SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

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See for a full list of attendees. Present: Mark Ascerno+, ChunZhenZhang, Shane Andersen, Shui-Zhang Fei, Rodney St.. John, Leo Schleicher*, Zac Reicher*, Matt James, David Gardner*, Ken Diesburg*, Tom Voigt, Brian Horgan*, Geunhwa Jung, Terry Riordan, John Stier*, Nick Christians*, Jack Fry*, Deying Li, Ron Smith*. + Administrative Advisor, * Official Representative Guests: Luke Dant, Marcus Jones, Ryan Holl, Mark Howieson

See for the full minutes. NCR  192 North Central Regional Turfgrass 2005 Turfgrass Meeting Minutes South Dakota State University Deadwood, SD June 12-14, 2005 The meeting was called to order by Chair Leo Schleicher at 7:15 AM , June 13, 2005 Introductions: Dr. Mark Ascerno: Project renewal: Regional Project Updates: Committee Reports: NTEP-Brian Horgan: Tom Voigt: Nick Christians: Historian Report. State Reports: Wisconsin  Geunhwa Jung & John Stier. Kansas  Jack Fry  Rodney St. Ohio  David Gardner  Southern Illinois University  Ken Diesburg Iowa  Nick Christians  Missouri  No report North Dakota  Ron Smith & Deying Li  Indiana  Zac Reicher University of Illinois - Tom Voigt  Minnesota  Brian Horgan  Nebraska  Terry Riordan  South Dakota State University  Leo Schleicher The meeting for 2006 will be June 11 to 13th, in Fargo, held at the NDSU campus. Meeting Adjourned at 12:00 noon, June 14, 2005


A key accomplishment was the development of guidelines for project renewal. John Stier led the discussion. Three objectives were identified. OBJECTIVES 1. Turf Environmental Impacts a. Water quality: WI and MN b. Genetically modified organisms: IA and IL c. Pesticide fate: MN, MD, MS, OK d. Invasive spp.: NE, WI, possibly all states 2. Reducing turfgrass inputs a. Water conservation 1) RRCB 2) Alternative turf spp. SD, ND, IA -Blue grama, buffalograss, Distichlis -NTEP low input (10 states) b. Sustainable pest management 1) Efficient control of rough bluegrass and cb in golf course turf (IN, NE, IL, MSU) c. Low input sustainable turf -LIST Study 3. Disseminate research-based information on best management practices for the North Central Region ---all states PROCEDURES: Develop Web-based outreach (e.g., Lawn Problem Solver; Revised or incorporate Turfgrasses for the Midwest; Weed ID from IL and IN; Turf ID pages from IN, OH, IA; ND and IA developed web-based core on aerification). All these should be linked to NCR website). Assist with interstate winter turf conferences, field days; train Master Gardeners, Pesticide applicator training. FIELD DAY, PAT, MASTER GARDENERS REACHED. KS 350,nd, 1000 OH 250, nd, 3500 IL/SIU 300, 2000, 1200 IA 400,nd, 1400 MO 200, nd, 400 ND NA, nd, 250 IN 800, nd,1500 WI 400, 1500/yr,400 MN 150, 1500/yr, 7500 MI 750, nd, 1500 NE 100, nd, 400 SD NA, nd, 150 *Put PAT and MG into Educational planning to provide education to urban, rural, and inner-city populations PROCEDURES & ACTIVITIES; Expected Impact by Objectives 1. Turf Environmental Impacts Impact: WI will use MN and WI research info. to develop Tech. Stnds for turf fertilization with WI DNR. N fert. recommendations will be modified to reflect inherent N contribution from turf humus. Impact: Spread of GMO-KBG (WI and IA) Impact: Develop appropriate pesticide-models for turf situations across the U.S. Impacts Invasive spp.---determine survivability and spread of turfgrasses in natural environments to justify inclusion of various species on invasive species lists 2. Reducing turfgrass inputs Impact: (Water Conservation): Poa-annua free golf turf with RRCB; development of low water use turfgrasses; Outcome of NTEP=identify cultivars ; Poa triv & cb=reduce maint cost and labor 3. BMPSs-all states: Impact: End users will have access to current BMPs and recommendations for turf mgt and pest control EDUCATIONAL PLAN - how will info. get out? 1. Master Gardener 2. Pesticide Applicator Plan 3. Cross-linking of web pages 4. Participation in each others turf conferences 5. Extension publications, joint 6. Short courses, incl. training manuals for them NCERA-192 COLLABORATIVE PROJECTS OBJECTIVE 1: Environmental turf impacts (MI; OH; MN; WI) Development of Nitrogen-credit program to reduce Nitrogen leaching in turf 5/03-4/08 IA; WI Turf competitiveness of genetically-modified Kentucky bluegrass 9/03-9/05 NE; WI; SD Invasiveness of Kentucky bluegrass into Natural Areas 10/06-9/09 (proposed) OBJECTIVE 2: Reduced turf inputs IL; IA; KS; OH; MN; ND; IN; SD; WI; IL Low Input Sustainable Turf 9/04-8/09 IA; IN; IL Benefits of Roundup Ready Creeping Bentgrass 9/03-9/07 MN; WI Low input fine fescue-colonial bentgrass fairways 8/03-7/07 ND, IA Sustainable pest control 2004-2006 MI; WI; IL Breeding disease-resistant creeping bentgrass (USGA sponsored) 2003 to present IL; WI Development of gray leaf spot resistance in perennial ryegrass 2004-2005 IL; WI Crown rust resistance in perennial ryegrass 2004-2005 OR; IA; WI; VA Mapping genes for cold hardiness 2003-2005 IA; SD Collection and evaluation of native grasses for turf OBJECTIVE 3: Best Management Practices IW; IN Creeping bentgrass control in bluegrass 9/04-9/05 IL; MI; NE; IN Rough bluegrass (Poa trivialis) control 2005-2006 MN; WI; IL Sensitivity of Kentucky bluegrass to bispyribac-sodium 2005 EDUCATIONAL MN, WI Regional School of Turfgrass Management Ongoing since 2003 WI, MN Water quality and nutrient fate extension publications Ongoing since 2004 IN, IL IN-IL Turfgrass Short Course Ongoing since 1994 All states (coordinated by IL) Turfgrasses for the Midwest website ( 2002 to present All states (coordinated by IL) The Lawn Problem Solver website ( 2003-present IN; IL Weed ID & Control website ( 2003 to present ND; IA Core aerification/topdressing computer model website 2001 to present


  1. NCERA 192 members provided research-based information to 3700 people at Field Days, 5000 people at Pesticide Applicator Training, and 19200 Master Gardeners.
  2. NCERA 192 provided education to practioners. NCERA-supported websites had 5 million visitors in 2 years. There were 930 visits per day with each visit lasting an average of 10 minutes.


Deying Li, D. Minner, N. Christians, and S. Logsdon. 2005. Evaluating the Impact of Variable Root Zone Depth on the Hydraulic Properties of Sand-Based Turf Systems. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. Volume 10. Stier, John, Patti Nagai, Brian Horgan. 2005. Healthy Lawn-Healthy Environment: Understanding Phosphorus. UW Extension Fact Sheet. Li, D., D.D. Minner, and N.E. Christians. 2004. Evaluation of the effectiveness of core aerification and/or topdressing by computer simulation. Acta Horticultrae (ISHS) 661:323-332. Li, D., N.E. Christians, and D.D. Minner. 2003. Computer Models Show Whether Core and Topdressing Programs Do What Superintendents Want. Turfgrass Trend. October. P51,54,56-58.
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