Brian Whitacre - Oklahoma State University; Peter Stenberg - ERS; Dawn Thilmany - Colorado State University; Stephan Goetz - NERCRD and Penn State University; John Halstead - University of New Hampshire; Philip Watson - University of Idaho; Tom Johnson - University of Missouri; Matt Fannin - Louisiana State University; Bruce Weber - Oregon State University; David Hughes - Clemson University; Mark Burkey - North Carolina A&T University; Siew Lim - North Dakota State University; Daniel Rossi - Rutgers University; Leigh-Anne Krometis - Virginia Tech University; Dave Shideler - Oklahoma State University; Judy Stallmann - University of Missouri; Pat Hipple - NIFA, USDA; Mark Skidmore - Michigan State University; Warren Kriesel - University of Georgia; Mark Partridge - The Ohio State University; and Todd Gabe - University of Maine
2013 Annual Technical Meeting
NE-1049 Regional Project
Key Bridge Marriott, Washington DC
April 4-6, 2013
1. General business;
a. Welcome and attendance;
b. Introductions;
c. Approve minutes of 2012 NE-1029 Technical Meeting;
d. Additions to agenda;
e. Election of new Chair and Secretary;
f. Select next years meeting location;
2. New business;
a. NE-1049: October 2012 to September 2017;
b. Objective 1: Local/Regional Foods - To better understand the emerging opportunities and threats to the economic structure of non-metropolitan communities arising from the potential shifts in local and regional food systems;
c. Objective 2: Community Resilience and Natural / Human-Made Disasters - To identify and analyze policies and strategies contributing to the viability and resiliency of communities in responding to economic and policy changes and to natural and human-made shocks;
Natural disasters - floods, hurricanes, tornados, etc;
Human-made "disasters" - economic, terrorism, poor pest policies, etc;
Resiliency in this context is more than emergency management. Long-term perspective is critical, not the short-term FEMA-type view such as a focus on rebuilding in damaged areas. Our focus is on long-run sustainability and ability of communities to respond to changes and to grow;
d. Plans for upcoming year: conferences, grant proposals, other collaborations;
3. Review of state accomplishments and individual activities
NE-1049 has a start date of October 1, 2012. Accomplishments will be reported in the next annual report.
- NE-1049 has a start date of October 1, 2012. Impacts will be reported in the next annual report.
NE-1049 has a start date of October 1, 2012. Publications will be reported in the next annual report.