditions within the northeast; and investigate the hydraulic properties of hydromorphic soils with episaturation. (VA) Studies of hydric soil indicator F-19; identifying anthropogenic hydric soils using the Topographic Wetness Index; and the use of IRIS tubes in the fall of the year were completed and publications are currently in preparation. (MD) Hydromorphology of Holocene Dunal Landscapes: Because of difficulties in identifying hydric soils in Holocene-aged barrier island landscapes we initiated a study to possibly develop field indicators that could be used to effectively recognize hydric soils in these environments. Efforts led by Doctoral candidate Annie Rossi focused on studying water tables, reducing conditions and morphology in soils along ten topographic transects at Assateague Island National Seashore. Hydric soils were best identified by the presence of soil colors with chroma less than 2 in mineral soils, or the presence of at least 1 cm of muck (Oa horizon) with a chroma of 2 or less. This has led to a proposed revision to hydric soil field indicator A9 (1.0 cm muck) and also of a new indicator, both of which will be restricted for use in Holocene-aged barrier island landscapes. Properties and Processes Affecting Soil Functions in Natural and Restored Wetlands: Working in conjunction with the ARS, MS student Chris Palardy is studying soil properties of ten restored and five natural depressional wetlands on the Delmarva Peninsula, and how these properties relate to the performance of wetland soil functions. A major focus of research will be the interplay of topography and hydroperiod on wetland function with regard to processes leading to the accumulation of soil organic carbon. At each site, plots along three replicate transects will be instrumented and monitored. Soil reduction is being assessed using IRIS tubes and organic matter decomposition is being documented using a buried stick method. These data will be related to soil carbon stocks to be determined in each plot. The degree of soil compaction will also be evaluated by using a handheld penetrometer. We anticipate that gaining a better understanding of soil function in restored wetlands and the degree to which compaction effects caused by construction may persist following restoration activities. (RI) Three sites continued to be monitored in Rhode Island and Massachusetts to test the proposed Mesic Spodic hydric soil test indicator (TA-6). The former TF-2 indicator for soils with Red Parent Materials has been replaced in with F-21 in the National Hydric Soils Indicators. The two sites in New England have been monitored for testing of TF-2 over the last 2 years. Three additional sites were added last year for monitoring. Both years monitoring suggested that the Tf-2 indicator was a better approach than F-21 for identifying hydric soils in these parent materials. A proposed hydric soil indicator for New England red-parent material hydric soils is being developed. (PA) Five hillslopes across the Conewago Creek watershed, one in the Spring Creek watershed, one in the Spruce Creek watershed, one in Anderson Creek watershed, and three in the Octoraro Creek watershed have been instrumented with soil moisture and temperature sensors, and piezometers above within/below the restricting layer. Water tables are being monitored in order to determine periods of the year when surface or near-surface saturation occurs. These data are being used to calibrate a GPR/EM/LiDAR based model of potential surface wetness, which can be used to predict spatial occurrences of hydric soils, carbon hot spots, and landscape positions prone to saturation excess. Results are being field-verified to determine the models effectiveness to identify un-mapped wetlands and landscapes where gas infrastructure could have a detrimental environmental effect. Across northern Pennsylvania we are quantifying hydrologic change on multiple elements of shale-gas infrastructure. Data being collected will be used to train PA DCNR Bureau of Forestry personal in the application of field protocols specific to monitoring soil and hydrologic change due to shale-gas infrastructure development. Across Northern Pennsylvania we are developing a hydric soil prediction model based on LiDAR derived landscape metrics. (DE) Efforts continue to determine the range in water table characteristics for a hydrogeomorphic sequence that includes shallow spodics, and to develop a test indicator for consideration as a Field Indicator of Hydric Soils to identify poorly drained shallow spodics. A transect was established in 2011 across an area that has never been plowed and is unaffected by drainage ditches. The soils, driest to wettest include Pepperbox (Arenic Paleudults), Klej (Aquic Quartzipsamments), Atsion (Aeric Alaquods), and Mullica (Typic Humaquepts). Five plots were established along the transect. Unlike 2012 which had below average precipitation, 2013 has had near average precipitation. IRIS tubes were installed in January 2013 and pulled in late April after the water tables dropped significantly. (WV) Efforts continue to monitor soil hydrology within a small (~50 ha) headwater watershed in the Eastern Allegany Plateau and Mountains (MLRA 127) of north-central West Virginia. The watershed is dominated by soils with a water-restrictive fragipan, and the observed soils are benchmark soils that are representative of fragipan soils throughout the region. (MA) Six vernal pools in two landscape settings have been instrumented with redox probes (3 replicate probes at 3 different depths  15, 30, and 45 cm), wells, nested piezometers (50 and 100 cm) and temperature probes at 25 and 50 cm depths, Data were collected for 24 months consecutively. Four soil pits within each pool were dug, logged and samples taken for textural analysis, organic matter content, pH measurement. Each pit location was used for application of the Regional Hydric Soil Indicators. A MS Thesis of the data and a refereed manuscript are in progress for submittal in August and early fall, respectively. Objective 2. Initiate the development of a set of subaqueous soil-based use and management interpretations for applications in shallow-subtidal habitats of the northeast; investigate the spatial extent freshwater subaqueous soils in riverine settings in the northeast; and document the physical, chemical, and morphological properties of freshwater subaqueous soils. (RI) Work continued to build interpretations for estuarine subaqueous soils. Soil type was shown to significantly affect oyster growth in-tray aquaculture. Some sites followed previous models where courser soils had higher growth rates. Other sites did not, suggesting that ecosystem stressors from other sources may complicate soil-shellfish growth relationships. Sedimentation rates suggested that food sources were sufficient for oyster growth and that siltation effects are still questionable. Selected sites are being monitored again this year. Last year experiments were established to test for the best soils for oyster aquaculture on-the-bottom using oysters larger than 6 cm from the previous years in-tray experiments, and those studies will continue this year. Studies of coastal acidity continue at selected sites to identify coastal acidity stressors on shellfish and which soils may be the most important to recognize for coastal acidification. (PA) Sampled former subaqueous soils across the now drained Penn State reservoir, Lake Perez. Former subaqueous landforms have been mapped, soil morphology described and classified, and elemental XRF analysis completed. We are now determining LOI carbon and pH. A second sampling campaign will begin late-summer 2013 to determine patters of total and methyl Hg across the drained lake-bed. The lake will be refilled Spring 2014 and we will re-sample sampling post-filling. Objective 3. Quantify and better understand carbon pools in a range of hydromorphic, wetland, created wetland, and subaqueous soil settings; test the relationship between surface soil C and field indicators of hydric soils; and test the application of various digital geospatial analysis tools and related statistical analysis to model C-pools across the landscape based on point and polygonal carbon data. (MD) Carbon in Holocene Dunal Landscapes. This project focused on Assateague Island is being led by Doctoral candidate Annie Rossi. The primary research objectives are: to document and understand organic C dynamics in soils on barrier island landscapes; to evaluate the effects of landscape stability and age; to assess the effects of topographic position and water tables. Soils have been sampled and carbon stocks have been measured. This year we have been collecting litterfall and measuring biomass in an effort to estimate organic carbon inputs to these systems. We are currently in the process of analyzing these samples for OC. Samples were also collected this year for OSL dating and we are currently awaiting those results. (RI) Total Pb, Zn, and As concentrations were measured at 2.5 cm intervals (5 cm for soil materials deeper than 50 cm)in 35 subaqueous soil cores to establish a record of deposition with 3 estuaries from 1900 to the present time. Lead and Zn showed similar trends with depth suggesting either could be used as a stratigraphic marker. Arsenic appeared at elevated levels in finer textured materials and proved to be an excellent marker when found in high enough concentrations (>15 ppm). The depths to background levels of Pb and Zn were used to establish the subaqueous soil surface for the year 1900. This stratigraphic marker was used to estimate C-sequestration rates for estuarine subaqueous soils. Significant differences in soil organic carbon sequestration rates were identified among subaqueous soils. Some rates were higher than forest ecosystems. (PA) Work has ongoing to examine differences in SOC pools among States of Ecological Sites in MLRA 127 and 140. Pools are being estimated to depths of 40 cm (International Panel on Climate Change depth of interest) and to 1 m. We are also investigating differences in SOC pools across historic, conventional and unconventional gas infrastructure disturbed landscapes. (MA) Soil organic matter analyses were conducted on 24 soil profiles for all horizons. Where possible, data were compared to water table level and redox state at similar depths. Data analysis is ongoing and will be presented in a MS Thesis in August, 2013. (WV) Efforts continue to produce raster-based digital soil property maps to support modeling at regional and continental scales as part of the GlobalSoilMap initiative. The soil properties of interest are organic carbon, particle size distribution (sand, silt, clay, coarse fragments), soil pH, effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC), bulk density, available water capacity, depth to bedrock, and depth to limiting layer.


  1. A long-term goal of the hydropedology project activities is to increase the amount of data for soils that are underrepresented in the national soils database. These are typically the hydric and subaqueous soils that are difficult to sample. We provided soil characterization data to the USDA-NRCS for their nation-wide soils data base for both hydric and subaqueous soils. Such data are critical to landscape and region-wide modeling efforts to understand a range of environmental impacts on ecosystem services that soils provide such as denitrification, carbon sequestration, and nutrient sinks.
  2. A project objective is to increase knowledge of soil organic carbon. These studies are critical to modeling global carbon stocks and developing strategies to increase carbon sequestration in soils which may minimize the effects of greenhouse gases such a carbon dioxide on global warming. NE1038 participants were awarded NRCS Rapid Carbon Assessment project (Stolt) and understanding SOC dynamics in coastal landscapes (Rabenhorst) grants.
  3. On an areal basis wetlands are the most efficient ecosystems at storing SOC. Our studies of these ecosystems provide some of the few feedbacks of global change and management on SOC pools. Dr Needelmans research and outreach of marsh restoration and management is providing coastal MD communities an understanding of sea level rise impacts on the marshes they depend upon. If marsh soils store biomass and SOC they may be able to maintain their ecosystem status as sea level continues to rise, if not the marsh will disappear.
  4. Fracking of shales for oil and natural gas is a critical national environmental concern. Since water is critical in all aspects of the procedure, and considerable disturbance of the landscape occurs during the development of pads for fracking wells, understanding the effects of this disturbance on wetlands and the regional hydrology is critical to protecting our natural resources and the environment. Dr Drohans work on the hydropedology project has resulted in additional funding toward understanding the impacts of fracking on wetlands and the associated hydrology.
  5. An important NE1038 role is to continue to train hydric soil scientists, USDA-NRCS soil scientists, and the leaders of these groups. In the end, these scientists provide the bulk of the hydric soils training and regulatory science to the professional community. As a part of our outreach activities we continued to effectively train these soil scientists. The NE1038 project allows for consistent engagement and experiential training across the region which is critical to the understanding of hydric soil identification.


Bickford, W.A., B.A. Needelman, R.R. Weil, and A.H. Baldwin. 2012. Vegetation response to prescribed fire in Mid-Atlantic brackish marshes. Estuaries and Coasts 35:1432-1442. DOI: 10.1007/s12237-012-9538-3 Bickford, W.A., A.H. Baldwin, B.A. Needelman, and R.R. Weil. 2012. Canopy disturbance alters competitive outcomes between two brackish marsh plant species. Aquatic Botany 103:2329. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquabot.2012.05.006 Brubaker, K. M., Myers, W. L., Drohan, P. J., Miller, D. A., & Boyer, E. W. 2013. The Use of LiDAR Terrain Data in Characterizing Surface Roughness and Microtopography. Applied and Environmental Soil Science, Buda, A. R., Kleinman, P. J. A., Feyereisen, G. W., Miller, D. A., Knight, P. G., Drohan, P. J., & Bryant, R. B. 2013. Forecasting runoff from Pennsylvania landscapes. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 68:185-198. Drohan, P., & Brooks, R. P. 2013. Hydric Soils Across Pennsylvania Reference, Disturbed, and Mitigated Wetlands. In Mid-Atlantic Freshwater Wetlands: Advances in Wetlands Science, Management, Policy, and Practice (pp. 129-157). Springer New York. Drohan, P. J., Brittingham, M., Bishop, J., & Yoder, K. 2012. Early trends in landcover change and forest fragmentation due to shale-gas development in Pennsylvania: A potential outcome for the northcentral Appalachians. Environmental management, 49:1061-1075. Geatz, G.A., B.A. Needelman, R.R. Weil, and J.P. Megonigal. 2013. Nutrient availability and soil organic matter decomposition response to prescribed burns in Mid-Atlantic brackish marshes. Soil Science Society of America Journal. (In Press). Kayastha, N., Thomas, V.A., and J.M. Galbraith. 2012. Monitoring wetland change using inter-annual Landsat time-series data. Published online: 30 October 2012. Wetlands (2012) 32:11491162. DOI 10.1007/s13157-012-0345-1. Needelman, B.A., S. Bosak, S. Emmitt-Mattox, and C. Lyons (eds.). 2012. Creating Resilient Coasts: Coastal Habitat Restoration for Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change Impacts. Restore America's Estuaries, Washington, DC. Needelman, B.A. 2012. Overview of Coastal Habitats. In: B.A. Needelman, J. Benoit, S. Bosak, and C. Lyons (eds.) Restore-Adapt-Mitigate: Responding to Climate Change Through Coastal Habitat Restoration. Restore Americas Estuaries, Washington, D.C., pp.7-13. Needelman, B.A. 2012. Climate change and coastal habitats. In B.A. Needelman, S. Bosak, S. Emmitt-Mattox, and C. Lyons (eds.) Creating Resilient Coasts: Coastal Habitat Restoration for Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change Impacts. Restore America's Estuaries, Washington, DC, p. 14-22. Needelman, B.A., and J.E. Hawkes. 2012. Mitigation of greenhouse gases through coastal habitat restoration. In B.A. Needelman, S. Bosak, S. Emmitt-Mattox, and C. Lyons (eds.) Creating Resilient Coasts: Coastal Habitat Restoration for Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change Impacts. Restore America's Estuaries, Washington, DC, p. 49-57. Needelman, B.A. 2013. What Are Soils? Nature Education Knowledge 4(3):2. Poffenbarger, H., B.A. Needelman, and J.P. Megonigal. 2011. Salinity influence on methane emissions from tidal marshes. Wetlands 31:831-842. Rabenhorst, M. C., M. Matovich and A. Rossi. 2012. Visual Assessment of Low Chroma Soil Colors. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. (Cincinnati, OH) Oct 21 - 24, Annual Meeting Abstr. Rossi, A. M. and M. C. Rabenhorst. 2012. Soil Carbon Storage in Barrier Island Landscapes as a Function of Topography and Landform. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. (Cincinnati, OH) Oct 21 - 24, Annual Meeting Abstr. Richardson, M., and M.H. Stolt. 2013. Measuring soil organic carbon sequestration in aggrading temperate forests. Soil Science Society of America Journal (in press). Ricker, M.C., M.H. Stolt, S.W. Donohue, Blazejewski, G.A., and M.S. Zavada. 2013. Soil organic carbon pools in riparian landscapes of southern New England. Soil Science Society of America Journal (in press). Vasilas, L. and B. Vasilas. 2013. Identification of Hydric Soils. In J. Anderson, W. Conway, and A. Davis (eds.) Wetland Techniques. Bentham Science Publishers. In press. Vasilas, B., M. Rabenhorst, J. Fuhrmann, A. Chirnside, S. Inamdar. 2013. Wetland Biogeochemistry Techniques. In J. Anderson, W. Conway, and A. Davis (eds.) Wetland Techniques. Bentham Science Publishers. In press.
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