SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Ira Altman, Southern Illinois University; Glory N. Ben-Chendo, Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria; Jason Bergtold, Kansas State University; Dennis Conley, University of Nebraska; Erin Borror, US Meat Export Federation; Oral Capps, Texas A&M University; Kynda Curtis, Utah State University; W. Scott Downey, Purdue University; W. Marshall Frasier, Colorado State University; Sheng Gong, Kansas State University; Peter Goldsmith, University of Illinois; Lindsey Higgins, California Polytechnic State University; Kenrett Jefferson-Moore, North Carolina Ag and Tech University; Aaron Johnson, University of Idaho; Kerry Litzenberg, Texas A&M University; Anamaria Martins, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Eric Micheels, University of Saskatchewan; Dragan Miljkovic, North Dakota State University; Padmanand Nambiar, University of Georgia; Lia Nogueira, University of Kentucky; Jon C. Phillips, Cal Poly Pomona; Forrest Stegelin, University of Georgia; Ruby Ward, Utah State University; Glen Whipple, University of Wyoming; Allen Wysocki, University of Florida

Brief Summary of Minutes of Annual Meeting: Faculty from nineteen universities, three graduate students, a USDA representative, and an industry executive participated in the 2013 WERA-72 annual meeting, held at the Excalibur Hotel in Las Vegas on June 9th-11th, 2013. The annual meeting featured an invited industry speaker, five paper sessions, and one panel discussion. The complete program agenda, business meeting agenda, and treasurers report are provided in appendices A, B and C, respectively. Erin Borror, an economist with the United States Meat Export Federation was this years invited industry speaker. Erin presented a vast amount of information relating to the international markets for red meat. She highlighted supply and demand indicators in China, Japan, Korea, Russia, and the EU. Erin shared her global production forecasts, trade-weighted exchange rates, and insights into the impact of US policy changes, including expanded access to the Japanese market for US beef. Erins discussion of the pork market in China was particularly timely due to the recent announcement that the Hong Kong based company, Shuanghui International Holdings, will be buying Smithfield. Erins presentation fit well with this years WERA meeting and provided a good base for moving into the first series of papers covering research on the global nature of agribusiness. Following Erins presentation, the meeting progressed into the first of five paper sessions. The first paper session, titled Issues on Global Agri-Food Systems, included three papers ranging from demand for GM foods in South Korea to supply risks in China to the development of a Latin American agribusiness index. Peter Goldsmith presented the first paper via GoToMeeting from the University of Illinois. His presentation highlighted the fact there are 325 million farmers in China and that food travels a relatively long distance within China to reach consumers. Peters research findings suggest that food-purchasing managers in China mitigate quality risk engaging in higher relationships and employing fewer suppliers. The subsequent papers in this session explored risk and behavioral responses in Korea and Latin America and provided the membership with a fruitful area of discussion on global agribusiness. Following lunch, the meeting moved into the second and third paper sessions, titled Value Added Agriculture and Risk Management in Agri-Food Chains, respectively. The session on value added agriculture included three engaging papers on behavioral responses to winery visits, extension entrepreneurship and food hubs, along with a paper on value added plantains as a way to increase womens self sufficiency in Nigeria. Although each paper was very unique, they each touched on new trends: the developing wine industry in the Appalachian region, food hubs, and micro lending in developing countries. The session on risk management combined papers on producers expectations of postharvest losses in Brazil and the economic impacts of non-infectious diseases in the egg layer industry. Also presented in the third session by Kynda Curtis was a paper using stochastic simulation to analyze decision making under risk for producers selling produce direct or to wholesale markets. Each paper generated some good discussion among membership and seemed to spark genuine interest from the attendees. Mondays activities concluded with the business meeting, along with a meeting of the executive officers. Details of the business meeting can be found in the official minutes, taken by secretary Lia Nogueira, in Appendix B. Last years WERA meeting was held jointly with the Agribusiness Learning Outcomes group and Marshall Fraiser brought an Learning Outcomes update to WERA-72 on Tuesday morning. Taking the input from last years industry and faculty participants (several of which were WERA-72 members), the Agribusiness Learning Outcomes group has made progress toward coming up with a common set of learning outcomes for agribusiness programs. Marshalls presentation involved testing a survey that will be later distributed to agribusiness programs across the country. As anticipated, the presentation provided some lively discussion and participation from the WERA-72 attendees regarding teaching objectives and differences between institutions. The fourth paper session, as well as the panel discussion, covered research and issues relating to teaching. From using sales courses to shape students perspectives about sales careers to using emotion through simulation games to make learning experiences real, and from side by side comparison of teaching pedagogies to attempts to motivate students through designing a more flexible course structure, the enthusiasm and interest for engaging agribusiness students was apparent in the group. The panel presentation gave perspectives from three different institutions (University of Saskatchewan, Cal Poly Pomona, and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo) on new and emerging ways to engage with students. Teaching agribusiness appears to continue to be of significant interest to the membership. The final paper session of the meeting included three presentations on biomass and biofuels. The papers, covering a willingness to harvest ag residues, willingness to supply biomass, and distillers grain exports, all complemented each other very well and were a nice conclusion to the 2013 WERA-72 meetings. Three graduate students, from the University of Illinois and Kansas State University, attended and presented some of their research. WERA-72 continues to encourage graduate students interested in academic or research careers in agribusiness to not only attend, but also participate in the annual meetings. For a full listing of paper sessions, please see Appendix A. Business Meeting Minutes WERA-72 Business Meeting Las Vegas, Nevada June 9-11 2013 Monday June 10, 2013 Chair Lindsey Higgins called the meeting to order at 4:45. Secretary Lia Nogueira is taking the minutes. A. Old Business " Scott Downey summarized the treasurers report: o Current cash balance of $5,002.31. o Registration fee for this year was $250 due to the higher cost of food at Excalibur than at Purdue o For next year registration fee, Scott proposed to leave the fee at $250 for the early bird rate (March 1st to May 1st) and raise it to $300 after May 1st. o Forrest Stegelin moved to approve the treasurers report, Eric Micheels seconded the motion. Motion passed and the treasurers report was accepted as submitted. B. New business " New secretary o Scott Downey nominated Marshall Frasier, Ira Altman seconded the nomination. No other nominations were made. A verbal vote was taken on making Marshall Frasier the secretary. The vote passed. " Selection of Location and Date for Future Meetings o Santa Clara is the location for the 2014 meetings. § Dates  IFAMA is on June 15-19 in Cape Town, South Africa. June 8-10 is the preferred date, Lindsey Higgins will confirm with Greg Baker. Other options are June 26-28, or June 31-July1st. § Scott Downey proposed to have an early bird registration fee of $250 from March 1st to May 1st and $300 after that. Aaron Johnson moved to approve this change in fee structure, Al Wysocki seconded the motion. Motion passed. § Scott Downey proposed to have a reduced or waived fee for grad students and an application to be determined by the Executive Committee. Lindsey Higgins made a motion to pass this change, Forrest Stegelin seconded the motion. Motion passed. § Themes ideas  technology in the classroom and online classes. Dennis Conley suggested having a guest speaker that has experience with online classes, possibly on the technical side, someone with instructional design background to help faculty with distance education and follow with open discussion. Some other options for guest speakers: Yahoo or Google. o Location for the 2015 meetings  Las Vegas? § Some of the pros of having the meetings back in Las Vegas are the low cost to get to and stay, and set up is usually efficient. Scott Downey will look around to see if there are options other than Excalibur. § Kynda Curtis may have some options for guest speakers. § Dennis Conley proposed to have a location selection committee instead of having everyone vote. Lindsey Higgins made a motion to approve this suggestion, Dragan Miljkovic seconded the motion. Motion passed. § The committee should make the decision by the end of the summer. Aaron Johnson amended the motion to give Scott Downey latitude to make the decision and appoint the committee. Dennis Conley seconded the amendment. Amendment passed. o Location for the 2016 Meetings  § Fort Collins (Marshall Frasier) § Salt Lake City / Park City (Ruby Ward and Kynda Curtis) § Kansas City (Jason Bergtold) " Communication / Outreach o Strategies to attract people to the organization: § Joint meetings with other committees § Check to see if there are any other agribusiness regional projects or committees § Panel or facilitated discussion to attract people § Bring grad students  sessions geared to them § Grad student poster session / competition o Website § Need to make it more accessible (Conrad Lyford) o Posting meeting abstracts / papers to AgEcon Search § Conrad Lyford will post abstracts and papers § The Executive Committee will have a call in the next days to have people send papers or abstracts to be posted on AgEcon Search § We discussed the potential to have a special issue in some journal " Annual Report o Update of activities and outcomes § The Executive Committee will need input from members o Project renewal (due Jan. 1st 2014) § We need to include the progression of projects, and the new issues that the committee may want to take on. What do we want to accomplish over the next 5 years that can attract more people? The Executive Committee will put a draft together, and send it to the members. Anyone interested in participating, should let the Executive Committee know. § We need 3 to 5 objectives. " Some topics suggested were: technology, small farm profitability strategies, how the change in industry dynamics shapes competition, competition between industry and family farms (focus on both sides of the spectrum), learning outcomes, preparing students (undergrad and grad)  human capital development, industry interactions. C. Adjourn: Scott Downey made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Marshall Frasier seconded the motion. Chair Lindsey Higgins adjourned the meeting at 6:10 pm. APPENDIX C Treasurers Report 2013 Treasurers Report WERA  72 June 10, 2012 Update The WERA-72 treasury is currently held in an account at Purdue University. WERA-72 remains in strong financial condition. At present WERA holds a cash balance of $5,002.31. This balance does not include registrations received or meeting expenses incurred for 2013, other than a $1,000 deposit paid to the Excalibur. Some of the 2012 postings may not have been settled properly and are being reviewed. The registration fees for this years meeting were set at $250 per person. These fees must cover the expenses associated with paid members. We have received 24 paid registrations for the meeting. The Excalibur raised prices considerably since our last visit. Costs were $187 per person for food and facilities in 2011. Costs were $130.43 in 2012 at Purdue. This year, with as close to the same menus as I could get, costs are almost $307.22 per person. Ive tried to cancel some things and negotiate this down, but service has been terrible. Starting our registration push late made forecasting numbers challenging as well. The following summarizes my projections and recommendations for WERA-72 going forward. Projections and Recommendations: I believe it was decided that the 2014 meeting will again be hosted in Santa Clara. This will likely result in more reasonable costs for food. I propose that registrations be left at $250 for 2014. As we discuss 2015, I suspect the realities of costs at attractive venues like Las Vegas will have to be realized. If we are to return to Las Vegas, I propose finding another venue, eliminating breakfasts and snacks (food courts are close-by to everything) and only having two lunches. Minimum charges to get facilities free this year were $2500. Two lunches would exceed this for 25 registrants. We could choose not to come to Las Vegas and rotate among campuses, but I would raise the concern about attrition without an attractive venue to periodically broaden interest in the program. If we return to Las Vegas, I propose that the cost of the program in 2015 be held at $250 for registrations received prior to May 1 and $300 for registrations received on May 1 or after. While the coffers of WERA-72 are not empty, a prudent approach is required in order to continue to be funded appropriately. Submitted by: W. Scott Downey Treasurer WERA-72 WERA  72 2013 FUNDS AND BUDGET PROJECTION Balance Forward 4/12/2012 $8,744.89 - 2012 Meeting Deficit $140.28 - 2012 Outcomes Event (mischarged) $2,742.58 Balance on 10/31/2012 $6,002.31 -Deposit to Excalibur $1,000.00 A. Current Cash Balance June 7, 2011 $5,002.31 + Additional registration fees due $6,000.00 - 2013 Expenses $7,680.50 + Add Back Deposit $1,000.00 $4,321.80 + Add Back Outcomes Event $2,742.58 B. Projected Ending Cash Balance $7,064.38


Accomplishments Selected and invited presentations: X. Cai, M. Wolf, and L.M. Higgins. Using a Social News and Discussion Forum to Engage Students in Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Marketing: A Comparison. Selected poster presented at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. Washington D.C. August 2013. M. Wolf*, and L.M. Higgins. Examining the Purchase Interest for a New South African Wine in The United States Selected paper presented at the American Association of Wine Economists annual meeting, Stellenbosch, South Africa. June 26-29, 2013. M. Wolf*, W. Dasovich, M. Wolf , L.M. Higgins. When Choosing a Wine Label, Women are from Hollywood and Men are from Boston Selected paper presented at the American Association of Wine Economists annual meeting, Stellenbosch, South Africa. June 26-29, 2013. L.M. Higgins* and C. Kanty. Wine Brand Personality Transmission: Is the Label Enough? Selected paper presented at the American Association of Wine Economists annual meeting, Stellenbosch, South Africa. June 26-29, 2013. L.M. Higgins*, M. Wolf, and M.M. Wolf. Purchasing Wine in the Information Age: The Role of Quick Response (QR) Codes Selected paper presented at the American Association of Wine Economists annual meeting, Stellenbosch, South Africa. June 26-29, 2013. Phillips, J., L.M. Higgins*, and E. Micheels. New Ways to Reach Students and Prospective Students. Panel presentation at the WERA-72 Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. June 9-11, 2013 Higgins, L.M.* Agribusiness Student Motivation through Flexible Grading. Selected paper presented at the WERA-72 Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. June 9-11, 2013 Higgins, L.M.* and C. Schroter. Teaching Information Literacy to Undergraduate Agribusiness Students: Project-based vs. Task-based Pedagogies. Selected paper presented at the WERA-72 Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. June 9-11, 2013 Higgins, L.M.*, M. Pope, M. Wolf. Social Content and Discussion Platform Engages Students and Enhances Learning: Part 2 (Case Study Application and Activity). Selected presentation at the Community of Academic Technology Staff (CATS 2013) regional meeting. CSU Long Beach. April 2013. Higgins, L.M.*, M. Pope, M. Wolf. Social Content and Discussion Platform Engages Students and Enhances Learning: Part 1 (Results and Activity). Selected presentation at the Community of Academic Technology Staff (CATS 2013) regional meeting. CSU Long Beach. April 2013. Higgins, L.M.*, M. Pope, M. Wolf. Social Content and Discussion Platform Engages Students and Enhances Learning: Part 2 (Case Study Application and Activity). Selected presentation at the Community of Academic Technology Staff (CATS 2013) regional meeting. Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. March 2013. Higgins, L.M.*, M. Pope, M. Wolf. Social Content and Discussion Platform Engages Students and Enhances Learning: Part 1 (Results and Activity). Selected presentation at the Community of Academic Technology Staff (CATS 2013) regional meeting. Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. March 2013. Wolf, M., A. Torres, M. Wolf, and L.M.Higgins. International Collaboration Using Social Media Enhances Learning: A Case Study and Demonstration. Selected presentation at the 16th Annual CSU Teaching Symposium. California Maritime Academy. February 2013. Wolf, M., M. Wolf, and L.M.Higgins. Using Technology, News, and Discussions to Engage Students and Enhance Learning. Selected presentation at the 16th Annual CSU Teaching Symposium. California Maritime Academy. February 2013. Higgins, L.M.* and M. Wolf. New Solutions to Old Problems: Innovations in Online Education. Invited webinar symposium speaker organized and hosted by the Sloan Consortium. August 2013. Higgins, L.M.*, M. Pope, and M. Wolf. Engaging Students with Current Course Content, Conversations and Collaboration. Invited presentation at the May 2013 Instructional Innovation Showcase. Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. May 2013. Sullins, M. and D. Thilmany. Understanding and Managing Risk and Return for Small-Scale Value-Added Food Businesses. Poster for the 2013 American Applied Economics Association Annual Meetings. July 2013. Washington, DC. Thilmany, D. Investing in human resources: managing labor as a key asset in food production. Presentation to the 2013 Colorado Big and Small Conference. February 2013. Brighton CO. Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2013. Should the U.S. Invest in Developing a Cultured Flounder Industry? Selected paper presented at the International Food Marketing Research Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, June 20- 21, 2013. Something Fishy in Seafood Trade? The Relation between Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers. Invited Seminar University of Nebraska, June 7th, 2013. Behavioral Response to Winery Visits in the Northern Appalachian States. Western Extension and Research Activities Committee on Agribusiness Annual Meeting, June 2013. Woods, Timothy A. and Matt Ernst, Emerging Marketing and Business Strategies, USDA Ag Marketing Service Research Symposium on Local Food Marketing Systems, Washington DC, August 2013. Woods, Timothy A., On-Line Direct Marketing Curriculum, Symposium on Social Media and the Impacts on Local Food Systems Marketing presented at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association meetings, Washington, DC, August 2013. Hu, Wuyang, Marvin Batte, Timothy A. Woods, and Stanley C. Ernst, Local is the New Organic: Do Consumers Agree?, selected paper presented at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association meetings, Washington, DC, August 2013. Noguiera, Lia, Timothy Woods and Shango-Ho Yang, Linking Wine Consumers to the Consumption of Local Wines and Winery Visits in the Northern Appalachian States , selected paper presented at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association meetings, Washington, DC, August 2013. Noguiera, Lia, Timothy Woods and Shango-Ho Yang, Behavioral Response to Winery Visits in the Northern Appalachian States , selected paper presented at the WERA-72 Regional Research in Agribusiness meetings in Las Vegas, NV, June, 2013. Woods, Timothy and Miranda Hileman, Farms to Food Banks: 2012 Impact on Consumers, poster presentation at Food Banks Fighting Hunger Conference, Frankfort, KY, September 2012. Katchova, Ani, and Timothy Woods, Marketing Local Foods by Food Cooperatives, poster presentation, International Association of Agricultural Economics, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, August 2012. Vassalos, Michael, Wuyang Hu, Timothy Woods, Jack Schieffer, and Carl Dillon, Marketing Contracts for Fresh Tomato Production: A Choice Based Experiment, Poster at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association annual meetings, Seattle, WA, August, 2012. Katchova, A.L., and T.A. Woods. Competitive Advantages in Sourcing and Marketing Local Foods by Food Cooperatives. Seminar Presentation at BOKU, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria, 15 May, 2012. Katchova, A.L., and T.A. Woods. Food Cooperatives Innovations and System Dynamics in Local Food Networks. 6th International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, Innsbruck-Igls, Austria, 13-17 February 2012. Williamson, Sara, Stan Ernst, Timothy Woods, and Wuyang Hu, Characteristics of Local Foods Consumers: a Fresh Look, Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 4-7, 2012. Chaddad, F.R. and Rodriguez-Alcala, M. BrasilAgro: Organizational Architecture for a High Performance Farming Corporation, Annual Meeting of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), Washington, DC, August 2013. Sun, L., Gómez, M.I., Chaddad, F.R., and Ross, B.R. Distribution Channel Choice of Start-up Wineries in Cool Climate Regions, Annual Meeting of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), Washington, DC, August 2013. Ross, B.R., Chaddad, F.R. and Gómez, M.I. Challenges Facing New Business Ventures: A Legitimacy Approach, Annual Meeting of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), Washington, DC, August 2013. Hajderllari, E., Karantininis, K. and Chaddad, F.R. Co-specific Investment Resulting in a New Generation Cooperative Organizational Form, Paper presented at the 133rd European Agricultural Economics Association Seminar on Developing Integrated and Reliable Modeling Tools for Policy Analysis, Crete, Greece, June 15-16, 2013. Costa, D.M., Chaddad, F.R. and Azevedo, P.F. Separation of Ownership and Control in Brazilian Agricultural Cooperatives, Paper presented at the International Conference Cooperative Values in Internationalized Operations, Helsinki, Finland, June 14-16, 2012. Iliopoulos, C. and Chaddad, F.R. Ownership Costs and Governance in Agricultural Cooperatives, Paper presented at the International Conference Cooperative Values in Internationalized Operations, Helsinki, Finland, June 14-16, 2012. Moura, P.T. and Chaddad, F.R., Collective Action and the Governance of Multistakeholder Initiatives: A Case Study of Bonsucro, Paper presented at the Tenth Wageningen International Conference on Chain and Network Science, Wageningen, The Netherlands, May 24, 2012. Chaddad, F.R. and Iliopoulos, C. Ownership and Control in Agricultural Cooperatives, Paper presented at the International Conference Cooperative Responses to Global Challenges, Humboldt University, Berlin, March 23, 2012. Conley, D. An Analysis for Strategic Planning: Distillers Grain Exports and Long-term Corn Prices. Selected paper presented at the Western Education and Research Activities-72 (WERA-72), Las Vegas, NV, June 2013. Conley D. Playing God or Mother Nature: Using An Agribusiness Simulation Game to Motivate Student Learning. Selected paper presented at the Western Education and Research Activities-72 (WERA-72), Las Vegas, NV, June 2013. Conley, D. Tipping Points and Strategic Planning Applied to Ethanol and Distillers Grain. Selected paper presented at the International Food & Agribusiness Management Association, Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, June 2013. Micheels, E.T., 2013. Experience, Learning, And Innovativeness in Beef Production: Results From a Cluster Analysis Proceedings of the 19th International Farm Management Congress Vol.1. 301-308. Micheels, E.T. Who are the Innovators in Canadian Prairie Agriculture?: Results from a Recent Survey. Presented for the 2013 Visions Conference held by the Alberta Agricultural Economics Association. May 2-3, 2013. Red Deer, Alberta. Forbes-Brown, S., Micheels, E.T. and Hobbs, J.E. 2013. An Assessment of Consumers Willingness to pay for Dairy Products With the 100% Canadian Milk Symbol. Selected Paper presented at the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association World Forum and Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Micheels, E.T., 2013. Experience, Learning, And Innovativeness in Beef Production: Results From a Cluster Analysis. Selected Paper presented at the 18th International Farm Management Association Congress, Warsaw, Poland, July 2013. Micheels, E.T., 2013. The Effect of Absorptive Capacity and Social Capital on the Adoption of Agricultural Innovations. Canadian Agricultural Economics Society Organized Symposia, Washington, DC Grants: Higgins, L.M. Pilot Economic Stochastic Simulation Model for Small to Medium Sized Wineries. California State University Agricultural Research Initiative. Submitted February 2013, requesting $5,000, with $5,000 funding awarded May 2013. Higgins, L.M. American Summer Research Publication Grant. American Association of University Women. Submitted November 2012 requesting $6,000, with $6,000 funded for the 2013-2014 fellowship period. Lau, M.H., L. Ribera, M. Santiago, and L.M. Higgins. Increasing Direct Marketing Potential for Socially Disadvantaged Producers Through Business Planning. USDA Federal State Marketing Improvement Program Program. Requested $36,000, $35,000 funded for the 2012-2013 award period, combined funding with matched funds: $75,000. Knox,R., D. Miller, R. Kriisher, P.D. Goldsmith, S. Rodriguez-Zas, and S. Clark. Advanced Technology for Practical Use of Cryopreserved Boar Sperm to Improve Opportunities for Profitable Pork Production. USDA-AFRI. $978,180. 2010-2013. Mumm, R. H., P.D. Goldsmith, K.D. Rausch, and H.H. Stein. Future Use of U.S. Agricultural Land for Ethanol Production from Corn Grain. Illinois Corn Marketing Board. $101,876. 2011-2012. Goldsmith, P.D. Global Feed in 3-D: An Information Technology Product for Strategic Decision Making and Market Analysis. USDA/NIFA SBIR I. $99.790. 2012-2014. Goldsmith, P.D. and A. Moura. Managing Grain Losses in Continuous Cropping Systems of the Tropics through On-Farm or Cooperative Storage. The ADM Institute for Post-Harvest Loss. $206,000. 2012-2014. Goldsmith, P.D. The Economics of Soybean Post-Harvest Loss in Mato Grosso. The ADM Institute for Post-Harvest Loss. $102,000. 2011-2013. Winter-Nelson, A. and P.D. Goldsmith. Livestocks Role in Poverty Alleviation. Elanco. $184,000. 2011-2013. Goldsmith, P.D. Global Feed in 3-D: An Information Technology Product for Strategic Decision Making and Market Analysis. USDA/NIFA SBIR II. $449,457. 2012-2014. Integrated Genomics and Management Systems for Control of Fire Blight, Specialty Crop Research Initiative Grant (Co-PI), USDA, $1.95 million USD, 2009  2012. The Effects of Agricultural Commercialization on Household Food Security in Rural China, Campus Research Board Grant, University of Illinois, with Kathy Baylis, $13,620 USD, January 2012  July 2012. Woods, Timothy (PI), National Study of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Operations: Emerging Marketing and Business Strategies and Implications for Business Resilience and Profitability, USDA-AMS, 2012-2014, $49, 836 Batte, Marv, Timothy Woods (Co-PI) and Wuyang Hu, Blueberry Product Development for Local Markets, USDA Federal-State Market Improvement Program, 2012-1014, $69,230 Woods, Timothy (PI) and Jack Schieffer, Grape and Winery Contracting and Supply Chain Management, Southern Risk Management Education Center  USDA-RMA, 2012-2013, $44,132 Woods, Timothy (PI), Meat Hook Butcher Shop, subcontract with Woodland Farms, USDA-AMS Value Added Producer Grant, 2012-2013, $39,679 Woods, Timothy (PI), MarketReady Education for Kentucky Producers, Kentucky Department of Agriculture, 2011-12, $18,000 Rural Entrepreneurship in the Wine Industry: Identifying Success Factors Among Small and Medium Sized Wineries in Emerging Cool Climate Regions. Role and contribution: Program Director, responsible for project proposal writing, coordinating Co-PIs in other institutions, collaborators and graduate research assistants at MU, and responsible for research and outreach activities with Missouri wineries and industry leaders. Total funding: $498,463. Support for summer salary of PD and two Co-PIs and 3 half-time GRAs for the duration of the project. Dates: 09/01/2011  08/31/2015. Funding agency: USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI); Program: Agricultural Prosperity for Small and Medium-sized Farms. E.T. Micheels, An Assessment of the Effects of Market Orientation and Entrepreneurial Orientation on Farm Performance, AFBI Scholars Program, November 1, 2012  June 30, 2014, $33,000. E.T. Micheels, K.A. Rosaasen, W.J. Brown. Attitude Toward and Use of Risk Management Tools in Saskatchewan Agriculture, AFBI Scholars Program, November 1, 2013  June 30, 2015, $65,650


  1. 1. WERA-72 continues to link university research, teaching and extension faculty with government agency personnel and industry leaders. The program at the annual meeting once again included an invited speaker from industry. The WERA-72 leadership has maintained this practice for many years now, and is committed to continuing to use the annual meeting to facilitate these linkages. Furthermore, as agribusiness continues to mature as a field, an important focus in its development is to maintain and develop teaching, research and extension activities that reflect the interest of agribusinesses. WERA-72 will continue to plays an important role in developing such a focus.
  2. 2. As there are few departments that hold a significant concentration of agribusiness faculty, the coordination and communication of agribusiness faculty interests is thereby of importance. WERA-72 continues to maintain and further develop its electronic communication methods, regularly using the organizations listserv to communicate timely announcements, including job postings, research grant opportunities, and calls for paper proposals with an agribusiness focus. Past presentations have also been posted on the organizations webpage, providing an institutional depository of past agribusiness scholarship. It is anticipated that through such communications, it improve the quality and quantity of agribusiness research, teaching and extension that is produced by participating members, as well as fostering integrated and multi-state projects among WERA-72 participants.
  3. 3. WERA-72 continues to facilitate the coordination and development of timely research, extension, and teaching projects among participating faculty, graduate students, government, and industry leaders, creating a pool of shared expertise in general area of agribusiness scholarship. WERA continues to be a critical focal point around the academic relationships to agribusiness. Linkages with other regional research projects (such as S-1050), academic associations (AAEA, IAMA, Food Distribution Research Society), and industry have led to very fruitful collaborations. In addition to help developing a critical mass of agribusiness dialogue and research expertise, WERA-72 has been supportive of graduate student engagement in this field and welcomed three graduate students to this years meeting.


Higgins, L.M., M. Wolf, and A. Torres. (2013). Opening Doors to a Global Classroom: An International Social Media Collaboration. NACTA Journal. Forthcoming. . Washington D.C. August 2013. Thilmany, D., E. Tegegne and B. Hines. 2012.Farmers Markets and Direct Marketing in the Western US: Market Trends and Linkages with Food System Issues. Western Economics Forum. Winter 2012. Thilmany, D. O. Deselnicu and M. Costanigro. 2013. How Consumers Respond to Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives: A Cluster Analysis of Dairy Consumers. Journal of the Food Distribution Research Society Proceedings. Forthcoming Ahearn, M., J. Ifft, S. Low, D. Thilmany McFadden and M. Sullins. Issues and Opportunities Surrounding Small Farm Transition. Proceedings of the USDA Small Farms Conference. Forthcoming. Wang, M. and P.D. Goldsmith. 2013. Industrial Agglomeration of Chinese Food Processing. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Under Review, August. Mumm, R. H., P.D. Goldsmith, K.D. Rausch, and H.H. Stein. 2013. Future Use of U.S. Agricultural Land for Ethanol Production from Corn Grain. Energy & Environmental Science. Under review. August. Goldsmith, P.D. and F. Pereira. 2013. Outlining a Strategic Legitimacy Assessment Method: The Case of the Illinois Livestock Industry. Journal of Agriculture and Human Values. In print. April. Xing, L. and P.D. Goldsmith. 2012. Estimating the Non-Commercial  Commercial Feed Gap in China. Chinese Journal of Agricultural Economics. In Print. November. Masuda, T. and P.D. Goldsmith. 2012. Chinas Meat and Egg Production and Soybean Meal Demand for Use as Feed: An Elasticity Analysis and Long-Term Projections. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 15 (3): 35-54. Research Articles: Medeiros, J.A.V. e P.D. Goldsmith. 2013. Mapeando os armazéns particulares, comerciais e cooperativas em Mato Grosso. Em revisão. Boletim de Pesquisa de Soja. Fundação MT: 20 páginas. Mapping Private, Commercial, and Cooperative Storage in Mato Grosso. Goldsmith, P.D. and M. Wang. 2012. The Economic Impact of Illinoiss Livestock Industry. June: pp. 142. Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2013. Assessing the U.S. Market Economics for a Cultured Flounder, Paralichthys sp., Industry. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing. (Submitted) Refereed Abstracts: Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2013. Should the U.S. Invest in Developing a Cultured Flounder Industry? Proceedings of the International Food Marketing Research Symposium, June 20- 21, 2013, Budapest, Hungary. Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2012. The Aquaculture Regulatory Climate Scale Re-visited: Has There Been Progress in Reducing Regulatory Stringency? AQUA2012 Book of Abstracts, World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge, LA. Baker, Gregory A., Alana N. Sampson, and Michael J. Harwood. 2013. California Water Wars: Tough Choices for Woolf Farming. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Volume 16, No. 2. Pandey, Mukesh, Gregory A. Baker, and Deepali Tewari Pandey. 2013. Supply Chain Re-engineering in the Fresh Produce Industry: A Case Study of Adani Agrifresh. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Volume 16, No. 1. Nogueira, Lia, Richard R. Barichello, Kathy Baylis and Hayley H. Chouinard. 2012. Policy Risk in the Canadian Dairy Industry. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 34(1):147-166. Wood, Benjamin D.K., Carl H. Nelson and Lia Nogueira. 2012. Poverty Effects of Food Price Escalation: The Importance of Substitution Effects in Mexican Households. Food Policy 37(1):77-85. Dawn Thilmany, David Conner, Kynda Curtis, Kathleen Liang, Kranti Mulik, Jeffrey OHara, Martha Sullins, and Tim Woods, Researching Market and Supply Chain Opportunities for Local Foods Systems: Setting Priorities and Identifying Linkages, Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, forthcoming. 2013. Katchova, A.L., and T.A. Woods. 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Assessing the Effect of Alliances on the Persistence of Profits in U.S. Firms, Brazilian Administration Review, 10(1): 1-17. Senesi, S., Palau, H., Chaddad, F.R. and Daziano, M. The Evolution of Farming Networks in a Fragile Institutional Environment: The Case of Argentina, Journal on Chain and Network Science, 13(1), 71-82, 2013. Senesi, S., Chaddad, F.R. and Palau, H. Networks in Argentine Agriculture: A Multiple Case Study Approach, Revista de Administração de Empresas da Universidade de São Paulo [University of São Paulo Journal of Business Administration], 48(2), 281-294, 2013. Chaddad, F.R. (2012). Advancing the Theory of the Cooperative Organization: The Cooperative as a True Hybrid, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 83(4): 445-461. Chaddad, F.R. and Chaddad, Fernando (2012). Coming Full Circle: Prudential Insurance Company, in A Co-operative Dilemma: Converting Organizational Form, Jorge Sousa and Roger Herman (eds.), University of Saskatchewan Press, pp. 73-93. Chaddad, F.R. and Cook, M.L. (2012). Legal Frameworks and Property Rights in U.S. Agricultural Cooperatives: The Hybridization of Cooperative Structures, The Cooperative Business Movement: 1950 to Present, Patrizia Battilani and Harm Schroeter (eds.), Cambridge University Press, chapter 7, pp. 175-194. Costa, D.M., Chaddad, F.R. and Azevedo, P.F. (2012). Separação entre Propriedade e Decisão de Gestão nas Cooperativas Agropecuárias Brasileiras [Separation of Ownership and Decision Management in Brazilian Farmer-Owned Cooperatives], Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, 50(2): 285-300. Costa, D.M., Azevedo, P.F. and Chaddad, F.R. (2012). Determinantes da Separação entre Propriedade e Gestão nas Cooperativas Agropecuárias Brasileiras [Determinants of the Separation of Ownership and Decision Management in Brazilian Farmer-Owned Cooperatives], Revista de Administração da Universidade de São Paulo (RAUSP), 47(4): 581-595. Moura, P.T. and Chaddad, F.R. (2012). Collective Action and the Governance of Multistakeholder Initiatives: A Case Study of Bonsucro, Journal on Chain and Network Science, 12(1): 13-24. Micheels, E.T. and H.R. Gow, 2013. Market Driven Entrepreneurship in Primary Agriculture: The Convergence of Market Orientation and the Resource Based View. International Journal of Agricultural Management forthcoming [Accepted July 17, 2013]. Micheels, E.T. and H.R. Gow, 2012. The Value of a Positional Advantage for Agricultural SMEs. Small Enterprise Research 19 (2): 54-73.
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